Section Three, Fire Prevention, Wednesday, October 12,1988 Meet Our Firefighters Station 1 - Bowmanville ROBERT PAYNE Robert has been a firefighter for four years and is now employed full-time with the department. Presented by Véntury Homes Inc. 160 Base Line Rd. E., Bowmanville Telephone 623-2559 f Meet Our Firefighters Station 1 - Bowmanville Stève is a first year firefighter with the ' Newcastle Fire Department. Steve is employed with the Community Services Department j Presented by Dykstra's ? Delicatessen Food Market 77 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-3541 Meet Our Firefighters Station 1 - Bowmanville JOHN GRAY ; John has' been with the fire department for four years. He recently transferred from Station 3 in Orono. He is an employee of General Motors Presented by ! Abernethy's Paint and Wallpaper | ■ 55 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-5431 WHEN FIRE STRIKES GET OUT and STAY OUT RAISE THE ALARM. When you detect fire or smoke shout to warn the other occupants.. Children and older people will need help. Don't wait to get dressed, shoes and one blanket per person will suffice - even in cold " weather. Have a neighbour call the fire department after all are out. Never waste time trying to extinguish anything anything other than a very small fire. A HOT DOOR is a warning. Never open a door without first checking it for heat. If it is warm, leave it closed and go out a window. If this is impossible impossible wait by an open window or on a balcony for rescue. Place bedding at door cracks to keep smoke out. HEAT AND DEADLY GASES are the main killers. Even a small fire is dangerous. The open interior stairs in the single family home may become a chimney allowing heat and smoke to rise to highest floor level. If you cannot leave an upper room by a window, close the door and wait by the open window for rescue. TELL THE FIRE FIGHTERS if anyone remains in the building. Leave rescue operations to them, unless you can safely raise a ladder or help anyone down from a window or roof before help arrives. NEVER GO BACK into a burning building for any reason whatsoever. Many lives are lost through the deadly effects of fumes, even from small fires. Never risk a life in an attempt to save personal possessions. REMEMBER: An hour of pre-planning may save years of life. Make regular fire drills a family affair. A smoke alarm on each level of your house will provide early warning of fire. Hot gases rise. The cleanest, coolest air is near the floor. To break a window, use a chair or other heavy object, shielding the face against splinters. Remove jagged pieces from the frame. A closed door provides some protection protection against fire or fumes. Keep basement basement or utility room doors closed at all times, and close all doors at bedtime. Keep the fire department number near your phone, and memorize it. If you phone in an alarm, give your address address first, in case your call is interrupted. interrupted. Checkyour home for fire hazards, and eliminate them as you find them. Your fire department will be glad to advise advise you on any question of fire safety for your home. CONSULT YOUR FIRE DEPARTMENT FOLLOW THEIR ADVICE- MOST FIRE DEATHS HAPPEN IN THE HOME! Meet Our Firefighters Station 1 - Bowmanville MIKE MURPHY Mike is one of the five captains and has been a firefighter for 24 years. He is employed by the Whitby Ambulance Service Presented by Hooper's Jewellers 39 King St. W. - Bowmanville 623-5747 Meet Our Firefighters Station 1 - Bowmanville TERRY ALLEN Terry (Sam) has been a part-time firefighter for almost two years. He is employed with C;N.R., Oshawa. Presented by Kool Enterprises 1-161 Base' Line Rd. E., Bowmanville Telephone 623-3221 Thank you for a job well done! Meet Our Firefighters Station 1 - Bowmanville Meet Our Firefighters Station 1 - Bowmanville BRUCE MONDAY Bruce has been a member of the Station Station 1 firefighting crew for three years. (T") LiWGHIK " Industries I ne. Ldcireon UL TOOL LAP-TECH 240 Simpson Ave - Bowmanville 623-5232 BRUCE SMITH Bruce has been a part-time firefigher for 19 years. He is employed at the Bowmanville Bowmanville Foundry. Presented by - Mothersill Printing Incorporated 7 Division St. Bowmanville Telephone 623-1155 Meet Our Firefighters Station 1 - Bowmanville MIKE CREIGHTON Mike is the Deputy Fire Chief and has been with the department for a year and a half. He was with the Whitby Fire Department for 10 years before coming to Station One. Presented by Durham Building Supplies 164 Base Line Rd. E., Bowmanville Telephone 623-6341 Meet Our Firefighters Station 1 - Bowmanville IRWIN COLWELL Irwin has been a part-time firefighter firefighter for eleven years. He is an employee of A & P Food Stores in Bowmanville. Presented by Krown Rust Control Center Brian's Car Wash 153 King St. E. - Bowmanville 623-2615 Meet Our Firefighters Station 1 - Bowmanville DAVID CURZON David has been a part-time firefighter in the Town of Newcastle since June of 1986. Presented by Betty Brite Dry Cleaners 91 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone 623-2040