'I l : il .4 i . 22 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. September 7, 1988 Obituaries Ruby Ailecn Lane Following a three months illness, Ruby Aileen Lane, aged 82, died in Memorial- Hospital, Bowmanville, Wednesday, August 17, 1988. Born in Darlington, she was the daughter of George and Gertrude (Crago) Lane and was educated at Shaw's Public School, and also took a nursing course in Toronto. A practical nurse in private private homes for 20 years, she retired in 1968. She had resided resided at Marnwood House the past six years, and had previously resided at 5 Grant Lane, Bowmanville for 40 years. She was a member of Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. Miss Lane is. survived by several nieces and nephews. The Reverend Frank Lockhart officiated at the funeral funeral services held on Friday at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Chapel, Bowmanville. The organist organist was Mrs. Helen McDonald. McDonald. Pallbearers were Bruce and Dan Richards, John and Stan Lane, Doug Woods and Jack Crago. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Hosswell Callan Along time local resident, Rosswell (Jim) Robbins Callan, Callan, aged 73, passed away in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, on April 22,1988, following a brief illness. The son of George Washington Washington Callan and Mable Le- ola Robbins, he attended Bowmanville's Public and High Schools. He was married married in September 1940, to Marjorie Elizabeth A. Watson. Watson. Employed as a hose inspector inspector for Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company for 37 years, he had retired 16 years ago, allowing him more time to pursue his hob bies of fishing, hunting, baseball baseball and bowling. He had resided in Bowmanville Bowmanville 1914-1982, when he moved to Little Britain. Left to mourn his passing are his wife, sons James and Thomas, daughter-in-law Marilyn and a brother Frederick. Funeral services were held April 25, at the Fellowship Fellowship Baptist Church, Little Britain with Pastor Roy Grant officiating. Pallbearers were Alfred Samells, nephews Edward and Clarence Sarvis, Vince Gioia, Murray Teel and Steve McKinney. Floral tokens were received received from Holland Lumber, Lumber, Oshawa, Durham Board of Education, friends and neighbors from Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Donations may be made •in his memory to the Expansion Expansion Fund Little Britain Baptist Baptist Church, Gideon Bibles and the Heart ariB- Stroke Fund. Interment Christian Ce- meteiy, Little Britain. Thomas Spencer The death of Thomas Spencer, aged 75, occurred on Wednesday, August 11, 1988. He had resided in Newcastle liis entire life. Son of John Thomas Spencer and Elizabeth Bates Spencer, he attended Newcastle Newcastle Public and High Schools, and on March 15, 1933, was married to Alecia Louise Williams. He was employed by the J. Anderson Smith Company, Company, in Newcastle and had also worked in the production production department of General Motors inOshawa for 26 years, retiring in 1975. A life time member of St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle he was a choir member and also a sidesman of the church. Always interested interested and involved in various various activities and events held in the community, he was also a Scout leader, and a member of Tuxis Square, and of the Rod and Gun Club. Surviving are his wife Alecia, a son Ernest, daughter-in-law daughter-in-law Elsie, five grandchildren, grandchildren, six great grandchildren, grandchildren, and sisters Doris Spencer, Florence Tuson, and Ethel Brown. Funeral services were held.on Friday with the Reverend Reverend Douglas Hall officiating. officiating. The organist was Mrs. Helen McDonald. A floral token was received received in his memory from the General Motors 25 Year Club. Enniskillen By Betty Wright Miss Betty Wright w cent caller of Mrs. By Betty Wright " was a recent caller of Mrs. Lou Griffin and Miss Clara Page. Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman and Miss Myrtle Tamblyn visited with Mrs. John Slem- on and Mrs. Helen Millson, Bowmanville. Mr. Clark Piggott, Oshawa, was a Sunday visitor visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. Mrs. Laura Eady, Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNair. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hall, Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Richardson, Lotus, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, Heather and Wendy, Hampton were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue. POWDERED, SCENTED OR Utititi/'ti? WÎ-.8ÛX LîMï. ; m OHTARt. " <«6®*. •«&» ÇANAÇA «a 1 m ad? lifaiiv - '.Orange îpm&rpp - ï\*8Sf i m»,,. -•■v- sv - , 'ffij-ïïF «e» * PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, ONTARIO èG9l NO. 1 GRADE, SWEET Green Peppers 1.30 mi CtfaBA rie. ddditidd cdtif:dd d d : ' dd-ti" PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Fresh Jig* Mushrooms ^'5.49* m 2.49, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Waxed Rutabagas <o ^.86 m,. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, _ CANADA FANCY GRADE ,M. "7A Bartlett Pears Mg? 1.74 m #5#»; PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, ;R9f CANADA NO. 1 GRADE W» 2 27 kg Cooking Onions' bag 1.99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Fresh sM* Bean Sprouts 1.52 ,.69, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, ~ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE -Rfl, Celery Stalks Ms?- each PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Avocadoes EACH PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Cabbage If? EACH .69 PRODUCT OF NEW ZEAL AND Kiwi Fruit each BRIGHT AND COLORFUL. Potted Mums 15.24 cm 6" POT PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Bunch Carrots $ 4.99 BUNCH ATTRACTIVE Tropical Plants; 15.24 cm 6" POT 4.99 îSfiâ lÂéSüFrfri;- : CÉKjDKS BOX CF . ÔÔQ du; d W&ïi'i REQUlki - - WW mamims J S catees al- mm dx ::;VÏÏÏF. : ..;.:..- d:-ddi v&nr ùùsî 5.K :■ ■dRtiti: : tititi- .'ti-V--- NEWl ASSORTED COLORS, JUMBO SIZE Hl-Dri Paper j aa Towels 2-ROLL PKG. 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ASSORTED VARIETIES Foamy Shave Cream 300 mL AEROSOL TIN 2.39 Sima CM* fÜQÙ VB nH'ti (H,a: ' r.ti XMÀSiAN S:i24'sV. : !d:: asm ; FLAVORS ' 'iftiti 6W$ O COUPON VALUE .50 MelHta j Premium Ground Coffee | «nios wtsa _ fiNËôaiNÔ' '" | ( Feature price sm s'IZZfeb» I iwlthm it rnimnn y-.L?■ HggB l||ggg||g j I . without coupon , . j $2*9 rfs I ALSO AVAILABLE IN L m FINE OS EXTRA ■■ / I FINE OWNO I e DECAFFEINATED COFFEE.300 a VAC FAX PKO. AT ft M ■ with coupon PKG. | I Limit one coupon per family, one pkg. per coupon, ! coupon valid at IGA until closing Set. Sept. 10, 19M. I AC NIELSEN, BOX 3000. " ST. JOHN, N.B. E2L 4L3 524572 m _ w % 300 l^w: PAK i I PLU 2258 I ip ' mw ifii-.i Adi ti'-titiddixAdAd d tititi d. Of . Atil;,: d:':' ASSORTED VARIETIES Cordon Bleu Gravies dtitititi d V !