< 16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 14,1990 Blue Ray Chapter entertain grand officers Anita Perras Performs at Bowmanville Recreation Complex Nestleton-I by Mabel Cawker I The setting for the very delightful dinner at 5:45 p.m. was the Masonic Hall...beautifully decorated in theme colours... colours... when the Grand Officers, other honoured guests and Blue Ray officers and members sat down to the sumptuous meal. Dinner Dinner music was a special feature with Robert Cawker on the sax- aphone and Carol Morrow on the piano.' After the dinner hour...a meeting was held upstairs in the Masonic Temple. Worthy Matron Sister Jane Galbraith, assisted by Worthy Patron Brother Alastair Newsome extended a warm, fraternal welcome to all in the East. They had the pleasure of welcoming Worthy Grand Matron Sister Audrey Martin and Worthy Grand Patron Brother Mike Beacock of Ontario, and their corp. of officers. Past Grand Matron Sister Marie Woodward & D.D.G.M. Sister Bette Rew were welcomed; as well as many other special guests. The Grand Executive Executive Committee - Ken Sum- mersford, Arthur Lloyd and Doug Morton. Peter Barr - Rep. of Louisiana Louisiana from Ontario and Patron of Sunbeam Chapter of Oshawa, Jim Martin, husband of Worthy Grand Matron Sister Audrey was also welcomed. Ten P.D.D.G.M.'s were cordially greeted, During the reading of the minutes by secretary Sister Marg Jeffrey, many invitations were rec'd from various Chapters. A reception for W.G.M. Sister Enniskillen News by B. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nimigon Nimigon attended the 90th birthday birthday Family Gathering in Whitby on Thursday evening evening for their father, Mr. Carman Foster, who is a resident resident of Sunnycrest Retirement Retirement Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Speak- man and Bill enjoved their vacation at Clearwater Beach. Mrs. Glen Spry, Penfield, New York, Mrs. Gord McGlynn,, Kingston were Thursday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hillock and Don, Edmonton were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dale McGill, Ryan and Brock. .Mr. and Mrs. Larry Le- vick and Kevin, Oshawa were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb. Myrtle Tamblyn and Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman accompanied accompanied Mr. I vison Tamblyn to visit Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Tamblyn, Stoney Creek and Myrtle visited for several days with I vison. Sorry to report Mr. Len Stainton is still à patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Andre Cor- ncllier enjoyed their trip to Crystal River, Florida. Alison Alison and Paul enjoyed their week with their grandparents grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Cornellier, Belleville. Mr. ana Mrs. Dick Howe visited Mr. and Mrs. Rick Howe and family, Newton- ville and also Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Bewdley. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hillock and Don, Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs. Dale McGill attended attended the Perrott-Anderson wedding in Mississauga on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nimigon Nimigon and family, Whitby were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nimigon. Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ostrowski (nee Joanne Nimigon) on celebrating their first wedding wedding anniversary on February February 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hillock, Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Dale McGill, Ryan and Brock were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pollard, Courtice were Saturday Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and- Mrs. Stuart Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Brian McGill and Julia were visitors visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dornbos, Belleville on Sunday., Sunday., Announcements: February February 15-22nd - Reverend Bonnie Bonnie Kelly will be away for Study Leave for this week. Anyone needing the services of a minister during this time may call Reverend Louise Barrie from Zion United Church at 725-6145 or at home (416) 649-1027. Sunday, February 18th the Reverend Bill Tadeja, Chaplain of Oshawa General General Hospital will lead us in Worship due to Reverend Bonnie Kelly's absence due to Study Leave. Tuesday, February 20, the Enniskillen U.C.W. meeting will be held at the Enniskillen United Church. Come and bring a friend for dessert and coffee at 1:00 p.m. Dr. J. Nelson will be our guest speaker on Breast Cancer at 1:30 p.m. Special Music by the Jolly Makers will be enjoyed by all. Please note change in day and time. Everyone is welcome. Tyrone U.C.W. invite the ladies from your area to the World Day of Prayer on Friday, Friday, March 2, at 1:30 p.m. Baden-Powell Thinking Day service will be held on February 25th at 9:30 a.m. at the Enniskillen United Church. Guiding and Scouting Scouting groups will be attending this service with Reverend Kelly. Reverend Kelly is at Tyrone Tyrone United Church on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Mornings from 10:00 a.m. till noon. She can be reached at 263-4107. Messages may be left on her answering machine. Please leave your name and number with a clear message message and Reverend Kelly ill return your call at the wi l yo first available time. Audrey will be held April 2lstin the Royal York Hotel, Toronto...and Toronto...and a 70th birthday party for Sunbeam Chapter on March 17th, were among them. W.G.M. Sister Audrey Martin brought a few thoughts to the Chapter...an Honorary member of Blue Ray and said she was glad to be back. Her project for the year is "Alzheimer's Research." She thanked the committee for the lovely dinner party! A very large attendance for Grand Officers Night! In this "Year of Celebration" 1989-1990...honours were bestowed bestowed by the Worthy Grand Matron -. to Worthy Patron Brother Alastair Newsome - who was appointed appointed "Grand Guard" for Grand Chapter, and the Associate, Matron Sister Debbie Davis was chosen for the Worthy Grand Matron's Drill as a "Star Stepper." Stepper." Our congratulations! Worthy Grand Patron Brother Mike Beacock presented some timely humorous thoughts and thanked the Chapter for the enjoyable enjoyable evening. At the conclusion of Chapter business a lovely "buffet" was served in the Hall, and all had a chance to mingle with friends for a great hour of fellowship before heading home. A fantastic evening evening of pleasure for all...and our warmest thanks to the committee...convener committee...convener Elsa Bongard, with Elsie Wilbur, Bonnie Windsor Windsor andjsabell Wilson assisting. Valentine Thoughts • Valentine is a symbol of love and affection; and are the oldest form of greeting; and they delight folks of all ages. Their history dates back to the 3rd century A.D. when Cupid fires his arrow dipped in love potion it is with the intent to arouse love and affection. Whether you are a sweetheart, wife, mother, dad, etc. we hope you receive your share of Valentines Valentines this Wednesday, Valentines Day! Community Church Caesarea On a pleasant Sunday, Feb. 11, at 11 a.m., the Community Church in Caesarea met with an average'congregation. Rev. Dr. W.H. Crawford's theme was "Underserving Favour" based on Scripture from Ephesians 2:4-5. Salvation is not a reward for the good we have done - so - we can't take any credit. We have all sinned...yet sinned...yet God in His great mercy let His son die on the cross to save us. We do not deserve His love and care...but He loves us just the same. Lessons read by George Kleinjan and the Minister. Organist - Kathleen Watts. Birthday Wishes Stan McNeely of Williams Point, will be celebrating his 89 birthday on this coming Monday, Feb. 19. Our very best wishes from this area. Seven year old Kyle Walker of ' Scugog Point, celebrated his birthday birthday on Saturday, Feb. 10. His parents David and Regenia Walker and sister Avril, took him out for a special birthday dinner to help celebrate. A very happy year to Kyle! Guests with Neta Fish over the weekend were granddaughter Karen and Jeff Pammett of Peterborough - luncheon guests on Sat., and supper guests were daughter Audrey and Jim Leishman, Michael, Jamie and William, Reaboro. A birthday celebration for Wm. who is now nine years old. A good friend, Mrs. Alex Graham of Lindsay, visited with Neta on Thursday. Sam and Mabel Cawker, Scugog Pt. Rd., attended the lovely lovely celebration held for Evva Davidge of Port Perry, on her 100th birthday. The festivities were held in the Masonic Hall on RRSP MILLIONAIRE HOURS WE WANT TO MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. FEB. 26 - 28TH 'TIL MIDNIGHT MARCH 1ST King and Temperance St. only 623-3375 Bowmanville Mall Regular Hours 623-6272 Wendy Riggs Knron McFcotors We make !t easy...ask us how! Jan Harness ; Get us 1001 •king for l/° u ' Joy Woodcock <$> CIBC Sharon Hancock Saturday afternoon with over 200 relatives and friends present to help her celebrate on this special day in her life. An incredible person! person! Our warmest wishes from this area to a very talented, delightful lady! Happy Event Dennis and Karen Yellowlees of Nestleton, are the happy parents of a beautiful little daugher, Jennifer Jennifer Melica, born on Saturday Feb. 10. Best wishes to