1 f 20 The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, August 15,1990 Phone 623-3303 Classified Ads Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Services Sat., Aug. 18,10:30 a.m. To be held for Peter Van Hoof 1620 Victoria St. W., Whitby (Corner of Durham Rd. 23 and Baseline Rd.) To include household furniture, Royal Doulton figurine, contractor equip, tools, farm equip., approx. 30 X 40 metal frame building, riding riding lawn mowers and horse bugqy. FURNITURE: Dining room suite, chesterfield suite, china cabinet, parlor tables, washer and dryer, wicker furniture, Gourley piano and bench, antique clocks, oak wall telephone and more. EQUIPMENT: EQUIPMENT: Power band saws, grinders, grinders, gas water pumps, heaters, 2 riding lawn mowers, wheel bar- rows, hydraulic floor jacks, 3 furrow- furrow- plow, Massey Ferguson post hole digger, 3 P.H. disk, Wiscon- son gas engines, ski-doo, plus lots of hand and power tools.' Building approx. 30 X 40 metal frame and roof building to be removed from property. Also there is lots of glass, china and collectables too numerous numerous to list. Terms are cash or cheque w/I.D. Another very large sale, come early. Sale managed and sold by Garry K. Powell Auctions Auctions for more information call (416) 263-4252. Lunch available. 33-1SN Sat., Aug. 18, 8 a.m. Estate Auction At Warner's Auction Hall 114 mi. W. of Col borne on Hwy. 2 Selling the estate of Ruth J. Rosser, Rosser, late of the town of Port Hope, consisting of antique pcs., modern furniture, china, glass, etc. Old square nailed pine chest in Original cond., good set of oak stacking bookshelves - all original, nice 1/4 cut oak parlor table with beaded edge, modern sofa and chair, old wicker arm chair, modern wicker chairs with small patio tables, modern modern loveseat, walnut gate leg table, antique walnut dining room suite in mint cond., antique heavily carved burled walnut bedroom suite in excellent cond. consisting of high man's chest, vanity and dresser with mirrors, and matching night stand, nice antique china ■ cabinet with glass 3 sides, and Queen Anne leg all original in excellent excellent cond., oil lamps,' several good quality oriental rugs, all.in excellent excellent cond., modern book shelves, antique book shelves with.. glass doors, modern end tables, good quality cedar chest, mate's bed, walnut dresser with mirror and matching vanity with bench, chrome suite, old trunks, platform rocker, occasional chairs, small tables, tables, Ige. quantity boxes of dishes, china, glass, knick knacks, etc., all packed by family and unseen at time of advertising. Good quality auction starting at 10 a.m. with viewing viewing from 8 a.m. day of sale. Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, MC. Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 355- 2106. 33-1 SN Mon., Sept. 3, 8 a.m. - ? 160 Guns for Sale by Auction. Good Shooters and Collectors George Young, 613-354-3113 33-3SN Sat., Aug. 18, 9:30 a.m. Contents of the home of the late Verna Jordan (of Brighton) plus other consignments to be sold at 85 Frank St„ Campbellford. Ant. pine flat-to-wall cupboard (glass doors top, panel doors bottom, good cond.); antique pine flat-to- wall cupboard (panel doors bottom, bottom, top doors missing); Willis player piano and bench, good and quantity of player rolls; Dominion upright piano and bench, good; antique Ansonla weight driven wall clock; antique Edison cylinder gramophone (ex. cond.); Kirby vacuum with shampooer and attachments attachments (only 1 1/2 yrs. old); ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES (to sell first at 9:30 a.m.); Meditation Meditation (disc.); Miss Demure (disc.); The Fireman (disc); Thorne's Scotch Whiskey match holder (disc.); others: Capidomonte figurine, Mitchell's Irish Whiskey Character Jug, Goebel-Little Fiddler Fiddler (Hummel), Teddy Bear tea pot (collector's item); antique tape machine; 6 gal. crock (Hart Bros, and Lazier, Bay of Quinte); large quantity of dishes and antique pieces; ant. cranberry decanter; anl. silver pieces; old post cards; old coins; old pop bottles; antique telephone (with long mouth piece); antique wall clock with maple leaf; 3 pressback chairs (North