12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 11,1989 Stm anb listant fast !-; 50 Years Ago, e' • Thursday, September 14, » : 1939. V' With Alex Colville doing ;the hitting, Lefty Ed Withe- -ridge the pitching, and Bob £ '.Kent the fielding Bowman- ' -ville Intermediate Royals > ^baseball team eked out a 3-2 '-win over Napanee in the > ".first game of the Eastern £ -Ontario finals yesterday. j« [Team members are Wil- -„ iliams ss; Osborne 2b; Col- C nulle cf; Slemon lb; Rickard £>c; Roach If; Kent 3b; Walton >£rf; Witheridge pitcher. Albert Darch, son of Mr. £-and Mrs. A. L. Darch was x 'featured Sunday noon on 1 -Ken Soble's Radio Amateur ;Hour, with a saxaphone -solo. Reverend E. F. Armstrong Armstrong and Margaret, London, London, were recent guests of Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. Miss Louisa Hobbs, Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, Toronto, visited her mother Mrs. R. Hobbs. Miss Loma Sanders, Toronto, Toronto, spent the weekend '■ with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ■ ' Bagnell. !. '■ 25 Years Ago, Elections for form representatives representatives at Bowmanville High School on Friday, with the following elected Peter Werry, Walter Rickard, Jim Groen, Janice Purdy, Erla Anderson, Marylee Yeo, Paul Lucas, George Ball, Larry Devitt, Garry Crom- bie, Audrey Kitson, Greg Cox, Kathy Perris, Bud Depew, Depew, Jeff Gilhooly, Don McMurter, Albert Kerekes and Doug Sleep. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walter, Walter, George Tufford, Allan Clarke, John Groen e veld ■ and families of Wesleyville, 1 attended the opening meeting meeting of the Welcome charge AOTS held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg, last Monday. An inspiring address on the ideals of humanity was given by Charles Carter of Toronto, formerly of Bowmanville Bowmanville at the dinner meeting meeting of the Bowmanville Lions Lions Club, held Monday evening at the Lions Centre. Mr. Larry Jamieson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jamieson Jamieson commences studies this week in General Arts at the University of Toronto. Miss Bonnie Mutton will be studying Journalism at ;em Unix Jniversity this ien- Westem year. 10 Years Ago, Wednesday, September 19,1979. This Sunday will be a special day at the Salvation Army Citadel when Commissioner Commissioner and Mrs. Alistair Cairns will be present at both services of worship. Mr. Archie Whittaker, Grand Cayman Island, B.W.I. has been visiting his relatives Mr. and Mrs. He ry Goschi, Newcastle. Jean Devitt, who has been connected with hockey in Bowmanville for 20 years, and is leaving the area was presented with a farewell gift by Pres. Joan Simpson, at the annual hockey banquet banquet of the Red Eagles-junior Eagles-junior hockey club. Craig Larmer of the Chiefs was awarded the Best Goalie trophy by Ball Hockey President Ron Vice, on Sunday following the championship game. Member of the new Hydro-Electric Hydro-Electric Commission Bill Morrison, chairman Jasper Holliday, Irv McCullough, Joe Mcllroy, Garnet Rickard, Rickard, and Harvey Malcolm, held their first meeting last week in Bowmanville. t£ fl *».ri Business Directory ACCOUNTANCY WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE Peler A. Hobb, C.A. Wilmar J. BakKer, C.A. Chartered Accountants 118 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-9461 W. B. (Brian) COGGINS Certified General Accountant (416) 885-8889 Residence: 9 Hewson Drive Port Hope, Ontario L1A 4C7 N. L. WOODHOUSE & Assoc. Certified General Accountant NewViews and bedford Installations and Support 8 Holgate Cres., Bowmanville 623-9650 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 1913 Dundas St. E„ Whitby, Ontario Phone 576-4619 MACK TAX INC. Income Tax and Accounting Services * Prepare Corporate and Personal Returns * Full Range of Business Services ' Owners have 25 years combined experience with Revenue Canada Taxation, Toronto * Ca$h Back Refunds Available * Phone anytime for an appointment to fit vour schedule. 