this young family. Nestleton Presbyterian Church The church service was conducted conducted by Rev. Wm. Fairley at 11 a.m., with Joyce Taylor playing the organ. Thoughts on the meaning meaning of Valentine's Day - to show love and kindness to those with whome we live; and friends' around us; was the theme of the children's story. Psalm 91 was read responsively and the Scripture Scripture taken from I Kings 19 and St. Matthew 5. Rev. Fairley spoke on the topic of "Security," however anxious we are to have security from unemployment, unemployment, ill-health or other things in life; complete security cannot be guarenteed. The true security is in the promises of the Love of God that enable us to have the fortitude and courage to accept accept insecurity in this world! The World Day of Prayer will be held this year in Nestleton Presbyterian Church on Friday, March 3. All demoninations join in together to présent this special program. Nestleton United A lovely Sunday, Feb. 11, at 11:15 a.m., greeters at Nestleton United were Kay Notman and family. Rev. Dale Davis conducted conducted the Service and spoke on "Rules-and Rituals" - living by . the Spirit of God" - taken from Scripture Deuteronomy 30:15-20 and Matthew 5:17-26 read by Robert Mairs. The choir composed composed of Janice MacKenzie; Kay Notman. Notman. Regenia Walker and Kathy Trpmans sang "A Closer Walk with Thee" with pianist Carol Mairs accompanying. The children's theme with the Minister's story was based on "Knowing how to obey God's Rules." Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was celebrated. Rev. Dale Davis was assisted by Clerk of Session Richard MacKenzie and Robert Mairs - Board of Stewards. Offering Offering rec'd by Barb and David Weir. Joyce MacLean will lead the worship next Sunday in REv. Dale Davis' absence. Keep in mind the Evening U.C.W. Unit meets at the home of Janice MacKenzie this Wednesday Wednesday night Feb. 14 at 8 p.m. Guest speaker from Denise House in Oshawa. (That is my bundle of news for this week). Country singing star, Anita Perras, was at the m erly of Bowmanville, has captured several awards'^ Bowmanville Recreation Complex ou Thursday Feb- as Canada's female country vocalist of the year andH ruary 8, for a concert sponsored by the Town of New- with her husband, Tim Taylor, she has won topQ castle Community Services Department An audience awards in the category of Canadian Country Duo ok of approximately 400 was on had for the evening of ■' -- * first-rate country entertainment. Anita Perras, for- the Year. kJf i: Ed Coull Howard Smith Terry Holmes Scott Bakins Phil Watts Make an Offer! 1989 Cavalier R.S. - White, air, auto, 19,000 km. $12,800. IfISlyX s J.} 1989 Caprice Br. - Maroon, V8, air, loaded, 21,000 km. $19,800. 1989 Ford 3/4 Ton 4x4- Blue, V8, auto, 20,000.km. $17,500. 1989 Cavalier Z24 - Maroon, V6, air, auto, 18.000 km. $14,900. 1989 Cavalier Z24 - Red, V6, air, std. 52.000 km. $12,900. 1989 Ford Tempo LX - Maroon, air, auto, sharp and clean, 21,000 km. $12,995. 1989 Blazer 4x4- Red/Grey, V6, auto, air, loaded, 17,000 km. $20,900. 1989 Beretta - Grey, V6, std., cassette, 15,000 km. $12,500. 1988 Pontiac Sunbird - Black, auto, air, really nice, 51,000 km. $10,900. '■=w*v c£1 1988 Chev - Dk. Blue, V6, auto, 56,000 km. $11,900. 1988 Cutlass Supreme - Blue, V6, auto, air, 21,000 km. $15,200. MS! - ^r, ; 1988 G.M. Optima - Black, auto, like new, 8,000 km.. $10,500. - , ■ a-- -. 1987 Chev S-10 - Brown, 4 cyl„ 5 spd., 52,000 km. $7,895. 1987 Caprice Br. - Grey, V8, auto, air, 53,000 km. $13,900. 1987 Cavalier Z24 - Black, V6, auto, air, 88,000 km. $10,900. 1987 Cavalier - Brown, air, auto, power locks, 47,000 km. $8,500. 1986 Chev - Brown/Beige, V8, auto, air, sharp, 66,000 km. $12,200. ^ 1987 Cutlass-Grey, V6, auto, air, 9,500 km. $10,900. 1986 Ford Aerostar - Brown/Beige, V6, auto, air, sharp, 89,000 km. $13,900. 74 t. •*•'< ' --^'r.Tv. • 1987 Toyota Tercel - Silver, 4 cyl„ std., 39,000 km, $5,995. IBS': 1987 Ford Tempo - Dk. Blue, 4 cyl., auto, air, sharp, 32,000 km: $8,795. 1986GMCS-15 -Red/Black, V6, air, std., mint, 111,000 km. $9,600. 1986 Clera - Brown, 4 cyl., auto, 40,000 km. $8,995. 1985 Clera - Maroon, V6, aulo, air, 85,000 km. $8,995. 1985 Chev - Dk. Blue, V8, auto, 129,000 km. $8,500. 1985 Chev - Silver, V8, auto, 123,000 km. $8,500. 1985 Cavalier Convertible - While, V6, auto, 51,000 km. $9,995. 1980 Pontiac Wagon - Green, V8, aulo, air, 120,000 km. $3,995, 1978 Chev Suburban 4x4-Bluo/Bluo, V8, aulo, 130,000 km. $4,995. Terry Holmes, Sales Manager - Ed Coull - Phil Watts - Scott Eakins - Howard Smith J. E. QUANTRILL Chevrolet • Oldsmobile • Cadillac Ltd. Hwy. No. 2 East 885-4575 Port Hope -2 $ X % if