f I Section Three The Canadian Statesman, Kowmanville. December 21. 1Ü8K 15 Give a gift of love, a pet Thinking nf giving a pci Christmas present? Hclorc you do. , think it nver carefully, lie absolutely . sure lliiil your friend or relative ac- i dally wants a pel and lias lime locate for it properly. Many people arc allergic to pels, cs- ' peclally cals, and sonic people just don't like them. Make sure that the pel . wll) be a welcome and loved addition to its new family. If you're giving a pel to a child, first get the approval of the adults in the family. The kind of pet you give is also vety important. That St. Bernard puppy may be adorable but, if the owner lives in a small apartment, they may both be unhappy when the dog reaches its full size. Remember that both dogs and cats need logo to the vet regularly for vaccinations. vaccinations. anil this can be fairly expensive. expensive. Dogs also need to be walked several several limes a day. And both cats and dogs need to lie fed, brushed and paid attention to, everyday. five'll small pets, such as getbils or fish, require some lime each day to lie properly cared for. Cages and fish- tanks need to be cleaned, the animals need to If fed. and so oil. Hut fish are probably the easiest pels to care for. And studies have shown that people lend to relax when watching watching lisli swim in a lank. If you still want In give a pel. make sure that the one you buy appears to be healthy. I'uppics and kittens should lie plump, friendly and energetic. Slay away from animals that arc listless listless or have runny noses. They might vciy well have health problems. Fish should come from a clean lank which is not too crowded, (icihils, hamsters, mice and other small animals animals also should come from clean, un- crowded environments, and should look healthy and alert. These animals can be tamed easily so they need not he especially friendly when you buy them. Hut, avoid animals animals which are overly frightened, and especially those which try to bile. So. make sure that your friend or relative relative will lie happy to gel a pel for Christmas, and that the type of pet you select will fit into its new owner's lifestyle. lifestyle. Carefully chosen, a pel is a gift of love which will give ils owner years of enjoyment. For unusual, yel practical gifts, (/link automotive this Christmas When you do your Christmas shopping shopping for those special someone's this year, try shopping in the automotive department department rather Ilian rushing straight to the casual clothes department, suggests Car ("are Council. A new muffler or fan bell could be "just what they've always wanted" or at least something they really need but haven't taken the time to liny for themselves. Automotive gifts for Christmas are not a novel idea, but they can offer some interesting possibilities. An updated sound system could be the perfect gift for someone whose old radio and eight track tape deck are nnl- modcil. Budget-wise gifts For lighter budgets, what about fog lights, a portable ('ll radio, tires or a pair of winter wiper blades dial flex off ice and snow? There are also auto books, illuminated illuminated compasses and ice scrapers with fleecy protective mills. Speaking of fleece, how about sheep skin seal covers? Or, looking toward spring, consider a gift certificate for a sunroof. Depending upon how much of a "huff" or mechanic he/slrc is, you might want to give tools or sonic electrical testing equipment, perhaps a set of jumpercables, a battery charger ora new battery. Double-purpose gifts Auto parts and repairs can tie great gifts for people whose cars need attention. attention. Tor that friend or relative who's been "bumming" rides because the car won't start, a tune-up would he a double-purpose gift; for someone worried about his or her brakes, a brake job for Christmas offers peaec of mind as well as safety. For people towing trailers or boats, says Car Care Council, consider an auxiliary transmission cooler. Your auto supply store or ear dealer can give you oilier gift ideas. You may gel inspiration from auto nils in the newspaper newspaper or by Iculing through a catalog. Wide varie ty of consumer electronics gifts for people\ ©Everyone lias one person on his or hcrholidaygift list with so nrueh gel up and go that it's difficult to pin him or her down, even for the holidays. It may be a busy executive, an active working student ora fitness enthusiast. For these movers, consumer'electronics consumer'electronics offers a dizzying variety of gift possibilities that will fit both their busy schedules and your budget. "Consumer electronics products arc