. - Wlt» Puni as ! ■' : ", " I - , 1 Thv C;m:iili;m .Slatvsmim. lîowmanvillc. September 21. 1988 All Ages Enjoy Annual Goodyear Picnic ■ Students Do Their Part for Recycling Sffli@8BBB88E9tW r -\, j«6g «iFii æ&xgsgaâ pSHk up vijSssssssss^ * j ^mmbsss§ iia Happy recyclers: students at Ontario Street School, a French Immersion school, load up one of many blue recycling boxes at the school. From left to right the students are: (foreground) Jared Greening, Emily MacLeod, (background) Ryan Polley, and Brad Delorme. While much of the Dur- "We're starting.on doing ham Region has been Uar„ ; ing the phrase "We Recycle," students at Ontario Street Public School, a French Immersion Immersion school in Bowman- ville, have also been learning the translation, "Nous Recyclons." Recyclons." Students at the school are saving their empty pop cans and bottles and sending them to be recycled. Board is looking into recycling recycling Board wide." Once a week, two grade six students travel from room to room with a familiar blue box collecting any and all items to be recycled. Last week Brad Delorme and Ryan Polley, both in Mr. Marchand's class, per- recycled formed the task. "Our grade sixes usually volunteer," stated Principal Sherry Summerside, evoking evoking wide grins from both of last week's volunteers. Mrs. Summerside added that she hoped to be able soon to recycle the large quantity of paper that the school necessarily goes through. Currently only Forthcoming Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith of St. Catherines are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Catherine Elaine to Robert John Childs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Childs of Bowmanville. Wedding Wedding to take place October 22,1988. newsprint is accepted to be :fed Letter to the Editor FURNACE FINANCING At this beautiful time of year, we regretably bid goodbye to summer. Or is it < "regretfully?" Most of the summer months this year, we've all been prisoners of our air-conditioners. If we were lucky enough to have one in our cars as well, we had a double chance to pollute pollute the atmosphere. We're a strange lot are we not? We bewail the lack of govt, and its lack of concern or action to DO something about our disappearing planet, planet, through our careless use of its attests. However, when we lire asked to give up any of the modern conveniences conveniences that add so greatly to the industrial flug that is killing us by slow, painful inches, we baulk. And the level of noise that ruins hearing hearing and minds. Boy 0 man, we begin talking in a most superior way about our charter of rights and freedoms. freedoms. Most who do that, havv never even taken the time to find or read the document in question. If they had, they would realise, that it is we, who by abusing these very freedoms bind ourselves into the slow march of destruction, destruction, our planet earth is following. following. How I do run on! This was meant to be a happy, cheerful note, saying GOODBYE TO SUMMER 1988. The flowers seem to enjoy the hottest summer in recorded lifetimes of us, who are living now. God knows about the crops? The corn is certainly not as high as an elephant's elephant's eye this year. But I expect well survive the win ter and even be able to help other parts of the planet, not so fortunate. Goodbye summer summer with your thick green verdure, your very colorful flowers and oh to be rid of the sound of lawn-mowers and hedge-trimmers. You see there are always advantages advantages to be found even in little sad things. This helps us become more ( observant which in turn'makes US brighter-looking. Of course, if it makes you happy to be sad,turn down the corners of your mouth and wear a frown. You'll, be lonely if you do. Lots of fun things starting starting up in the autumn, but ..you won't. b.e welcome with a frown... Mary Morris. P.S. Dear me, there's an election coming up. Look alive and enjoy it! M.A.M. 132; 95 PER MONTH INCLUDES: • Absolutely no interest • Installation and Taxes • 2 year Service Plan • Deluxe Burner • Life-time Warranty Countr At Home In ance J*.; The annual Goodyear picnic was held in the Bow- lîjnànville Senior Public School gymnasium on Saturday Saturday afternoon, with many hot dogs being consumed consumed by all ages who attended, including a number sikkens ITS THE ONE AND ONLY FINISH TO CHOOSE Your exterior wood doors deserve nothing but the best treatment. So it makes nothing nothing but good sense to treat them with Cetol TGL Plus, the ultimate finish for exterior exterior wood doors. Available at Central Paint g and Wallpaper 295 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 434-3939 of retirees. Rainbow the Clown fascinated the youngsters youngsters with his balloon tricks and everyone appeared to be having a good time. Unfortunately, the wet weather cut down on the number of races which took place. Tournament Results at Pebblestone Golf Club Finally, winners of the Member's Day Tournament wore Dale Hoy (low gross) and Bill Watson (low net). Hospital League Top Ton Averages Phil Woodcock 219, Randy Bailey 217, Cindy Zinck 199, Bruce McQunrrie 197, Judy MacLean 194, Bob Forget 191, Jim Borchard 189, Art Atkinson 186, Derrick Derrick MacLean 182, Joan Wintorburn 179, Doug Woodcock 179. Team # Four is in first place with 14 points. /me Clayton Marcus STORE-WIDE SALE Pebblestone Golf Course held their annual Member's Bullet Dinner on September 11. Trophies wore presented to members in various categories. categories. Don Pringle was the mens' club champion with Larry Lewis coming in ns runnor-up. The ladies' club champion was Barb Cowle and Evelyn Heard was runner-up, Receiving a trophy ns the Pebblestone family champion champion was Paul Sobil. Runnor-up as family champion was Dennis Sobil. PIONEER Making the legacy of INTERIORS our past part of your future. Whitby, 507 Brock St. N. (3 blocks N. of IIwy #2) 668-4231 Mon.-Wcd, 10-6, Thurs. & Fri. 10-9 Sat. 10-5:30 Mississauga, Homo & Design Centre, just E. of Winston Churchill Blvd. on Dun das St. 828-1212 Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-6