p 22 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Octouer il, 19S9 Lucky Winner to Drive Home a New Corvette HP j ; ■ "l^r I i v I : . V - , At the entrance of the Recreation Complex on Mon- encouraging visitors to buy one of the $100 tickets to day, a gleaming red Corvette was waiting for someone have a chance of winning that car. Tickets are still to be holding just the right ticket. And just inside, rep- available. resentatives of St. Therese Church in Courtice were Passport to Trent Opens Doors to Education Some fortunate babies will get a head start in life when they receive a special gift in honour of Trent University's University's 25th anniversary. Any baby bom in Peterborough Peterborough County on October 17, 1989 will be awarded a Passport to Trent entitling the child to free tuition for an unlimited number of courses during his or her lifetime, providing they meet the academic entrance reouirements at that time. The passports, which commemorate the university's university's official opening ceremo-. ny on October 17, 1964, were created by the 25th anniversary anniversary organizing committee committee in recognition of the strong ties between Trent and the Peterborough community. community. Officials at Peterborough Civic Hospital estimate that as many as eight babies could be bom on October 17. Trent president John Stubbs will be visiting the hospital's maternity ward to present the passports to the families of the special anniversary babies. Invaluable Volunteers Honored by Community Care Community Care held a Volunteer Appreciation and Information Day during Meals on Wheels Week. One volunteer, Joanne McKay, was recognized for the work she has done for the organization. She was unable unable to attend the afternoon reception but those who did shared in eating this lovely cake. Roxy Barnes, administrator administrator with Community Care; Sally Barrie, Meals on Wheels co-ordinator; Lamoine Hodge, Courtice Courtice area volunteer; and Doris Wilbur, Hampton area volunteer are pictured above. , School Dates to Remember Important Dates At B.H.S. Here are a few of the dates to keep in mind for Bowmanville High School during the next two weeks: The week of Tuesday, October October 10th, until Friday, October October 13th, will be Spirit Week at Bowmanville High School. Friday, October 13, there will be a school dance. On Tuesday, October 17, the Technical Awards Assembly is being held. Centre For Individual Studies Fulfill a dream! If you've always dreamed of completing completing your requirements tor a Grade 12 diploma, then consider consider coming back to school. You can start any time, with an attendance schedule set up to suit you, and at no cost to you. Contact The Centre For Individual Studies, 120 Wellington Street, Bowmanville Bowmanville - 623-6505. We are open daily from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and evenings Monday to Wednesday until 8:30 p.m. Important News from Vincent Massey A bus safety program will be held on October 16th. Constable Wraith will be instructing instructing students in the safety procedures for riding a bus. A bus will be at the school all day for this event. October 12th completes Vincent Massey's fund raising raising campaign. Funds raised are used to support various activities such as school outings outings and computer equipment. equipment. Thanks to the parents and community for your support. support. The cross country team will compete in an area meet, after school on October October 17th. The meet takes • place at the Enniskillen Conservation Area. All of us at Vincent Massey Massey are very excited that the Ground Breaking Ceremony P £ T< ts- cHI6 k» Orchards JâUDlsn' 1 Road Hwy 2 401 LIBERTY ST. N., BOWMANVILLE FRED AND SANDY ARCHIBALD - Pick your own or ready picked apples (containers provided) - Minimum spray program - No alar used Varieties available this week: Macs and Ida Reds Now Available -Our own fresh, Sweet Cider and Home Baked Apple Pies -APPLE FIREWOOD HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Daily CLOSING SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15TH