2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 14,1990 . Section Two Andrea AiifHr Letter Writer Not Happy with New Logo Four hundred and sixty five people turned out to donate blood at the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic at the Lions Centre last week. Thanks to the help of the many volunteers, donors were well looked after. Especially Especially the Statesman reporter here who felt a little queasy .after giving because she hadn't eaten properly -before donating. Helping her recover are Catherine Huberg, (standing) chairperson of the Bowmanville clinic and June Siebarth. I was a little surprised when I donated blood to the Red Cross this week that my blood was red. I always imagined it to be yellow. I'm a tad squeamish when it comes to needles and blood and try to avoid the two at all cost. The one and only time I gave my dog a needle for her insulin injection I was sick for the rest of the morning. This could be why when a "friend" suggested suggested I write a story about being a first-time blood donor I didn't exactly leap at the idea. TOPS Club Holds First Meeting in '90 Trips ON #870 welcomes the Wew Year and looks for success in the nineties. Thanks to the executive and ladies who put the skit on "12 Days of Christmas". We sure had a lot of laughs and fun with our game "Win, Lose or Draw." Thanks to Bessie and Helen. ) Congratulations to Anne Vogels for reaching her "Kops Status". Welcome to new members, members, Alaine Stacey, Dawn Thompson and Donna Mar- mie. Weekly meetings held Thursday evenings at Lions Centre 6 p.m. New members welcome. Admittedly, it sounded good and the thought that it would make for an interesting story was enough to make me agree to it. Besides, I wouldn't have to roll up my sleeve, for another three weeks so I didn't have to think about it. However, last Sunday night when I realized the clinic was only three days away I panicked. I tried devising all types of plausible excuses to get out of giving. I could be nit with the sniffles and a hacking cough, thus making me unable to donate. I could get sent out of town on an assignment and not be around during the eight hours the clinic is on. ' Li: : Or I could just admit to eveiyone how chicken I truly was and not go through with giving blood. None of my excuses seemed very appealing so I prepared myself for the clinic. As part of that preparation preparation I asked any ana all persons who crossed my path whether they had ever given blood and what it was like. Responses varied. Some people were sympathetic sympathetic and pleased that I was going to give and gave in-depth answers about what would happen to me the moment I stepped through the clinic clinic doors. Others took joy in my discomfort and were doing doing their best to needle me (pardon the pun...I couldn't resist) about my predicament. Other reporters were the worst though. On the day of the clinic I asked a few of the members members of the local press at a regional council meeting meeting if they had ever given. given. Some had. Some can't. And some won't. One reporter thought it was a really good idea for a story but she seemed to think it was a better story if it was : mine. ; (> Well, that sort of clinched it. I had to give blood to save face. So the truth of the matter is it wasn't courage courage that propelled my donation but a matter of pride. I got to the clinic, gave my blood and except for a few moments of queasiness queasiness resulting from not eating a full meal before donating, I was fine. The finger prick to determine determine my blood type didn't hurt. The needle was more uncomfortable for a few minutes than #1 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 1990/91 SCHOOL YEAR Junior and Senior Kindergarten Registration for the Bowmanville and Courtice A.S.G. schools, will be held as indicated in the following schedule. (Children currently enrolled in Junior Kindergarten need not reapply for English Senior Kindergarten). SCHOOL TELEPHONE BA2HS1 TIMEfSt Bowmanville Central 623-5614 20 February 9:00 - 3:00 Lord Elgin 623-3682 21 February 9:00 - 3:00 Ontario Street (Fr. Imm.) 623-5437 15,16 February 9:00 - 3:00 Vincent Massey 623-6502 22 February 9:00 ■ 3:00 Waverlcy 623-4323 27 March 9:00 - 3:00 Courtice P.S. (Fr. Imm. & English) 436-2054 21,22 February 8:30 - 3:30 S.T. Worden 436-0715 14,15 February 9:15-3:15 Enniskillen 263-2970 20 February 9:15 -11:30 & 1:15-3:30 Hampton 263-2252 1 March 9:15-11:30 & 1:15-3:30 Maple Grove 623-2221 28 February 9:00 -11:00 Mitchell's 576-7222 27 February 9:00 -11:00 1. Children four years of ago on or before 31 December 1990 may bo registered. Proof of ago (birth certificate, official birth registration notice, etc.) is required. 