The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. December 21.1088 13 Eflt iBttotastie Snbepenbent Clarke High School Musicians Serenade Shoppers at Moonlight Sale Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Merry Christmas! On Thursday evening, December 15, at the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall, one hundred and twenty Senior Citizens enjoyed turkey dinner, dinner, catered by the Anglican Church Women. Entertainment Entertainment provided by Janette Desousa, Oshawa, had toes tapping and voices humming. humming. Santa Claus arrived and read letters from seniors who had various requests. President Fred Couch thanked all his executive for their many tasks performed throughout the year. Elves Madeleine Buckley and Myrtle Pearce assisted Santa in delivering all the gifts. This was an enjoyable Christmas party! Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin received an early Christmas gift. Daughter-in-law Irene and son Donald presented ; them with a new grandson, Michael Donald, another great grandson for Gordon and Theresa Martin, who observe observe their 60th wedding anniversary anniversary in December. Merry Merry Christmas all! On Sunday, December 18, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Couch, Shannon and Shaun, Morgan's Morgan's Road North, entertained entertained about forty relatives to Christmas luncheon. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Anne Stephenson, who passed away on Thursday, December December 15. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Theresa Martin's twin brother brother Alec McNeil, Ottawa, passed away on the weekend. weekend. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Nellie Spencer were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grol, Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bernard, Flesherton. On Saturday, December 17,1988, at Newcastle Unit ed Church, Carol Ann Selby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Selby, and Paul George Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reed were united united in marriage by Reverend Donald Stiles. Attendants were Christena Selby and Jim Lycett. The reception followed at the Newcastle Community Hall. We extend congratulations to the happy couple. Birthday greetings to Barry Head, Scott Foster, Carolyn Garrod, Audrey Sunday and Fred ulanville. Mr. and Mrs. Sierd De- Jong, Derek and Tammy entertained entertained thirty-six DeJong family members to Christmas Christmas dinner on Saturday evening. evening. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended the Children's Aid Society Society Christmas party in Oshawa on Thursday. Last Monday evening the Newcastle Lioness enjoyed their Christmas party. On Wednesday evening the Lions Lions held their regular dinner meeting. On Saturday the Senior Citizens received their usual Christmas cheer, thanks to the Lions and Lioness. Lioness. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storks and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell attended attended the Newcastle Hydro dinner and dance at the Bowmanville Legion. On Sunday, December 18, Mr. Jack Kimball, Port Granby, entertained about thirty guests from Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Oshawa,Port Hope, Newtonville and Newcastle. Relatives, friends and neighbours neighbours were invited to this Christmas luncheon which was special for those in attendance attendance celebrating December December birthdays. Jack's daughter, June Armstrong and two sons are home from ELMIRA MAKES YOUR WINTERS WARMER IN EVERY WAY! See our extensive display of glass doors, tool sets, kettles and accessories for Christmas THE Fireplrae Plus' 900 Hopkins St. at Burns Whitby 668-3192 - OUNPASST |Hwf, British Columbia enjoying the holiday festivities. On Friday afternoon Mrs. Kathleen Kimball and daughter Joan visited Mr. Sam Smith, Mrs. Clara Rickard Rickard and Mrs. Irene Byers, residents of Marnwood House Nursing Home. Last Wednesday Mrs. Brenton Rickard and grandson grandson Michael visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elaschuk and boys, Oshawa, celebrating Darren's Darren's 6th birthday. