I 24 The Canadian Statesman Vincent Massey Report On Friday, December 22, Miss Cole and her class will be having a Christmas party. party. They have made decorations decorations and presents for their parents. Mrs. Pohjolainen came in and talked to the class about Christmas in Finland. She also brought the class some Gingerbread cookies. Lucky them! I would like to say Merry Christmas to all the readers of this paper and also a Happy Happy New Year. by Tammy Bunce. Mrs. Micnaelis* class has been writing Christmas poetry, doing novel studies and working in the S.R.A. lab. They are learning all about the use of capital letters. letters. They have just finished their Christmas in other lands projects. They got some of their information from books and articles from our library, and the Bow- manville library. Many students students interviewed people in their own families to learn about Christmas customs. In math they are working on geometry and measurement. measurement. They have also made presents for their parents, decorations for the tree and popcorn pets for their reading reading buddies. oy Leslie Novak and Mike Jackson. In Mrs. Johnson's class the children were very happy happy to get ready for Christmas. Christmas. They decorated their tree and brought in toys and canned goods for the Salvation Salvation Army. Bringing in these items helped them to understand understand the real meaning of Christmas. The children have read looks about Christmas and made gifts for .their Moms and Dads but they are keeping keeping it a secret. Ryan Ormis- ton enjoys making decorations. decorations. Drew Adams told me about his telephone that is a clock and a calculator. by Stephanie Cooper. What will Mrs. Whatley's class do in January? ' Starting in January, Mrs. Whately's students will be studying the Inuit as part of their Environmental Studies. Studies. Mrs. Whately will set up centres on Inuit painting, homes, seal hunts and other aspects of Inuit culture. If there is a lot of snow they will try Inuit games. They will also be reading novels and short stories. by Catherine Chadwick What a success! The Great Canadian Book Fair that was held in the library on December 6 & 7 had total sales of $2158.86. The school received received $864.00 in profit. Mrs. Strong purchased books, tapes and a video with the money. She wishes to thank all the students, teachers and parents who supported us. by Melanie Walker. Mrs. Landry's class has just finished a novel called The Phoenix and the Carpet. The students wrote some Christmas Poetry that thev would like to share with you. Saint Nick There was a man named old Saint Nick And one night he wasn't very quick He delivered the toys in a bad mood His tummy was sore from some bad food Right out of the oven he had taken a cookie And then his stomach was all of a shooky He went out early on Christmas Eve Did his work, came home and fell asleep on his sleeve. Anne Stewart. Elf kind, talented sings, makes toys, whistles whistles clever, responsible, patient, patient, polite Munehkin Jeni van do Bospoort Lantern Poem Snowman Three balls Lumps of snow Melts in the sun Frosty Santa Fat, Jolly Flics, slides, sleeps Kind, thoughtful, jolly, generous St. Nicholas Joel Osborne Long Time Ago A long time ago, Santa didn't have a sled, He used to use a reindeer Hint's name was Ed, He'd sit upon his back, with Ins hag of toys All for the good little girls and hoys. Kelly Ogilvie reporter Patty Knmnrinos ASSORTED TEA, ASSORTED CREME, DIGESTIVE, FAMILY DIGESTIVE, SHORTCAKE OR FRUIT CREME Peek Fieam Biscuits 400 g PKG. Limit on# pkg. ptr coupon, coupon valid it IGA until closing Doc. 30.1809. A.C. NIELSEN, BOX 3000, SI. JOHN, N.B. E2L <L3 PLU 2087 0110189 PLU 2071 00401799j PROCESS CHEESE FOOD, LIGHT, REGULAR OR MEXICAN JH| 500 o ü X, 9 Limit ona jar par coupon, coupon valid at IQA until ctoalng Sat., Dac. 30, 1989. A.C. NIELSEN, BOX 3000, ST. JOHN, N.B. 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