14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. September 6,1989 Happy First Birthday Hi! My name is Clark Thomas Morawetz, and I turned one on July 18th, 1989. My mom and dad are Marilyn and Tom, and I have a brother Mitchell and a sister Jennifer. Thanks to all my friends and family for making my birthday special. Hi! My name is Brandon Michael Allin and this is my big brother Kyle. I celebrated my first birthday on June 14th, 1989. My proud daddy and mommy are Brian and Irene of Newcastle, my grandparents are Bill and Sophia Dranski of Whitby and Paul and Kathleen of Newcastle. To my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and special friends, thank you for sharing sharing my special day. Business Directory ACCOUNTANCY WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE Peter A. Hobb, C.A. W/lmar J. Bakker, C.A. Chartered Accountants 118 King St. E„ Bowmanville 623-9461 W. B. (Brian) COGGINS Certified General Accountant (416) 885-8889 Residence: 9 Hewson Drive Port Hope, Ontario L1A 4C7 N.L. WOODHOUSE & Assoc. Certified General Accountant NewView8 and bedford Installations and Support 8 Holgate Ores., Bowmanville 623-9650 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 1913 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Phone 576-4619 MACK TAX INC. Income Tax and Accounting Services * Prepare Corporate and Personal Returns * Full Range ol Business Services * Owners have 25 years combined experience with Revenue Canada Taxation, Toronto 1 Ca$h Back Refunds Available ' Phone anytime (or an appointment to lit vour schedule. 39 King St. E., 17 Ralston Rd„ Bowmanville Port Hope TEL (416) 623-9898 TEL. (416) 805-733! FAX (416) 623-6565 FAX (416) 085-9871 HOME SERVICE Professional Pet Sitting Service Fully Bonded and Insured 987-1141 or 987-4676 BARINA HOME CHECK - Vacation Home Checking - Wedding Day Gill Silling Barb Shetlcr -- Ina Cox Nowtonvillo 786-2996 BONDED LAND SURVEYORS HORTON, WALLACE & DAVIES LIMITED 68 King St, E. Bowmanville 623-2205 LEGAL SERVICES MERVYN KELLY LAW OFFICE 41 Temperance St., Suite 202 Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-4444 BraggHealth Services H '6c Anna Bragg, R.N. Cert. Ref. Nurse Consultant Stress Management Alternative Health Care "Reflexology" R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K5 Phone 623-9198 By appointment ^Clinic For * Natural Health Renée Bos Cert. Ref. IR. Nutr. Reflexology Iridology Stress Management Clinical Nutrition 168 Church Street Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 by appointment "REFLEXOLOGY" Foot Reflection By Shirley Cole R.N.A., Cert. Ref. Member of Reflexology Association ol Canada 2 Frederick Ave., Bowmanville Phone 623-4690 for appointment CHIROPRACTIC LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 50 Richmond St. E., Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1G 7C7 Phone 433-1500 LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor ol Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 MASSAGE THERAPY MASSAGE TREATMENTS By Kim Tougas, H.B.Sc. Registered Massage Therapist Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist 168 Church St., Bowmanville Clinic for Natural Health 623-8170 for appointment COMPUTERS Peler Delghan B, Sc, 44 Charles Sl„ Oshawa Business: 432-3486 Residence: 623-2946 SERVICES INDEPENDENT BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICE Know what you purchase. With a report from a qualified inspector you could save yourself thousands. For more details call: 987-4436 JUST FOR FUN Lawn Decoration Any Occasion R.R. #3, Newcastle For more details call Marlon 786-2219 NEW ZEALAND GENUINE FROZEN HUNG LAMB v 20-24 LB.AVG. \ [WHOLE OR HALF MIXOR MATCH PRODUCT OF CANADA 5 LB. FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN l LIMIT I CHICKEN LEGS f j 4 A C wi* "BACKS ATTACHED" PRODUCT OF CANADA VAC PACfiilwlfl UTILITY GRADE ROCK CORNISH k g3"g* [hensBé* 16-20 02. AVERAGE. LB. FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE"A"BEEF SHOULDER & BLADE m ONTArtlti FILLYOUROWNBAG FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CHOICE CANADIAN llMOllLDER [FROM ONTARIO PACKERS^^H PORK* HOCKS* "FRESH" 4 17 kg NEVER FROZEN CANADA PACKERS FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN SLICED DE-VEINED 1$| BEEF LIVER 69 i QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB" BRAND FROZEN PUREPORK SAUSAGE 500 g TRAY PAC 1.69 QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB" BRAND 2-3 LB. AVG. VAC PAC SWEET PICKLED A àA COTTAGE ROLLS .1.99 Mtâ* FROZEN FOOD MIX OR MATCH FRENCH FRIES* ASSORTED CUTS CANADAFANCY 1 kg BAG JUICE V FROM CONCENTRATE . DEEP 'N DELICIOUS 1LB.90Z. 2.49 •ORANGE !hS5™ed | ADDI C CANADA FANCY _ HrrLC UNSWEETENED 'from concentrate • REVIVE BEVERAGE 121/2 FL OZ. TIN MINUTE MAI ■■■•ORANGE ■ • mi nm il I ai « xREFRIGERATOR, •FRUITPUNCH • LEMON-LIME • SODA LARGE 2 LITRE SIZËJ DEMPSTER SUNSHINE BRAND BREAD SLICED LARGE 675 g LOAF • WHITE • 60% WHOLE WHEAT • 20% CRACKED WHEAT • HOT DOG ROLLS (8 PACK) • HAMBURGER BUNS (8 PACK) • ENGLISH MUFFINS (6 PACK) CRUMPETS (6 PACK) MIX OR MATCH 9 LOAF OR PKG. LIMIT GOLDEN GATE 4 LB 33V5% BONUS SOYA SOFT tub AA MARGARINE £.9? McCAIN-SWEETHEART CHEESE BARS MIX OR MATCH • MOZZARELLA • MEDIUM eCOLBY • BRICK • MILD • OLD URGE 2 LB. -907 g BAR GRISSOL ELM TO* 1 AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER DETERGENT 900 mL 1.2 kg BOTTLE ALL RINSE AGENT !S<MK QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB" BRAND S1DEMC0H 500 g (17.6 OZ. PAC) ALL BEEF OR REGULAR l3 pkgTumiTI FILLERS BRAND POLISH SELF-SERVE OR DELI COUNTER 31? SAUSAGE 1.69 QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB" BRAND 4$? A A A COOKED HAM 1.99 AT DELI COUNTER 4?? F.W. FEARMAN GOURMET FOOD Viz HAM VAC PAC SMOKED & COOKED iigmcR £59 FOREST" STYLE 6 5 kg BONELESS MLB, AVERAGE LB. 2.99 MOZZARELLA CHEESE BRUNSWICK CENTRE CUT f a< ] \h* ■ -V-r * | PRAIRIE FRESH PACK FOODS FROZEN ASSORTED UNCLE BEN'S CONVERTED! RICE PEROGIES PROSTEL NON ALCOHOLIC MALT BEVERAGE «8$ North York Mississauga Food Terminal Food Terminal 2549 Weston Rd, Dixie Value Mall just south olHwy. 401 Dixie Rd. south of O.E.W. Central Toronto Food Terminal 222LansdowneAve, olDundaiSLWest Downtown Toronto I Markham Food Terminal Food Terminal 222 Cherry Street Woodbine North southot Hitbridge 1 atHwy.7 Pickering Food Terminal Hwy.2&BrockRd. Pkkdng WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MëM Oshawa/Durham Food Terminal First Ave. between Slmcoe&Rftson just north of Hwy. 401 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY SEPT 9 89 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT