i * y * » > -i>* t # * Happy First Birthday 4H Club Members Enter Agricultural Winter F air Section Tun The Can.nliun Statesman. Houinanville. November 30. 1988 5 Safe Bus Drivers Receive A wards JU 5 I By: Barbara Wecse, R.O.S. Specialist. Brent McLaughlin, R. R. #1, Nestleton and Dave Tamblyn, R. R. #1, Orono have both placed first in their division in the 4-H section section at the 1988 Royal Agricultural Agricultural Winter Fair. Brent McLaughlin will receive receive the Hyland Seeds Ltd. Division and W. G. Thompson Thompson & Son plaque for his first place win in the Barley (2-, rowed) section. David Tamblyn will receive receive the Funk Seeds plaque for his first place showing for 1st cut hay. Ian Andrews, R. R. #1, Orono also placed 11th with his shelled corn. ONTARIO STOCK- YARDS JUNIOR STEER SHOW & SALE: The 1988 Ontario Stockyards Junior Show and Sale will be held onFriday, December 2,1988. This show is open to any On- Ralph,Mickey, and Adam Cryderman sang Happy Birthday to Jana Rachel ?on November 18,1988. A Birthday and Christening party were held on November >20th where Jana's guests were Grandpa and Grandma Leddy, Grandpa and ! Grandma Cryderman and a whole bunch of uncles, aunts, and cousins. Thanks -'to all of you who made Jana's 1st Birthday so special. ; Rotary Club Reminded Of Service Club Funding ;For Less Fortunate Areas ; Last Thursday, Bowman- ; ville Rotarians were remind- ed of some of the places in : the world where the money they raise goes. ! Aurora Rotarian Ross ' Brethew travelled from his club to enlighten those gathered gathered at The Flying Dutch- , man Hotel about the international international focus of Rotary's - commitment to service. "For . many years, world service was not as important to Vmany clubs as their local projects," he stated. "In the ; last few years much more 'Ç; emphasis has been placed on ; ' the world aspect of service." The Rotary Foundation, ;! which aims for the achieve- i ment of world understand- : ing and peace, is one of the ' largest privately funded cha- • ritable foundations in the world. It is funded in large part by Rotarians themselves themselves from around the world. Of the $121 million which has been raised thus far for Rotary International's ambitious ambitious Polio Plus vaccination program, 61% has come directly directly from Rotary members. members. Mr. Brethew reminded Rotarians of the varied ways . they can continue to donate to world projects undertaken by Rotary. As well, he encouraged the Bowman ville club to take part in a group study exchange. exchange. The program involves involves contacting a club in another country and agreeing agreeing to host a group of men and women from that country country so they can learn about life in Canada. And the Bow- manville Club would send a delegation to visit their brother club. The rewards from participating participating in a group study exchange exchange are many, said the two-time past President of the Aurora club. In other business; A1 Wi therspoon therspoon asked Bowmanville Rotarians to pass out a 1 survey survey which asks local persons 55 years old and up to comment comment on a proposed Seniors' Recreation Centre. The Rotary Rotary Club has decided to undertake undertake the project if there is sufficient community interest interest and support. Anyone in need of a survey should call Mr. Witherspoon at 623- 3449 or Roxy Barnes of Community Care at 623- 2261. The answers are requested requested by December 15 of this year. v_ ! "We've been keeping Bowmanville and area residents warm for over 60 years!" •Top quality Imperial Oil products for Domestic, Industrial and Rural use. • Automatic delivery maintained by a fleet of modern tanker trucks. • Dependable 24-hour service. ASK US ABOUT OUR TOTAL HOME COMFORT PROGRAMME Telephone 623-5516 V7 I n Esso HARRISON FUELS 12 Sturrock Road Bowmanville tario young person less than 20 years of age, who has owned and cared for a steer for 120 days prior to the show. YOUNG FARMER BUSINESS BUSINESS SYMPOSIUM: The! 1988 Young Farmer Business Business Symposium will be held from January 30 - February 2, 1989 in St. Catharines. This program is designed for. young men and women (ages 18-35) actively involved involved in the business of forming. Delegates will be challenged with examining an actual farm operation and making farm management management recommendations. Seminar topics include risk management, dealing with financial institutions and farm management strategies. strategies. Delegates will be selected ona first-come, first-served basis. Details are available at the Agricultural office. Your Child's Best Friend! 56 school bus drivers won this year's top SAFE DRIVING AWARD from All-Way Transportation. The 56, who had achieved a 5 year accident free record, were amongst 285 All- Way drivers who received SAFE DRIVING AWARDS at the November 13th awards luncheon at the Boy on a Dolphin Restaurant. All-Way Transportation Transportation serves the Peterborough-Victoria- Northumberland-Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate Separate School Board CADILLAC • CHEVY TRUCKS