The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 20,1989 17 l Phone 623-3303 Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 TRY apple wood, cut and split, for sale by the bin. Phone 987-1303. 1 51-1S 10 pr. drapes, different sizes, lengths and colors,' start at $10. Phone 623-5068. 51-1SN LEWISCRAFT - urart Supplies. Carnation Flower Shop, 33 Division Division St., Bowmanville, 623-5577. 1-tfSN ORGAN, roll-top cover to protect .keys, bench, music, $1,800.; like hew Jacobsen tractor lawnmower; .white Moffat stove, $50. Phone .623-9788. 50-2SN SALEI Sale! Sale! New appliances, washers, dryers,- fridges, stoves, freezers, dishwashers dishwashers and microwaves. All at low, low, low prices. Delivery available. available. Bowmanville Appliance Centre, 47 King Street West, 623- 81 60-51-1SN ON Sale Now - Used appliances, fridges and stoves. Apartment size and many other styles, sizes and colors to choose from. Excellent condition. Warranty and delivery available. Bowmanville Appliance Centre, 47 King Street West, 623- , 8160. 51-1SN " CENTURY farm house for sale, j-tnust be torn down and complete- ?:ly removed by you. Good solid j'oak, windows, reclaimed brick, furnace and many other good. . quality materials. For more infor- <mation please phone 623-4172 or * 686-3643, Monday - Friday,- 9 /a.m. - 5 p.m. :48-tfSN £ Denalt Paint - Complete stock available from John Rice 623-2601 35-lfS 4-:-.: 15% OFF , BEER and WINE ; MAKING SUPPLIES 623-3018 EVENINGS ! 41-tfSN DRY ; FIREWOOD All hardwood Cut, split and delivered I Phone 5 987-5658 i 42-tfSN [ Asseistine's | Yamaha « have the parts and the ! personnel to service your j " ' Yamaha "r DURHAM RD. SOUTH OF BLACKSTOCK 986-4437 [ 52itlSN . WOODSTOVES, FIREPLACE INSERTS, INSULATED CHIMNEYS Insulation available (705) 944-8840 COLLECT 49-3SN PINE and OAK FURNITURE Antiques, pictures, porcelain dolls, giftware, milk paint, etc. Port Hope Country Barns Hwy. 28 and Cone. 7 5 minutes N. of Hwy. 401 Frl., Sat. and Sun. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 797-2127 40-tfSN We now have NEW and RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES Also, appliances wanted for parts or restoration. Durham's largest selection of used parts for most makes. PADDY'S MARKET 263-8369 1-tfSN ROKA FIREWOOD Dry Hardwood 4 X 8 x 12" $55. 4x8x16" $60. Softwood 4x4x8' $40. 4 X 8 x 16" $40. Delivery Available 1-705-277-3381 evenings 434-6665 48-lfSN Business Opportunities LOCAL magazine, high prolila, low oxponaoB, cam 70K, lull training ptovidod, linnnciiifi available, oxlnlinn clientele. Phono 434- 2000. S0-2SN bike lininoa, wheel», ole, Irncloro. mowote, nnyllting nnyfilmno Nnmoyour pilço, 0 023-005S. B0-2SN 1970 DODGE Dart Swinger 340, 4 speed, original owner. Phone 983-5705. 51-1SN 1984 DODGE Aries SE, automa tic, p.s., p.b., am/fm, $3,250. certified. certified. Phone (705) 277-2340 after 6 p.m. 51-1SN 1985 S-Jimmy, 2 wheel drive, au tomatic, blue/qrev paint, blue interior, interior, 129,000 km., certified, $8,450. Phone 723"-3167, leave message. 51-1SN 1978 PONTIAC Parisienne,; 2 door, pw. steering, pw. brakes, pw. windows, new paint, many hew parts, $3,000. dr b.o. Phone 623- 7387. 39-tfSN GRAHAM'S GARAGE1987 HAYDON 263-8172 "Thank You" TO ALL OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Season's Greetings, wishing you and yours a aafe and happy holiday and a prosperous and healthy New Year. 1986 Chev Half-ton V6, standard, certified. 1985 ChevSIO V6, auto, p.s., p.b., certified. 1970 GMC Half-ton V8, standard with overdrive, radio, as is, 51-1SN 1980 TOYOTA 1/2 ton truck for parts, rusty. Phone 623-7232 after 6 p.m. 48-tfSN 1980 DODGE 1/2 ton pick up, slant six, auto., p.s., p.b., 4 brand new tires, no rust, 75,000 miles, $1,500. certified. Phone 786-2918. 