smaller, lighter and more portable Ilian ever before," says Thomas P. Fricl, group vice president, Electronic Industries Industries Association/Consumer Electronics Group (EIA/CEG). i "From calculators to personal stereos, front electronic notepads to razor-sized copiers, consumer electronics offers unique--and useful--gift items for people on the go." Joggers or athletes who spend a good deal of lime in lung and sometimes sometimes solitary training will appreciate a personal stereo, along with a favorite prerecorded cassette. Ç 'There arc sport models rugged [•enough to survive even the most vigorous vigorous workout, and many come in special [•weather and waterproof cases. In fact, some even have been built into headbands. headbands. What if the athlete on your holiday ijlist has a personal stereo? 3 "Consumer electronics offers a variety of non-cntcrlainmcnt products -specially made for the athlete," says l Fricl. a Digital sport watches, for example, -offer lap-timing and some even mon- gilor pulse rate. A new diver's watch calso offers a digital depth gauge. £ For serious athletes, there arc even ^software systems, that help to gauge -progress by measuring and comparing "such factors as strength, speed and cn- - durance. s For more possibilities for the sports- £ minded, Fricl suggests a pro- 'recorded training video, with tips • from a favorite world-class athlete, j Joggers, however, aren't the only £ people on the go. Busy executives, iwith hefty travel schedules, will appreciate appreciate gifts that help keep them ahead of the competition, such as electronic notepads, telephone directories and dialers, dictionaries and pocket-sized copiers. Another consumer electronics gift that means business is a pockct-sizcd tape recorder for dictating memos or for getting all the details of an important important meeting. For other gift possibilities for executives executives on the move, Fricl suggests a travel alarm clock with world time zone display, calculators with built-in currency exchange rates or a laptop computer and modem. Another approach to the "wlral- lo-buy" dilemma, says Fricl, is a gift that will make the time at Ironic a little more manageable. Telephone answering answering machines, for example, manage important important calls while the executive is on the road. With such features as built-in telephone, telephone, answering machine and copier, the personal facsimile machine makes another great gift for busy executives who may be splitting tlrcir time between between the office, the road and the Ironic. Another great lime-manager is a home copier, which will allow your executive to copy important documents documents without going to the office. Students will also appreciate gifts that help streamline their day-to-day activities, In fact, ironic computers, word processors and "smart" typewriters typewriters are almost essential for today's student. For the student, consumer electronics electronics also offers a number of pocket- sized wonders, 'flranslalors, spellers, cassette recorders and dictionaries arc excellent study aids that will certainly find use in the college classroom, And, to make sure that school's not all work and no play, a personal stereo or a portable AM/FM stereo cassette player and a recording by a favorite artist also would be appreciated. Finally, whirl's the best way to play catch-up with people on the go? There is no better gift idea than a telephone or an answering machine, In fact, many available models offer both in a single unit. Holiday Fun For All! Be merry, everyone! Expressing joy is what Christmas is all about. Dave, Darlene Boyd and Family J & J Sharpening 48 King St. E. 623-1021 Bowmanville Wtt value the friendships we've Imilt with customers like you, Hope you all have a Imppy holiday ! />- (ft, î)) • «a GENERAL CONTRACTOR Jack and Alice Butgoss and Sons ol JACK BURGESS Plumbing and Heating Hampton ••• 263-2151 joyous CMÜEL Î .-iT/TvVv ■ «-I-» ■ -'■-T-iÿV.Vjî* ' •y. j iSSilf'.vrr à \ • wViv v • * • 'vrpFt ;ii, -> .... ' LKh,/ 7 "- i P: ..'tip sipBlT Ik .W' WÊëk ùkù •* wfin . LsZ ■«•ÙKI J / sfr* «fil. t £■ /y IJ*'"/./ . ..i-- :,/■/ 4; / <1- -- Py. 'V'ëiKSf Let us remice as spirit with which we accept His most precious gifts. 1 his is a day to realize His message of love, peace and faith everlasting as we experience the joy of giving ... and the treasures we share through dear friends and loved, ones. May all the gifts of the season he yours. FRED OWEN and staff of ROY OWEN Authorized Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Dealer Hwy. No. 2 at Courtice Telephone 728-6206
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