I I 12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, September 20,1989 -- -2F.-I Newcastle ünùEpEttbent 1 ,M-\! 1 i • > i qik |W1 it 1 « Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Last week, John,in Bits and Pieces, you supplied me with a good laugh. I did show some needlework at Orono Fair and won two firsts in crocheting. In writing, writing, I was awarded second pnze. Now, I have a clear conscience for publishing the truth. Hazel. , Here's an ongoing report of the meeting concerning the reconstruction of Beaver Street. On Wednesday at 6:25 p.m., we took ourselves to the Centennial Room of the Newcastle Community Hall. A sign on the front door announced the said meeting. The Centennial Room was in darkness - no one was there. We returned home and told inquiring neighbours the meeting must have concluded early. Not so. On Thursday another another neighbour informed us iwe should have gone upstairs upstairs to the former Council .Chambers. Great! V, We are pleased to report '.that Mrs. Nellie Spencer has "returned home from Memorial Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. [Her daughter, Pat Bernard, [Flesherton, visited last [week. y Sympathy is extended to •relatives and friends of Mrs. [Grace Reid, who passed 'away Sunday morning, Sep- ' tomber 17,1989. ' " We are still holding two [knives which were sent •home with us from the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall on [July 23, 1989. We also have [a ring which was found •there. ! On Sunday, September • 17, the Jack Chard family [attended a dedication serti serti vice at Newtonville United [Church in memory of Dorel- ila's parents, Amelia and Sidney Sidney Lancaster. . Birthday greetings to [Cheryl Duval, Reverend Donald Stiles, Sam Brere- } ton, Jacqueline Sausedo, ;.Fred Bedwin, Lome Allin, Elsie Fisk ana Gladys Wood. On Friday, Mr. Fred Bed- tume ready for this Saturday. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell spent last week with Mr. ana Mrs. Terry Garwood, Garwood, Beaconsfield, Quebec. One of Pauline Stork's birthday gifts was a balloon ride which she enjoyed on Sunday, and which she highly highly recommends. Accompanying Accompanying Pauline on this five o'clock take-off near Grandview Grandview School, were Dean and Olga Friedlander, Toronto, Cindy, Barry and Vincent Norton, Tom and Sandra Schmahl. After an. hour's ride over the beautiful countryside, countryside, the balloon rented from Cameron .Balloons, Stouffville, landed the enthusiastic enthusiastic group near Tyrone, Tyrone, after which lunch was enjoyed tidy St< picnic a K [win, Lake Shore, accompa- pnied his sister, Mrs. Marlene Marlene Murray, Frankford, to : McMaster University Hamilton. Hamilton. Colleen Murray and [ room-mate Lynn, returned • with them to spend the » week-end at home. jj Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coul- 1 ter and Keith, Campbell- • ville, visited on Sunday with Miss Dorrene Powell and brother Floyd, Lake Shore. • Remember! Taxes September September 22nd. And, Septem- [ber 23rd is the Chamber of i Commerce's Parade and ■Fair Day in the Village. Get your Cartoon Capers cos- Miss Candy Storks spent the week-end at her home. Mrs. Wilda Johnson spent the week-end at home. Last Monday, Pauline Storks attended a public relations relations meeting of the Children's Children's Aid Society. On Thursday, she was present at Hydro and Ganaraska meetings. On Saturday, September 16, Reverend Donald Stiles united in marriage Grace Pearson, Newcastle and Alfred Alfred Mole, Dunsford. Mr. and Mrs. Mole will be residing residing in Bowmanville. Last Monday, Mrs. Lena Graham and Kathleen Kimball Kimball visited Lena Clysdale Newtonville, helping celebrate celebrate her birthday. Glad to report Mrs. Luel- la Lambert returned home from Oshawa General Hospital Hospital last Thursday. Last Tuesday John and Wilma Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper, Hali- burton. On this motor trip they visited Bill Hanley, Wilma's cousin who resides at Maxwell and John's cousins cousins Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weir of Collingwood, on to son Rob and his wife Sophie and family at Clinton, from whence they returned Sunday. Sunday. A lovely time of year for enjoying Ontario's beauty. Several Newcastle friends were invited to the home of Bill and Marg Wade, Port Hope,' on Sunday, Sunday, when they held Open House to celebrate Harry's birthday. Nieces and nephews nephews also enjoyed this party. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Capeling, Bethany. Saturday visitors with Harry and Mabel Wade were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wade, Peggy, Stephanie and Paul of Oshawa. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley celebrated celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary as guests of Alec and Marilyn Martin. On Sunday the Burley's dined out with their families, families, Bob and Anita, Stephen and Allison, of Oshawa. Bruce and Judy, Adam ana Michael, of Ajax, celebrating two anniversaries, Bob ana Anita's and Ron and Marg's. On Wednesday, September September 13, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa, and Mrs. K. Kimball, visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope, celebrating Howard's birthday. They also visited Meda and Hugh Stapleton. Last Tuesday Mrs. Gladys Gladys Wood visited with Mrs. Elva Prouse, Noreen and Charlie. Port Hope. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard Rickard were daughter Bev and Ken Elaschuk and boys, Oshawa. Last week we omitted that Erla and Francis Jose, Faye, Gordon and Murray attended Donald and Manon Manon Jose's 40th wedding anniversary anniversary reception in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar also attended the Jose anniversary party in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart, of Waubaushene visited on Thursday with Mrs. May Burley and her brother Arthur. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldrea, Mr. Douglas Rowe, Mr. Bruce Alldred and girls attended the Blue Jays game at the Skydome. On Thursday evening, September 7, 1989, Miss Donna Rowe and her grandmother, grandmother, Myrtle Alldred, cohosted cohosted a miscellaneous shower in honour of Donna's sister, Annette, bride-elect of Douglas Nugent. About 25 neighbours and friends attended attended this party at the Alldred Alldred home, where Annette received beautiful gifts. On Sunday, September 17, An nette was recipient of more shower gifts at a party given by Doug's sister, Debbie Loveless, of Deloro. The groom's relatives attended this shower. United Church News On Sunday, September 17,1989, the flowers gracing ' the sanctuary were placed to the Glory of God and in loving loving memory of Mrs. Dun- reath Walton by George Walton. Lay reader was Mr. Donald Thompson, member of the Trustees and the Worship Worship Committee. Reverend Donald Stiles preached the sermon The Gospel within the Gospel based on Luke 15 verses 1 to 10. Volunteers are needed for Meals on Wheels in Newcastle Newcastle Village. Community Care meets at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Tuesday, September 26 at Newcastle Newcastle United Church. Take-a-Break for Moms and Tots meets on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Hockey registration Blackstock and Area News by Joyce Kelly On just an absolutely beautiful morning (Monday, Sept. 18) the Blackstock Seniors should enjoy a colour tour today to the Muskoka area. Some students that were missed missed in the long list of postsecondary postsecondary students in last week's paper were'Tammy Rohrer and Natasha Beinbecht are both at Trent in first year Sociology, Jason Kyte is at Brock University University in Business, Sharon Dwyer is studying Early Childhood Education Education at Sir Sandford Fleming, Peterborough, Darryl Prosser in his first year at Durham, Matt Hill is. in Ottawa studying Geography. A very pretty wedding took place on Saturday when Beth Russell became the bride of Layos Farkas of Port Perry in the United Church and conducted by, Father Tom Lynch of St. Bernadette's Bernadette's Roman Catholic Church, Nestleton. Brides attendants attendants were Darlene Keeler, Diane Forsey, Lorie Weatherall and Sheryl Porter while the men in the wedding party were Rob Goner- man, Terry Dale, Richard Farkas and Roger Gould. Ashley Farkas was flowergirl and Daryl Keeler the ringbearer. The dinner by the O.N.O. and dance were held in the Recreation Centre. Beth and Layos will be living in Nestleton. Another Saturday wedding of local interest was that of Allan Graham and Sharon Beddows. DROP IN AND SEE OUR NEW DISPLAY OF DRILL BITS WOOD BITS MASONRY BITS ROUTER BITS FORSTNERBITS HOLE SAW KITS RECIPRO SAW BLADES COUNTER SINKS CHUCK KEEPS SABRE SAW BLADES CIRCULAR SAW BLADES MASONRY SAW BLADES Think of us first for all of your building needs. Call For a Free Estimate 983-9167 ORONO FUEL & LUMBER Allan is the son of Roy and Ruth Graham. Among the attendants were Kelly and Terry Gatchell. The wedding was held in Cann- ington Anglican