The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 17,1990 23 SJeurcaatU 3nbepenbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Optimist Free Skate is Very Popular in Newcastle s :Last Wednesday the Newcastle Lions Club held their regular meeting with Régional Chairman of Peterborough Peterborough East, Dave Shaw, as guest speaker. 3 Mrs. Peggy Boyd hosted a miscellaneous shower last Thursday in honour of Lynda Lynda Herron, bride-elect of Greg Martin. Attending from the village were Margaret Margaret Burley, Pauline Storks, Audrey Gogerty, and Hilda Call. ; On Monday evening, January January 8, the Sunshine Unit of the Ü.C.W. enjoyed their first meeting of the year, with President Marjorie Caswell, in the chair. Mrs. Pearl Noble accepted the position position of Unit Leader for the year and Jean Rickard will be. treasurer. Jean, who spoke on Indonesia, answered answered many questions about her visit there, providing providing good entertainment. The devotional was presented by Shirley Coyle, Betty Adams and Narda Hoogkamp. Birthday greetings to Margaret Pearce, Frank and Eva Hoar, Bessie Dean, Tom Couch, Michelle Hope, Marilyn Marilyn Kent, Bertha Fisher, Michael Michael Wade and Betty Adams. Adams. Ontario Hydro had an excellent excellent presentation at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex last week. On Wednesday at Markham Pauline Storks and Bob King attended a seminar on Energy Services for the J.990's. ...Last Wednesday Mrs. Lena Graham, Mrs. K. Kimball, Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy were guests of Acy and Clinton Farrow, New- tonville. . On Thursday evening, January 18, Newcastle Senior Senior Citizens meet for their card games at Newcastle Community Hall. '• ' Mr. Gordon Garrod Sr. is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Hospital, Bowmanville and Gordon Gordon Jr. has come home from Florida. , Mr. Jim Hoogkamp returned returned recently from a three-week vacation in the Phillipines. The Newcastle Horticultural Horticultural Society meets on Tues- 2day evening, January 23, gl990 at 7:30 p.m. in the -Centennial Room of the ^Newcastle Community Hall. :The executive met on «Wednesday, January 10 at (the home of President Vicki iLesnick. jj The Orono and District (Fiddle Club holds its first •meeting of the year on (Wednesday, January 17, at (Newcastle Community Hall. Come and enjoy a night of jmusic! ; Mr. and Mrs. Gary (Sweetman, of Streetsville }visited on Saturday after- •noon with Miss Dorrcne Powell and Floyd, Lake Shore. On Saturday, October 29, 1988 the ground-breaking ceremony for the Maurice Coulter Housing Cooperative Cooperative took place on the site at Martin Grove and John Garland Boulevard. The building is now completed completed and full of tenants. For over 30 years sister Maurice has worked in many capacities, supporting the CAW Local 112. On October October 13, 1989, the Downs- view NDP Riding Association Association held a gala fund-raising dinner to honour Maurice Coulter for her long service. President Jenw Dias explained, explained, "the Maurice Coulter Coulter Housing Co-op will be a fitting tribute to a woman whose patience, kindness and tough determination has been an inspiration for many brothers and sisters." Among the more than 200 guests were several dignitaries: dignitaries: Bob Rae (leader of Ont. NDP), Odoardo Di Santo Santo (Head of the Compensation' Compensation' Appeals Tribunal and former MPP), Richard Johnston Johnston (MPP), Ross McLellan (OFL Political Director and former MPP) and Metro Councillors Maria Augimeri and Howard Moscoe. Proud we are of our sister Maurice (Powell) Coulter, who received received her early education at the old S.S. NO. 2 Lake Shore School in the former Clarke Township! Mrs. Nellie Spencer visited visited a few days last week with her son-in-law, Mr. Râÿ Bennett, Ennismore, and with him visited her daughter, daughter, Ruth at Peterborough Civic Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were Sunday dinner guests of their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morrow and Kristy, Kristy, who are living in their new home in Millbrook. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.' Albert Pearce visited Wayne and Kim Pearce, Viki and Kirk, at Bethany. On Monday, January 15, the funeral service for Mary Porter, wife of the late James Porter, former manager manager of the Newcastle Branch of the Canadian Imperial Imperial Bank of Commerce, was held in Oshawa. Sympathy Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends. Sunday visitors with Mr. Harold Couch were daughter daughter Betty Bourgeois, Mrs. Lorraine Bourgeois, great grandson Bradley Bourgeois and grand-daughter, Anne Bourgeois, all of Belleville and son Bill Couch. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary and reception reception in honour of Cecil and Katie Tomlinson, Belleville, Belleville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Saturday evening evening dinner guests of Bill you've come a bong way 'Baby! bHappy 30th 50t& pUMt ait uà. Stitt cute cwd cuddty and Marg Wade, Port Hope. For twenty-six years, Mrs. Janet McCracken has been a conscientious staff member of the Newcastle Post Office. On January 26, Assistant Post Master Janet will end her career here, as she and her husband Bill, have sold their home and are moving to Bowmanville. We thank her for her service at the post office and wish her health and happiness in her retirement, ana time to enjoy her children Eleanor and husband Bill Atkinson, Sundridge, son Ken and Bonnie and son, Newcastle. Congratulations and best wishes, Janet! Mr. Arthur Clarke accompanied accompanied his sister Bessie and brother-in-law, Lloyd Stephenson Stephenson to Belleville on Sunday when they attended the 50th wedding anniversary anniversary reception of sister Kay and Cecil Tomlinson at the home of their son Clark Tomlinson. On Saturday evening Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono, visited Mrs. Gladys Wood. On Sunday Floyd Wood and Lesley Mohun, Oshawa took his grandmother Gladys out to brunch after which they spent the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood. On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, Henderson, Newtonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skeld- ing and girls, Port Perry, visited recently with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding, Parkview Apartments. Apartments. On Sunday the Denault sisters and spouses, Mary and Roy Berry, Orono, Marg and Ron Burley, Newcastle, Edna and Don Elliott, Newtonville, Newtonville, enjoyed dinner out! St. George's Anglican Church . On Sunday, January 14, 1990, the flowers on thè'Al- tar were given to the Greater Greater Glory of God and in loving loving memory of Charlotte and Herbert Brereton, Frances, Thomas and Charles, by Maiy Garrod and family. Holy Communion was celebrated celebrated at eight o'clock with Morning Prayer and Sermon at eleven o'clock. ■ A special vestry meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 24, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall to discuss future building plans at St. George's. On Sunday, January 21, the third Sunday after Epiphany, Holy Communion will be held at 8 a.m. with Holy Communion and Sermon Sermon at 11 a.m. The Wednesday Morning Group meet in the Parish Hall for quilting and crafts at 10 a.m. United Church News At Newcastle United Church on Sunday, January 14, 1990, Lay reader was Mr. Sam Erskine. Since Samuel and his wife Edith are moving, he expressed appreciation to Reverend and Mrs. Stiles and members members of the board and congregation congregation for their kindness and friendliness. The choir rendered the anthem, Open My Eyes, and Reverend Stiles preached the sermon, The New Age. Sunday, January January 21, wifi begin the week of prayer for Christian Unity, Unity, and the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated celebrated and new members received. The annual congregational congregational meeting will be held on Monday, January 29, with dessért and coffee at seven o'clock. Sunday, February 4 new board members will be installed. installed. Sunday, February 11, the sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated. Tuesday, February 13, at 2 p.m. the moderator, the Rt. Reverend Dr. Sung Chul Lee, will visit Newcastle United Church. Everyone is welcome. On Sunday morning, February February 25the the annual pancake pancake breakfast will be held. On Wednesday, February 28th, Ash Wednesday an ecumenical ecumenical service will be held. Newcastle Village Bowling Ladies League Mary Pierik 234, 221, 185, Bernice Henderson 233, Linda Campbell 181, Betty Major 219,187, Marilyn Major Major 175, 185, 175, Marilyn Kent 178, 235, Glenda Castellano Castellano 208, 180, Bobbie Tims 236, 180, Marg Miller 18,9," Loma Crockett 185, 255, Louise McKnight 208, Gail Tutkoluk 182, Cindy Plain 184, Carol Johnson ■ 198,180. Seniors Marg