x i 1 16 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc, October 5,1988 plet I ho The Morning Class Mrs. Yellowlees' class just finished making a gingerbread gingerbread man, but he ran away. Mrs. Yellowlees and her morning class keep looking in different rooms but they haven't found him yet. He always always leaves clues and a treat. They hope to catch him soon. I interviewed Lesley Adams Adams this week. Lesley's favourite favourite centre is Building Blocks. Her favourite story book is cows. Lesley's best friend is Ashley Pitt and her favourite food is chicken fingers fingers and granola bars. Lesley's Lesley's family includes her brother Darryl, Kathy her mom and her dad's name is Brad. The JK Afternoon Class .The last children just came in for school on Monday, Monday, September 26th and they all said school was great. They enjoyed having their picture taken and all the activities in the classroom. classroom. Tammy Bunco About Mr. Stapleton Mr. Stapleton teaches grade 6 at Vincent Massey School in room 107. Right now they are learning about Australia. They are even learning some Australian words. Did you know that Banana Bender means Queenslander. When the class gets through French he has Planning Time or he teaches grades 3 and 4 and sometimes even junior kindergarten. kindergarten. Soon he will be teaching the same class in a portable. He has been teaching teaching in Vincent Massey School for 20 years. Mr. Sta- ileton is a very nice teacher. ' ope his class likes him too. Gillian Axelson Mrs. Whately Mrs. Whately's class is really busy with a new unit called "All About Me". They are finding out about each other and naving fun. They are also studying the human body. Mrs. Whately's class is excited excited to be learning how to load and run IBM computers. computers. Mrs. Whately is really enjoying enjoying her first year at Vincent Vincent Massey teaching grades 3 and 4. Mrs. Landry Take one step back in time and go to the Canton Pioneer School on October 6 with Mrs. Landry and her class. They will be experiencing experiencing Pioneer Times in a Pioneer Pioneer School. They will also be dressing up as pioneers. This year Mrs. Landry has a portable. She and her class love it. They say that it is nice and private. Mrs. Landry's class includes includes 17 boys and 8 girls. I'm sure they will have a good year! Andrea Parks Mrs. Cole Mrs. Cole's class has been reading a big book called The Longest Journey, and I'm sure that everyone's enjoying enjoying it. They nave also learned several games in gym. Their favourite game is The Cat and The Mouse. They watched an interesting interesting sight last week, a cater- illar spun a cocoon. Wouldn't that be exciting? They also talk about many things. Even though Mrs. Cole is a new teacher at Vincent Massey, she has made many friends here. Mrs. Cole says that her new friends will help her grown into a better teacher! April Turner Mrs. Dolan and Mrs. Strong Mrs. Dolan and Mrs. Strong planned a pretend pyjama party for Tuesday, September 27. Mrs. Dolan's class talked about being afraid afraid of the dark and sleeping with their teddy bears. Everyone Everyone wore their pyjamas. They brought their favourite bed time story book and watched a movie called "Ira Sleeps Over". They ate/pop- corn while they were watching watching the movie. The children in Mrs. Dolan's class had lots of fun but in the middle of their pyjama party we had a fire drill. They felt really silly silly wearing their pyjamas outside. Mrs. Dolan and Mrs. Strong looked great in their house coats! Lisa Ng. Hospital Lge. September 20/88 Top Ten Averages Phil Woodcock 219, Randy Bailey 210, Art Atkinson Atkinson 197, Bruce McQunrrie 194, Judy MacLean 194, Jim Barchard 189, Cindy Zinck 189, Bob Forget 184, Derrick MacLean 184, Doug Woodcock 182. 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