18 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. .September 7. 1988 Phone 623-3303 Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 1-3303 Help Wanted Help Wanted FULL - time help wanted. Apply to Brother's Pizza, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario, 623-4666. 36-1S HAIRDRESSER for The Style Shoppe, part-time, Monday, Tuesday, Tuesday, and Friday. Phone 623-5455 or 623-3863 evenings. 36-1SN HELP wanted, outside work. Phone 623-2671 ■36-1 SN MONDAY through Friday, 11 a.m. through lunch hour, dishwashing and cleaning. Apply in person, Port Darlington Marina Hotel. Phone 623-4925. 36-1S SCHOOL bus driver for short run in the Courtice area. Phone Ed Carscadden at T rans County T ran- sportation, 983-5422. 36-2SN THE Furniture Store requires two part-time sales staff. We are looking looking for mature persons who enjoy working with the public. We are willing to train, so experience is not a necessity. Apply in person to: The Furniture Store, 77 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario. ■ 36-1 SN WANT a nifty gift? Wear your P.J's to the Midnight Madness Sale, September 30th, 6 p.m. - Midnight. Bowmanville Audio-Vision, 20 King St. W„ 623-2312. Bowman- ville's complete électronics store! 36-1 SN RELIABLE person to be there for 8 year old before and after school (7 - 8:30 a.m. -- 3:30 - 5 p.m.), Lawrence Cres. area. Possible light housekeeping if desired. Phone 623-9288 or 623-5462. 33-4S PART TIME help once every 2 weeks to help with house work. Clean and regular. Own transportation. Courtice area. For quiet clean home. Please call 436-2494. 36-1 SN SIX weeks only from September 12, full time sitter required in my home, 7:30 - 5:30 weekdays, non- smoker please. Phone 623-3694. 34-3S EARN $1,000. weekly stuffing envelopes envelopes at home. Send self-ad- dressed stamped envelope to: Blake Enterprises, Division B, General Delivery, Trent River, Ontario, Ontario, KOL 2Z0. 32-8S MOVER'S HELPERS Required Full time with overtime Involves heavy furniture tilling and carrying Valid Driver's License an asset First step toward truck driving position APPLY IN PERSON TO: Preston Moving & Storage 420 Baseline fid. W., Bowmanville, Ont. . 36-1 SN DRIVERS WANTED FULL OR PART TIME Must have own car Piecework APPLY IN PERSON AT: DENNIS PIZZA 219 King St. E., Bowmanville 36-1 SN SECURITY Positions Available for warehouse reception and manufacturing Would suit mature males and females as well as students over 18 7 Days a Week APPLY Canadian Protection Services 124 Wilson fid. S., Oshawa 36-2SN Kirby Centennial Public School Requires an Adult Noon Hour SUPERVISOR One hour dally Phone H. B. Lush, Principal 983-5802 36-1 SN FULLTIME FUEL BAR STAFF and WAITRESS Required immediately We offer competitive wages and a benefit package. Please apply at HEAVY HAULERS TRUCK STOP Hwy. 401 and Waverley Rd. Bowmanville 623-6422 36-2SN WANTED Part-time Baker Will train The Donut Gallery Hwy. 115, S. of Orono Phone 987-1228 34-tfSN APPLE RICKERS NEEDED Full and Part-time Starting Mid-Sept. Hampton Area Phone 263-2084 after 5 p.m. 36-2SN Full time/Part time COOKS REQUIRED Apply in person to: Square Boy Pizza 133 Church St., Bowmanville 35-2S CARRIER NEEDED For the following route: Carlisle, Lovers Lane, Liberty St. N. area Available October 5 26 papers PLEASE CONTACT The Canadian Statesman 623-3303 36-tlS . FULL and PART TIME COUNTER HELP The Donut Gallery Hwy. 115, S. of Orono Phone 987-1228 THE P.V.N.N.R.C.S.S. BOARD Requires SUPPLY TEACHERS Needed for the Bowmanville, Newcastle and Courtice schools. For more information please contact: Mr. H. Armstrong, Principal St. Joseph's School 90 Parkway Cres., Bowmanville, Ont. L1C1C3 Phone 623-5151 36-1 SN The Time For Thinking