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were supper guests of Pat and Scldon Parker, Oakwood, after which all attended the Victorian Victorian County Country Music Association program at the Academy Theatre, Lindsay. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited Mrs. Grace Love, Port Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wade and family, Oshawa. Mrs. Erla Jose has been elected chairman of the Newcastle Public Library Board. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono, visited on Sunday afternoon with his mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stillman, Bowmanville, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Don Elliott, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berry and Grandmother Grandmother Berry were dinner guests of Mr. John Berry Orono on Saturday evening. Mrs. Hilda Tamblyn, Orono, Orono, visited on Sunday with Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. Mrs. Marjorie Hagerman recently spent a week in Watertown, Watertown, New York, with her sister, Mrs. Nellie McIntosh. While there, on Saturday December December 10, Marjorie attended attended the wedding of her great- niece, Patricia Clarke and William Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hoog- kamp recently enjoyed a vacation vacation in Florida, visiting their son, Jim. Sorry to hear Mr. George Walton is a patient in Memorial Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Newton Selby were brother Bill and his wife Mary of South River, and their family. St. George's Anglican Church The choir sang lovely hymns and anthems and led the combined congregations of St. Saviour's, Orono, and St. George's, Newcastle through the carols. Nine lessons lessons were read by members of both churches. During the ninth lesson , the Reverend Douglas Hall transmitted the flame from the altar to the two servers, Cheryl Moulton and Tim Yates. At first darkened, darkened, the church gradually brightened as the light moved through the chancel and down into the nave. It is one of the most beautiful and symbolic moments in the church year. The flowers on the altar were in memory of the Love- kin family and Clifford and Margaret Davidge, given by Dick and Lynn Love kin. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10 a.m. on Christmas Day. (Please note the time change.) There will not be a service on Wednesday, Wednesday, December 28th., at 9:30 a.m. but there will be on Wednesday, January 4 at 9:30 a.m. United Church News On Christmas Sunday, December 18th at Newcastle United Church, readers and lighters of the four Advent Candles were Karen Wright and daughters Sherri and Lisa and their cousin Jaime Wright. The advent candles represent Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. Lay reader of scriptures was David Rickard, Rickard, member of session. Flautist Lynda Head and pianist pianist Terry Head rendered the musical duet, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. Reverend Donald Stiles preached the sermon, The Best Christmas Ever. In the evening, the annual Christmas Concert was sented Joan the Family and Couples Club and the Sunday School children. children. A play, Tomorrow We Go to Bethlehem was produced produced by the adults. Reader for the Gift of Room was Brandon Ccvje, Anne Smith- son read ;ht Wednesday, December 28th 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. up to 30%off 20%off 50%off Silver Watches selected Diamond Rings Cathy's Gold Thursday Night Mixed League Wes Forget 208, 234,197, Ken Jury 210, 249, 221, Jackie Kindratiuk 183, Tom Kindratiuk 265, 175, Mary- lee Hentig 179, Ken Boyd 231,178, Joe Mendonca 214, 214, Fac Forget 233, 215, Bob Lewis 195,176, Joe Forget Forget 214, 180, Don Wright 211, Chris Shisler 185, John McGuey 192, 196, Bill Brown 205. Saturday Youth Seniors Karla Tutkoluk 108, Shannon Holmes 113, Tommy Tommy DeJong 158, 168, Lisa