24 The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, September 6,1989 Graduates KERRY L. JOHNSTON Ross and Lorraine Johnston Johnston of Maple Leaf, Ont. are pleased to announce the recent recent graduation of their daughter Kerry Lorraine Irene Johnston. Kerry graduated graduated from Carleton University, University, Ottawa, Ont. with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology / Criminology. Proud family members include include Sherry, Terry, Perry, Jerry, sisters-in-law Tammy and Jane, and nephew Kyle. Brenda McCarron, daughter of James and Do- rilda McCarron, graduated with honours from Ontario Business College in Computer Computer Word Processing specializing specializing in Bookeeping on June 6th, 1989. Congratulations Brenda! KELLY SCHRYER Kelly Lynn Schryer, daughter of Ed and Joy Schryer of Bowmanville, graduated with honours from Durham College in Oshawa May 27/89. Kelly received her Diploma in Office Office Administration along with a special award for the highest standing in her class. She has accepted a position position at Ontario Hydro's Head Office. i 45(ü! >0> V HAF " T* With the H&R BLOCK Income Tax Course ■ Benefit from the seem ingly ever-changing tax laws! ■ Learn how to prepare your own tax return with confidence! ■ Help others prepare their tax returns. ■ Enrol today! Classes start. For More Information CALL NOW 623-6957 Bowmanville Mall 243 King St. E. For Life insurance, check with State Farm. •Permanent Life. •Term Life. •Universal Life. Dirk Brinkman Scugog St., Bowmanville 623-3621 like a good neighbor, State Farm is them Best Buys This Week CONVENIENT 12 PACK, MACARONI & CHEESE j Pinner | CASE OF j 12 PKGS. I Limit one coupon per family. Limit one can per coupon, I coupon valid at IGA until cloning Sal. Sapl. 9,1969. A C. NIELSEN. BOX MOO. ST. JOHN, N.B., EM. LU PLU 2879 33720685 ' -- -- I pkg. REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE Gmund Coffee i ! "THE COFFEE ■ WITH THE BEST I BEAN TASTE" Limit one coupon per family. Limit one deil p«r coupon, coupon valid it IQA until doling Sit. Sapt. 9,1989. I I HA. WATTS, SOX 1140, STN. A, TORONTO, ONT. NSW INI ^ PLU 2878 89251 ^ 500 g JAR Limit ont coupon ptr timlfy. Limit ont jar ptr coupon, coupon villa it IQA until dosing Sit. Stpt. 9,1989. A C NIELSEN, BOX 3000, ST. JOHN, N.B., E2L 4U 33720441 PUU 2884 Rbbin Hood Flour Limit oni coupon pal family. Limit one bag pal coupon, coupon valid at l(M until closing Sal. Sept. 9,1919. A.C. NIELSEN, I0X MOO, IT. JOHN, N.I., E1L LU PLU 2882 09205169 ^ W" DRINK 'N BOXES MeCoin Juices or Drink ASSORTED FLAVORS 3x250 mL TETRA BOXES OR 8.79 FOR CASE OF 9x3x 250 mL TETRA BOXES Sun Squeeze Pure Apple Juice LIMIT: 3 TINS PER FAMILY PURCHASE 48-FL. OZ. TIN sfr^. In SS8$# GINGER ALE, DIET GINGER ALE, WINK, CLUB SODA, TONIC WATER, C PLUS ORANGE OR DIET C PLUS ORANGE Canada Diy Soft Drink + ,40c Dep. Per Btl. / Unit cost 1 5.2* per IDO ml 575 g BOX Hu f \ jpi ifll EBE v> . 1 I . . \ V ■ . REGULAR OR 33% LESS SALT HAM, REGULAR TURKEY OR CHICKEN Maple Leaf Flaked Meats ™ 9 J49 BEEF, LIVER OR CHICKEN Or. Ballard's Champion Dog 25.5-OZ. TIN .79 FRESHMINT OR MILDMINT Macleans Pump Toothpaste 1 cont l 1 69 FROZEN, CONCENTRATE, ^ASSORTED VARIETIES Pineapple Juices 355 mL TIN .99 ASSORTED VARIETIES, FAMILY SIZE • Bick's Pickles 1.5 L JAR 299 ABC POWDERED Laundty Detergent 10 L BOX 599 ASSORTED VARIETIES, PLUS THIN, REGULAR, SLENDER OR PANTILINERS Always EACH PKG. 459 FROZEN <S> Orange Juice 12.5-FL, OZ. TIN 119 ASSORTED VARIETIES Lancia Pasta 900 g PKG. .89 ASSORTED VARIETIES Cookies 400 g BAG J99 JAM OR JELLY 500 mL JAR Welch's Grape Spreads 229 LIGHT OR REGULAR Hellmann's Mayonnaise 500 mL JAR 249 FROZEN, ASSORTED VARIETIES Savarin ht Pies LIMIT: 6 PKGS. PER FAMILY PURCHASE 8-OZ. PKG. JUI Jra £§§§ / V > /•:/! I m H i j. Hi tffl ; ' \ V" ' I mtmmm I : ÜMsÉp m ESü,. BiS ; Lk; ASSORTED COLORS 4-ROLL PKG. fjp'M iü Is AVAILABLE IN MOST STORES SHOPSY'S, EYE OF ROUND Pastrami or Corned Beef I Op *WW lb - 100 g TOWN CLUB, COIL FRESH! SHOULDER Butt Perk Chops 3.06 kg m I Medium Ground Beef 4.39 kg '•St?> Boneless Top Sirloin Steak or Roasts CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF mm Mm Boneless Strip loin fIee - m â J§ M ■là _mT h 1 ngm Jtl Ril /V'ifib. COOKED, SMOKED BURNS Boneless Vintage Homs BURNS, SLICED Side Bacon 500 g PKG. t ei BURNS, SLICED, SELECTED POPULAR VARIETIES Sandwich Meats ALL SAVINGS ARE BASED ON OUR REGULAR PRICES. CHECK YOUR LOCAL IGA FOR HOLIDAY STORE HOURS. huit Him i -•# in'.wMi-i r Onpjr, ' 'S 1 <iOo'O Lah O ftl JI'0 GRAHAM IGA MARKET 225 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario STORE HOURS MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Senior Citizens 5% Off On Personal Shopping, Wednesday Only r Y>
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