Is Over! Your Trucking Career Starts with PROFESSIONAL DRIVER TRAINING Phone 1-800-265-3559 TOLL FREE Merv Orr's Transport School H.0.746 Hespeler Dr., Cambridge, Ontario N3H 4S6 Ottawa, Brampton, London, Sudbury, St. Catharines, Winnipeg Accredited by the National Accreditation Commission 36-1 SN E. Brahaney P. Roach Chairman Director of Education The Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board Invites applications for the position of PARTTIMESECRETARY At St. Stephen's High School Bowmanville iappllcant must possess excellent clerical/analytical skills, a good 1 rphone manner, a typing speed of 50 w.p.m., be experienced In the opiration of a variety of office equipment and perform such other ge £ral office duties as may be assigned. j Pli ijise apply In writing, stating qualifications and experience to: Michael J. Nolan, Principal St. Stephen's High School R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Ont. L1C3K5 36-1 SN Business Opportunity FRANCHISE Trend Tidy's Maid Service Bowmanville and area Now available Training and complete start-up package Included In purchase price. For information phone (416) 430-1868 For Rent t TURN SPARE TIME INTO HARD CASH! II the difference between you end your dreams is the money to make 'em happen, here's an Idea that's worthwhile...prestlglous..and rowardlngl Become a local Charterways school bus driver on an easy, part-time basisl You'll be trained, rewarded and recognized for the key role you play helping to keep our Ontario school system rolling successlully along. The Ideal part-time monoymakorl (And wall 'til you find out how Charterways makes It easy and rewarding to be a sale, successful drlvorl The next step? - It'suploYOUl Please Phone (416) 623-3811 or apply at 80 Mearns Ave., Bowmanville 34-3SN NEWLY renovated one bedroom apartment, airtight stove, outside deck, close to shopping and hospital, hospital, available now, $550./month includes includes everything. Phone 623- 7984. 36-1 SN BOWMANVILLE, three bedroom house on one acre, $800. plus utilities, available October 1st. Phone 623-3090 or 1 -499-7936. 36-2SN NEW three bedroom raised bungalow, attached garage. $850. month plus utilities. First and last, references. Available mid-September. Phono 623-2390. 35-2S ONE bedroom luxury apartment with skylight and loft, one block from downtown Bowmanville, $625. por month. Phone 623- 5477.3U-1SN ONE bedroom furnished apartment, central Bowmanville, $550. utilities Included. Rugs and lots of parking. Main floor. Phone 434-9167.36-1S THREE bedroom duplex available October 1st, $730. por month In Bowmanville, appliances, some utilities. Phono 987-4966 alter 6 P.m. 36-1 SN For Rent PART TIME AND FULLTIME HELP Apply in person Rebel Gas Station Hwy. 115, Newcastle 35-2SN FULLTIME APPLE PICKERS NEEDED Mid-Sept, through Oct. Phone E. Mostert 987-4654 35-2SN MATURE HELP WANTED Friday, Saturday Apply at: Mrs. Chips 36-1S AVAILABLE Immediately. Bright new 2 bedroom basement apartment, suitable for one adult. Private entrance, parking, broadloomed, 4 pee. bath, $500 plus 1/4 utilities, first and last, references. Phone 623-2236 after 5. • 36-1 SN BOWMANVILLE basement apartment two bedroom, private entrance, no pets, non-smoker, $515 monthly pay only hydro. First and last required. 623-6741 after 7 p.m. available September 8. 36-1 SN FURNISHED room for rent In beautiful country home, Bowmanville, close to main highways, share bath, kitchen laundry, plus parking facilities. Quiet non-smoker. $70. per week. Phone 571-1775 or 623-8616. 35-2S NEWCASTLE basement apartment, partially furnished, separate entrance, $110. weekly. Utilities included, Cable, close to Darlington. Phone 987-4610. 