Vanderstarre 117, 120, Marcus Marcus Werheid 146, Justin Hughes 183, 101, Matthew Coyle 163,132, Richard Jenkins Jenkins 148, 100, Kevin Tutkoluk Tutkoluk 147, 238, Barb Metcalf 107, Nina Darrach 104, Jenny Jenny Whitehead 122, 104. Juniors Chris Mayhew 93, 74, Susan Susan Sausedo 79, 75, Vincent Norton 106, 84, Jackie Sausedo Sausedo 91, Sara Castellano 89, Nicole Norton 91, 77, Nicholas Nicholas Boyd 72, 75, Patrick Caswell Caswell 83, Nick Tutkoluk 66, Chris Lynch 82, Matthew This group of musicians from Clarke High School were entertaining shoppers during Orono merchants' merchants' Moonlight Madness extravaganza last uaswell 141, Timmy Harness Harness 69, 92, Julian Norton 96, 81, Jordan Schmahl 81, Nathan Nathan Coyle 67, 89. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See you January 7,1989. week. They were performing early in the evening and included 1-r Mark Plummer, Blain Smith, Sean Winning, Cindy Tamblyn and Jeff Walters.;; THE » V. S W V I VIAV WEIAE JUEEI stmas Concert was pre- ed by Superintendent i Blackburn, members of Gift of Sip and Cathy Ewert read The Gift of Bread. The kindergarten kindergarten class sang Let us Go to Bethlehem ana the Junior Choir sang a couple of numbers numbers and led in the singing of Light One Candle. The Gift of Light was read by Joan Blackburn after which one adult member of a family was presented with a lighted candle and in the candlelight everyone sang Silent Night, to end the concert. Christmas Eve Service of carols and readings will begin begin at 7:30 p.m. Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Ladies League Marilyn Major 220, 191, Bernice Henderson 185,191, 197, Glenda Castellano 181, 176, 216, Betty Major 188, Joyce Major 184, Lorna Crockett 177, 200, Debbie Brunt 209, Marilyn Kent 188, Gladys Henry 179. Tuesday Seniors Stan Allin 155, Ron Burley Burley 173, 165, Marg Burley 246, 184, George Buckley 184, Vance Cooper 227, 209, Jack Holmes 217, Jean Holmes 165, Albert Pearce 201, 230, Stan Powell 165. 78 Xing St. W. 623-1933 Bozumanviïïe TWELVE DATS OF CHRISTMAS .... twelve luxury lincolns .... eleven slinky sables .... ten yolisfied -pick-ups .... nine catcfry cougars .... eight grand marquis .... seven four-wheel rangers ..... six terrific tracers ....five mer-cur-ies'ssss .... Jour-ty used cars .... three aero stars .... two paint Bootfts .... ancf a parts counter run by me ... (Marigold Souci i) 668-5893 1120 OUNDAS ST E WHITBY. ONTARIO THIS HOLIDAY SEASON TURN TO JIM SOUCH'S MARIGOLD LINCOLN MERCURY AND DRIVE AWAY IN THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS. models, 5- OjOfy nier with a new John Deere self- 5B T&'w= ,e standard. See us "soon lor beat selection. uticaF^^o. eouiP^s-9701 2 Mile 5 . RCA • HITACHI • SHARP • TOSHIBA • TEAC KENWOOD • SANSUI • TDK • GOLD STAR • AUDIOSPHERF • RESEARCH • RCA PUBLIC NOTICE KRAZY KELLY'S HAS ARRIVED WITH A HUGE LOAD OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS TO ALL! ALL GOODS ARE FULLY WARRANTED IN FACTORY CARTONS. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED TO SUPPLIES ON HAND, SO COME EARLY. EVERYTHING MUST GO! TERMS: CASH. VISA. AMERICAN EXPRESS. CHEQUE WITH Examples: LIST OUR PRICE LIST BRAND NEW VIDEOS 550 4 HEAD VCR'S 750 4 HEAD HI FI VCR'S 999 DEMO VMS CAMCORDERS 1988 RCA VHS CAMCORDERS 1870 RCA CC300 SOLID STATE 2100 HITACHI 28" HI RES 2199 RCA 28" MONITOR 1149 HITACHI 21" STEREO HI RES 1388 SHARP 20" 1 GUN TUBE 699 RCA ELECTRONIC 20" 699 SAMSUNG 14" REMOTE 499 RCA 14" COLOUR 299 Examples: SAMSUNG MICROWAVE 96 SHARP 1.4 CAROUSEL 899 444 TOSHIBA 1CU. FT. SOFT TOUCH 444 255 SAMSUNG CONVECTION 988 566 110 WATT TEAC STEREO 1899 988 SANSUI 300 WATTS 2888 1333 WALKIES 39 19 SUPER HIGH GRADE T120 10 Pack 149.95 48 ALL PHONES SLASHED AS LOW AS 16 KRAZY KELLY'S 45 BLOOR ST. E., OSHAWA Mon.-Fri. 9:30-9:00 4 A4 Sat. 9:30-6:00 O # 1 -1 4 I Z LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS AVAILABLE OAC • UNPRECEDENTED 1 l)K SOUND DYNAMICS • SUN SUNG • GOLD STAR • RCA • HITACHI • SHARP • TOSHIBA • TEAC KENWOOD • IEAR JET 1 V •I I