iiudian Statesman. Bowmanvillo, September 7. 1988 17 Phone 623-3303 Thu Cn Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 Articles for Sale HELEN'S Tailor Shop. Quality alterations. alterations. Sewing machine tune- ups. Bernina-Omega Sales. Phone 623-2741, . 30-ttSN WANT a nifty gift? Wear your P.J's to the Midnight Madness Sale, September 30th, 6 p.m. - Midnight. Bowmanville Audio-Vision, 20 Kino St. W„ 623-2312. Bowman- ville's complete electronics store! 36-1SN GAS stove - four burner, good condition, condition, large oven, storage compartment, compartment, $150. Viking dryer - like new, $200. Phone 623-3303. . , 30-tfSN MATE'S bed, bookcase, headboard, 3 drawers, $100 or best offer. School desk and Ink well. Phone 623-6604 after 5 p.m. 36-1S QUANTITY of cedar posts - Variety Variety of sizes and lengths. Phone 263-8676. 34-4SN BACK to school specials! New G.E. dishwashers from only $499. Large selection. Bowmanville Appliance Centre, 47 King St. W., 623-8160.36-1 SN SALE - Come In to Bowmanville Appliances and see our line of new Danby fridges and freezers. Various styles and sizes. Also In our store we have G.E. washers, dryers, fridges and stoves, all at low prices. Delivery available. Bowmanville Appliance Centre, 47 King St. W., Bowmanville. 623- 8160.36-1 SN WANT a hot meal fast for the kids at lunchtime? Come In to Bowmanville Appliances and see our line of G.E. Microwaves, easy to operate and stylish looking. Also for super savings have a look at our new Westinghouse fridges and stoves, different sizes to choose from, almond and white. Delivery available. Bowmanville Appliance Centre, 47 King St. W., Bowmanville. 623- SI 60. 36-1 SN CLOTHING racks, rotating Jewellery machine, 3 tiered glass shelf units, display counter, wicker screens, pop and ice cream coolers, restaurant supplies - dishes, teapots, etc., marble top tables, maple chairs, vinyl chairs, meat slicer, cash registers and much more. Items seen at House of Amber Gift Shop, 108 King St. E„ Bowmanville. 623-5387. 36-2SN REMINGTON model 1100 12 ga. shotgun, 30" full choke, $550, mint. Remington model 700, DBL, 270.. cal.,- Tasco iscope, $850, mint. Phone 987-507-1 - c >- r$ ■ ;i|: ' 36 : 2SN Apartment size Westinghouse freezer, almond, 1 year old, $250. Phone 987-5189. 36-1 SN GOftD CARNEGIE is now associated associated with Best Choicé Furniture Furniture located at 1540 Dundas St. E., Whilby. Please ASK for Cord's assistance with any of your furniture furniture or appliance needs. Phone 571-0000.28-tfSN LANDSCAPE Opportunity, grower's clearance. 65 Colorado blue spruce, 4' - 7', lot price $2000. or buy individually at $30. - $60. Ideal for random landscaping large open lot. Phone 983-5877. 35-2SN FREEZER. Good working condition. $50.00 Phone 623- 1405.36-1 SN FOR SALE, tacks custom fit, cost $199.00 used 1 yr. $75.00 size 6'/2.987-4217 mornings. ,36-1 SN BOY'S hockey equipment and skates sizes 2, 5 and S'/z. Phone after 5 p.m. 623-6584. 36-1S 500 BALES good oat straw. Phone 987-4865. 36-3S BOYS' 16" BMX bike, good condition, $45. Phone after 5 p.m. 623-2178. 36-1S PICKLING beets by the 6 qt. or 4 qt. basket. Phone 623-5649. 36-1S HEAVY duty box trailer, 4 x 8' x 3' tilt box, 1" and 2" basswood lumber. Phone 983-9431. 36-1 SN RIDING lawn mower, 8 h.p., electric electric start. Phone 983-5496. 36-1 SN PLAYER Piano, old school desk, 2 chests of drawers, golf clubs suitable for beginner, and bunk beds in very good condition without mattresses. Phone 623- 7668, 36-1S VIKING chest freezer, 75'/z" x 35", excellent condition, $350, Phone 263-8168. 36-1 SN WELL constructed box trailer. Phone 623-2312 or 623-1908 (after 6 p.m.). 