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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1989, p. 16

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16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 5,1989 Happy First Birthday Junior Gardeners Welcome New Members Quote -- We must make the world honest, before we can honestly say to our children children "Honesty is the best policy" -George Bernard Shaw. Glad to welcome my neighbours home, after they enjoyed a six weeks holiday in Florida. Orville and Betty Chatterton returned home last week. Mrs. Jenney Bowins and her guest Mrs. Pat Dalstra, Oshawa enjoyed Sunday evening dinner in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jacobs Jacobs (nee Lowery) returned home last Monday, after spending Easter holidays in Arizona. Grandma Lowery (Doreen) was kept busy baby sitting! Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice were last Friday evening dinner guests of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. Harmer, Oshawa. An excellent crowd attended attended the Thursday noon luncheon sponsored by ladies ladies (H eat her lodge. A tasty menu, of Chili, salads and tastypies soon disappeared! Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery Lowery attended the "Callers Dance" in Toronto, on Saturday Saturday evening. The ladies of Orono U.C.W. catered to the annual annual Co-op banquet, held Wednesday, night, March 29 in Orono church main hall. More real estate moving in Orono! Wallace Auto Supply Supply have purchased the former former "Red and White Store" and moved in first part of this week. The former H.M. Mercer house on Mill Str. is sporting a "Sold" sign, and the former "Henderson" house on main street south has also sold. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown, Main Str. south have returned home Thursday Thursday night, after enjoying two months winter vacation in Victoria B.C. A bus load of horticulture members and friends enjoyed enjoyed a trip on Tuesday, April 4, to Toronto Flower and Home Show. Congratulations to our Jr. Gardeners, who are again organized for coming seasons. New leaders Mrs. Minnie Zegers and Mrs. Jo. Harris held first meeting of season on Tuesday, March 28, in lower C. E. hall of Orono U. church. Nineteen members already, and more are of course welcome. Mrs. Zegers illustrated how potato potato eyes are used to grow potatoes, potatoes, also to start root cuttings of African Violets and begonias. She also 34th Meeting for Credit Union Hi, my name is Philip Anthony Daniel. I celebrated my first birthday on March 31, 1989, along with my parents Charles and Annette Daniel and my big sister sister Leanne. My grandparents are Philip Anthony Daniel of Oshawa, Chris and Jane Staman and great . grandmother Anna Veenstra, all of Bowmanville. Yelverton News Intended for last week On Good Friday morning a combined church service was held at Yelverton United United Church at 10 a.m. for all three congregations of the Janetville Charge. The service turned out to be a local re-enactment of the events leading up to the crucifixtion of Jesus Christ, played by the members of the . congregation present and choreographed by Mrs. Carole Evans Mrs. Hazel Gray. We shall refrain, we might add, mercifully, to comment on the calibre of the professionalism of the amateur thespians who were pressed into service _ (army style volunteers). It ill behooves the best (or worst) of us, to criticize the rest of us! Following the service coffee coffee and hot cross buns were served as a reward no doubt, for thé audience participation. participation. We can hardly wait till net year's production. Mr. Wesley McMahon of Bethany entered a Peterborough Peterborough Hospital this past week to correct certain medical medical problems. Glad to report he was able to return home in much improved condition. Mrs. Ann Hurren and Hally entertained a number of their relatives and friends for dinner and a social time on Good Friday. Although Yelverton United United Church was not exactly bursting at the seams, there was a better then average turnout present on Easter Sunday. Mr. Terry Staples of Janetville pinch hit for our Yelverton organists who were A.W.O.L. and breathed new life into the electric organ organ with his "manly" touch. Reverend John Donnell Evans officiated at the observation observation of the Lord's Supper Supper and was assisted by Elders Elders Isabel Wilson and Howard Howard Malcolm in passing the elements. Mr. David Moore read the Scripture lessons and was also the usher. A number of visitors were present for the special occasion. occasion. Nancy and David Robinson Robinson and family of Stroud were weekend visitors with the Balfour Moore family. Miss Candy Malcolm spent the weekend with her parent the Howard Malcolms. Malcolms. Reverend and Mrs. John Evans had their two sons home for Easter. Miss Mona Malcolm and Mr. Ron Shaman spent the week-end in Minden with their friends and the fellows For Life Insurance, check with State