51-1SN Snowmobiles 1970 440 ARTIC Cat, Panther, excellent excellent condition, $550. or best offer. Phone 623-3550. 51-1SN For Rent WALKER'S Choose and Cut your Christmas Tree PINE OR SPRUCE WEEKENDS North on Hwy, 115 to Kltby, right on Durham Rd. 9,3 km. east of Ellzabothvlllo, turn loft and follow signs 3 kin. to farm. 797-2767 4Q41SN nivorsnrios, ole, Phono 263-2215 Real Estate For Sale Help Wanted ]L COMMUTER LOT FOR SALE 5 minutes to Hwy. 115 20 minutes to Oehawa 1.7 acres, Newcastle Phone (416) 987-4372 51-2SN PRIVATE SALE Newcastle 2 storey custom built, 2500 sq. ft., ravine lot. $249,000. Phone 987-1827 after 5 p.m. 50-2SN FULLTIME DISHWASHER Phone 983-5001 New Dutch Oven Orono 51-1SN FRENCH TUTORING For students and adults. Private lessons in grammar and pronunciation; assistance with school projects. Phone Mrs. J. Shaw 623-2768 49-3SN CARRIERS NEEDED for the following areas. Vanstone, Sunset, Liberty N. - 27 papers - (until January 3) and then route will be: Prospect, Second, Veteran's, Lambs Lane, Elgin, Fourth - 35 papers - PLEASE CONTACT The Canadian Statesman 623-3303 43-tfi *We Care About Kids FULLTIME TRANSIT BUS WASHER REQUIRED "B" licence preferred or we will train. PART TIME BUS WASHERS REQUIRED Students, etc. PLEASE APPLY AT 80 Mearns Ct., Bowmanville 51-2SN Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of ARLINGTON D. COLLINS, late of the Township of Scugog who died on or about the 12th day of December, 1988, must be filed with the undersigned undersigned personal representatives on or before January 5th, 1990, thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated December 5th, 1989. Gilbert Collins and Royden Collins, by his solicitor, GLENN ELLIOTT, 83 Centre Street South, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 4A1. 50-3S ' Canada Yearbook Services (1980) Ltd. BOWMANVILLE REQUIRES EXPERIENCED TYPESETTER Must be familiar with MCS System and Page Layout Paste up: Photo sizing, pasting of completed type Positions available immediately, salary commensurate with experience. Phone for appointment 623-8621 jèf THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Requires the services of a PERSONNEL CLERK at the Board Office The qualifications and experience required for this positon are: COMMERCIAL property, King St., Bowmanville, approx. 600 sq. ft. Phone 623-2663.50-tfSN ONE 3 bedroom, $700.; two 2 bedroom, bedroom, $650. Phone 623-4834 after 5 p.m. 50-2SN FOUR bedroom house, garage, Bowmanville, no pets, first, last, references, references, available Dec. 1 st/89, $900./monlh plus utilities. Phone 623-1266. 49-4SN PLANNING a wedding or dance? Phone 1-705-277-3668 evenings between 6 and 8 for rental of Brownsdale Community Centre, golf Course Rd., Newcastle. 42-tfSN FURNISHED room, kitchen/bathroom kitchen/bathroom use, private entrance, own parking, cable, $75. weekly. Phone 623-5640 before 2. 51-1S LARGE room, $100./week, first and last week necessary, fridge, use of kitchen and bathroom facilities, facilities, prefer oenlleman. Phone 263-4392. 51-1S BOWMANVILLE - One bedroom apt., attached garage, available January 1 si, good location, utilities included, no pels, first/last, refer- ences. Phone 623-7263. 51-1S ONE bedroom, upper floor duplex, available January 1, fridge, stove, central air, parking, no pets, central central Bowmanville, $595. monthly, utilities included, first and last, references.. references.. Phono 623-6563 alter 5 p.m. 51-1S ONE bedroom basement apartment, apartment, separate entrance, $500./ month, single occupancy, everything everything Included. Phono 623-1071 before 5 p.m. ' 51-1SN TWO bedroom condo lor rent in Bowmanvillo, six nppliancos included, included, $750./month plus utilities, Please phono 623-4172 or 686- 3643 Monday - Friday, 0 - 5. 46-tfSN TYRONE Community Centro lor root. Most up-to-dalo kitchen, lots of parking, playground, country sotting lor picnics, weddings, nn- *'* Cnrislino DEER hound puppies, 8'weeks old. Phone 263-8045. 