35-2S PERSON has house to share, for one or two others. Just south of Blackstock. Phone 986-0524 after 6 p.m. 36-1 SN LARGE one bedroom apartment, utilities included, Bowmanville location, quiet non-smoker. $550. Phone 623-9788 after 6 p.m. or 623-9808 leave message. 36-2SN RENT a pair of P.J's (if you don't have any) and get a nifty gift at the Midnight Madness Sale, September September 30th, 6 p.m. - midnight, Bowmanville Audio-Vision, 20 King St. W., 623-2312. Bowman- ville's complete electronics store! 36-1 SN PORT Hope, new three bedroom bungalow, large kitchen, separate dining room, garage, $775. monthly. Phone 416-372-0555. 36-1S BOWMANVILLE - Immaculate large one bedroom apartment, A-1 location, available Oct. 1st, no pets, first and last. Phone 623- 7263, ,,36-1S ONE bedroom apartment available immediately fridge, stove and heat included for $475 plus hydro. Phone 623-5863. 36-1S FURNISHED room, bathroom/ kitchen use, private entrance, parking, gas BBQ, use of yard, south Bowmanville, cable, $65 weekly. Phone 623-5640: t'»V S 'vtW)-' yi fJrgtX vn-l nfMfWrn « T~Ndtié e $ *"7 CHIMNEY SWEEPS SAVE LIVES Help Save Ontario from Chimney Fires • Old-World Tradition • Advanced Technology • Cleanliness Guaranteed NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS: Due to our recent move and the Bell telephone strike, our phone has been out of order for the past several days. We are now back in service and to compensate for any inconvenience, we are offering a 10% discount on chimney cleanings until Sept. 22/88 DURHAM CHIMNEYSWEEP (416)987-5050 36-2S ROAD CLOSURE Nash Road Sept. 8,9, and 10 LOST From Tooles Road to Centrefleld 36-1S Ontario Hydro Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Information Centre Open Monday -- Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. . South Service Road, West of Holt Road Bus tours, films, presentations, and more. In-plant walking tours booked in advance. Groups can book other times. Phone 623-7122 36-tfSN BAG of hockey equipment. Lost between Newcastle and Bennett Road on Highway 2. Reward. Phone 987-4730, ask for Toni. 36-1 SN Services Instructions Experienced PIÀNO TEACHER Offers exciting music program for children or adults Marilyn Stevens B.A. Phone early to enroll for September lessons 1 987-4654 , 35-3SN BATON TWIRLING Be a part of Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Phone Joan Tremeer 623-2677 <Saffxon Qlne Qood. datciing zStanhy and. [fettjoxafi {JoHmon (416] Q83-Ç82Z éznquixUx waxmCy Invited. POOL PROBLEMS? Pool and Spa Service Winter Covers! Pool Closing! Chemicals and Leisure Items PLEASE VISIT OUR STORE STRICTLY SERVICE 34B KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE 623-2233 Lost Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted THREE bedroom semi, centrally located in Bowmanville with garage, $750 plus utilities, Immediate possession. Phone 987-5132. 36-1 SN SMALL house in Pontypool, $575 per month not including utilities. Phone 1-242-4391. 36-1 SN FOR rent In Bowmanville, newly renovated 2 bedroom lakefront cottage, $700 per month plus utilities. Available Oct. 1st. Phone 623-6779 nights, 623-6000 days. 36-1 SN TWO bedroom apartment in older home, unfurnished, private entrance, parking, references, $575 plus utilities, available October. Phone 623-3099 or 1- 922-8762. 36-1 SN APARTMENT In Bowmanville, small one bedroom, available October 1st, first and last required. References. Contact 623-1021.35-4SN ONLY a few units left. Reserve yours now! Few available now, some near completion. Efficiency apartments from $75. a week in Newtonville. Phone 623-1373. 27-tfSN SMALL one bedroom apartment on King Street over office. Suit quiet tenant - no parking. 623- 2453. 