Church with the reception in the Cannington Legion. A number of relatives and friends from here attended this happy event. I am so happy to report that Neil Malcolm has improved so well that he hopes to be coming home today. Best wishes for continued continued improvement. Congratulations to Ross and Marie Tysick on becoming first time grandparents with the arrival arrival of a baby boy born to Sherry and Leon Slute last week. There were 15 tables at the weekly card party with the following following winners -1. Harold Swain 2. Dorothy Edwards 3. Les Taylor 4. Lorna Swain 5. Vern Robinson 6. Bernice Wells Low - Clarence Masters Draws were won by Freda Ashton, Clarence Master, Elaine Waarden, Art Moore and Dorothy Edwards. Parents are reminded of the Registration for Blackstock Minor Hockey will be held at the Blackstock Arean from 7:30-9:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 28. Margaret Mountjoy welcomed 16 member and 2 visitors to her lovely new home for the September meeting of the morning morning Unit of the U.C.W.. After a delicious lunch, Gwenyth Thompson read a very thoughtful memoriam to Norma Van Gamp, a faithful member of our unit who passed away in June. We decided to change our meeting day to Wednesday. Ruby Van Camp will be an usher for the U.C.W. Church service on Sept. 24. Connie Swain gave the worship with her theme "Where Joy Abounds." She also gave a reading from Ann Landers "If I had my Life to Live Over Again." Eileen McLaughlin divided us into groups for the program and gave us a saying to discuss. We had some very interesting discussions. Meeting closed with the Benediction. -by Eleanaor Werry On Tuesday, Sept. 12 the afternoon afternoon unit of the U.C.W. met for the first autumn.meeting at the home of Jean Ferguson. After the 13 ladies enjoyed a dessert luncheon, luncheon, Unit leader Grace Hall opened the meeting by reading from Charlie Farquenson's version version of Creation. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Marion Larmer and adopted. The next meeting will be Tues. Oct. 10 at Thelma Wright's home. The Roll Call was answered with suggestions suggestions to improve our organization. The General Meeting will be Sept. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at . the Church. Guest Speaker will be Dr. Hackner, an eye doctor from Port Perry Medical Centre. Sept. 24 the regular service at 10:00 a.m. will be conducted by the U.C.W.. There will be a thank offering and the speaker is Pat Beach. We were told that the Mission Mission and Service Fund, needs help and we will hâve an opportunity to donate to this special fund on Oct. 1st. iWXru'j :■ :r. The U.C'iW 1 '" Presbyterial Regional Meeting will be held at Pickering Village United Church on Wed,, Oct. 11. Supper at 6 p.m. followed by a tour of the new Church. Another invitation is to Tyrone United Church on Thursday, Thursday, Oct. 12 from 9:30 until 3:00. We must know how many wish to attend either of both of these meetings by Sept. 29. The theme for both meetings is "Let's Sing Out with Linda Jewell." ■ The topic given by Dora Martyn was the outline of the first chapter of Mandate, a new church magazine. It consisted of a summary summary of the early history of Canada. It served to refresh our memories. Aileen Byers was in charge of the worship which began with the hymn "Joyful, Joyful we Adore Thee accompanied accompanied by Jean Churchill at the piano. Aileen then gave the study based on Samuel 18 21-29, The meeting closed with the benediction. -report by Kathleen Watts Fred and Kathy Taylor have welcomed a new baby boy who was born recently to their family. family. Congratulations. Cancer can be beaten. Please give generously Many thinking people are pre-arranging funerals At quiet times, along with their own private thoughts, many people --both young and elderly --are making the sensible decision to pre-arrange thelrfuneral. Their wishes are made known well before time of need, removing stress from surviving relatives. Call or write for our selection of brochures on the various aspects of funerals and pre-planning. tz r ! Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home 53 Division Street BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 2Z8 Phone 623-5668 MIRACLE'S 3©) * celebrate with us Prices effective at Miracle Food Mart and Miracle Ultra Mart in all departments until Sat. Sept. 23.1989 only. Savings indicated are off our own regular prices. We reserve the right to limit quantities. 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