■ fi The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, November 30, 1988 Section Two Awards Banquet At Karate Club • The Maple Leaf Karate . Club held their Fourth Annual Annual Award Banquet on November November 6, 1988. There were several winners in several different categories. Under the heading of Ku- mite division, in the Ladies* Advanced category, winners from first to sixth were: Amanda Haick, Jessica Veenstra, Cristina Santos. Cindy Donovan, Heather Rademacher, and Kim Laughlin. Men's Advanced winners first to sixth, were: Howard ■ Barton, Rick Rademacher, Doug Hartford, Danny Smith, Gilbert Lonergan, and Brian Haick. Winners in the Men's Novice category were: Rick Radmacher, first; Brian Haick, second; and Don Spiy, third. Still in the Kumite designation, designation, Junior Novice victors from first to sixth were: Mathew Mathew Haick, Brandon Fran- cey, Blair Barton, Casey •Vanderstarre, Monica Pear- Before you send it, seal it... with a Christmas SeaU 1.1 THE * LUNG ASSOCIATION Lungs arc for life son, and Brenda Pearson. From first to fifth in the Junior Advanced category were: John Bromell, Jeff Laughlin, Greg McKay, Craig Barton, and Eric Wig- gans Jr. Three teams were recognized recognized in the Team Kata category. category. The first place team was comprised of Cristina Santos, Jessica Veenstra, and Heather Rademacher. Second: Second: Michael Lloyd, Danny Smith, and Amanda Haick. Third: Neil Wood, Rolan Be- tabraham, and Steve McGill- vary. There were also individual individual Kata winners. In the Ladies' Ladies' Advanced competition, from first to sixth, were: Heather Rademacher, Amanda Haick, Cristina Santos, Cindy Donovan, Julie Julie Vanderkwaak, and Jessica Jessica Veenstra. Men's Advanced Kata winners, from first to sixth, were: Neil Wood, Rolan Be- tabraham, Doug Hartford, Danny Smith, Gilbert Lonergan, Lonergan, and Howard Barton. The three winners in the category of Men's Novice Kata, from the top, were: Rick Rademacher, Brian Haick, and Don Spry. Junior Novice winners, from first to fifth, were: Brenda Pearson, Monica Pearson, Mark Veenstra, Aaron Aaron Bums, and Jenny Fran- cey. Junior Advanced Kata winners, again from first to sixth, were: Paul Murdoch, Mike Smith Jr., Craig Barton, Barton, Laura Lonergan, Paul Rademacher, and Jeff Laughlin. Finally, in the Junior Intermediate Intermediate Kata section, from first to sixth, were: Laura Laura Wood, Mathew Haick, Greg McKay, Steve Ver- woert, Brandon Francey, and Casey Vanderstarre. Business Directory ACCOUNTANCY JOHN MANUEL C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Suite 2 Bowmanville 623-6555 jh ■ WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. , Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 W. B. (Brian) COGGINS Certified General Accountant (416)885-8889 h Residence: -ir 9 Hewson Drive Port Hope, Ontario L1A 4C7 N.L. WOODHOUSE & Assoc. Certified General Accountant 8 Holgate Cres., Bowmanville 623-9650 ; WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St. Bowmanville 623-9461 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 1913 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Phone 576-4619 BOOKKEEPING/TAX SERVICE For Small Business COMPUTER ACCOUNTING Payroll -- Statements Business Plans -- Income and Corporate Taxes Pick-up Low Rates 723-3113 REFLEXOLOGY BY ANNA Anna Bragg, R.N., Cert. Ref. By appointment Member of Reflexology Association of Canada (Ingham) International Institute of Reflexology R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K5 Phone 623-9198 "REFLEXOLOGY'.' 