I Orono Preparing for Christmas Festivities Orono News . . Quote--"Air pollution is a little different from the weather. Everybody talks about it, and everybody does something about it. They contribute to it!" Sympathy of the community community to the families of the Clifford Cooper family in their sad loss of their beloved beloved wife, mother and grandmother, Mrs. Maud Cooper who passed away last Friday December 1 at her home. Funeral was held Monday, December 4 from Morris Funeral Chapel Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The Heather Rebekah Lodge ladies held their annual annual Christmas bake sale and bazaar on Saturday, December 2 in I.O.O.F. hall, with good attendance. Glad to see a former Noble Grand member back in the harness! harness! Toots Barraball was out here from Peterborough. Mr. Charles Harris and baby son Lawrence Tyler were Saturday guests of his mother, Mrs. Inez Harris. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn who recently celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary. anniversary. They were entertained entertained Sunday to Sunday Brunch at Franklin House, Bethany, by their families, i. Attention Christmas Shoppers! On several separate separate shopping endeavours recently, recently, we have noticed an alarming price discrepancy on many items. On several occasions, price differences ranging from 600 to 700 to several dollars! It sure pays to do your own comparison shopping! " Several from area are sick or in hospital, Mrs. Rosie Rosie Graham in hospital, Mrs. Roy Patton has suffered a severe fall recently, Mrs. Jo Harris is home for week-end from hospital, but goes back early part of this week. Mr. Lawrence Staples suffered a bad fall and has a painful eye. 5 Town Hall Card Party There were 12 tables of euchre at the weekly card party held in Orono Town Hall Wednesday, November ;29/89. i) High Scores - Art Compton Compton 89, Lena Graham 84, Laurena Bright 84, Robin All dread 83, Bruce Bright 81. ■ Low Score - Ed Couroux. a Lucky : ? draw • winners-- Dorothy Branch. Charlie Campbell, Reg. Elliott. t Euchre every Wednesday night 8 p.m! and Ladies invited invited to bring lunch. >! Christmas Meeting ij The U.C.W. general meeting meeting and supper was held in main hall of Orono United j OBITUARY ij HERBERT LARRY ij JAMIESON J. A widely known and highly respected citizen of the area, Herbert Larry Jamieson, aged 47, died in Toronto General Hospital, on Wednesday, November 29, 1989. He had been ill 'since February 1989. 8 Larry was the son of (Frank and Evelyn 'Jamieson, and was born November November 6,1942, in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillc. He \vas educated at Central Public School, Bownian- villc High School, Peterborough Peterborough Teacher's College and the University of Toronto. Toronto. He was married September September 30, 1967, to Shirley ,Marie Irvine. \ A dedicated and popular teacher, lie had taught for two years at North Courtice Public School and for twenty years at Enstdalc Collegiate. For the past 10 years he had resided in Whitby and previously in Osliawa for 12 years. A member of St. Mark's United Church, Whitby, one of his favorite Bible readings was Jude 24 and 25. ' Loll to mourn his passing arc his beloved wife Shirley, Shirley, loving children Julie, Brent and Ityan, Ills parents Frank and Evelyn Jamieson, twin sister Lar- jrnno (Mrs. Jon Moore), a brother Don Jamieson, four pieces and nephews, and in- [laws Norman and Helen Irvine. Irvine. j Beloved by all who knew him, a great number of people visited his family and paid tribute to him. lie leaves his family and friends with wonderful memories. , Funeral services were held al Norlhcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bowman- ville on Saturday, with the Reverend Brian (lee of St. Mark's United Church, Whitby, officiating, Pallbearers were his brother Don, brother-in- law Jon Moore, and friends Bruce Wchdvn, Erie Hob- bias, Gary Lofltis, Gerry Pcgg, Tony Stones «ml Jack Bolton, • Many beautiful floral arrangements arrangements and donations to the Cancer Society were received In Ills memory. J Interment Thornton Cemetery. Osliawa, Church, on Thursday night. The event commenced with a delicious pot-luck dinner and Reverend Milnes ' gave the blessing. Delicious casseroles, casseroles, salads and desserts soon disappeared from the prettily decorated tables. Following dinner, the president Doreen Wood welcomed welcomed everyone and a very enjoyable carol sing song was enjoyed with Joyce Gray at piano. The finance committee handed out printed proposal proposal budgets for 1990, and Doreen in absence of treasurer treasurer Judy Plummer, gave a written report of all receipts from various units. Several items of business were completed, completed, of ' upcoming banquets banquets etc. and prices of meals. Unit No. 5 Leskard gave a veiy inspiring Christmas devotional, much enjoyed by all. Mrs. Elva Grant and Mrs. Joan Gimblett taking parts. The new slate of officers officers was given out and we welcome Mrs. Shirley Moffat as new incoming president. A highlight of evening was when past president Marie Tamblyn presented retiring president Doreen Wood with her life membership, membership, and spoke of all Doreen's Doreen's earlier involvements in Sunday school. C.G.I.T., Bd. of Stewards and now completing 2 yrs. as Pres, of U.C.W. Sne was presented with her pin and certificate and received a round of applause applause from crowd. The evening was brought to a humorous close when Donna Scott and Marie Tamblyn presented a hilarious hilarious skit, about "Hospital Visiting Rights." This was close to the truth on many occasions, but brought a real fun close to a good