) r } ' rJ ' iS Newcastle 3nûepenbent wl E /' i -J ' | ' ; *- i rrl y'>: sn t ■Æ :• *> B»rs: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, April 26. 1389 7 Clarke High School Hosts Spring Fashion Shoiv ï "tSB > Cr. ; _ IM -- >Xi l XL" - 4- m i m ■f.a\ m : |k"'f S 6 <L*v- V* ■ / , *!L* jw it Lastlnesday evening the Opnd District Fiddlers Fiddlers jed great music for thity who attended. It wa^d that Ron and Brenditcalf were celebrating celebrating 15 th wedding annivf- Wednesday, May '.the Fiddlers will returitheir next perfor- manc the Newcastle Com, y Hall. Lrfednesday Evelyn and t Embley of Fene- lon 1 accompanied by his ilr, Mrs. Beta Embley Embley ed Reta's sister-in- law,] Elsie Manes, Lea- si de J H everyone remem- berejpay the April install install of taxes last Fri- dav.t comes April 30th inccixes. It week's account of theicti7 Annual Meeting Meeting ; ooklin, the fact that Ne Je's year book entry plaihird. was omitted. Thtfcastle Horticultural Soc is celebrating its 75tniversary this year on 9th at the 7:30 p.m. Sprihow. See you all at thevcastle Community Haenjoy the flowers (if wareather ever comes), ano entertainment, on thiijcial diamond anni- veri . „ Monday evemng Mr. ano. Stanley Powell entend entend his cousins to dinner: dinner: and Mrs. Ronald PovMr. and Mrs. Rus- selMl, Floyd and Dor- , reiwell, Jack and Hazel Crajoyed the evening of renting. hid Mrs. Murray Pa- tenMrs. Evelyn North- rup! Bob visited Satur- dayning with Mr. and Mravid Milton, Whitby, ; celeing Ian Milton's ' tentrthday. TMay meeting of the : evtle Village and Dis- Hctstorical Society will fe hat 7:30 p.m on Mon- 1 iy,ay 15, 1989 in the snhial Room- of the ,i leititle Community Hall. i |l| Thursday the New- œtïenior Citizens met at $ Iwcastle Community ill Winners of the card gi, iwere 1st Hazel Mur- tr 2nd Lil Bolderstone, 3,kk Holmes, 4th Vance Car, 5th Wilma Scott); eMorldy Flintoff. Congelations! Congelations! ; ( | r . and Mrs. Georg i Bley returned homt ïday from a motor tnb ttilgary to visit son Tots, hWife Cathy and their sc Jamie and Chnstt- P 1 , On Saturday, April 22, 1989, Deborah Martin, daughter of La Verne and Helen Martin, and Joe Amaral, Amaral, son of Joe and Maria Amaral, were united in marriage marriage by Reverend Donald Stiles in Newcastle United Church. Best man was Dan Martin and matron of honour, honour, Judy Martin. We extend extend congratulations to Debbie Debbie and Joe. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin,Woodville, Martin,Woodville, were in the village on the week-end and attended grand-daughter Debbie's wedding. Glad to report Mr. Glenn Allin is back in the choir at Newcastle United Church, after a stay in hospital. Mr. Murray Martin is a patient in St. Michael's Hospital, Hospital, Toronto. Birthday greetings to Kathy Kathy Woo, Jack Crago, Carol Gray, Joe Smith, Vincent Norton and Evert Vierhout. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell visited the Hunts in Pontypool last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton, Newton, Hamilton, spent the week-end with her brother and sister-in-law, Wilma and John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville, visited on Sunday Sunday evening with his mother, mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. On Sunday Mrs. Jackie DeJong was hostess for a baby shower in honour of wa, was home for the weekend. weekend. Callers at Harry and Mable Wade's home have been Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wade and children, Oshawa, Michael Wade, Bowmanville and Bill and Marg Wade, Port Ho; ng Wilda Johnson and Pe On ,ay evemng Mrs. ' auline Storks attended a cocktail party at Hillcrest, Port Hope, the home of Ruth Beaucage. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Roy Watts on the death of his mother. The funeral was held in Agincourt on Tuesday. St. George's News April 23 was St. George's Day. The day that commemorates commemorates the martrydom in the year 314 in Palestine of St. George the Patron Saint of England and churches that bear his name. Very little is known of St. George apart from the many myths that surround his fife, the most famous being the slaying of the dragon. Last Sunday, April 23 was The Fourth Sunday After After Easter, Holy Communion Communion was celebrated at 8:00 a.m. and the service of Morning Prayer at 11:00 a.m. Lay Reader Oakley Peters Peters conducted the service and The Reverend Don Stiles of Nev/castle United Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Ladies League Marilyn Major 204, 186, 185, Bernice Henderson 187, Glenda Castellano 185, Mary Pierik 238, 236, 239, Louise McKnight 194, 180, Marie Trim 177,. Marilyn Kent 180, 203, 204, Sheila Bek 176. Betty Major 190, Joyce Major 188, Dorothy Drysdale 184, Loma Crockett Crockett 184,178. Tuesday Seniors Albert Pearce 194, 212, Ruth Bonathon 157, 249, Stan Powell 189, Marg Bur- •i fi > Li ŸC mm *** VP me ŸA / m « i ..æ. M Æ m \r. v V 1 bv snower in uwlDO V1 BobbiLynn Wallis, daughter church preached the ser- of Laurie and Rob Wallis, mon; ^ Man Who Lived Millbrook. About twenty p or Tomorrow", using Abra- guests attended.! \ ham as an example of some- Last Saturday Sid and orie who truly lived for the Betty Burley, Scarborough f u t ure rather than in de- visited with Mrs: May - pur- vvelling in the past. Assist- ley and Arthur Clark. ing with the service was Sunday_visitors;with Mrs, Mark Kerce> Crucifer. The May Burley and Arthur Clark were cousins Robert' and Florence Clark, of Sydenham Sydenham and Mrs. Horace Clarke, Newburgh.' • j Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were Grayden and Adrien Hunt, Pontypool. \ , ■ Newcastle Lioniss direfc- piie o„ da Schoenerklee on Tuesday evening. ■ . We welcome hcme . Gor- ,Sidesmen were William and Cathy Woo. We thank the Reverend Don Stiles for coming and sharing in worship worship with us and hope he will accept our invitation to come again soon. The beautiful spring flowers flowers on the Altar, were in loving loving ( memory of, Brigadier General IAN GOOD, a much loved stepfather and grand father, Nicki, [iven Iona, by • Pippa, Anna and from who have enjoyed tie winter in Florida. j On Saturday evening Bill and Pauline Sfcrks and Raye Friedland? enjoyed dinner with a foup the Oshawa GoliClub. Mrs. Wild Johnson spent the weekend in Agincourt Agincourt with heifriother, Mrs. A. Cole. fl ■ Mr. Gary'/ohnson, Otta- the regdnal mumcipality OF DURH^Ml W PUBLIC NOTICE pURHAM {! / : i ake notice that the Regitkl Municipality of D rham is con- idering ^nappucat.onto o a|ndthedurh; I REGIONAL The amendment, as sub tied by the applicat, proposes to cSnnectThe Pentecostal hurch, located witln the site indicated indicated on the map beloWo municipal water TOWNSHIP 3 ° F 11 NEWCASTE§ maple GROVE JACKMAN a - o " z| A VMANVILLE STEVENSl -, \LAL- .<? - % J In order to assist i Je evaluation the amendment application, application, the public is in id to providoput by way of submissions to the Region's Pining Depanent. Information reldefo the amenant application is available n the ofte d fi Planriingepartment, 105 Consumers Drive Whitby Oijrio L1N 6A>r by calling Ms. Kay Dryden, Panning Depr/ent (416)168-7731 (Whllby)/686-1651 (Toronto). Submissions morning thciiendment application must be lorwarded toie Commlssier of Planning, at the above- noted addrei >nd must (received no later than Friday, May 26,190 )i, ' ,j Please Incll your addri and telephone number In any submissionfido. FILE NO. l33/D Marie Hutfd Chairman! Planning mmitlee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning Exchange is one way of promoting .Christian .Christian Unity between different denominations within the Christian Faith and support the ideals of the Ecumenical Movement. It should be remembered remembered that a Newcastle native, Bishop Charles Brent was very instrumental instrumental . in the creation of the modern Ecumenical Movement. Movement. The popular Roast Beef Dinner will be held on April 30th this year in the parish hall, with sittings at 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. For tickets and info, call 987-4242. The Women's Fellowship and Bible Study will begin a new study series on the Twelve Apostles of Christ. They meet every other Thursday at 10:00 a.m. On Thursday April 27, they will meet at Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding's residence. All ladies ladies are welcome. , It was nice to see the many members of the congregation congregation back from wintering wintering in the sunny