17 Ralston Rd„ Port Hope TEL. (416) 805-7333 FAX (416) 085-9871 39 King St. E„ Bowmanville TEL (416)623-9698 FAX (416) 623-6565 HOME SERVICE Professional Pet Sitting Service Fully Bonded and Insured 987-1141 or 987-4676 BARINA HOME CHECK • Vacation Home Checking • Wedding Day Gill Sitting Barb Shetler--Ina Cox Newtonville 786-2996 BONDED LAND SURVEYORS HORTON, WALLACE & DAVIES LIMITED 68 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-2205 LEGAL SERVICES MERVYN KELLY LAW OFFICE 41 Temperance St., Suite 202 Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 623-4444 NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE Bragg Health Services j W Anna Bragg, R.N. Cert. Ref. Nurse Consultant Stress Management Alternative Health Care "Reflexology" R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3K5 Phone 623-9198 By appointment R Clinic For y Natural Health v Renée Bos Cert. Ref. IR. Nutr. Reflexology Iridology Stress Management Clinical Nutrition 168 Church Street, Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 by appointment "REFLEXOLOGY" Foot Reflection By Shirley Cole R.N.A., Cert. Ref. Member of Reflexology Association ol Canada 2 Frederick Awe., Bowmanville Phone 623-4690 for appointment CHIROPRACTIC LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor ot Chiropractic 50 Richmond St. E., Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1G7C7 Phone 433-1500 LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 MASSAGE THERAPY MASSAGE TREATMENTS By Kim Tougas, H.B.Sc. Registered Massage Therapist Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist 168 Church SI, Bowmanville Clink for Natural Health 623-8170 for appointment COMPUTERS I micro] Hardware Software Consulting Training Peter Delghan B. Sc. 44 Charles St., Oshawa Business: 432-3486 Residence: 623-2946 SERVICES INDEPENDENT BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICE Know what you purchase. With a report from a qualified Inspector you could save yourself thousands. For more details call: 987-4436 JUST FOR FUN Lawn Decoration Any Occasion R.R,#3, Newcastle For more details call Marlon 786-2219 THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS! PRODUCT OF CANADA [slb7\ FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN I limit CHICKEN KaSSs. LEGS 2 18 kg "BACKS ATTACHED" KEEP YOUR FOOD COSTS DOWN - SHOP BY THE BOX" ($2.00 PLASTIC BOX DEPOSIT) /------ PRODUCT OF CANADA VAC PAC IditiWfl UTILITY GRADE ROCK CORNISH 3^ HENS 118-20 OZ. AVERAGE .B. SAVARIN FROZEN DINNERS MEATNES (BEEF •CHICKEN (TURKEY FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE"A"BEEF SHOULDER & BLADE #SUNPAC - CANADA CHOICE ' APPLE JUICE PURE UNSWEETENED PRODUCT OF CANADA FRASER GOLD MUSHROOMS STEAKS O FL OZ. TIN Rfl, ONTARIO FILLY0UR0WNBAG WHITE FRESH 4" MUSEUM 15 LB. LIMIT I l^v^UGENUINE SPRING PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND FROZEN SQUARE CUT FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CHOICE CANADIAN FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF _ A _ BONELESS STEWING 5®* LB. 2.29 CANADA PACKERS FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN SLICED DE-VEINED J96 BEEF LIVER .89 I FROM ONTARIO PACKERS PORK HOCKS NEVER FROZEN M t MAPLE LEAF BRAND IBEEF BURCEKsWM 0323321750 g BOX SIDE BACON ALL BEEF OR REGULAR QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB" BRAND PURE PORK SAUSAGE FILLERS BRAND POLISH SAUSAGE SELF-SERVE OR DELI COUNTER 3 73 kg LB. 169 BURNS "PRIDE OF CANADA" CUSTOM SLICED AT DELI COUNTER mHmm.# IDEMPSTER'S sliced^^H • 100% WHOLE WHEAT! WOTEl MILK BREAD HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOODS 4 JUKES cvni i iniun ucatc a. ucat " fmv no EXCLUDING MEATS & MEAT ' I MIX OR DINNERS e ASSORTED VARIETIES I MATCH FARLEY'S men 18's • 300 g BOX STANDARD GRADE FARMER'S CHOICE PEACHES» RAGU OLD WORLD STYLE SPAGHETTI 750 mL BTL. North York Food Terminal 2549 Weston Rd. Jusl south ol Hwy.401 Mississauga Food Terminal Dixie Value Mall Dixie Rd. south ofQ.E.W. Central Toronto Food Terminal 222 Lansdowne Ave. at Dundas St. West Downtown Toronto I Markham Food Terminal Food Terminal 222 Cherry Street Woodbine North south ol lift bridge ■ alHwy.7 • Pickering Food terminal Hwy.2&BrockRd. Pickering Oshawa/Durham Food Terminal First Ave. between Slmcoe&Rltson just north ol Hwy.401 CLOSED MON. THANKSGIVING DAY