wind lace in back); 4 pressed arm chairs; coal oil lamps; 32 antique wooden chairs; ant. double wardrobe; wardrobe; beautiful Gibbard colfee table and end tables (with 3 drawers drawers and claw feel); old 1 gal. crock jug (Wesley Bullen Wines and Liquors, Liquors, Belleville, Ont.); antique high boy with swing mirror, dovetailed, good; end tables and small tables; doublo wardrobe; bedding, drapes, linens, etc.; records; old radio; 2 ant. drop leal lablos, good; 2 solid seat chairs; anl. blanket box, dovetailed; Spd. Queen washer spin dryer; loveseat with pull oui bed (like now); lamps; beds; chrome table and 4 chairs; dining room table, 3 loaves and 6 chairs; Inglis apt. size washer and dryer; Hitachi color TV; chesterfield chesterfield and chair; offico desk with side dock; 0 wooden ollico chairs; antique corner what-not; Viking II. rofrigornlor; anl. dresser with mirror; mirror; anl. wnshslnnd; anl. picluros and Ironies; bullet hutch; Konmoro heavy duty aulo. washer (1 yr.old); W.H, dryer with glass door; anl. sideboard with mirror, good; 3 Ice croam parlor chairs; anl. bullor ladle; crocks; old Labalt's Iray; Molfal aulo. gas dryer; qunnilty ol hand tools; Willard Ualloiy chargor; welding rod; Toledo upright upright scales, good; cut oil saw blades; Ind. bearings; Inns; heavy duly vacuum; 2 wheel borrows; 13& D oloclric lawn mower and curd (like now): 20' aluminum oxl, ladder; man'o 12 spd. mountain blko; garden tools, ole, Many mom Homs ol Inlorosl loo numerous lo list. To SELL AT 12 P.M.: 1004 G.M.C, cargo van, short body, roosonnblo cond,, ns Is, Terms: Cash or cheque with ID. Owner and Auclionoor not responsible lor accident or Injury day ol onto. Hoy and Hod Williams, Auctioneers, Cnmpbolllord, (705) 053-3533 or |/OD)749'4997,Lunchovallablo. DESHANE AUCTION SERVICES All types of r auctions (416) 985-4240 35-tfSN Wed. Aug. 22, 6 p.m. Selling Contents of Large Home To Be Held At Cobourg Community Lions Centre Elgin St. E. Consisting of Antiques Collectables, Modern Home Furnishings Furnishings Matching pair Victorian lady's and gentleman's chair, Victorian walnut walnut hall rack, nice 10 pc. walnut dining room suite, modern 6 pc. dinette suite, 2-pc. modem china cabinet, painted 4 poster bedroom suite consisting of dresser with mirror, chest and night stands, 2 Victorian arm chairs, 4 pc. walnut bedroom suite, Victorian cane back rocker, modern upholstered chair, modern sola, carved child's chair, Ige. Victorian buffet with rope turned columns and glass pulls, modern 5 pc. bedroom suite, 2 knee hole desks, 2 antique washstands, 2 wardrobes, antique settee and chair, several chests of drawers, antique grandfather's clock, 2 antique Regulator clocks, painted slat back rocker, Windsor brace back chair, Victorian chair with needlepoint back, old trunk, set of scales, set of flatware, 9X12 rug, oak china cabinet, trumpet, accordian, child's tractor, music cabinet, room divider, cystal vase, pressed glass punch bowl set, crystal bowl, metal bell, bisque figurines, paper weights. Goebal figurines, hurricane lamp, numerous numerous occasional tables, mise, chairs, Gone-wilh-the-Wind lamp, dishes, china, glassware, plus countless mise, articles far too many to list. Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, MC. Sale starts: 6 p.m. Viewing Viewing from 5 p.m. day of sale. Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 355-2106. 33-1 SN Thurs. Evening, Aug. 16 7 p.m. Choate Street West of Eldorado Plant Port Hope 'a,.'..: For Julian Beecroft, Port Hope. Superb walnut high back bed with figure carvings to the pediment and matching dresser; copper boiler; old wood stove; steel frame work table; oak barrel; dresser with burled walnut panels; sideboard; garden table; side and arm chairs; approx. 