36-1S TWO bedroom house overlooking Bowmanville. Very private. IV2 baths, close to 401. $825 per month plus utilities. First and last. Phone 623-5532 or Whitby 430- 2888. 36-2S BEAUTIFUL three bedroom house with garage, fully furnished, $700. plus utilities, all appliances. Phone 623-2794. 36-1S ONE bedroom apartment, central, no shift workers. Phone 623-5455 or 623-3863 evenings. 36-1 SN ONE bedroom apartment. Heated, stove and fridge, no pets. Available now. Phone 623-3304. 34-tfSN LARGE, two bedroom apartment, newly decorated, available immediately, immediately, Bowmanville. Phone 983-5861 after 5 p.m. 36-1 SN PLANNING à wedding or a dance? Phone collect 1-705-277- 3668 evenings between 6 and 8 for rental ' of Brownsdale Cornmunity Centre, Golf Course Rd., Newcastle.j 31-tfS. FURNACES CLEANED Parts and Service Policy HARVEY PARTNER and SONS Bowmanville 623-2301 Orono 983-5206 34-tfSN MUTTON MASONRY All Types of Cement Work Concrete Floors, Foundations and Walls Brick and Block Laying Chimney Construction and CHIMNEY SWEEP G.W: MUTTON 623-5981 1-tfS MEL ROZEMÀ PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and Exterior Over 25 years of experience in painting and paper hanging FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8976 23-tfSN A big male dog, black and brown, part bouvier and lab. Lost In Waverley Waverley Area. Family dog. Please phone 623-4453. 36-1S REWARDI Missing Sunday morning morning from King and Liberty St. area, Large long-haired black dog wearing wearing brown nylon collar. Please phone 623-4648 alter 5 p.m. ,36-1S SEPTEMBER 2nd, Deerpark area, Bowmanville, medium sized dog, reddish brown color, answers to Sally, Phone 668-2336 or 579- 8171. 36-1S BOWMANViLLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington Street, Bowmanville 623-3410 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen and glass repairs, all typos of glass and mirrors available- FREE ESTIMATES 24 hour emergency plate glass replacement. Locally owned and operated. 49-tlSN JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAILADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 • Bowmanville ' 35-tfS INSTALL a combination wood oil, wood electric furnace or boiler Oil - gas - electric boiler or furnace. Harvey Partner and Sons, Bowmanville, 623-2301 or Orono 983-5206. 4-tfSN Because " jy WeCare Aboul YourOlllce or Home Furniture NEWCASTLE UPHOLSTERY • Excellent Workmanship • Wide Selection of Materials to choose from • In-home service • Pick-up and Delivery • Satisfaction Guaranteed '■>' H 12-ttSN» DR's MAINTENANCE GRASS CUTTING WINDOW CLEANING ELECTRICAL REPAIR SCREEN REPAIR FREE ESTIMATES 623-4041 26-tfSN AUCTIONEER Don Stephenson 623-1726 ASTRO APPLIANCE Sales and Service 119 King Street East Bowmanville Is now your AUTHORIZED HOOVER SERVICE DEPOT For all Hoover Laundry and Floor Care Products Sales 623-7791 Service 623-7501 29-1ISN üjr MOBILE SANDBLASTING Trucks and Trailers Wood, Brick, Concrete Painting, etc. WE STRIP PAINT AND VARNISH FROM WOOD Phone 623-7959 34-tfSN BRINK'S EXCAVATING For Trenching Septic Systems Foundations Driveways Backfilling Grading Topsoil Phone 987-4995 . 34-tfSN Lawn Cutting and Trimming REASONABLE RATES Phone 983-5537 36-2SN BRUCE RENOVATIONS QUALITY WORK Specializing in fences, decks, and rec rooms FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Phone 987-5571 ,35-5S B&R BLIND CLEANING A revolutionary new ultrasonic cleaning service for Venetian (mini) blinds and verticals (PVC) All types of drapery tracks supplied and Installed Phone 1*705-932-2222 . 