8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, July 12,198!) • e "■ : -v, V ....... • : 11®:'V ® V., X . ;X:\X "'-'K 'X mmi | iV* ' f, v ,.' V»-fc ;<xr. *ù *• ■. » }J>M"„ V..V: : IX uay. juicy cue ueui^ leuuiiiuu lu une naiiiax viiaaei Gherewaty, nine, ofOshawa, was among the 300 peo- XLJ7wo, 1 pie who bade farewell to two artillery pieces on Satur- w e ce they came 87 years ago. Fourteen tons of cannons are headed for Halifax following following a colourful ceremony on Saturday in Whitby. Two RML cannons, manufactured manufactured in England 123 years ago, and landmarks in Whitby Whitby for the past 87, are on the way to their new and permanent permanent home at the restored Halifax Citadel. . In 1902, the guns came to Whitby from Halifax and rested, until 1964, outside the Whitby Court House. In 1964 they were transported to the new Court House on Rossland Road, the building which today is Durham Region Region Headquarters. Over 300 people turned out on a beautiful Saturday afternoon to listen as Whitby Whitby Mayor Bob Attersley and Halifax Mayor Ron Wallace explained tne importance of the cannons to their respective respective communities. Mayor Wallace invited citizens of Durham Region to visit Halifax Halifax and see the cannons at the Halifax Citadel. The citadel citadel is now a national historic historic park. Whitby archivist Brian Winter read an historical account account of how the cannons came to rest in Whitby, The Scott and McCormick Pipe Band of Oshawa entertained entertained over 300 people who gathered on the lawn at Regional Council headquarters Saturday to watch the ceremonial return of two Halifax citadel cannons which have been in Whitby since 1902. Federal Member of Parliament for Ontario Riding Rene Soetens addressed the large crowd at the Durham Region courthouse and regional headquarters Saturday. Saturday. The ceremony officially handed over the two seven-ton cannons to the Halifax Citadel. They had been in Whitby since 1902. ' Halifax Town Crier Peter Cox bellowed a message of thanks and appreciation from the City of Halifax to the Region of Durham. Downtown Bowmanville ,h\ i ,i ■j- ' ; ,r: 1 I !* t* 1 M i i ' l Thursday, Friday, Saturday July 20-21-22 celebrating the SIDEWALK SALE EVENTS FRIDAY 8 p.m. -12 Midnight STREET DANCE "Level Cr-- 5 --" tossing ■ofl Twist Contest • Spot Dances (Temperance Street) SATURDAY 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. FASHION SHOW SATURDAY 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 50 s - 60 s CAR SHOW (Church Street Municipal Parking Lot) SATURDAY 7 a.m. -10 a.m. Alert Fire Co. PANCAKE DREAKFAST (King and Temperance streets) (Rank of Montreal) Name The Merchants" Photo Contest *Dunking Booth All 3 Days King and Temperance * Free Balloons *Watch tor Other Events