Farm. •Permanent Life. •Term Life. •Universal Life. Dirk Brinkman Scugog St., Bowmanville 623-3621 LiAo a pood neighbor. Slate Farm is I hero participated in a 36 team Hockey tournament. Terry and Brenda Malcolm Malcolm and family were visitors visitors this weekend with Brenda's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gundry of Barrie. Well, it finally looks as if Spring has sprung. Our resident resident robin dropped in for its early Spring inspection, noted noted the snow covered landscape landscape and took off for a few days for a less hostile cli- matical environment. Yellow winged blackbirds, red winged blackbirds, grackles, kildeers, meadow larks are all back in profusion. Mrs. Ann Hurren joined a group of family members for dinner and dance at the Islander Islander on Scugog Island on Saturday evening to honour Mrs. Anne May Shea and other members of the group who were observing birthdays. birthdays. The Orono United Church Hall was the centre for the 60 plus members and their families of Orono District District Credit Union Ltd., to enjoy their 34th Annual Meeting. The U.C.W. Ladies served a tasty roast beef dinner dinner with all the trimmings and topped off with all those ' homemade pies. In the absence of President, President, John Colville, Vice- President, Helen Browes welcomed all the guests and members and the evening was opened with Gord Wer- ry leading us in Grace. At the conclusion of the meal, Director, Clare Martin called on the convenors and thanked them for the great meal and everyone applauded applauded in appreciation. Business Meeting Secretary, Joan Murphy moved that the minutes of the last Annual Meeting be approved as per the copies distributed, on the tables, seconded by Credit Committee Committee member, Vic Snider. Carried. Mary Clapdorp, Treasurer-Manager, Treasurer-Manager, moved for a motion motion to accept the Annual Report as printed and presented presented to the members, expressing expressing that our Credit Union Union had enjoyed another successful year, motion by Director, Gord Werry, seconded seconded by Director, Bill Gil- bank. Carried. Credit Committee member, member, Vic Snider moved that the Committee report be approved approved as printed in the Annual Annual Report, seconded by Gord Werry. Carried. Ken Boyd, Supervisory Committee member moved that the Committee report' be accepted as printed in the Annual Report, seconded by G. Werry. Carried. A motion made by Director, Director, Bill Gilbank, that the Credit Union pay a 7.5% Dividend on Member's Shares and a 2% Interest Rebate on Loans for the 1988 year, seconded by Director, Director, Clare Martin. Carried. Carried. The Election of Officers was conducted by Mr. Sandy Lyall of the Cumis Life Insurance Insurance Co. Committee Chairman, Chairman, Bill Gilbank presented G. Werry, H. Browes and P. Blaschke to the Board of Directors; Directors; E. Mill son for the Credit Committee and K. Boyd for the Supervisory Committee. With no further nominations from the floor, the members were voted to their respective positions for a three year term. With the conclusion of the business meeting, Vice- President, Helen Browes thanked all the Board and Committee members for their time and effort in making making the Credit Union, the success that it is and invited the members to come forth <■ t Aim I Hr msuijnif ( 0"ipin> •I IP'iif Si rborough (Ini.inO SITING TASK FORCE Low-level Radioactive Waste Management GROUPE DE TRAVAIL Choix d'un site de gestion des déchets faiblement radioactifs AVIS DE SÉANCE D'INFORMATION PUBLIQUE Le Groupe de travail chargé du choix d'un site de gestion de déchets faiblement radioactifs tiendra une séance d'information à Peterborough, au Red Oak Inn, 100 Charlotte Street (705-743-7272), le 13 avril 1989, de 13 h 30 à 16 h. Le public pourra y assister. Quel est le rôle du Groupe de travail? • Annoncé par le ministre de l'Énergie, des Mines et des Ressources en septembre 1988, le Groupe de travail a pour rôle de mettre en train un processus coopératif nouveau genre en vue de la localisation d'une installation de gestion de déchets faiblement radioactifs en Ontario. • Le principe-clé de ce processus est la participation volontaire des collectivités qui s'intéressent à l'idée d'accueillir une installation. Les collectivités peuvent s'engager librement dans le processus et se retirer si elles le désirent, à n'importe quel moment, pour n'importe quelle raison et sans pénalité ou obligation future. Quel est le but de la séance? • Le Groupe de travail fournira des renseignements de base et décrira la nature du processus de participation volontaire. Le public et les représentants des municipalités de la région sont invités à discuter du processus de localisation et à se renseigner davantage sur ce que comporte la gestion des déchets faiblement radioactifs. • La séance ne portera sur aucune proposition précise. Tiendra-t-on d'autres séances? • Le Groupe de travail animera des séances d'information à l'intention du public dans les localités suivantes