Burley 203, 179, Vance Cooper 220, Jenny Hicks 191, Art Compton 152, Ron Burley 186, 222, Albert Pearce 202, Stan Allin Allin 155, Kay Powell 193, Lon Parder 155, Stan Powell 222,190, Jack Holmes. Thursday Mixed League Wes Forget 209, 316, Bob Forget 190, '210, Carol Ly- cett 224, T. Kindratiuk 199, Greg Forget 235, 209, Joe Mendonca 217, 217, 195, John McGuey 256, 183, 179, M. Hentig 207, 180, ' B. Brown 175, Joe Forget 207, 207, M. Travers 189, Ken Boyd 222, 238, Fae Forget Hobnobbing with Harvey Malcolm "Pet Peeves" Everyone, I'm sure, has a long unwritten list of things that occur if not daily, at least routinely which one finds annoying in various degrees. This may vary from mildly aggravating, to teeth clenching and finally to airbluing airbluing vituperation. Possibly, heading the list are things our fellow automobile automobile drivers do to get our goat so to speak. To select a few "for instances" is the driver who in daylight runs with his headlight on high beam almost blinding you in the process, Or take the jerk (both sexes) who puts on their turn signal as they are already in the process of turning directly in front of your instead of a decent interval interval prior to turning. Or the idiot who drives top speed through the slushy streets in town and sprays salt, snow and slush all over the nearby pedestrians. Another class of drivers that deserves to bo shot at dawn is the "lane to lane weaver" who crosses from lano to lane at break-neck speed jeopardizing not only ms own life but the lives of nil drivers and passengers in the vicinity. Another pain in the neck are those individuals who toss their empty snack packs, pop and beer cans along our township roads instead instead of in their own garbage garbage bins. In the hotel there is a lierpotunl jokoster who feels compelled boforo ho gets oil at the third lloor, to punch every lloor button from there on up to the top,This can bo rather irritating if you happen to be gong to the 25 lloor. There appears to be n phobia with certain folks aggravated aggravated by Murphy's Law no doubt, to always meet some long lost friends in the doorway of public buildings eg. Grocery stores, shops etc. Ahd do they move over to the side so ns not to obstruct the traffic going in and out while they spend the next 15 minutes visiting? Not on your life. A stock prod would he a rather suitable solution methinks. There are always a few individuals who feel compelled compelled to sneak into lineups instead of moving to the back of the lineup in the traditional traditional Canadian way. This sparks a little animosity from those at the back of the line naturally. There is a small group of individuals who offend their nearby neighbours in eating places with what could be considered rather boorish behaviour • such as slurping their soup or coffee, chewing their food with their mouth semi open and other similar breaches of etiquette. Last but not least, are those individuals who have tho opportunity to wreak their bigoted opinions on tho public through tho media and abuse tho privilege beyond beyond tho accepted limit of good taste. A fitting example could be considered a treatise treatise on such an unlikely subject subject ns "Pet Peeves" in Hobnobbing Hobnobbing with Harvey. Heaven forbid! HELP KEEP RED CROSS READY! JL 180, 176, J. Kindratiuk 180, T. Ritchie 184,182. Newcastle Youth Bowling Seniors Nathan Coyle 141, Shaun Hentig 105, 113, Doug McCurdy 171, 111, Richard Jenkins 121, 226, Angela Coe 158, Chris Mathias 112, Kevin Tutkoluk 219, 221, Grant Burke 140,133, Leigh Wood 119, Michael Coe 129, Matthew Caswell 139, Laura Laura Wood 106, Tim Harness 104, 152, Chris Henderson 113, Nick Tutkoluk 103, Stephen Stephen Barber 135, 134, Sherry Sherry Foster 208. Juniors Douglas Walton 123, 73, Nathan Schroor 98, Jeffrey Giles 118, 161, Chris Lynch 95, 66, Lori Giles 135, 121, Nicholas Boyd 106, Michelle Schyffe 72, Sara Castellano 70, Matthew Schyff 107, Steven Steven Scott 78, Cheryl Perkins 79, 77, Adam Stripp 79, Jordan Jordan Schmahl 67, Amanda Storks 68, 116, Nicole Norton Norton 101, 155, Jeff Scott 101, 116, Robert Walton 103, 129, Rene Bedard 73, 96. The arena in Newcastle Village was a mass of humanity humanity on skates Sunday afternoon, courtesy of the Oshawa Optimist Club. They are sponsoring three Sunday afternoon Free skate sessions to stir up interest interest in forming an Optimist club in the village. Another session is planned for this Sunday from 2:30 to 4 p.m. I i i