Section Two KNOB HILL SPECIALS AVAILABLE ALL WEEK MON.-SAT.Ü! The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. April 12. 1089 7 Celebrates First Birthday PRODUCT OF ONTARIO F. W. FEARMAN BRAND Alfi OOKED 2 CUSTOM SLICED AT DELI COUNTER • COW • SHEEP MANURE 18 kg BAG • top son. b°ag tre RAM BRAND FERTILIZER 7-7-7 OR 10-6-4 ■WHBF 2.99 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA FANCY SELECT YOUR OWN MEDIUM SIZE 113's EA. 3 DOZ. LIMIT Hi, all you lucky people. I am Joshua Jefferies and I was one year old March 23, 1989. Proud Dad and Mom are David and Denise of Newtonville. Very proud grandparents are Ted and Eileen Kemp of Bow- manville and Shirley Jefferies of London. Hospital Chairman Happy with Project KELLOGG'S SHIRRIFF JELLY DESSERT Hmix or match 10 LIMIT RISE'N SHINE ORANGE CRYSTALS 3 POUCH 276 g PKG. PKG. ^■SUCCESS 10 FL OZ. 284 mL TIN ■ MANDARIN PRANCE SEGMENTS ■N FROMTHETROPICS BANANAS by Chris Clark Anna Strike went on a tour of the expansion at Memorial Memorial Hospital recently, and she was impressed. Speaking to Bowmanville Rotarians, the chairman of the hospital board said that the new part of the building is scheduled to open in November November of this year. And the entire renovation and expansion project should be completed by the summer of 1990, provided that the work proceeds according according to schedule. In all, the project will cost nearly $16 million, with the province kicking in slightly over half, or $8.2 million. The Memorial Hospital Hospital Foundation has been working diligently and has raised $5 million. The outstanding outstanding amount of approximately approximately $2 million is still an unknown variable in the overall equation. Mrs. Strike said that the hospital is hoping that the province will come through and fill the funding void. The projected budget for the hospital once the ambitious project is completed is $14 million. That compares to the 1989-90 budget of $9.8 million. "The hospital staff deserves deserves a tremendous amount of credit, especially for running running the hospital amongst the current construction," she proclaimed. In fact, the entire 248 staff members from doctors to nurses to other support staff came in for praise during during Mrs. Strike's speech at the Port Darlington Marina last Thursday. "It's the people people who really make it work," she concluded. New features at the hospital hospital upon completion of the work include: 32 additional short-term care beds, 30 additional additional long-term care beds, a greatly expanded emergency emergency area, a new occupational occupational therapy department, a physiotherapy department, department, a home for the diabetic diabetic clinic currently housed in a trailer, new respiratory services, expanded social services, and a new chapel which the Rotary Club is funding. ( SUNLIGHT LIQUID LAUNDRY DETERGENT LARGE 3 L JUG 4.99 -1.00 SPRING SAVINGS BOOK YOUR HOUSE LOT AT 1988 PRICES for a limited time You can take advantage of last year's pricing on Dashwood's Full range of windows and entry systems for your new home. 170 - bring your plans to our showroom today for your no obligation estimate crafting premium quality products for fine homes since 1928, TOILET BOWL CLEANER • AUTOMATIC SANI-FLUS 341 mLBTL. easy-off OVEN CLEANER 400 g TIN DISINFECTANT BATHROOM CLEANER SANI- rOAM WIZARD RUG & ROOM DEODORIZER 575 g TIN PRODUCT OF MEXICO #1 GRADE SELECT YOUR OWN CANTALOUPES 99! PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA KIWI FRUIT MEDIUM SIZE 40-42's SELECT YOUR OWN m PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA CHOICE LEMONS LARGE SIZE 95's SELECT YOUR OWN 4/=l PRODUCT OF U.S.A. WASHINGTON FILL YOUR OWN BAG #1 GRADE jg2 ANJOU kg LARGE SIZE 69! PRODUCT OF U.S.A. WASHINGTON EXTRA FANCY GRADE * RED DELICIOUS APPLES FILL YOUR OWN BAG re 69! 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CELLO BAG WASHED & TRIMMED DISHWASHING DETERGENT toigoro® 1.4 kg BOX stay free wMwramsrn n MAXI-PADS OR THIN MAXI-PADS ^ M ^ it (30's) BOX COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING SAT., APRIL 15/89 LIMIT ONE BOX ONE jv COUPON PER FAMILY IN-STORE RETAIL 4.99 Vh RALShæ PURINA with THIS coupon] DOG CHOW -- • LOW CALORIE • HIGH ENERGY "We've been keeping Bowmanville and area residents warm for over 60 years!" • Top quality Imperial Oil products for Domestic, Industrial and Rural use. • Automatic delivery maintained by a fleet of modern tanker trucks. • Dependable 24-hour service. ASK US ABOUT OUR TOTAL HOME COMFORT PROGRAMME Telephone 623-5516 LARGE 8 kg BAG COUPON VALID UNTIL SATURDAY, APRIL 15/89 LIMIT ONE BAG ONE COUPON PER FAMILY IN-STORE RETAIL 12.95 I tsso prison FUELS ^12 Sturrock Road Bowmanville