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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1989, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. May 10. 1089 7 Newcastle 3nbcpenbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 U.C. W. Learns About "Denise House" The Newcastle Village and District Historical Society Society is looking forward to the Monday evening May 15 meeting which will be held in the lovely new Lions Room, Lower Level, Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall. At this 7:30 meeting a showing of the video tape which Ron Locke recorded at the February February 5th Collectors' Fair will be the program. Come and enjoy the Fair again! On Sunday afternoon, May 7, 1989, many Newcastle Newcastle and area friends attended attended the 50th wedding anniversary anniversary reception in honour of Jack and Margaret Elliott, Elliott, at Newtonville United .Church. Assisting in receiving receiving guests was their daughter daughter Dorothy and her husband, husband, David Imlach and attending the guest book 'were grandsons, Paul and ;Drew Imlach. - The Manager and staff of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce had a Farewell Dinner on Tuesday night, (May 2, 1989, in honour of Christine Van de velde, who 'is transferring from the Newcastle branch. A beautiful beautiful gold watch was presented presented as a farewell gift. Enjoying the roast beef dinner at Port Perry United Church on Sunday were Ron and Marg Burley, Albert and Myrtle Pearce, Stanley and Kay Powell, Jack and Jean Holmes, Kay Kimball, and Lyra and Morley Flint- off. On Saturday, May 13, at the Newcastle Multicare Centre, Mill St. South, a public bingo will be enjoyed from 2 to 4 p.m. The day before on Friday, May 12, their Mother's Day Tea and Baby Show will be held. Your support is appreciated. appreciated. Saturday visitors with Arthur Bedwin and Fred, -Lake Shore, were Marlene, Ralph and Colleen Murray, Frankford, Jack and Hazel Crago, Newcastle, Maurice Butt and Dora Taylor, of Courtice. Mrs. Tara McCabe and girls Tiffany and Jasmine, of Shelburne, visited her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer, on Sunday. On the week-end Betty Lou and Ron Locke, Jean and Brenton Rickard attended attended a Lions Cabinet meeting in Napanee. Birthday greetings to Nathan Nathan Wright, Marjorie Gray, Isobel Garnier, Lisa Mane Wright. Observing wedding anniversaries anniversaries are Ruth and Wallace Wallace Couch, Nancy and Farncomb LeGresley, Sheila and Don Stiles. Congratulations Congratulations and best wishes! As a Ganaraska volunteer volunteer worker, Mrs. Pauline, Storks assisted in the Pitch-. In day's work on Saturday, helping to clean up garbage at Thurne Park. If e gu ley Thursday luncheon lay ests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ey Powell were daughter Dale Hunt and boys, Ponty- pool. Mrs. Janet Paeden was hostess for the Newcastle Horticultural Society's executive executive meeting last Tuesday. Mr. Art Tuson remains a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Wednesday visitors with Mrs. Kathleen Kimball were Bob and Lois Morton, of Orono. Last Thursday, there was a good attendance at the UCW Trillium meeting at the home of Mrs. Bessie Stephenson. Stephenson. Miss Louise Hancock is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Hospital, Bowmanville. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walker, Belleville, visited visited Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley and all attended Jack and Margaret Elliott's 50th wedding anniversary reception in Newtonville. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell visited visited the Markles in Scarborough Scarborough and attended the final concert of the season, presented presented by the Jubilate Singers, Singers, of whom Beth Markle is- a member. everyone did his own pitching in. the garbage can, wouldn'tt it be a tidy place? Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storks recently attended the funeral funeral of his cousin, Reta Scott, at Warkworth. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Couch and Mrs. Mary Gar- rod visited on Sunday with On Friday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Tom Couch evening at Eastdale Colle- and family, Millbrook. giate, Oshawa, the Horse- Dorn Mrs. Wilda Johnson less Carriagemen gave their requ spent the week-end with her performances of Snow White 987- A. Cole, Agin- and the Seven Dwarfs. Newcastle Newcastle participants in this barbershop singing are Ross Allin, Stan Allin, Gerry Brown and son Bruce and Fred Yates. All who attend- mother, Mrs court. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Raye Friedlander were son Dean and his wife Olga of Toronto. On Friday Mr. Fred Couch, Bowmanville, visited with his brother, Harold Couch. Mrs. Bette Bourgeois, Bourgeois, Belleville, visited on Saturday with her father, Mr. Harold Couch. Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson Paterson were Jim,, and Beulah Paterson, Fenelon Fàlls. • '7VcxUUm$& • (ZomuhwUaI • SfHChti SottU VIDEO ■R.S. / Vcde& For Professional Results Call K.S.V.P. 987-1019 ed gave great reports! On Sunday Mrs. Gladys Wood accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, of Oshawa, to Mr. and Mrs. George Felgate's home, Uni- onville. After supper all attended attended the anniversary at Brown's Corners United Church where North York Barbershoppers entertained. On Thursday Mrs. Stewart Stewart Wood, Orono, and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Gladys Wood visited friends in Strath Manor, Bowmanville. On Sunday, May 7, 1989, Mrs. Marjorie Hagerman visited her son and daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, Judy and Robert Hagerman and their daughter daughter Pamela Hagerman and fiance Charles Kolar, Oshawa. All attended Sim- coe St. United Church where the first publishing of the banns of marriage were read for Pamela and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Robin All- dred were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Leslie Alldred Oshawa. Mrs. Pearl Woodhams, of Scarborough, Scarborough, was also visiting Les and Neta. St. George's News Last Sunday, May 7, was the Sunday after Ascension Day. Holy Communion was celebrated at 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. The flowers on the Altar were in loving memory of ALF GARROD, ■ given by his wife Mary and family. At the 11:00 a.m. service, The Rector in his sermon stressed we all have our special talents given from God and it is up to us- to find out what these talents talents are. These special talents talents help us to become strong individuals in the service of God. The choir, under the direction of Ed Greenwood sang the anthem: anthem: "A Choral Hymn For Ascensiontide" by Ley. Assisting Assisting with the service were Oakley Peters, Lay Reader and T.J. Yates, Server. The Sidesmen were William and Cathy Woo. PERENNIAL PLANT SALE - Saturday, May 20 10:00 a.m. - Noon at the Schmiegelow's (261 Mill S) across Mill St. from church. Donations of plants urgently required. Call 987-4856 or 4347 for info, and pick up. The Women's Fellowship and Bible Study will begin a new study series on the Twelve Apostles of Christ. They meet every other Thursday at 10:00 a.m. On May -11 they will meet at the home of Elizabeth Skelding. Topic: St. Peter. , Outreach Co-ordinator Mrs. Lynda Gibson has recently recently returned from a two week medical volunteer pro- Jamaica. This was sponsored y the Medical Missionary Society of Canada. God's Groceries - Non- perishable high protein food stuffs, needed for local Food Banks, to help those in need. Please place donations in basket at the back of the church. This Sunday, May 14, is the "WHITSUNDAY or PENTECOST", The Birthday Birthday of the Christian Church. Holy Communion will be celebrated celebrated at 8:00 and the service service of Morning Prayer at 11:00 a.m. PARISH PICNIC - Sunday, Sunday, June 11/89 10:30 a.m. Orono Park. United Church News On Sunday, May 7, 1989, at Newcastle United Church, three members of the Gideons shared in the service, led by Reverend Donald Stiles. Mr. Marvin Colvin read the scriptures, Psalm 119 verses 9 to 16 and 105, and John 1 verses 1 to 10. The Senior Choir rendered the beautiful anthem, anthem, How Great Thou Art. Mr. Wyman Whalen, of Oshawa, played the guitar and led in songs of faith. The speaker, Mr. Ben Ter- lecki, of Oshawa, described the work of the Gideons, distributing distributing Bibles to Grade 5 students and providing scriptures in countries around the world. The Official Board meeting meeting has been rescheduled for 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 6th, in the Board Room. Casserole luncheon tickets tickets are all sold out. Sacrament Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated celebrated on Sunday, May 14, Mother's Day. Father's Day Beef Barbecue Barbecue is being planned. The May meeting of El- dad U.C.W. was held at the church on Mon. May 1. Guests from Kedron, Hampton and Zion were welcomed welcomed by the president, Jean Taylor. She opened the meeting with a poem "God's Garden* followed by prayer. The guest speaker for the evening was Lisa La Famme of Denise House, (formerly Auberge). She was introduced introduced by Mary Millson and thanked by Donna Johnston. Lisa used a slide presentation presentation about Denise House to tell of the work there. She recommended a book "Keeping "Keeping the Faith-Questions and Answers for Abused Women" Women" for use in counselling victims of abuse. One in 10 women is abused. Abuse can be physical, emotional or psychological. It happens to women in any walk of life and is found everywhere. Denise House is easily accessible accessible to those in need. To protect those in residence, a high level of security is maintained. 