> \ ■ i 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 21,1990 Section Two Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kimball, Kimball, Newtonville and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass, Bowmanville are pleased to announce the engagement of their children Vicki Jeanne and Gaiy Lyle. Wedding to take place September 14, 1991. Animal Lovers Taken on Tour Of Pet Hospital Well, it was another exciting exciting meeting, on February 28,1990, for the Enniskillen Animal Lovers Unanimous 4-H club. The club travelled to Taunton Rd. Animal Hospital Hospital and then to Tagamar Kennels in Mitchell's Corners! Corners! We arrived at the Taunton Taunton Rd. Animal Hospital at 4:30 p.m. full of excitement, knowing that we'd get to see the animals. With our eyes opened wide, and our ears in tune, we were given a tour of the hospital as well as valuable information. The veterinarian discussed how important keeping your pet healthy, is. Clearly, being overweight just makes things worse for your pet, causing many more health problems. If you want your animal to be in the peak of condition, it needs exercise to make it strong and muscular, muscular, as well as nourishment nourishment and rest. One should take their pet to the veterinarian veterinarian yearly for a check-up, and important vaccinations such as rabies shots. Everyone Everyone at the animal hospital was very helpful, and friendly friendly and most of all, concerned about the health and well being of animals. Next, we travelled to Tagamar Tagamar Kennels, for an also enjoyable tour. The owner explained how the kennel operates and answered any questions. The kennel is disinfected disinfected daily and with heating, heating, it makes it all the more comfortable for your pet's stay. Both dogs and cats stay at the kennel, and are treated with the best of care. We thanked the owner for his help and then headed for home, at 6:30 p.m. The outing proved to be successful, informative and enjoyable for all. Submitted by Liane M. Wolosewich. HELP KEEP RED CROSS READY! ^ Pet of The Week Meet Fred the Ferret. Fred is very gentle and loves children and other animals. He is neutered and "de-scented". He is about one year old and is looking for a family who will love him for his uniqueness. He is litter trained and cats dog food. Anyone who would like to belong to this cute little critter is invited invited to get in touch with the Town of Newcastle's animal control department department at 623-76G1. But, remember, this is a special pot and the adoptive person should have a knowledge of the special needs of a ferret in order to take him homo. Fred is fluffy and soft and does not bite, oven when his toenails are being clipped. Save Fred from extinction, extinction, open your homo and heart to a loving pot. There arc also two shophord-collio crosses; a beagle and an Australian Australian Bhophord waiting for a homo. 1 » I When The Stars Come Up, Prices Come Down PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY MARCH 24TH, 1990. We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements. MU r. COMMITTEE FOR SHOPPING When it comes to Snnday Shopping the real bane is «tirness. And your Right to Choose. Ü# m wf L«d Canadian Holidays asms! 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PRODUCT OF U.S.A., NO. 1, URGE SWEET Green 2.84 Peppers 7kg lb Æm » »»u,u isescae tmu Moi REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE GRIND Maxwell House Coffee 300 g VAC PAG SAVE WITH THIS 30* COUPON M t.ntu imtt*vMsica irseu y eaawxea ecru « X > UMIT1 pkg per coupon Offer valid th " I REGULAR OR DIET Pepsi-Cola or 7UP CASE OF 24 - 2S0 mL TINS (Unit cost 7A* per 100 mL) - w---- « u Lr.-fL.a etj-rrj e SAVE: WITH THIS *1.00 COUPON I m TOMATO Heinz Ketchup 1 LITRE GLASS BOTTLE SAVE! 62* j iru Merch 34th, two. ro «339 UMIT 1 case per coupon. Offer velld thru March 34th, 1990. 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