- : CONCB#rr«ATEO, REÇUIAÜT on tS0APSRO*T JUICE dtid-tid d ; d' |.02, VIA :■ O COUPON VALUE .35 j RG. Tips j Tea Bags I ORANGE PEKOE j BOX OF 72 | Feature price I without coupon | $2.14 I Limit one coupon per fimily, one box per coupon, j coupon villd at IGA until closing Set. Sept. 10, 19BS. I "mil .... A C NICLSCN. SOX woo, ....... , I PLU 2251 «T.JONN, N.SIU4U 0020018H to-oz. TIN FROZEN Boni Whole Baby Carrots HOT CHIU CON CARNE OR ASSORTED VARIETIES j |m a a ^ ASSUfTTED VARIETIES 2.49 Puritan Stews w B tin Lancia Lasagna 500 g BOX 1.29 ASSORTED VARIETIES Lancia Egg NOOdleS 375 g BAG .99 ASSORTED CUTS, FROZEN Cavendish Farms French Fries a 1 jo BAG I itv WHITE KIDNEY, ROMANO, CHICK PEAS OR RED KIDNEY Bravo Beans i»-fl. oz. tin .69 Bravo Tomato Paste k 5V4-FL. ' OZ. I TINS .79 Bravo Plain Spaghetti Sauce o^Ttîn ASSORTED VARIETIES, FROZEN J Savarin Dinners 1 1.69 REGULAR, LIGHT, GARLIC OR CUCUMBER FLAVOURED Hellmann's O OÛ Mayonnaise 500 mL jar éLm£ 9 IN VEGETABLE OIL Boni Solid Wfj White Hina toz.tin**^ 1 1.59 ONION, ONION MUSHROOM, GOLDEN ONION OR 7' VEGETABLE Upton "Recipe" SOUP MiXeS 2 PACK BOX ASSORTED VARIETIES Llpton Cup-A-Soup ra^box CREAMY PARMESAN, CHICKEN, BUTTER 5 HERB, SOUR CREAM A CHIVES OR BEEF STROGANOFF Llpton Noodles & Sauce 12 Tg. b 1.29 CREAMY MILANO, CHEESE 1 HAM, SOUR CREAM 5 CHIVE, SCALLOPED OR AU GRATIN ïtr** -ta- 1.69 REGULAR OR HONEY NUT Big "G M Cheerio-. «VS* 0199 ASSORTED VARIETIES Dempsters Canadians Breed's umP ASSORTED FLAVORS JelM) Jelly Powders wvna #3».99 FILLER'S, SLICED Cooked Ham 125 g pkg. 1.29 x ... . '■ Knackwurst 375 g pkg. 2 b23 6llS|IS STILLMEADOW, TRAY PACKED Chicken * 7A Cutlets 3.95 k, 1.79 'lb. STILLMEADOW, TRAY PACKED Chicken Breas,^ Nuggets lb. STILLMEADOW, TRAY PACKED Chicken Breast c CH Schnitzel 12.54 k, 0.09 lb. STILLMEADOW, TRAY PACKED Chicken Breast p aa Fingers 12.54 k, 0.09 lb. HILLSHIRE, VACUUM PACKED Smoked Sausage 8.13 k, MICROWAVEABLE : d. l|d|l " d dd- 'dd d d: d',dd ;d . , ; i ■■■ : .d. d'd • 55LECTED d'tidtiXARdSvidiiSgdddXi 13$ Aim Breaded Veal Cutlets 454 g BOX w 3.69 DINERS DELITE, NEWI Chicken Wings or Snacks 454 g box ddu'i.: ï-hiXi (Mïd: "rMv Ab-B b - n ; d ;ti.' tm m ? I i kg : 1 3.69 UALITY PACKERS BIRTHDAY SALE DINERS DELITE Steak Ups 397 g PKG. 3.69 MAPLE LEAF, COOKED, SMOKED 4 QA Ham Steaks 175 g pkg. I .o9 FRESH FROM OUR IN STORE DELI AVAILABLE IN MANY STORES tii':ti> didOKim '3* : 'MWi fil .-..I'.,'.', m I Iti m im$m TOWN CLUB Cooked Salami .50 w, itm 2.29» FILLER'S Fine Jagdwurst or Beerwurst .55w, 2.49» FILLER'S, COTTON BAG Summer Sausage .99100, 4.49ib. ^ 4S0 g PKÇL TOWN CLUB, SLICED AAA side m 929 Bacon 500 g pkg. é^Ë TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED Boneless Cottage Rolls d tiddS ' ddti kdô-i -d d TOWN CLUB, RING Polish Sausage ©i?i SHOPSY'S Potato Salad .33 «», 1.49. TOWN CLUB, STORE PACKED Pork Sausages 3.28 m, 1.49. SHOPSY'S Hawaiian Delight Salad.72,oo,i rib. TOWN CLUB Beef Burgers 750 g BOX 3.99 TOWN CLUB, BY THE PIECE Bologna 2.18* ■' TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED, BY THE PIECE, END CUTS Peamealed Back Bacon 6.15k, ^.r CENTRE CUTS 5.5» kg, 2,99 lb. TOWN CLUB, STORE PACKED Italian Style ^ Sausage 3.95 k, 1 ■ # 9ib. 2.79. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SAT. SEiPT. 10, 1988. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ALL SAVINGS ARE BASED ON OUR REGULAR PRICES. GRAHAM 225 King St. E. M IGA . E., Bov||mt X MARKET manville, Ontario OPEN -- MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. Senior Citizens 5% Off On Personal Shopping, Wednesday Only 4*.