de l'Ontario : Thunder Bay Kingston Ottawa Barrie London Timmins Peterborough Sudbury • Les conseils municipaux peuvent exprimer leur intérêt à l'endroit du processus en communiquant avec le Groupe de travail à la suite de ces séances d'information. Le Groupe de travail se fera un plaisir de répondre à l'invitation des municipalités désireuses de tenir une séance d'information dans leur collectivité avant de prendre la décision de poursuivre le processus. Pour plus de renseignements sur le processus de localisation volontaire ou sur les séances d'information publiques, veuillez communiquer avec le Secrétariat du Groupe de travail, à Ottawa; 1-613-995-5203. Énergie, Minos el Energy, Mines and |t| Ressources Canada Resources Canada Canada with ideas for our 35th Annual Annual Meeting which will beheld beheld in 1990. She then called on Mr. Gord Werry to make a special presentation to Mr. Bill Gilbank, in appreciation appreciation of his service to the Credit Union, as.he was resigning from the Board of Directors. The guest speaker for the evening, Mr. Fred Alio, Branch Manager of the Cooperative Cooperative Trust office, was introduced by Mary Clap- doro. Mr. Alio showed slides ana spoke to the members on R.K.S.P.'s and being very appropriate to the tax time of the year, his information would be very helpful to the membership. Door Prizes donated by: Co-operatives Trust Co. of Canada winner Carol Boyd, Curvply Wood Prod- ucts/Plydesigns winner Edith Gordon, J. Anderson Smith Co winner Barb Glass, St. Marys Cement Co winner Faye Snider, Durham Farmers Coop Coop winner John Moffat, Cumis Life Insurance Co winner Esther Allin, Dennison.....winner Alvin Yeo/Alvin Blewett, Orono District Credit Un- ion....Winners Scott Yeo/ Enid Tennant/Audrey Young/B. Hammon/W ayne Werry/Carl a Werry/Jack Crago/Hazel Crago/Ann Loucks/Helmut Blaschke. showed bulbs and the children children planted Marigold seeds and were shown how to divide divide when plants appear. Our next meeting is April 25 at 6.30 in lower church hall. Attention all Sr. Horticulture Horticulture members, any small cacti plants etc. are needed to help out the leaders. Call Jo or Minnie if you can spare some cuttings or seeds. Town Hall Card Party Thirteen tables at weekly euchre party held. Wednesday, Wednesday, March 29 in Orono Town Hall and following results. results. High scores- Tom Wilson 87, Morley McAllister 84, Margaret Todd 82, Jean Allen Allen 81, Norma Moffat 80. Low score - Ruth Grady. Lucky draws - Bob Simpson, Simpson, Ethel Goble, Grace Coatham, Alfred Pigott. Euchre parties every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. and ladies please bring lunch. Orono United Church News As Reverend Milnes is iresently on study leave, Marvin Colvin capably conducted conducted the service on Sun- EÎ day morning. Special musical musical guests, Donald and Dianne Barraball, Courtice presented an excellent menu of gospel music, with Don on guitar and Deanne on bass. Our guest speaker Mr. Wy man Whalen, Oshawa, also entertained with songs and accompanied by guitar. Mr. Whalen was introduced by Marvin and was a representative representative from The Gideon Bible Society. Our Sunday greeters were John and Eleanor Shetler and ushers were Doreen Doreen Wood, Lynn Rodd, Peg- Blaschke and Cindy Tam- ^Birthday greetings to Jacob Jacob Vanderschee on April 5th. Bd. of Stewards - meet on Monday April 10th in Upper C.E. hall at 7.30 p.m. If any church emergencies, emergencies, please call Reverend Don Stiles at 987-4250 New castle. Hi-C will be touring Allan Allan Downes Sugar Bush on Saturday, April 8 at 3-5 p.m. Their meetings will be held the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7 p.m. Next meeting will be Monday April 10 7-8.30 p.m. Next Sunday - Marion Milnes will be leading our service in Kirby and Orono, while Reverend Fred is at Myrtle U. Church. April 16 - Sunday School and M & S committees are sponsoring a pancake breakfast, breakfast, following church service. service. More details later. Mr. and Mrs. David Staples and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples en- "Sunday Brunch", at joyed Fran! ranklin House, Bethany, celebrating Mary's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob All- dread, Newcastle were last Thursday night dinner f uests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf igott. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Pigott, Mr. John Robinson were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams, Port Perry Saturday evening, evening, on the occasion of Don's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sherwin, Mrs. Edith Taylor and Mrs. Anna Marie Thom son enjoyed Sunday luncheon luncheon at Darlington Marina and then visited with Charles in Strathaven Rest home. Mrs. Wayne Bailey, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. Eileen Eileen Billings were "Sunday * Brunch" guests at Franklin 3 House, Bethany, and then>? visited with Armand and -' Joan Hollingsworth, Betha- 'j nÿ. We are pleased to report VJ Joan is enjoying much Det-»S ter health, (must be that' "good old Manvers fresh air" Joan!). Mrs. Irene Burleigh, Bowmanville is spending a few days with Hazel and Alfred Alfred Pigott. Social News Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. William William Tamblyn and family, STOP SMOKING with Hypnotherapy or Money Back Guaranteed Continuing to offer clinics you demand due to our success rate that cannot be beaten. You will stop smoking easily and effortlessly, effortlessly, without the usual discomforting withdrawal symptoms or weight gain. You will join the thousands of happy people who have successfully kicked the habit with our program. We believe our clinics are so effective that if you continue to smoke after attending our course you can get your money back. PLUS you are guaranteed our famous follow-up service absolutely free. This is a time limited offer. Total fee is only $150.00. Smoke Free Clinic starts at 8:30 p.m., ends at 11:30 p.m. LOSE WEIGHT with Hypnotherapy or Money Back Guaranteed Continuing to offer clinics you demand due to our success rate that cannot be beaten. Imagine yourself being permanently slim and slender at the weight you want to be. Stop struggling unsuccessfully unsuccessfully to lose weight. Learn how to avoid eating under stress and tension. Overcome cravings and compulsions. Control your eating habits permanently. If you do not lose weight after attending our clinic you can get your money back PLUS you are guaranteed our famous follow-up SERVICE ABSOLUTELY FREE. This is a lime limited offer. Total fee is only $125.00. Weight Loss Clinic starts at 5:30 p.m., ends at 8:00 p.m. The first part of each session will be a free full explanation of the program without any obligation. We accept cash, certified cheque, M.O., Visa, Mastercard. Please bring along a pillow and sleeping bag or blanket. These programs can be conducted in your workplace. These clinics are conducted by John D. Hayes B.A., B.S.W., with 34 years in the field of habit control and behavioral change, a consultant to the Federally appointed LeDain Commission on Drug Addiction. Recognized throughout the world as one of the leading practitioners in Hypnotherapy TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH Flying Dutchman Hotel Hwy. 401 and Liberty Street Bring in this advertisement for a $10.00 Discount Hayes Centre for Hypnotherapy, 2200 Yonge St., Suite 1700, Toronto 486-5071 >j •!')!) nOiÿl'J'ib ItVlJ 3 SITING TASK FORCE Low-level Radioactive Waste Management Secretariat. 580 rue Booth St.. Ottawa, Ontario K1A0E4 (613) 995-5202 Fax (613) 996-6424 GROUPE DE TRAVAIL Choix d'un site de gestion des déchets faiblement radioactifs NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Siting Task Force on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management will hold a public information meeting in Peterborough at the Red Oak Inn, 100 Charlotte Street (705-743-7272) on April 13,1989 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The meeting will be open to the public. What is the Siting Task Force? • The Siting Task Force was appointed by the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources in September 1988 to initiate an innovative and co-operative process for siting a low-level radioactive waste management facility in Ontario. • The main principle of this process is the voluntary participation of communities interested in siting a facility. Communities enter the process of their own volition, and may withdraw, if they wish, at any time, for any reason, without penalty or future obligation. What is the purpose of the meeting? • The Siting Task Force will provide background information and discuss the nature of the voluntary process. The general public and municipal representatives from communities in the Peterborough region are being invited to discuss the Siting Process and to obtain further information on what is involved in low-level radioactive waste management. • No specific proposals will be entertained at this meeting. Will there be other meetings? • The Siting Task Force is hosting information meetings for the general public throughout Ontario in the following locations: Thunder Bay Barrie Kingston London Ottawa Timmins Peterborough Sudbury • Councils may express continuing interest in the process by contacting the Siting Task Force after these meetings. In addition, the Task Force would welcome invitations from municipalities that would like to hold an information session in their community before making a decision to continue in the process. For further information on the voluntary Siting Process, or on the public information meetings, please contact the Siting Task Force Secretariat in Ottawa at 1-613-995-5292. ai '•-vi iy $ M r via vyJ -, M ■m v; > - ;1 l+l Energy, Mines and Resources Canada Énergie, Minos et Ressources Canada Canada Secretariat, 580 rue Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0I';4 (613) 995-5202 Fax (613) 996-6424

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