56% of those helped are from Oshawa. The rest are from the outlying region. There are other shelters at Cobourg, Peterborough and Scarborough. The women share in the work of the home. Most of the children are under 10 years of age. The average stay is 21 days. Some may stay 4 to 6 weeks. They are working towards a larger facility facility but will still want to retain the small family atmosphere. atmosphere. Staff consists of five who work directly, with the women, women, plus case workers and volunteers. Child care givers give the Moms a break. They hope to break the cycle of abuse. They do not tell the women what to do, or change their ways, only advise and help them with legal matters. Some may return return for help anywhere from 1 to 9 times. All of us have stress in our lives. Men who batter have an abnormal way of dealing with stress. They need help - help to assume responsibility for their own actions. Lisa answered questions from the audience and suggested suggested ways groups could help in their work. Ihi swered with "Mother's favorite favorite hymn or.grace." Pat Best led us in worship worship by reading Psalm 111 and A Women's Prayer ( A Letter to God). Hymns used were Now Thank We All Our God, and Beautiful Garden Garden of Prayer. Eileen Knox reported on the recent visit to Stratha- ven. 21 knee throws were donated. Ida Bray reported a $149.75 profit from the "coffee break" served to the Seniors Bus Tour. Elaine Baker reported on the stewards stewards progress re: renovation renovation plans. Loraine Knox and Marion Broome will care for the church flower beds. We will enter a float in the Heritage Parade May 27. yi New Adventure in Home Satellite Entertainment. TY&mmjum SALES & SERVICE R.R. 1, Bowmanville Telephone 263-8272 LIÎ-HIU y fc-'S ED E3 oirrjnjD c lt:- -: -tzd cron: au o CLARKE MUSEUM and ARCHIVES Hwy. 35/115 at Regional Rd. 9, Kirby Port Granby/Neweastle Environment Committee Presents "TANGLEFOOT" in concert at CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL Thursday, June 1st, at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $7.00 per person and are available at: Clarke Museum (Kirby) Fitness Centre (Bowmanville) Reflections Gift Shop (Orono) For information call: Mark Jackman 983-9243 gramme in You didn't buy an imitation GM vehicle. Don't buy imitation sheet metal parts for it. Only genuine GM sheet metal pans arc manufactured and primed to GM's precise specifications. They don't need special lining or involve extra labour costs. \\V only use genuine GM body parts - The expert Choice. PARTS The expert choice, COWAN PONTIAC -- Blf/CK LTD. BOWMANVILLE -- ONT. If m Mr 166 King St. E. Telephone 623-3396 In the Editor's Mail Howdy Young Fella, While moochin aroun the downtown area last week, I haerd talk about this here Hereetage Week. A week of fun and festival they said. Ofcourse my ears pricked up at that. Things have been preety quiet around these parts, these last fifty years, and I'm all game for a bit of fun. So I gets one of those dudes on this here Hereetage Hereetage Committee to spell out what exactly they ve got lined up; and the more I listen, listen, the more excited Imgit- tin and I can hardly keep still, and then I blurt out "Can I do somethin? Im good at some ole-time fiddlin, I'd be glad to head the parade or give them yoiing uns an ole-time yarn or two." After what I think was a look of amazement, she shook her head and replied; "Sure you con, It's a fun time for everyone. everyone. Everybody can participate. participate. Unfortunately our Business friends are not too enthusiastic, It is a wonderful wonderful opportunity to do some advertising, and get the community spirit going but Ofcourse I could not be- leive what I was hearing. In my day when I managed the ole General store, this would have been a heaven-sent opportunity opportunity to get on the bandwagon bandwagon and try to get rid of as much stuff as possible, because people in a party mood, are in a generous mood, and look at all the goodwill going around. An event like this should be grabbed with both hands and and shaken the worth out of. Ofcourse business folk now just smile and 'yes sir' and get very complacent. I guess thats why they call 'em Yuppies, cause they yup you every time you turn around, They've probably got enough business to keep them going, and they don t need to hustle like we did in my day; or to care too much about goodwill and stuff. But that's not me. It's too bad I've long since been put out to pasture or I would have wound circles around these guppies, But count on it laddie, I'll bo out there fiddlin' - come Hereetage Week. The Old Codger. Padlocks--Hammers -- Clothes Pins Lock Sets -- Battery Post Cleaners -- Hacksaws -- Coping Saws -- Socket Sets--Auto Mirrors Rubber Tie Downs--Veneer Strips -- Hay Forks--Extension Cords Many other SPECIALS --All Sales Final - No Refunds, Credits or Returns-- Door Seconds Assorted Sizes and Styles g95 to ljT95 from Ceiling Fans upt0 40 % off Clothes line kits Reg. 85.99 For 15.99 4 Cu. Ft. Peat Moss 5.49 8 Cu. Ft. Peat Moss 3.49 Vanity and Bath Faucets 29.95 each 4 Cu. Ft. Wheelbarrow Steel Handles 38*00 each Windows up to 60 0/o OFF Aluminum Storm Windows 10.00 and lS.OOeach Moulding Vinyl and Plastic 39* ■ each 7' and 8'pcs. Economy 2x4 92 1/2 99* each Garbage Bags Pack of 40 3" each Cedar Closet Lining 4 pkgs. of 16" x 48" Panels 9.99 SALE - SATURDAY MAY 13, 1989 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. ONE DAY ONLY 246 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE 623-3388 STORE HOURS MONDAY - WEDNESDAY THURSDAY and FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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