f t I 8 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. December 21.1988 Section Two Talented Brownies Display Christmas Drawings The 3rd Bowmanville Brownies acquired seven choie Braybrook, Jennifer Dadson, Melanie Forsey, new members last week and they are pictured here Laurie MacDonald; back row, Dani-Marie Luciano, with their enrollment certificates, front row 1-r, Ni- Mellisa Humenick, Jamie Gilbert. - mk ■ .-a v > wÿïi ïï |fc>- > s ' V JILL From all of us to all of you, a wish for a season that's truly joyful! K:> $.--h 'M % / v Art and Lillian Hooper Ron, Joan and Janet Hooper Dan Hooper -- Betty Adams Suzanne Brooks -- Jennifer Martin Hooper's Jewellers 39 King St. W. 623-5747 Bowmanville To Santa I would like a remote control car. It's called the Golden Arrow. from Brendon Grade 4. Dear Santa: Hi! How are you? I'm fine, I thought I'd ask you for something. No it's presents and toys this year. It's something something bigger than that, maybe to big. It is a cure for Cancer and nil other diseases in the world, if you don't mind. I don't know how you can do that but I'd Ike you to try hard okay? You may be curious why I'm asking you for this big thing. Well it's because because I'm sick and tired of hearing people on the radio and the T.V. dying in different different parts of the world from these terrible diseases. So if you please help doctors and others in finding a cure. P.S. How's Rudolph. Dear Santa: I wish that you would stop all the terrorism in the world for a Christmas gift and make it soon please! Then there won't be anymore anymore World Wars and everyone everyone will BE HAPPY!!! Sincerely yours, Adam Kooy Dear Santa: I don't want much for Christmas. All I want is a horse. I doubt if I will get one so I will ask for another thing, this is what it is; I would like peace on earth and for all the different countries to be friends, and stop fighting. Well I thought I would let you know what I wanted for Christmas. I have to go o.k.? Yours Truly, Nicole. Dear Santa: Hi How's the North Pole? I understand that this is an awful lot to ask for but it means more to me then anything anything you could bring me. I would like to have al weapons weapons destroyed and there to be no wars from January, 89 on. I would love that to happen. happen. As I said before this means more to me then anything anything on earth. Thanx! tfflTY m Luv Kerri e P.S; Th'dre are cookies on ■' ? ' x the mantel! Dear Santa Hi, how are you? This Christmas I am asking for stuff for other people and myself. I am asking for a cure for cancer, keeping drunk drivers off the road and keep DRUGS OUT! Now for myself: a 34 inch tv, a ver for my room, a computer, computer, a cat and a puppy. Please give me and us what we have been ask- ing.PLEASE. Thankyou Sincerely Cyntu Dear Santa: The one thing I would really like this Christmas is for scientists scientists to find a cure for cancer of the liver. A month ago my Grandma died of cancer and it would be awful to see many other people die from it because it is such a slow and painful desease. I know this wish will help and I hope it comes true in the future. I hope your fall was better than mine. By the way how are your elves and Mrs. Claus? I wil leave you a beer and some cookies and some carrots carrots for the reindeer. Have a nice Christmas! Yours Sincerely, Hannah Warm thanks to all of you who've shown your trust by choosing us. McCLrecjor Hardware 95 DCtng St. IV., fcowmanvilCe, Telephone 623-2542 SUPER * SPECIAL C CANADA GRADE "A", FROZEN, EVISCERATED » A&P, Miracle Baste ;or Butterball Turkeys 3.06/kg --w Isuperi^pegialJ ^ : .- • ■ ■ /Là.'. > . -/ « rv f: lb Ü WITH THIS rnr-ms*. QAVF 1 001 ^ COUPON O&SS ^ AVC 1 A- REGULAR OR DIET Pepsi-Cola or 7UP CASE OF 24- 280 ml TINS (Unit cost 7.4c per 100 ml) LiMiT One case po' coupon One coupon per c.«stomc f OFFER VALID Occcmpc' 19th Deccmpc' ?ttn 1 968 (Feat.i'C* P'«cc rtitnou! cc'jpon 599» S.C t* 629 SUPER ★ SPECIAL E.D. SMITH Garden Cocktail 796 mL BOTTLES LIMIT: 4 PER FAMILY PURCHASE WITH THIS COUPON r r E Lu FRITO LAY Potato Chips & Snacks 150 - 200 g BAG ON ANY PLUSH TOY S.C. # 640 LIMIT: 1 toy per coupon. One per customer OFFER VALID December 19th - 24th, 1988 WITH THIS COUPON SAVE 1.00 gf **** Christmas dL® Wrapping Paper 1 pkg. of 4 rolls s.C. # 622 ! LIMIT: 1 pkg. per coupon. One per customer 1 OFFER VALID December 19th - 24th, 1988 | (Feature price without coupon 3.99) j ASSORTED VARIETIES (Excluding Lime Ricky, Collins Mix & Bitter Lemon) Canada Dry «Pepsi-Cola or 7UP 750 ml BOTTLES (Unit cost (L5 C per 100 ml) ["with this COUPON SAVE .30 ORANGE PEKOE Tetley Tea PKG OF 72 LIMIT One pkg per coupon One coupon pc' custome' OFFER VALID Dcccmper 19th Deccmpe' 31lh 1968 (Feature pr-co without coupon 6 2-i9i VC p 0810047. H WITH THIS COUPON ASSORTED VAR. ;Excluc ng Ume R cKy. Coll ns Mix & Bitter Lemon) Canada Dry Beverages CASE OF 24-280 mL TINS (Unit cost B9c per 100 mL| jgai LIMIT One c aso per coupon One coupon per customer OFFER VALID. December 19th • December 24th. 1968 «Feature price without coupon 699) S C. *627 WITH THIS COUPON €Sm SAVE .60 ASSORTED VARIETIES Uncle Ben's Stuff 'n Such 170 g BOX "Tux Jtmxa*. flO LIMIT: 1 box per coupon. One coupon per customer. OFFER VALID December 19th - December 24th. 1988 (Feature price without coupon 1.49) vc «necox* WITH THIS COUPON REGULAR. FILTER DRIR AUTOMATIC A&P Ground Coffee 369 g PKG I l ! uMt- • po* coupo n One cojpc r pc»» CuStome' O^FER vAi'D Decemoe' '9tn Dect-mpe* 3W '968 10 LI DAY STORE HOURS ALL STORES CLOSE AT 6:00 P.M., SATURDAY DECEMBER 24tli. so that our employees and customers can enjoy the Christmas, Season with their families; we will be /S j CLOSED CHRISTMAS AND BOXING DAY /C llr Monday December 26th and Tuesday December 27th, 1988. All stores open - Wednesday December 28th,1988. regular store hours ï PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1988- II We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family . requirements, Savings shown In this ad based on current si , Metropolitan Toronto A&P retails. S> tW-r-.