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Not to be used In conjunction with other coupons, Retail Sales Tax applicable on price without coupon. I Mr. Dealer: To redeem coupon, I see Scott Paper sales rep. . | If I The Canadian Statesman. Bowmnnville, April 2G. 1989 9 Tyrone UCW News Ladies of Tyrone UCW met in the CE Wing on April 12th at 7:30 p.m. with President President Jacqueline Vaneyk in the chair. She opened with "Line Written of Early Spring". Secretarys report was read and dedicated. Roll Call was answered by suggestions for the Lenten Lenten offering. Treasurer's report was given by Carol. A Thank you card was received received from the Taylor family family and from the Sick Children's Children's Hospital for the donation received. It was moved and seconded seconded to supply Elsie Roy with stamps for her good work of sending out cards. Jean Slemon reported on Literature-distributing the Upper Room. Bessie Vaneyk commented commented on Leadership Development. Development. Observer subscriptions subscriptions - can be renewed at any time. The Annual Pres- byterial UCW (Oshawa) meeting was held at Brook- lin March 9th, with Helen Smith as speaker. She has just returned from Africa and presented a Zambian World Day of Prayer banner from women of Southern Africa Africa to Women's Inter- Church Council Canada President Betty Turcott. Bessie and Jean S. both commented on the meeting and the Topic was "Stewardship "Stewardship of the Earth". Congregational meeting will be Wednesday, April 19th. at 7:30 p.m. Betty Pascoe moved the UCW pay the telephone bill . It was seconded and carried. carried. The irge Phyllis Haines, with Pat reading a poem entitled "God supplies such lovely things." Pnyllis read the Scripture - Ecclesiastes, chapter 3. Verses 1-9 and we sang hymn 574 "The glory of the spring, how sweet!" Pat read, "Trees of Life" and Phyllis read - "Welcome back Spring". Then A Moving Moving Prayer by Pat closed the devotional part of the program. program. An interesting talk cf Health Care was giver, by Pat - she touched on the many types of care that can be given for those who wish to stay at home. Home Care, y ON, Occupational Occupational Therapy, Long Term care relief Another help is Meals on Wheels. Pat stated that Oshawa j Hospital now has a Kidney j Dialysis Machine which will ; make a great improvement for those in need, rather than the trip to Toronto for a six hour treatment. She introduced us to a Life Line type of care 1 on which one can get information information from Bowmanville Hospital. Hospital. These are a 1 type of answering answering service bjeepers - and can be worn ns a necklace, necklace, a bracelet or nlm'an can wear his on his belt. 1 ] If an accident happens or a stroke, heart attack or the like - the person presses the button which has been set up to go 1 straight to the hospital hospital where they have at least three phone numbers that can be called to check on the problem, before sending sending an ambulance. A telephone jack is required required to plug the box into and can reach a range of 200 ft. with a cost of between fifteen fifteen to twenty dollars a month (roughly). There are at least twenty-throe in the Town of Newcastle. An interesting topic with many good possibilities for anyone living alone or not who could possibly need help that would otherwise take too much precious time. Phyllis then shared her experience of Com-Care 1 with us. This is provided by Community Care where a short course is taken. She says she really enjoys the work and knows it is much appreciated. The ladies enjoyed enjoyed a lunch of cheese, biscuits, biscuits, and a deiters delight- dish with our tea. Elizabeth ville Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam , Minnis, Whitby on Saturday. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. McIntosh McIntosh and Mrs. McIntosh Sr. were with Mrs. Mae Mul- drew on Sunday for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler had Raymond and family, Nancy and family for a birthday dinner on Sunday as Nancy and Raymond celebrated celebrated birthdays. Mrs. Beryl DeKoker spent Sunday afternoon with Thicksons. Beryl and another teacher from O'Neil school are taking nine students students to Calgary to compete in the annual decathlon on the coming week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Russell Russell called at E. Fowler's on their way home from Oshawa on Sunday. Mrs. Anne Mercer reported reported her class at the library was quite successful _ this week and will continue it. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler called at Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler's, Stirling on Saturday. Saturday. was in