south. Spring must be truly here! Members of the congregation congregation belonging to the Cursil- lo Movement attended the closing service of the 90th Men's Cursillo Weekend, last Sunday night in Peterborough. Peterborough. A member of the parish took part in the weekend course on Christianity. Christianity. This Sunday April 30, is the Fifth Sunday after Easter Easter or Rogation Sunday, Holy Communion will be celebrated celebrated at 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. The Roast Beet Dinner will be held at 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. United Church News On Sunday, April 23rd, Mrs. Shirley Coyle led in the service of worship when the Reverend Douglas Hall, rector rector of St. George's Anglican Church was guest preacher. The rector's sermon, Religion Religion That Counts, was based on the verses James 1, 26 and 27. False religion is hypocritical, hypocritical, self-deceiving and futile while true religion is ruled by a controlled tongue, a compassionate heart and a consecrated life. Wednesday morning. . Bible Study continues at 10 a.m. in trie Board Room. Camping Sunday will be observed observed on Sunday, April 30th. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism will be celebrated May 14th, Mother's Day. New members will be received received on Sunday, June Uth. ley 172, 190, Vance Cooper 199, 155, Jean Holmes 162, Olive Little 156, Jack Holmes 166, 153, Kay Powell Powell 166,152, Ron Burley 184, Alice Hopson 151. Thursday Night Mixed League Joe Forget 192, 239, 288, John McGuey 195, B. Brown 191, 207, C. Shisler 219, Wes Forget 236, 201, Ken Boyd 187, 298, K. Jury 254, Fm'FOTf?^T6 d 2 0 T77 2 B 6 'T^wI These are just a few of the 28 models who partici- g00 d response to the program, especially on Friday is 193 if. Richards 224" Car- pated in the "Splash Into Spring" fashion show held n jght when the show played to a full house. Funds ol Lycett 192, J. Kindratiuk on Friday'-evening and Saturday afternoon at Clarke ra Tsed from the event will be used to purchased a la- 226, 204, T. Kindratiuk 205, High School.>The show was co-ordinated by Sylvia ser printer. 220, M. Hentigl82. Parker, of "Not Just Fashions" in Orono. There was a w Ti4. v< i m "HUnt V Ji CLIP AND SAVE MID-WEEK SONY AUDIO TAPE HIGH FIDELITY RECORDING UX90 REG: $2.99 EACH CASSETTE CARRYING CASE Made from sturdy plastic. Holds 36 cassettes. REG: $5.99 EACH & Sewe CANVAS KNAPSACK Ideal for biking and school. Available in green only. REG: $12.99 EACH 2A5.00 $3.88, $9.99, VALID: WED. 26 - SAT. 29 & Save SLEEPING BAGS by camp master Approx: Finished Size 34" x 70" Outer Shell 100% Nylon, Inner Lining 100% Cotton REG: $24.00 EACH VALID: WED. 26 - SAT. 29 (Ztifc & Save VALID: WED. 26 - SAT. 29 *19.88 CADBURY'S SNACK BAR 4 pk. Choose from; Dairy Milk or Snack Bar REG: $1.79 PK. $1 3Q SALE I «V%/PKG. tBjfj|y & Save COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 150 ml Choose from; Regular or Tartar Flavour REG: $1.99 EACH *1.33, EACH VALID: WED. 26-SAT. 29 ^{jjy & Save WILKINSON SWORD DISPOSABLE BLADES 6 Twin Blade Disposable Razors In package. REG: $.99 PKG VALID: WED. 26 ■ & Save "fay IVORY SOAP 1.08 kg 12 Personal Size Bars in Package. REG: $3.79 PKG. VALID: WED. 26 - SAT. 29 & Save VIM CLEANSER 500 ml bottle Choose from; Regular or Lemon Fresh Scent REG: $1.99 EACH $.66 $3.29, $1.77, PKG VALID: WED. 26-SAT. 29 & Save SELSUN BLUE 200 ml Dandruff Shampoo for Normal Hair REG: $4.99 EACH VALID: WED. 26-SAT. 29 & Save VALID: WED. 26 - SAT. 29 *3.88, VALID: WED. 26-SAT. 29 ! i SANITARY NAPKINS ! Choose from; Playtex, Tampax, Stay Free, Always J and Fancy Free , REG: up to $5.79 EACH. ! Your Choice 10% Off Reg. VALID: WED. 26 - SAT. 29 (Zltfi & Save CLOTHES PINS 50 Clothes Pins Per Package REG: $1.11 EACH *.88, VALID: WED. 26-SAT. 29 ôlifr & Saw MICROWAVE POP-TOP STORABLES Lifetime Full Warranty, Microwave, Freezer and Dishwasher Safe REG: $1.88 EACH & Save MISS CANADA MOTIF PANTY HOSE , Many Colours to Choose From REG: $1.99 EACH 2/*3.00 2/*3.00 VALID: WED, 26-SAT. 29 I VALID: WED. 26-SAT. 29 BOWMANVILLE STORE ONLY Bowmanville Mall VALID WED. APRIL 26th TO SAT. APRIL 29th WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. OPEN MON.-FRI. 9 to 9 P.M. SAT 9 to 6 P.M. WE NOW ACCEPT ESI