1 > By Renee Bos Cert. Ref. R.R. 2, 23 Bellwood Drive, Bowmanville - Newcastle FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 987-5511 Member ot the Reflexology Association of Canada "REFLEXOLOGY" Foot Reflections By Shirley Cole, R.N.A., Cert. Ref. Member of Reflexology Association of Canada 2 Frederick Ave., Bowmanville Phone 623-4690 for appointment CHIROPRACTIC LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 50 Richmond St. E., Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1G7C7 Phone 433-1500 LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 VIDEOS HOLTOM VIDEOS 20 Years Experience Weddings, Anniversaries and All Special Occasions 623-1042 MASSAGE THERAPY MASSAGE TREATMENTS By Kim Tougas, H.B.Sc. Registered Massage Therapist Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist 168 Church St., Bowmanville Clinic lor Natural Health 623-8170 for appointment HOME SERVICE BARINA HOME CHECK - Vacation Home Checking - Wedding Day Gilt Sitting Barb Shetler -- Ina Cox Newtonville 786-2996 ■ BONDED LAND SURVEYORS HORTON, WALLACE & DAVIES LIMITED 16 Temperance Street Bowmanville 623-2205 Computers ANDY BATELAAN B.A. Consultant Programmer Soltware Development Maple Grove Rd. N. Bowmanville 623-2375 I MICRO] Hardware Software I SOS 11 Consulting Training PeterDelghanB.Sc. 44 Charles St., Oshawa Business: 432-3486 Residence: 623-2946 'KEEP YOUR FOOD COSTS DOWN - SHOP BY THE BOX" ($2.00 PLASTIC BOX DEPOSIT) PRODUCT OF CANADA VAC PAC RM0I1 UTILITY GRADE ROCK CORNISH jjjj PRODUCT OF ONTARIO "FRESH NEVER FROZEN 1 WHOLE OR HALF OINOF PORK 3 28 kg NO CENTRE CHOPS REMOVED PRODUCT OF U.S. A. KILN DRIED. .. Pftl YWHSUL5;) LB. LEAHY APPLE SAUCE 28 OZ. JAR 1.29 ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF SHOULDER 4 BLADE STEAKS ONTARIO FILL YOUR OWN BAG W WHITE FRESH 395 kg MUSHROOMS 179 15 LB. LIMIT I £ lb. FROZEN BLUE WATER THRIFT PACK FISH & CHIPS 250 g BOX ; 350 g CELLO PKG. AT THE SERVICE COUNTER FROM ONTARIO PACKERS SWEET PICKLED SHORT CUT PEAMEAL BACON ; ^ A39 Ikq IOOAILSi¥6i5.99 ASSORTED COOKIES MIX OR MATCH 5 LIMIT ■McCAIN SWEETHEART CHEESE BARS • CHEDDAR • MILD • OLD • MEDIUM • MOZZARELLA e BRICK e COLBY • 454 g BAR McCORMICKS ASSORTED 1 250 g CRACKERS box L29 CHEESE FOOD MAPLE LEAF SUCES PKG. OF 20's OR 24's 500 g Sgf U CANAD 1 ^ 2JÛ McCormicks CHAMPAGNE ASSORTED 200 g BOX 1.29 LIMIT G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor 39 Pamela Court, Bowmanville By Appointment -- 623-5509 Member of Canadian and Ontario Chiropractic Associations FROM ONTARIO PACKERS "FRESH" CHOICE CANADIAN O rjy A AA veil shoéjier! 169 FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF STEWING boneless kg 4,39 LB. 159 FROM ONTARIO PACKERS FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN J ÆÆ OX TAILS " 149 CANADA PACKERS FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN SLICED DE-VEINED - M kg 1.96 SLICED DE-VEINED |m AA BEEF LIVER 69 BONABRAND HOT OR SWEET WHOLE VAC PAC RANDOM WEIGHT CAPPICOLI & 96,59 PEPPER BUTTS lb 299 KURZ POLISH! SAUSAGE AT DELI COUNTER . 018 5 LB. LIMIT I 6kg LB. 99 i MAPLE LEAF BRAND 450 g VAC PAG ALL BEEF • B.B.Q. OR REGULAR WIENERS 13 PKG. LIMIT! 169 MAPLE LEAF BRAND GOLDEN FRY • PURE PORK FROZEN 500 g TRAY PAG OR ALL BEEF SAUSAGE m 199 KURZ BRAND AT DELI COUNTER kg 4.39 HIM 1,99 FILLERS FINEST QUALITY BRAND MINI "BLACK FOREST" STYLE SMOKED & COOKED 1/2 HAM VAC PAC kg 6.59 HAM BONELESS 3-4 LB. AVERAGE LB. 299 DEMPSTER'S SLICED • 100% WHOLE WHEAT * WHITE MILK BREAD SEALTEST ASSORTED ALPEN FRESH YOGOURT! TRE STELLE ALPINE BELL EDAM CHEESE 920 - 980 g BALL EA. PRODUCT OF SCOTLAND SHETLAND FROZEN BONELESS KIPPERS MONTCLAIR 8 OZ. PKG. 99 33% BONUS 1 LBTL. MINERAL WATER CASE OF I2BTLS. 9.95 89 i ^West - Mississauga DIXIE VALUE MALL At Dixie Rd. South ol Queen Elizabeth Way North - Markham WOODBINE NORTH At No. 7 Highway: Markham Central - Toronto 222 Lansdowne Avenue Corner Dundas St, West Downtown - Toronto East - Pickering 222 CHERRY HWY.2& STREET BROCK RD. Just South ol the Lilt Bridge In Pickering North York Food Terminal 2549 Weston Rdl THURSDAY* FRIDAY I SATURDAY Just south of Hwy. 4011 8 A.M.-10 P.M. I 8 A.M.-10 P.M, |7 A.M.-10 P.M, OSHAWA/DURHAM FIRST AVE. Between Simcoe & Ritson Just a "Slone's Throw" North of 401