f 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 20,1989 Section Two : •> - ■ Grades 2 and 3 students crossed the border into the United States where they presented "A Cowboy's. Christmas with a Holiday Square Dancë," including in the front row, kneeling 1-r, Nicky McQuaid, Ronnie Kolinski, Violet Gondera and Ryan Hill, and at rear, Paul Banks, Sarah Butson, James Bradshaw, Mat thew Noel, Billy Kiff, Tammy Tester, Tommy Tester, Erica LeBlanc and Calvin Brown. Other acts featured Mexico, Africa, Japan and France with Santa arriving arriving at the end of the program. ^ ■ : . j Mitchell's Corners Public School held their annual Christmas concert Dec. 14th at the S. T. Worden school. Following a welcome by Principal Dan MacI- vor, there was a draw in which Mr. Maclvor, Lawrence Lawrence Keenan and Brenda Pittens participated. The winner was from Bowmanville. This relaxed threesome were part of an early skit by the students of Mitchell's Corners Public School, .Thursday, Dec. 14th at the S. T. Worden School. They are, 1-r, Wally King, Richard Crawford and Patricia Goff. The occasion was the annual Christmas concert that attracted a large audience of parents and relatives. Seniors Hold Dec. Meeting Hn 1 O 1 O Q O ^--' u The theme for the Mitchell's Corners concert was "Peace on Earth" so the various program items depict- ed Christmas in several world locations. This presen- DURHAM THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regional Municipality of Durham is considering • AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. The amendment, as submitted by the applicant proposes to delete from the Official Plans the identification of a future interchange at Lambs Road and Highway No. 401, which would allow the lands to be reserved for the interchange to be developed for industrial purposes within the northeast portion of the Site indicated on the map below. In order to assist in the evaluation of the amendment application, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information related to the amendment application Is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario L1N6A3 or by calling Mr. John Sharpe, Planning Department (416) 668-7731 (Whitby)/686-1651 (Toronto). You are encouraged to forward your submission to the Commissioner of Planning at the above noted address as soon as possible. In order to proceed with our review of this amendment application, wo would appreciate their receipt prior to Friday, January 12,1990. Please include your address and telephone number and the file number identified below in any submissions made. FILE NO. 89-140/D/N Mario Hubbard Chairman, Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning tation by the Jr. and Sr. Kindergartens was from Canada Canada ana was entitled "I believe in Santa Claus, He's a Chubby, Little Fellow." by Joyce Kelly On Thursday evening the Intermediate Intermediate Drama presented A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens at C.C.P.S. This evening of Christmas Drama and music was dedicated to their teacher Mr. Marshall who is improving slowly in Toronto General •Hospital following a car accident. The Primary Choir led by Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Bradburn and the Junior Choir by Mrs. Jeffrey took part in the presentation. A fine crowd enjoyed this very much. At the conclusion the winning winning ticket for the 50-50 draw sponsored by the SAC Committee was drawn with Don Ellis of R.2, Janetville winning $1085. What a great Christmas present. Sorry to report that Bart VanRyswyk continues to be a patient patient in Oshawa Hospital following following surgery and that Mrs. Lome McKee is also in Oshawa General. Irene had the misfortune to fall and break a hip. Improvement is wished for both of you. Neil and Noreen Malcolm both continue to mend at home following following their surgeries. They will be hoping for better things in the New Year, I am sure. Blackstock now can boast of another store. The Grand Opening of the Creative Selections in the building that was formerly the Royal Bank took place on Friday. This delightful craft store is a new addition of the Country Convenience Convenience Store. Congratulations and best wishes to Ginny and Don Masterson and family on this new venture. Be sure to visit it at your earliest convenience. As a means to allow prospective curlers the opportunity to try out the sport the Blackstock Curling Club has offered anyone wishing to come to see what it is all about to curl for the next two or three weeks free of charge in any league. Just come to the rink any Monday or Tuesday evening or Tuesday afternoon and you will be welcome to join the curlers. At the Tuesday evening euchre there were 13 tables witli the following winners: 1. Muriel Butson; Butson; 2. Betty Hockly; 3. dim Gibson; Gibson; 4. Harold Burgess; 5. Gladys Potts; 8. Doreen Ferguson. Low - Charlie Fee. Draws; Mary Pools, Laurrcna Bright, Martin Stubbs, Harold Swain and Leslie Taylor. Blackstock IV.1. Dur Christmas pot luck dinner was once again as delicious as ever. Joining in were our District President Mrs. Cathcart and 4-H leaders Barbara Byers and Marilyn Green. The meal started with the W.I. grace. Later, much later, the meeting started with the W.I. Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Collect. Carols were sung and gift exchange exchange with Aileen Byers acting as Santa. Flora Samells and Pat Sleep each gave a reading and Dora Martyn played a couple of carols on her accordian. Donations will be sent to Community Community Care and Operation Scugog. The collection which will be sent to the Salvation Army was generous. A Christmas card and a note from Lisa Kristensen, a former member was read and her address address made available for anyone wishing it. More carols were enjoyed. The meeting closed with O'Canada. by Helen Bradburn, P.R.O. On Sunday evening a bus load of local residents travelled to Toronto where they enjoyed the Living Christmas Tree and the beautiful Christmas lights on the way. On December 12, 1989 the Bowmanville Seniors Club met at the Lions Centre. Centre. A delicious turkey dinner dinner was enjoyed, served by the Lions and Lioness. The business meeting was conducted by the President, President, Mrs. V. Downey, Mrs. Pat Prout was at the piano and we were entertained entertained by the Harmonicats with several selections. Carol Carol - singing was led by Mr. Walter Woolley. Mrs. Vera Tomlinson gave several readings on the Christmas theme. Mrs. V. Downey and Mrs. M. Wiseman put on a very humorous skit. All Seniors are invited to our January 9, '90 meeting at the Lions Centre, 5.30 p.m. Pot Luck supper. Lean Bennett. Future for Darlington From Page One Perhaps, as we look at the future of nuclear power in this community, we ought to consider it in a broader context. context. The issue is really not whether or not to construct a new nuclear generating generating facility in the Town of Newcastle or anywhere else. The real issue is one of coping with a continued need for energy energy in spite of diminishing resources. This subject is, of course, tied up with the Greenhouse Effect and acid rain, disappearing rain forests, droughts, _ internal combustion engines, engines, agricultural chemicals and all the other topics contained in the "bag" of environmental issues. The need for additional nuclear power stations in Ontario is part and parcel of the earth's growing environ mental crisis. The knee-jerk reactions of building a new power station whenever we think we need one or opposing such stations for reasons of economics or safety may not be appropriate any more. What we need is a scientific undertaking undertaking which will give the world a better better understanding of how the energy crisis can be solved. We need something something along the lines of the Manhattan Project which will attempt to give us some solutions. Ontario's thirst for electrical power is just one small piece of a very large puzzle that will demand a solution in the next decade. Our future depends on it. On behalf of all the students in the concert, Carolyn Oyler made a presentation to Cheryl McMaster expressing expressing thanks for her help as the pianist. WHITBY -- The president of Lasco Steel wants to see Ontario Hydro build new generators so the company company won't experience any more lost production days on account of electricity shortages, such as the ones they experienced last week. Lasco gets lower-cost power on the condition that they lose some electricity in the event of hydro shortages. Local MPP Sam Cureatz has said Ontario Hydro does need more generators and suggested nuclear stations are what should be built. Decorate Year Door In Time For Christmas See our selection of: Victorian Storm Doors, Interior French Doors * Decorative Entry Doors 1200 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa 436-1344 WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE dB DASH WOOD © zz Peace A Joy As the holiday unfolds in all its mystery and beauty, may you experience the warmth of the season. Merry Christmas and many thanks. (V JdeiAsUSie. :>>, .' | ;j , 21 King SI. W. Bowmanville 623-7494 Come in and see us for a coffee and check out our Christmas Savings. v * v >: v (.y 'V December 27 19 % off December 28 16 % off December 29 13 % off December 30 10 % off (1/2 day) Sorry no deliveries Cash and Carry Only on sale prices. THE DISCOUNTS APPLY TO ALL OUR REGULAR PRICED MERCHANDISE IN STOCK Christmas Hours; Dec. 23 8-12 Dec. 27,8 -6 Dec. 24 Closed Dec. 28, 8 - 7 Dec. 25 Closed Dec. 29,8 - 7 Dec. 26 Closed Dee. 30,8 -12 Regular Hours Commence Jan. 2 a* , Have a safe Christmas and Happy New Year NEWCASTLE UMRED LIMITER' WIVIBEK ■llwll I EV 361 King St. E., Newcastle 987-4713