36-1 SN ANTIQUE walnut coffee table for sale, with brass claw feet and protective protective glass on top. It's in beautiful condition. Phone 263-8098. 36-1S Colored Televisions Used - Reconditioned Overstocked • Price Reduced Come and make an offer 1 Television m Service Company 185 Church St., Bowmanville 623-3883 35-2SN Articles for Sale Articles for Sale COMETO HARVEST SALE ATTENTION DART PLAYERS Large selection of Darts, Boards, and accessories All available at Olde English Dart Supplies 128 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa Mention this ad for 10% Off Phone 576-1078 32-4SN LAWN SEED Regular and Special Mixes Fall Wheat, certified and Common No. 1 Hay and pasture lor fall seeding Phone SWAIN SEEDS 986-4331 34-4SN FIREWOOD All dry hardwood Cut, split and delivered Phone 987-5658 36-tfSN BILLIARD TABLES New and Used Brunswick, B.C.E. Also Cues and Accessories SEPT. SPECIAL 4'x 8'3/4" Slate Table Installed $1499. McD's Billiards 623-5353 35-5SN POOL PROBLEMS? Pool and Spa Service Winter Covers! Pool Closing! Chemicals and Leisure Items PLEASE VISIT OUR STORE STRICTLY SERVICE ' 34BKINGST.W., .m BOWMANVILLE 623-2233 1 35-tfSN 15% Off BEER and WINE MAKING SUPPLIES 623-3018 Evenings 59-tfSN LUMBER AND FIREWOOD Buy direct at saw-mill prices. Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, Oak and Black Cherry All sizes available Also' Cedar Posts SPECIAL Pressure-treated Red Pine 4"x4"x8' $5.99 MiniTies $5.99 6"x6"x8' $15.99 6" x 8" x8' $18.99 1 "X6"x6' $1.85/each 1"x6"x5' $1.54 each 2"x4" 38.7C/M. 2"x6" 59e/ft. 4"x4" 78.8C/II Building Grade Spruce available any size Hemlock 2" x 6" x 10' Fencing Boards $4.20 each Untreated timbers also availab'e 1 mile south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 ROKA LUMBER 1-705-277-3381 33-tf-SN Long John's Antiques jii-i •ri -- R.R. 1, Newtonville, Ont. Open Weekends Weekdays by Appointment or Chance John A. DeWitt 416-786-2016 „ CHK<»llT. ^loonj I CROP REPORTS PHONE 623-7252 HONEY Now crop Honey ready at last year's prices Andy Hiemstra , R.R. #1, Bowmanville on Road 57, 2 km north of Ontario Hydro. The sign is up. 263-8962 No Sunday Sales 33-4SN Thrmst RR 2. BOr/MANVIVLE Asselstine's Yamaha have the parts and the personnel to service your Yamaha Durham Rd. South of Blackstock 986-4437 We have homegrown Clapps -- 4 and 6 qt. Favorite and Bartlett Pears, Paula Red Apples ON SPECIAL: TOMATOES $2.75 4 qt. $3.75 6 qt. $12.00 bushel Home Grown Sweet Corn $2.50 doz. Featuring Famous McCabe's Ice Cream FRUIT MARKET Hwy. 115/35 south of Orono Phone 983-5628 ! • ' •/ Orchards' YOUR BEST VALUE IN QUALITY APPLES" OPENING Saturday, September 10th for: X V) Taunton 1 Road -J Hwy 2 401 623-5485 Pjb & Pat Carruthers and Family THE APPLE BIN" Will Open Thursday, September 8 COLD, CRISP APPLES Open Daily 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Closed Sunday • Pick your own and ready picked apples (containers provided) • Varieties available this week: MAC and SPARTAN • Also available: Our own sweet apple cider, pressed fresh dally • Decorative Indian Corn and Country Crafts HOURS: Daily 9:00 a.m. -- 5:30 p.m. For more information Please phone 263-2396 ■ff^l VISSERS NURSERY LANDSCAPING Large selection of flowering shrubs, evergreens, and shade trees at competitive prices. BIG SELECTION of spreading Juniper for under $10. Euonimus $4.50 For all your Landscaping Interlock Retaining Walls Sodding Seeding, etc. See you at our nursery or call for a free estimate J I VISSUIS NLIISIIIV MllCHI.Lt'!) CORNERS Open Every Day' 2 Year guarantee VISSERS NURSERY 263-2126 OK1 36-1 SN 213 BYRON STREETS. WHITBY, ONTARIO L1N4P7 Telephone: (416) 666-3958 Toronto Line: (416) 683-7705 Bulletin Board System: c- Bulletin Boaro ays •%. S (416) 660-20/8 St# Wearegoingtothe Ajax Family Festival Trade and Home Show Are you? September 9,10,11 Ajax Community Contre • Show stopper specials • DISKETTES 51/4 Inch DSDD Dlskeltos box of 10 $4.63 butty.only bUoiea pet cuilolhel el this pile* 3.5 Inch DSDD Diskettes box ol 10 $23.95 Disk SI or»/; b Bo* Holds 120 5 1/4 Inch diskettes $12.95 Disk Storage Box Holds 120 3.5 Inch diskettes $15.95 Disk Storage Box Holds 40 3,5 Inch diskettes $8.95 Power Bart will! EMI/RFI (6 outlets) $19.95 Serial mouse by Logitech $09.95 Citizen 120D printer $230.95 Star NX 1000 printer $269.05 Atari ST compuler systems starling al $795.00 Include:» mono monitor, disk drive, mouse & boltwwo. An ATARI representative will be In ettendanco Sopt 10 to answer your questions And Software Specials for: IBM ATARI AMIGA All itiltwAie »!• litul & C64 A ATARI' mmiimn Chesterfield Suites Loveseats, Sectionals Less than Vi Price Box Springs and Mattresses LARGE SELECTION MCKEEN FURNITURE 524SimcoeSt. $., Oshawa 725-5181 FREE DELIVERY 19-1JS THE BARTLETT PEARS ARE HERE! Some cooking Apples McIntosh soon Applebee Orchards 6th Line Vi mile east of Dutch Oven off Hwy, 115 CLOSED ON SUNDAYS 36-1 SN PRICE PRODUCT WARRANTY We can't be beatl VCR's, COLOR T.V.'s, MICROWAVES and much more BOWMANVILLE AUDIO-VISION 20 King St. W, 623-2312 Bowmunville's Complolo Eloctronlcs Store CIDER SEASON Starts in 10 days Come to our OPEN HOUSE on September 17th Tyrone Mills Ltd.(i846> Located 7 miles north of ■ Bowmanville on Liberty St. (TYRONE) 36-1 SN There's always a large selection ol stock in the rough and finished. Country furniture, smalls, decoys, cupboards, etc. WEEKEND SPECIALS Mixed Bouquet $4.99 Roses $11.99 a dozen Lawn Seed, Bulk " Quality Mix / , Fall gardensupplies now . in stock CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division SI., Bowmanville, Ont. 623-5577 36-1 SN Inqlia Home Appliances Fridge, Range Washer, Dryer Dishwasher, Microwave Freezer Lewis Appliance Sales 113 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-4480 29-tfSN We now have NEW AND RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES Also, appliances wanted for parts or restoration. Durham's largest selection ol used parts lor most makes. PADDY'S MARKET 263-8369 3-tfSN 1964 PONTIAC Custom Sport, 327,300 h.p., factory 4-speed, etc. Phone 623-9288. 36-1 SN 1986 GMC' 1 Rangier,'.-V8, heavy 1 duty, excellent Condition. Phone 623-5338. 36-1S 71 camper trailer, soft top, (new roof and larp) add-a-room, sleeps four. Asking $600. Phone 623- 7942. 36-1 SN SAIL boat. Catalina 22, complete with Honda Motor 9.9 h.p. Trailrite trailer, sails, plus sail covers. Boat sleeps five. Battery and lights etc., etc., all In' excellent condition. Can be inspected at 170 Arthur St., Newcastle, Ont. For further information, phone (416) 987- 5688. 36-2SN PROPELLER, skeg and boat repairs. repairs. Fast service. We' supply Durham Region with fibre glass, epoxy and plastic materials. Oshawa Glass Fibre Rayplex, 341 D.urham St., Oshawa, 579-1433. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT Near Orono 7 km east of Hwy; 35/115 Between Clarke 4th and 5th Concessions Exit 401 No. 436 Beautiful campground Seasonal facilities $698. Phone 1-786-2562 Real Estate for Sale IDEAL retirement home. 3 bedrooms and large treed lot, Bancroft area. Good condition and good buy at $46,500. G.M. Ballard R.E. 613-339-2332. 36-1 SN HOBBY Horse Farm. 18Vz acres with 3 bedroom house. Saddle horses optional. Bancroft area. G.M. Ballard R.E. 613-339-2332. 