51-1SN FREE - Friendly brown and white or timid black and while part Lab-' rador male dogs, one year old, all needles. Phone 623-7594. 51-1SN GERMAN Shepherd puppies, black and tan; C.K.C. registered, tattooed, first shots, dewormed, $250. each. Phone 263-2542. 51-2SN BIRDS Baby Cockatlels, Budgies, Finches, Lovebirds Let our knowledge and advice' help you in the selection, care and feeding of your baby bird. Also Goffln Cockatoos. Selection of cages, stands, books, toys and supplies. Phone for appt. 983-9311 Crozier Aviaries 28-tfS Terrlbrae Pet Food and Supplies Professional Dog Grooming 73 King Street West Bowmanville 623-1752 "The convenient place to shop" 51-tfSN 22-IISN ONE bedroom npnrtmont In Bow- mnnvillo, now fridge nnd stovo, nil newly ronovnlod, largo windows, windows, A must to soo, Avallnblo Immodlntoly, $525./month plus hydro. Phono 623-1103, 50-2SN NEW or nlmoBl now homos, lltroo or lour hotlroom, nvnilablo lor rant In llto villngo ol Nowcnstlo, ono or lwocargaragoB,$OOO.andu|)|)lu8 uIIIiIIob. Plontio phono vlnnlo Gupta QU7-1709 ot 023-0000 Salou Hop. I lonrnx cornoratono rooky. rooky. 60.3SN EFFICIENCY npailmont lor root front $75, n wook, All lurnlchàd, newly ronovnlod, complota kitchen kitchen nntl bn;h (ncliilloi, Pilvnla on- trnneoi, pniklng, Phono Nowlon- villa 700-2320, 6-tlSN REMOVAL OF FRESH DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK $20,00 Service Charge on Sheep, Goals, Pigs, Horses, Ponies, Colts and Newborn Foals. PHONE MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 38-tlS Services PRIVATE Mutigngun • Tho plnco lo go when your bank any» Nol AnubuR InvoMmonta, (410) 000- 7200, 110 Groon Slrool, Whitby, 37-IISN Ontario. HOME MOVIES TRANSFERRED TO VIDEOTAPE European video tapes converted. LOW, LOW PRICES Phone 623-5555 37-IISN HELP WANTED With the introduction of our new subscripton delivery system within the Town of Bowmanville, we will be hiring 8 new Statesman carriers for January 3,1990. The available routes are... Route #3 Prospect, Second, Veteran's, Lamb's Lane, Elgin, Fourth. 35 papers Route #4 Sunset, Vanstone, Summerfleld, Third, Bernard, Liberty. 50 - 61 papers Route #8 Liberty, Saunders, Lorraine 31 -34 papers Route #16 Queen Street west of Division 16-23 papers Route #23 Roser, Alonna, Martin Road 38-41 papers Route #26 Albert, Duke, Ontario, Brown, Pine, Anne, Park, Nelson, Victoria, Jane St, W„ Durham, Hunt, Argyle 19- 42 papers Route #27 Lambert, Queen (east of Liberty), King SI. (oast of Liberty), Church (east of Liberty). 38 papers Route #31 Mutton, Parkway Cros., Parkway Ave,, Liberty St. S. 20- 31 papers WHAT WILL YOU BE PAID? 10c por pnpor (lor oxnmplo: 40 papers = $4.00) You don't hnvo lo colloct front customors nnd papors will bo dolivorod to your homo. PLUS... II you dolivor lor nn ontiro month with no complaints Iront customors, you will rocoivo nn oxlra wook's pay ns a tipi PLUS... Deliver for an entire year with no complaints and receive * $100 bonusl II you would liko to Inko ndvnntngo ol Ihls groat buslnoss opportunity, planso phono 623-3303 nnd ask lor Marilyn. CanaWatt 62 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3303 Your frlond, neighbor and buslnoss pnrinor slncaW54 BI-IIS Help Wanted Work Wanted DAYTIME and evening bartenders bartenders wanted. Buster's Roadhouse and Tavern, 45 King St. W., Newcastle, Newcastle, 987-4442. 51-2SN DAYCARE required in Bowmanville Bowmanville beginning February 5th 1er 4 month old. References required. Phone 623-6290 anytime. 51-1S WANTED - Waiters, Waitresses for new coffee shop in busy hotel, morning and afternoon shifts, full time/part time. Contact 623-3373. 