2. Please bring written proofof health records indicating immunization dates. 3. Proof of public school support should bo produced at the time of registration (tax bill, property tax, or property tax notice). 4. Precise information regarding location of rosidcnco and postal code is important. Rural residents require lot and concession numbers. 5. Parents are requested to telephone the school for an appointment time prior to the dale of registration. G. French Immersion programs arc offered at Ontario Street P.S. in Dowmnnvillo and at Courtice P.S. Children 15 years of ago on or lwforo 31 Deconibor 1090, may bo registered, with the same requirements and provisions ns noted above. Grant C.Yoo Superintendent of Instruction (Program) 1 February 1090 painful. And the chocolate chocolate chip cookie I got to eat after it was over was very tasty. The funny thing about giving blood was I didn't feel a sense of doing anything anything special until much later when I returned home. I read through the information information that was given to first time blood donors and realized that perhaps my blood will be used by someone who needs it: a family member currently awaiting surgery or an unknown person just in need. Less than half of the population is able to donate donate blood and a far fewer fewer number actually do. Now that I have given once, I sense it will be an event' to be repeated. I bet the 2A 1 per cent of the people who can £ive blood but don't would be surprised, as I was, to find that everyone's blood truly is one colour. Letter to the Editor: As you know I am backing backing the name change from the Town of Newcastle, back to the Town of Bowmanville, and now I am more upset than ever when I read about the name being set in a new logo form and the new colours, colours, vehicles' colours, and all this being decided by OUR MAYOR AND THE COUNCILLORS we elected to run the town for US. I don't understand how people WE ELECTED to look after OUR TOWN and OUR INTERESTS, seem so "bent on Ploughing" ahead to get rid of every bit of Heritage Heritage and Pride WE all feel for our town and our area. The Mayor seems to feel a new set of Town colours and a new Logo is going to make a NEW IMAGE for our town. Also new letterhead letterhead with the logo, new WHITE VEHICLES are also necessary for this new image image and make our town more easily identified. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE RED AND WHITE COLORS THAT HAVE ALWAYS BEEN BOWMANVILLE COLOURS? COLOURS? We were proud to wear these colours for our High School, the Eagles Hockey Team wears Red and White and they look great, and with their winning standing have certainly made a great image for our town, giving our town the recognition needed to know they are the BOWMANVILLE EAGLES, and we are certainly proud of this team this year, as we have been for many, many years. There is no smarter looking looking group than the Bowmanville Bowmanville High School Band with their Red and White look, and the Red Vehicles are certainly easily seen in snow and dust storms, but what about the visibility aspect of these WHITE VEHICLES IN THE SAME SNOW OR DUST STORMS? Apparently the Mayor and her Council feel that OUR WANTED NAME CHANGE is too expensive, But what about the costs of the new letterhead, new logo, new colours, the advertising, advertising, promotion of the above ideas, and the money spent registering the new Logo, gus either repainting all placini HICLI VERY • town vehicles, or re- them with NEW VE- S, ' jiy this too not >v *OSTLY? i A BREAK GIVE, U,. your Honour... \ WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TRYING TO DO, 1 COMPLETELY COMPLETELY ERASE ALL SIGNS OF BOWMANVILLE BY CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF BY-LAWS IN THE MATTER OF the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, R.S.O., 1980, Chapter 337; AND IN THE MATTER of the lands and premises at the following municipal addresses in the Town of Newcastle, in the Province of Ontario: TAKE NOTICE THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HAS PASSED BY-LAWS DESIGNATING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES AS BEING OF ARCHITECTURAL AND/OR HISTORICAL VALUE OR INTEREST UNDER PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, 1974, R.S.O., 1980, CHAPTER 337. Bv-law 90-20 5085 Main Street, Hanning Plan Block D, Lot 16, Former Township of Clarke Reason for 5085 Main Street is designated for architectural Designation and historical reasons. The house, built c. 1850, is a rare