Remember, an apple a day... for our new addition is taking taking place on Thursday, October October 19th at 2:00 p.m. Important Happenings at Waverley P.S. Mrs. Killoran, Mr. Carlisle, Carlisle, and Mrs. LeChance's Grade 6's will be going on a three-day trip to the Frost Centre. They will be working working on many different activities activities during their stay. It is sure to be a fun time. Waverley Waverley School has started a Junior Leaders' Club. They organize many events for the -school. The club is now working on House League Dodge Ball. On Tuesday. October October 24th, there will be a mini concert fdr Grade 3 iarents and classes. (7-8:00 'ent.) Waverley P.S. is off to a great start! News From Ontario Street P.S. After'a very busy September, September, which included a French Book Fair and Open House for parents, the staff and students from Ontario Street P.S. are now preparing preparing for this year's fundrais-' ing project. In 'order"tov assist the community "-"with their Christmas shopping, our. students will visit family and friends and introduce them to the "Quality Gift Shoppe" catalogue. The project project will run from October 5- 19th. with proceeds going towards towards computer software, new sports equipment and those special educational class trips. We would like to thank the community in advance for its support. Events at Lord Elgin P.S. A reminder to parents that Friday, October 20th, is a Professional Activity Day and that children do not attend attend school. On Monday, October October 23rd, school photographs photographs will be taken. Panasonic pv-soo-k Camcorder ■ Small/lightweight ■ 3 lux low light sensitivity ■ Flying erase head ■ switch hitter (right or left hand operation) ■ fludio/video dubbing ■ High-speed shutter (1/1000.1/500 sec.) ■ Self-tlmer/Timer-lapse recording ■ 6.1 power zoom/Macro * Edit search * High resolution CCD:250.000 (270,000 total) pixels ■ VHS index search system ■ Infared auto focus ■ fluto Iris ■ Full auto white balance Bowmanville Radio-Vision 58 King St. W. Telephone 623-2312 "Your Complete Electronics Store" SERVICE TO MOST MfiKES fall markdown vI'T 1989 Cutlass Supreme International- Red, grey interior, mint, 23,000 km. $21,500. SSB8§Ss£S 1989 Cutlass Ciera Wagon - Blue, loaded, 29,000 km. $17,900 W 1 ■ ■ iV*ViL-'Av»v /»■->. i5 1989 CMC 4x4 Ext. Cab - Red/Silver, V6, auto, loaded, 19,000 km. $18,900. : ' ■ V;.'. ... 0 *-L- ■ - - 1 ) Si ■ pmrower |i„ ' 1989 Iroc-White, 305 cu. in., air, T-bar, 5700 km. $22,700. PiPPM&ff|i - 1988 Z24 - White, air, auto, locks and windows, 17,000 km. $14,500. v.- . . 1988 Caprice Br. - Grey, loaded, mint, 39,000 km. $17,800. «JHf !l83 1111 1988 Blazer 4x4-White, V6, auto, 28,000 km. $18,500. |i n M i/j ] 1988 Sunbird - Black, std„ cassette, 30,000 km. $9,995. 1988 Chev P/U - 3/4 ton, White, V8, auto, 5,000 km. $13,000. .Y 1986 Cavalier Z24-White, V6, auto, air, 70,000 km. $8,995. ffBsstife,:.""-.. „ v. ---.i-. ~.L: ' J. 1988 Buick Park Avenue - Gold, loaded, mint, 51,000 km. $20,500. ■Saw:#. 1988 Astro Van - Blue, V6, air, 82,000 km. ' ' $16,900. ( V I ■ I I- - 7 i i 1988 Caprice CL - Lt. Blue, locks, windows, air, 15,000 km. $17,800. 1985 Bonneville - Grey, V6, air, 48,000 km. $9,500. r$L .4J3 1988 Chev P/U - Silverado, Red/Silver, V8, auto,, locks and windows, air, 39,000 km. $15,500. 1987 Grand Am LE - White, 4 cyl, std., sharp 77,000 km. $9j995. K - j ■ - iÿjÿtsaigjp AtM éü&i !>-- or.-' - i-- " j£r, „---JZ. U4 1985 Iroc- Black, V8, auto, 73,000 km. $11,500. 1987 GMC Jimmy 4x4- Grey/black, V8, auto, loaded, 30,000 km. $19,995. ■ ^lEvjrwi 1987 Caprice - Grey, V8, auto, air., 53,000 km. $13,900. na >4 1984 Buick Skylark - Brown, V6,61,000 km. $6,995. >>'? I 1987 Chev Blazer 4x4- Blue/Blue, V8, auto, loaded, 66,000 km. $18,995. 1985 Ciera - Gold, V6, auto, air, clean. $7,595. 1983 Cavalier Wagon - Brown, 4 cyl., auto, 104,000 km. $4,795. 1988 S-10- Brown, 4.3 litre V6, auto, 19,000 km. $11,500. Terry Holmes, Sales Manager - Ed Coull - Phil Watts - Scott Eakins - Howard Smith J. E. QUANTRILL Chevrolet • Oldsmobile • Cadillac Ltd. Hwy. No. 2 East 885-4573 Port Hope