35-4SN GROEN'S MASONRY Brick and Block work Chimneys and Fireplaces All types of masonry repairs Phone -- 623-4877 ■36-5S NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to all makes. Harvey Partner, Orono, phone 983-5206, Bowmanville phone 623-2301. BUILD WITH QU/ M TO GARAGES FROM $663.00 m UP IN ONE DAY Components Roof Trusses Farm Buildings Garages Cottages Houses 434-5500 Courtice Rd. and 401 20-tfS BYAM PLUMBING and HEATING INC. and AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK and RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES •Village of Tyrone R.R. 5, Bowmanville -263-2650 VANDERGAAST ROOFING LTD. Residential Commercial DURHAM REGION ROOFING • All types of shingles • Flat and membrane roofs • Alum, and vinyl sidings FREE ESTIMATES 433-5097 22-tfSN CJ's RENOVATING SERVICE Specializing In siding, sheds and garages, custom decks and fences. Roofing and home renovations. Special rates for Senior Citizens For free estimates phone: 623-4154 4-tfSN Over 35 Years Experience in all Types of Roofing Workmanship Guaranteed For FREE Estimate Phone 623-9595 or 623-8121 27-tlS rzr~~ I CXJ ONTARIO! j; ■ DEMOLITION CO. j ; , Dismantling or Demolition,■ ? I Any Type ol Structure J ti Any Size Project ! SALEM LANDSCAPING Seeding -- Sodding Trees -- Shrubs Interlocking Brick FREE ESTIMATES 263-8079 Bowmanville Uni-loader Service | FREE ESTIMATES I ■ Service Built on | "' . Integrity I R.R. 1,'Newtonville, Ont. ■ ' * Phone Collect ! I 786-2315 j QQ <8? I j --Biiii • _164fS^J Expert service to VCR's, T.V.'s, home stereos, cqryte.reoe,- i portable stereos! / *'T, - r FreeEstimates Bowmanville Audio-Vision , 20 King St. W. 623-2312 .çitfR/e. <e> "1 w - Amov^ 0 Restorz.ticns • Additions • Decks • Patios • Doors • Roofing • Windows • Custom Homes Specializing in Residential and Commercial Projects Free Estimates J. Paul Patrie ... (416)623-9307 Simons Custom Upholstering (Since 1954) Free Estimates Pick-up and Delivery 623-6207 Base Line Rd. W., Bowmanville • Back Fill • Grading • Levelling • Landscaping Small Deliveries Phone 623-3080 1-tfSN l Custom Software Services and Supplies Microcomputers ANDY'S SOFTWARE INC. 623-2375 Maple Grove Rd,, N. R.R. 6, Bowmanville Ont. 31-tfSN BARR'S • ROOFING • SHEET METAL • SKYLIGHTS 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE • RESIDENTIAL • AGRICULTURAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Prepainted and Aluminum Siding, Soffit and Trough Phone Dave Collect 986-4277 Careers Channel Master THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF TV/FM RECEPTION EQUIPMENT i* TV Antennas for Perfection in Reception ! i lli ~ TV Towers Antenna Rotators Antennas Boosters Transmission Wire Hardware Accessories and MATV Systems TIRED OK POOR RECEPTION? CALL TODAY FOR AN A ESTIMATE DURHAM TV & ANTENNA 151 Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ontario 623-9955 Bill Van DerHerberg IVe Also Do TV and Stereo Repairs TOUR KM SYSTEM CAN DELIVER WITH A III FIDELITY I'M ANTENNA 35-tlSf LARRY QUINNEY Painting and Decorating Interior and Exterior Over 13 years experience FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8535 tk, ROLL OFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING AU SAIVAGI StRVtt S 1 ™? call us 987-4/41 NOW NEWCASTLE Shaw Construction Concrete Finishing Projects from start to finish 1295 NorthmounISt., Oshawa, Ontario L1G 7M7 Phone 436-0579 RALPH SHAW Carl Brink BUILDER CUSTOM HOMES Additions and Alterations 987-4818 (No Sunday Calls) rrr Industry is Booming Get in on the action! Train for an exciting career that will keep you on the go. Achieve success within Ch,,„: 6M0NTHS • TRAVEL & TOURISM • HOTEL & RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT Our intensive short term training PLUS our Job Placement Workshops will help YOU succeed. Financial Assistance may be available il eligible. Toronto School of Business OSHAWA 723-1163 11 Simcot St. North PICKERING 420-1344 1450 Ktttbi Road (At V*y Farm Road)