51-2SN SECRETARY required full time for home office located near Newcastle. Newcastle. Must have experience on IBM and Panasonic word processors, have good spelling and grammar and be a non-smoker, $10. per hour. References required. Phone 987-1334. 51-1SN MERV ORR'S Transport Driver Training • Over 14 years of experience • Ontario's oldest and largest • Over 6000 graduates • Job search assistance available • Tax deductible TRAINING BY PROFESSIONALS Phone 1-800-265-3559 Pickering 42-tfSN RELIABLE part-time daycare needed from approx. 4 p.m. - 7 p.m., 3 days per week, lor infant and two year old. Phond Mary 987- 1585. 51-1SN HAIRSTYLIST with clientele required, required, salaried or 60 per cent commission, full or part time.- Roots Hair Design, 987-i 544. 50- 2SN HOUSEKEEPER to live in or out, lull time, non-smoker, must love animals. Phone 987-1334. 51- 1SN LICENSED Electrician required for Bankwell Electric Ltd., wages commensurate. commensurate. with experience. Please phone 623-8806 between 9-5. 51-1SN MATURE babysitter needed, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., one on one attention, Monday to Friday, two weeks/month. Please phone 623- 6493 after 1:30. 51-1S GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 PAINTING, PAPERING, CARPENTRY, REMODELLING, GENERAL REPAIRS 24-tfS ( r \ bfianoes Dee ISovfce * DHS HEALTH CARE SERVICES 2 Slmcoe St. S., Suite 500 Oshawa MATURE HOMEMAKERS NURSES AIDES Required Immediately for busy health care service. New higher rates for homemakers. PLEASE PHONE 571-1511 51-1S SECURITY OFFICERS In Bowmanville area. Full and Part Time help required, Suitable sites available for males and females. We urgently require full time help. APPLY TO CANADIAN PROTECTION SERVICES 124 Wilson Road S., Oshawa, Ontario Apply: 9 a.m. -9 p.m. OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 35-tfS A minimum of two years current experience working in the personnel function, which includes: a) knowledge of, and experience with, personnel procedures; b) decision making and organizational skills and experience required along with the ability to function without constant supervision; c) knowledge of, and experience with, labour relations practices required to interpret several collective agreements; and d) computer literacy including current knowledge and experience working with a human resources information system. Superior clerical, typing and record-keeping skills and experience. Superior interpersonal and communication skills are required as 'oli-Jih® position provides service to employees at all levels, often m,- regarding confidential and sensitive personnel arid, Ititjour, . ' relations information. Applicants will be required to undergo a related skills test. ü 'I The position involves 35 hours per week, 12 months per year. Current salary is $12.23 per hour. Please apply with a letter of application and complete resumé by 5 January 1990 stating qualifications to: Esther Heberle Manager of Administrative and Support Staff The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education P.O. Box 470 834 D'Arcy Street North Cobourg, Ontario K9A4L2 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ' Gary Tushingham Diana Stewart Director of Education and Secretary Chairperson of the Board 51-1S GAFFIELDS CARPET CLEANING Living Room. *2-3 hrs. to dry . Dining Room • Free Deodorizing Hall and Stairs • Moving Furniture 3 Bedrooms $10.00 extra Only $70.00 Phone 623-1554 48-4SN WE SPECIALIZE IN • Tree Removal • Trimming • Pruning • Stump Removal • Free Estimates Book now for lower winter prices on free removals 432-1422 48-5S Carl Brink BUILDER CUSTOM HOMES Additions and Alterations 987-4818 (No Sunday Calls) ___ 52-tfS CJ'S RENOVATING SERVICE Specializing In siding, sheds and garages, custom decks and fences. looting and home renovations. Special rates lor Senior Citizens For free estimates phone: 623-4154 1-tfSN PETER SUTHERLAND SIDING