meeting. Orono United Church News The sanctuary was simply simply alive with poinsettias on Sunday morning, donated by many local families. This was first Sunday in Advent, and Marlene Ross led the advent service "The Family of Mary and a Joseph - Trust!" The first candle to be lit represented "Trust" and also first decoration on the pretty green tree was stuck on, ana everyone is invited to bring a paper decoration next week. For more information information on this call Marlene Ross 983-9715. The choir presented "Lead Me, Lord," by Samuel Wesley, and are very busy preparing for our Christmas Cantata on December 17. If you help out with this, C lease call any choir mem- er. Birthday greetings: Archie Archie Hoy - Dec. 6, Wendy Hutton - Dec. 6. Joyce Gray- Dec. 9, Chris Ÿeo - Dec. 9, Wayne Werry - Dec. 3. Greeters at doors - Rick and Debbie Copping. The sacrament of holy Communion was celebrated at Sunday morning service. Junior Gardeners meet on Tuesday, December 12 for their Christmas Show and program. Upper C.E. hall. 6-6:30 p.m.; - Entries may be brought in and program program begins at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments Refreshments served following meeting. Sr., Horticulture Society Christmas show and meeting meeting is this week, December 7 at 7:30 p.m. in main hall of church. Mr. Bill Bunting will show slides and Christmas, Christmas, music plus show. Plan to attend last meeting of year. Next Sunday at Orono United Church, there will be White Gift Service and Sunday Sunday School Concert. White Gift families needs this year - Mom and Dad -' size medium Boy 3 yrs., size 3x, Boy 2 yrs. size 2, Girl 1 yr. size 2, Baby girl 9 months (18 months) Gifts of food, clothing, toys or monies monies may be brought to church next Sunday, December December 10th. 25 th Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Storsbergen who were entertained Saturday Saturday evening , December 2 in Orono Community Arena, by their family and friends, on the occasion of their 25th (silver) wedding anniversary. anniversary. A large crowd of over one hundred and fifty friends, family and neighbours neighbours in attendance at the party. The evening was spent dancing to the music of a D.J. from Oshawa. The happy couple received received many lovely cards, flowers and gifts. Their family family are to be congratulated on the beautiful decorations and the super delicious buf- The Canadian Strtesman, Bowmanville, December 6,1989 7 Goods and Services Tax ; Receive Cautious Support The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario wants major changes to the proposed proposed goods & services tax (GST) but does support the concept. "We want the rules sim- S lified for farmers," says ack Vanderkooy, CFFO President, "but our dislike for the proposed implementation implementation does not stop us from recognizing that the concept has merits." The Federation says it's only common sense to zero rate all goods & services fet dinner served to the guests. Again congratulations Fred and Pat and many, many more! Congratulations to Bowmanville Bowmanville merchants on'their attractive new Christmas light fixtures. purchased by farmers, if the Finance Minister continues to exclude food from the GST. "They can make this program program more user-friendly," says Vanderkooy. "Why should the tax be paid on farm inputs when it's all going going to be refunded anyway?" The Federation wants a zero rate for farm inputs such as custom work, draft horses, farm equipment, fertilizer, fertilizer, livestock feed, marketing marketing charges, organization memberships, pesticides, quota, seed, transportation . and veterinaiy services. The Federation also wants the proposed federal tax combined with the provincial provincial retail sales tax. "At a minimum the two systems need the same rules and exemptions," a Federation Federation statement says. In the concept of lowering the GST rate of 6% and pro-* viding adequate rebates ta low-income Canadians, the; Federation's Provincial! Board has voted to support- the inclusion of food in the) GST. The Federation's state-! ment argues that food is. cheap for Canadians and the; biggest part of the benefits of an exemption will go to' those well able to pay their, own way. ' The Federation has also called for fiscal responsibility. responsibility. If, for any reason, the GST raises more monéy than the manufacturer's sales tax that will be re-' placed, the Federation wants that money committed committed to debt reduction. "We do not like tax grabs," the statement says, "but we do support increased increased taxes to reduce deficits. deficits. IN BOWMANVILLE YOU SAY? UneOl 16 Recently Kodak Canada Inc. ran a na tional quality survey "%)to v of over 200 of their colorwatch members. The survey was in the form of a blind roll test. Rolls of film wi;fch>specific and controlled exposures were anonymously taken to colorwatch member labs for developing and printing. The negatives and prints were then sent to Eastman Kodak in Rochester for anaylsis and evaluation. The orders were evaluated on packaging, negative appearance, print uniformity, sharpness and contrast, and film processing. Lange's Photo Lab Inc. scored 92% on this survey. The national average was 74%. For 13 years it has been our mandate to provide you with the best photofinishing and service that you have the right to expect. What this Kodak survey proves is that you have one of the nation's best photofinishers right here on your door step. LANGE'S PHOTO LAB INC. 1 HR. EXPRESS PHOTOFINISHING PHOTOGRAPHY • CUSTOM FRAMING 31 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2568 68 an '~S&S£SX? i ' iiiPriSi'i 'i\ HOMMANVILI.K ■itiMMfiMxr PERSONAL CHEQUES