36-1 SN HAMPTON starter home, three bedroom on quiet street, large backyard, many extras, Immediate possession, asking $117,900. Phone 263-8441.36-1 SN LOT lor sale - 3/4 acre estate building building lot, old Scugog Rd., adjacent lo Heritage Esfales Homes. Backs on lo Bowmanville Creek, asking $117,000. Private. Phone Nelson Brouse, 416-623-5379. 36-2SN Pets TERRIBRAE PET FOOD & SUPPLIES Professional Dog Grooming We have expanded our Grooming Department to serve you better and now offer Saturday appointments. Ruth, Pat and Deanna look forward to serving your dog's grooming needs. 73 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-1752 35-1ISN BEAUTIFUL healthy puppies for sale. Mother: Old English sheep dog. Father: German Shepherd. $10. each. Phone 263-8098. 36-1S Dress like a millionaire... lor $3.00. Shop at the Salvation Army Thrift Store 35 Division St., Bowmanville Furniture and Clothing Needed Store Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Fri.9:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-12 noon Phone 623-3217 Furniture pick-up at your convenience. 36-1S Bowmanville CANOESand BOATS R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Ont. L1C3K5 Phone (416) 623-2213 18-18S . . „ PreSchool 7 Weeks to Six Months Prevent puppy problem» Starts Sebt. 13th Novice Classes 6 Months and over Starts Sept. 13th Bowmanville Location Ruth Miller, 263-2339 or Terribrae Pet Foods 623-1752 Sunday Sept. 11 ALL DAY GIGANTIC MOVING SALE Entire household contents, antiques, appliances, tools, furniture, slot and pinball machines, clothes, etc. lots of unique and quality Items. Mill St. N., Orono (Big grey house) 723-4123 or 983-9707 36-1N 2 FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, Sept. 10th Sunday, Sept. 11th 9 a.m.-- 4 p.m. 38 Queen St., Bowmanville 36-1S GIANT YARD SALE Saturday, Sept. 10 10 a.m. Tools, B/WT.V., antiques, small appliances, yard goods, clothes, etc. 580 Church St., NttiAiraefle South ot 401 ■ turn W. at O.P.P. 36-1S YARD SALE Sunday, Sept. 11 Starts 11 a.m. 47 Deerpark Cres., Bowmanville Some antiques, etc. 36-1S YARD SALE Saturday, Sept. 10th Sunday, Sept. 11th 10 a.m.--,4 p.m. Durham Road 20 West ol Hwy. 35 at Hydro Tower Propane heater, books, dishes, games, pool table, Chev 15" rlrns, blue emergency light, T.V. and clothes Avon, Save up to 50% Many Items too numerous to mention 36-1S THREE FAMILY YARD SALE On Third Concession of Bowmanville between Middle Rd. and Scugog St. Saturday, Sept. 10th From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Most Items available 36-1S YARD SALE Saturday, Sept. 10th 9 a.m.-- 2 p.m. 11 Summerfleld Crt., Bowmanville Hockey equipment, Jr. golf clubs and bags, clothing, light fixtures and lamps, bikes, Lundby dollhouse (wired), toys, kitchenware, miscellaneous Items. Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID FREE PICK-UP ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS CASH lor old records from 50's. 78's, 45's, also old Juke boxes in any condition. Phono 263-8749. 34-4SN Yard Residence ONE year old black lab mix, free to good home, housbroken, all shots. Excellent with kids. Phone Gary 623-6548. 36-1S FREE female kitten, grey and white, four months old, playful, litter litter trained. Phone 263-2161 (evenings). 36-1 SN TWO nine week female kittens, one 16 month female cat. Free to good home. Phone 623-1508 after 6 p.m. 36-1 SN THE Clip Joint offers certifed pet grooming and creative styling for all breeds, no tranquilizers. Located Located on 6th Concession between Liberty and 57. Phone for an appointment, appointment, 263-8577. 15-tfSN 3 FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, Sept. 10th 9 a.m.-- 4 p.m. Maple Grove Rd., 1 mile North of Hwy. 2 Laÿihg hens, firewood-approx. 