Soffit, Eavestrough, Windows, Shutters 623-4398 16-tlSN HOLROYD'S HEATING Authorized ESSO Home Comfort Dealer Oil Burner Sales Cleaning and Repairs Parts and Service Plan HAMPTON 263-8501 40-tfSN BARR'S (416) 987-1445 986-4277 Roofing • Sheet Metal • Skylights FLAT ROOFS • SHINGLES • PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING • SOFFIT • TROUGH • SUNROOMS • SOLARIUMS 20 Years Experience Collect Calls Accepted 28-tfSN "HERITAGE HOME IMPROVEMENTS" SPECIALIZING IN: Finished Basements-Additions Decks - Fences - Minor Renovations Architectural and Electrical Services Available FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-1692 44-tfSN NEWCASTLE UPHOLSTERY Pick-up and Delivery FREE ESTIMATES 987-4958 119 Edward St. W„ Newcastle 37-tlSN RESTORATION RENEWING Block and Brick Chimneys TRYWESCO MASONRY 623-8521 38-tfSN DURHAM TV & ANTENNA TV Antennas for Perfection in Reception • Towers • Rotators ♦ Remote Control Rotators ♦ Antennas ♦ Transmission Wire • Hardware We also do TV and Stereo Repairs 151 Liberty St. S., fÿ Bowmanville 623-9955 '^omjv Bill Van Der Herberg Depend on the Leader Channel Master' Custom Software Services and Supplies Micro Computers ANDY'S SOFTWARE INC. 623-2375 Maple Grove Rd. N., R.R. 6, Bowmanville, Ont. 31-tfSN NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to all makes. Harvey Partner, Orono, phone 983-5206, Bowmanville phone 623 - 2301 - 1-tfSN INSTALL a combination wood oil, wood electric furnace or boiler. Oil - gas - electric boiler or furnace. furnace. THarvey Partner and Sons, Bowmanville, 623-2301 or Orono 983 - 5206 ~ 4-tfSN t&t CARPENTERS Licensed, 25 years experience House Trim Stairs Decks Additions All carpentry related work Ivan Jones Tony Panara Orono Hampton 983-5303 263-299) 1-tfSN JACK BURGESS ; OIL BURNERS - FURNACES" CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS i P.O. Box 43, Bowmanville > 1-tfS BOB'S PAINTING & DECORATING REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES Phone 987-2193 : 49-tfSN Expert service to VCR's, T.V.'s, . ^ home stereos, car stereos, portable stereos. Free Estimates Bowmanville Audio-Vision 58 King St. W. 623-2312 44-tfSN STU McGEE FLOOR SANDING SANDING-REFINISHING REPAIRS AND STAINING Supplied, Laid and finished Over 20 years experience Phone collect after 6 p.m. (705) 944-5529 v ' 4B-4RKI FURNACES CLEANED Parts and Service Policy HARVEY PARTNER and SONS Bowmanville 623-2301 Orono 983-5206 52-tfSN MEL ROZEMA : PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and Exterior Over 25 years of experience In painting and paper hanging . FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8976 42-tfSN A & J'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS SPECIALIZING IN Minor Repairs and Alterations Interior and Exterior FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-8874 or 623-3549 31-tfS BOWMANVILLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington Street, Bowmanville Mon. -Frl.9a.m.- 5p.m. - Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen ' and glass repairs, all types of . glass and mirrors available. FREE ESTIMATES 24 hour emergency plate glass replacement. Locally owned and operated. S1-tfSN SNOWPLOWING COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL AND INDUSTRIAL Salting and Sanding 987-5767 47-4S ROLL OFF BINS FOR. SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING CARPET STEAM CLEANING C & J Services Personal Service Satisfaction Guaranteed $49. Dlnlng/Livlng Rooms plus Hallway Phone Dennis at 623-2095 2-tfSN Simons Custom Upholstering (Since 1954) Free Estimates Pick-up and Delivery 623-6207 , Base Line Rd. W„ Bowmanvillo 1-ltSN DAVID HILLS BUILDING SERVICES Additions -Sunrooms Garages I will design it, draw it, obtain permit and build It. One price, no extras BEAT THE SPRING RUSH Telephone 786-2393 49-IISN