example of the late Georgian style with its symmetrical facade and has not undergone any 20th Centuiy modifications which have drastically altered many of the surviving frame houses in the Township. Bv-law 90-22 Part Lot 27, Concession 5 Former Township of Clarke Reason for The John Cobblodick House is designated for Designation architectural and historical reasons. Dating from 1865, the house is a fine representative example of a fioldstono farmhouse typical of many of those built In Clarke and Darlington Townships between 1850 and 1870. Bv-law 90-21 81 Scugog Street, Part Lot 1, Block 6 Hanning's Plan, Bowmanville Reason for 81 Scugog Street Is designated for architectural Designation and historical reasons. The two-storoy brick house which dales from 1880 and was moved to Its present location In 1912 retains a number of features reminiscent of the Second Empire Stylo. Bv-law 90-23 76 Queen Street Town Lot 9, Block U, Bowmanville Benson for 76 Queen Street Is designated for architectural Designation nnd historical reasons, The house dates from 1860 and Is a lino example of the hip roofed Regency Collage, boasting a five-bay wide Incndo rather than the more common Bay arrangement found In most cottngos of this typo, Dntod nt the Town of Newcastle this 31st dny of January 1990. Pntll L. Barrio, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A0 Date of Publications: January 31, February 7,14,1000 CHANGING EVERYTHING? EVERYTHING? For someone who said she'd fight to keep Bowtnan- ville's name and identity -- how soon you forgot. More' empty campaign promises, perhaps? Too bad, most everyone everyone did believe in you before before the election. I don't feel a step as BIG as this one that the Mayor and the Council approved (the logo, colours & vehicles, etc.) should be taken lightly, as some councillors feel it is a joke that some of us lowly citizens are upset and they better believe we will not accept accept this by sitting back on our laurels and keeping our mouths shut. These plans for the new logo, colours, letterhead, etc. BETTER not get any further than the front page of the Canadian Statesman - come on CITIZENS OF BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE AND SURROUNDING SURROUNDING AREA - let's bond together. ANYONE who feels pride from living in or around the Town of Bowmanville, from attending attending Bowmanville High School or any of the local Public Schools, or you just want to support the Heritage Heritage and the people of this great area. Mayor Hubbard said maybe the municipal vote should carry a referendum regarding the name change - - this vote comes up November November 1991 .... WHY SHOULD WE WAIT UNTIL THEN? Let's fight now...Let's hear from other concerned BOWMANVILLE persons. We want to know the exact exact cost of the Name Change. We have never had any price set before us, just told on paper it is too expensive. expensive. It's OUR MONEY they are spending, SPEAÏC NOW!! I really do want to commend commend Rick, John and the Staff of the Bowmanville Canadian Canadian Statesman, you did a really great job by showing your pride, and by including all the local merchants shining shining with pride over being BOWMANVILLE BOOSTERS. BOOSTERS. It was really great, and hats off to the whole works who worked on that issue. Your coverage has been really great in this matter - thanks again. I took several posters to the Junior C Eagles game in the Bowmanville Sports Complex, and the response there alone was really great, I got . three pages of signatures signatures from citizens of this town who are really upset, and I have since heard tnere are nearly twenty petitions out in this area alone, and everyone is really upset about what's happening and they all want changes. The posters are made up of Canadian Statesman stories stories and headlines, and now can be seen in the windows of Allouise Fashions. This can't die here-Let's work together and we will certainly accomplish our work. Proudly, Cecile, D. Bowers. R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Ontario Ontario L1C 3K6. P.S. I do have one other grievance, and this too was one of your front page stories, stories, regarding the committee committee formed to look after the cleanup of the lake front area - they ask for some money to carry on their work, and I might say I am proud to say the improvements improvements they have accomplished accomplished to date by simply making people more aware pie any money now, but say a consultant must FIRST be called in, HOW MUCH WILL THE CONSULTANT COST, AND THEN THERE WILL BE NUMEROUS MEETINGS BEFORE ANY MONEY WILL EVER REACH THEIR HANDS TO CLEAN UP THE AREA, AND STUDY THE PROBLEMS. PROBLEMS. This sure doesn't seem right to me either, are there, other LAKE LOVERS out-.