6 bush cords - cut, spill, dried, hardwood, bar stools, air conditioner, 3 In 1 baby carriage, miscellaneous items 36-1S YARD SALE Saturday, Sept. 10 ' 9 a.m. --4 p.m. 9 Carlisle Avenue, Bowmanville "Car seat, baby things', and lots more.' 36-1S YARD SALE Saturday, Sept. 10th 9 a.m. -- 5 p.m. 7 Ontario St., Bowmanville Furniture, books, collectibles, RAIN DATE- SEPT. 11th 36-1S YARD SALE 136 Ontario St., Bowmanville Saturday and Sunday Sept. 10th and 11th TIME: 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. 36.-1 S GARAGE SALE September 10 and 11 23 Parkway Créa., Bowmanville Furniture and appliances 36-1 SN YARD SALE 105 Lawrence Cres., Bowmanville Saturday, Sept. 10th 8 a.m. Loveseat, bedroom suite, household Items, hockey equip., skates and much more. RAIN OR SHINE 36-1S PRICE PRODUCT WARRANTY We can't be beatl VCR's, COLOR T.V.'s, MICROWAVES ANDMUCH MORE BOWMANVILLE AUDIO-VISION 20 King St.W. 623-2312 Bowmanville's Complete Electronics Store 36-1 SN YARD SALE 72 Prcfepect St., Bowmanville Saturday, Sept. 10th a.m. 36-1S 623-5756 623-7112 22-tfSN ' RIDE wanted Monday lo Friday leaving Bowmanville In lime (o arrive al Yonge and York Mills by 8:15 and leaving at approximately 4:30 p.m. Please phone 623-78d2 alter 7:00 p.m. 36-1 SN \ RIDE wanted Newcastle ijb Toronto and return daily. Phorye Louise, Toronto work, 967-6484 or home 987-5716. U 36-2SJI Employment Wanted \ > MOTHER of 1 Vz year old will dp babysitting in own home, Arthujr SI., Newcastle. Full or part timer, reasonable rates. Phone 987J 4953. : 36-1 SN BABYSITTING, mother willing to take good care of your children, fenced yard, hoi lunches. Phone 623-5138. 36-16 MOTHER will babysil preschoolers preschoolers in own home, Rhonda and Waverley Rd. area, Bowmanville. Phone 623-1363. u 36- VS PAULSVETEC Custom Combining^ Phone 263-2785 TYPING 5 done in my home. Business, Resumes, f r Manuscripts, etc. /, Phone 'J Judith Jamischakj 786-2988 Ü 34-tJN Help Wanted* HAIRSTYLIST wanted, part-time, Kut n' Kurl Beauty Shop. Phone 623-2624 after 5 p.m. or 623-5019 Wednesday and Thursday. 34-3SN NEEDED - Loving energetic perL son with car to care for two toddlers. Some light housekeeping, housekeeping, Newcastle village, 4 days per week. Non-smoker only please. Ffhope. 987-5634-,. JSjtif . 33-tfSN FARM Machinery Operator^' wanted. If interested phone Art at 263-2615. 36-1 SNi APPLE pickers needed from mid- September to late October. Apply; now, in person, at Paradida Orchards Limited, R.R. ),< Bowmanville, 623-5485. f 36-1 SN, SUPERINTENDENT position available immediately for apartment building in Bowmanville. Please phone 62£ 4172 or 686-3643 between 9 a.rrij -5p.m. Monday-Friday. u 36-1 SN BABYSITTER needed in -River. Valley Estates area. Hours may vary. Phone 623-7815. 36-1 jj APPLE PICKERS NEEDED Apply now at the Agricultural Employment Services 41 Temperance St., Bowmanville Transportation Provided 36-2SN TYRONE Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed To help deliver meals on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays Information Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 13 9:30 a.m. Tyrone United Church Sunday School rooms Shiftworkers welcome Please phone >i Carol Southwell m 263-8025 or ;J Community Care si 623-2261 It you have any questions - 36-1 SN 5 COOKS and Î WAITRESSES j Required ! Noone's Restaurant Hwy. 115, Orono jj Phone 983-9290 3 36-4SN TAX PREPARERS { For January 1989 $ Experienced or willing lo learn LOCATION: Bowmanville Oil lc| Apply by resume to: j HAR BLOCK? THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS $ 4 Vi Cambridge St, N., » Lindsay, Ont, !' K9V4C3 35-2SN