- there? WRITE LETTERS -' SIGN PETITIONS - GO TO - THE TOP - COMPLAIN - , Don't stand on street cor-"" ners or in grocery stores complaining; go out and do,', something to make others/ more aware of our problems. Region Funding to Help Erosion on Soper Creek of our lake, and cleaning up the beach area, the work done by Irv Gill, etc., has been really great. It is so nice to see so many people down just eiyoying the waves at Lake Ontario, watching the boats or just going down to the lakefront for a drive. No, the Mayor and Council Council would not give these peo- The Region of Durham has approved spending $24,420 on the Soper Creek erosion control project in Bowmanville. While the Region will pay the funds initially to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Conservation Authority, the amount will be charged back ; to the Town. The erosion control project project has already been started upstream from the Visual Arts Centre south of Highway Highway 2. Mayor Marie Hubbard > said something has to be.> done at the Visual Arts Cen-i' tre site because erosion is a- .-! major problem there. m 'X(- "Without question we'ij have to deal with the whole J erosion control problem,"^ she said. The total cost of the pro-3 ject is $44,400. The Town of: 3 Newcastle is contributing 55 -5 per cent to the cost while/j CLOCA will contribute the";? remainder. ' DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM IN THE MATTER OF: The Municipal Act, Sections 298 and 301 (R.S.0.1980) TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham may pass by-laws authorizing authorizing construction of the following projects: Road No. 4 Road Name Taunton Rd. Municipality Pickering Location Taunton/Steeles Connection from west Region Boundary to the West Duffin Creek Bridge and portions west of Reg. Rd. 1 (Brock Rd.) 26 Thickson Rd, Whitby Intersection improvements at Nichol Ave. 28/43 Rossland Rd./ Cochrane St. Whitby Rossland Rd. from Hwy. 12 (Brock St.) to Cochrane St. and Cochrane St. from Rossland Rd. to Bonacord Ave. 31 Westney Rd.. Ajax From Concession III Rd. to Reg. Rd. 4 (Taunton Rd.) 33 Harmony Rd. Oshawa Intersection Improvements at Hwy. 2 (King St.) 44/22 Harwood Ave. Ajax Intersection improvements at Reg. Rd. 22 (Bayly St.) 55 Townline Rd. Oshawa/ Newcastle From Reg. Rd. 59 (Olive Ave.) to Hwy. 2 (King St.) 57 Scugog Upgrading from Lot 18/19 easterly Plans showing details of the p/ojects and the lands affected may be seen at the office of the Chief Design Engineer of the Durham Works Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario Telephone 668-7721. Works Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearing body, shall hear in person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his or her land will be prejudicially affected by the by-laws and who applies on or before March 7, 1990, to the undersigned to be heard at a meeting of the Works Committee on March 13,1990. DATED at Whitby this 7th day of February, 1990. J. AKER WORKS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN W. A. TWELVETREES, P. ENG. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS v. ROTARY CLUB OF BOWMANVILLE Trip of the Month Lottery WIN A $2000.00 TRAVEL VOUCHER WITH ALGONQUIN TRAVEL AND $750.00 SPENDING MONEY ! On the last Thursday of each month starting May 1990 through to April 1991 we will draw a winning ticket for a wonderful holiday. Just one ticket enters you into all twelve draws - or until you are a winner. WHAT'S NEW ?? -WELL, YOU DECIDE WHERE - YOU WANT TO GO WHEN - YOU WANT TO GO YOUR HOLIDAY INCLUDES... Travel voucher worth $2000.00 Cdn. Spending money - $750.00 Cdn, Your selection ofiTime and Place Couple or Family Services of Algonquin Travel Representative - 5 Points Mall, Oshawa BAHpp Jr; EUROPE ON s ONLY 1000 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD All procaadigo to Rotary Community Projacta Licence No. 780838 CALL THE LOTTERY HOTLINE 436-7474 TICKETS $100.00 each Name lonenimt only ) Addreaa TICKET APPLICATION FORM ROTARY CLUB OF BOWMANVILLE Trip of the Month 1990-91 TICKETS $100.00 each .Postal Code. Phone (Rei.) Pay by-1. $100.00 Ceah .(Bub.) TICKET PRIcetaino.oo each Return Ihla application with payment to Rotary Club of Bowmanville, Ticket will be liauad In one name only, Cheque. 2. $ 40.00 per month for February, March A April 1990 Clip and mull to: ROTARY CLUB OF BOWMANVILUi, l'.O, BOX 2I7 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3K9 Tickets available from any Rotary Club member