15 asst'd wooden chairs; theater stage lights; antique chain saw; electric stove; large diesel heater; vanity; 4 verandah posts 7' long; air cond.; wine making equip.; wooden propeller; gas barbecue; barbecue; oak lectern or book stand; air compressor; small dresser; leaded glass door 47X21; school desk; wicker loveseat; white 4 drawer dresser; child's poster bed; wardrobe; highboy; 400 day clock and case; excellent oak china cabinet bow sided flat front w/be- velled mirror; oak mission chair; 3 ice cream parlor chairs; oak extension extension table; 4000 watt generator; Honda Elite motocycle; 5 hp. rotoliller; 5 hp. motor and stand; interesting pre-war Pathe News hand crank movie camera and tripod "The eyes of the World" also 6 fabulous Victorian marble rhantel places complete with cast iron inserts inserts and marble serpentine mantels. mantels. Plus many more interesting items. Building sold for storage. Everything must go. Terms: Cash or known cheque w/I.D. Les Brittan, Brittan, Auctioneer, Hastings, 705- 696-2196, fax 705-696-3613. Member of National Auctioneers" Association. Call now to book your auction. 33-1SNI Wed. Evening, Aug. 22 6 p.m. Farm Machinery August sale of farm machinery selling selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Uxbridge, Ont., including D-B 880 diesel tractor, Cockshutt 545 S.P. 16' combine, Westfield 8"X56' auger, Allied 6"X41' auger, A-C 655 bulldozer with loader, 5'X10' single axle trailer (excel.), Ini. semi-mount seed drill, 1929 Fairbanks Fairbanks engine, fence posts, tools, wagon load. Consignments will bo accepted for this sale, If you wish to consign to this sale, please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. 33-1S Sunday Afternoon, August 19 1 p.m. Auction Sale for Nelson's Motor Clinic 8 kms. North of the Lights at Havelock on No. 7 Hwy. Stock and Inventory Reduction Sale A Great Opportunity to Acquire a Sport or Fishing Boat at Auction Prices 17' Bowridor w/130 Morcruisor; used SI. Maurico bass boat w/40 hp,mo!or;Tompost Bowridor w/55 hp. Johnson; 16' Bowridor Sporiscraft w/90 hp. Nissan molor; now Sylvan and Mirrocrnlt 12' and 14' aluminum fishing boats; used 115 More, w/conlrols and power trim; 15' Starcralt w/50 hp.; 1970 More, molor; 14' Sunray w/50 hp. molor; lawn mowers; now Husquvarna chain saws; grass trimmers; some small hand tools; usod chains saws; 14' Sportcrolt Runabout w/30 hp. Nissan; 500, 800,1200, and 1500 lb, bunk and till trailers; usod 7 and 9 hp, motors; 1975 Swltzor 19' I/O 100 Morcruisor; Morcruisor; 2 air hoists; Mnssoy 35 dlosol tractor: 35 Cockshutt w/ buckol; 1970 Ford 11on flatbed w/ hoist 12' bod; 1905 Nissan 6000 lb, forklift (sir); 2 shop compressors; compressors; now 16' Mirrocrnlt bass boni w/50 hp. Nissan molor no a unit or sopnrnloly; usod woodon boni, good oliopo with rocont 35 hp. Johnson motor; plus numerous small tool and shop Homs, Ownor wlolioa to roduco size of operation, Business as usual till solo lima, 'forms: Cash or known choqua w/ ID, Colloo bar. Lola ol parking, Los Uiillnn, Auclionoor, Hastings, 705'G90-2I00, Mombor ol National National Auclionoors' Association, Call now lo book your nucllon, 33-18N Sat. Aug. 18,10:30 a.m. Peter Van Hoof, 1620 Victoria St. W., Whitby - Furniture, collectables, collectables, tools, contractor equipment, 30X40 steel building. For more information call 1-416- 263-4252, Garry K. Powell, Auctioneer. Auctioneer. 33-1 SN Mon., Aug. 27, 7 p.m. Sharp Horse and Tack Auction at Orono Sales Barn Auctioneer Charlie Reid, Manager Bill Ellins, 1-705-799-5390. Horse or tack consignments welcome. 33-2SN Sat., Aug. 25, 6:30 p.m. "Saturdays Auction Action" Resumes at Pethick Auction Barn Havrion. 10 Mi. N.E. of Oshawa Watch Newspaper Ad Next Week Labour Day Sale Mon., Sept. 3,11 a.m. Balance of Bruce Mountjoy sale, Blackstock, to include oil lamps, gramophones, radios, calendars, clocks, good dishes, china and glass plus lots of furniture, 2 antique antique cars. Watch for more details. For information call 416-263-4252 Garry K. Powell, Auctioneer. 33-1 SN Wed., Aug. 15 to Sat., Aug, 18 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Bankrupt Sale 50 Per Cent Living Lighting, Midtown Mall Oshawa (downtown) Having received instructions from Frank Risman and Associates, Trustee in Bankruptcy, we are clearing the assets of Living Lighting Lighting including ceiling fans, brass lamps, table lamps, chandeliers, tiffany lights, track lighting, ceiling lights, plus many small items such as plug covers, dimmer switches, bulbs, etc. Everything 50 per cent off. Shop early. McLean Auctions and Liquidations, 576-7550, 686- 3291. 33-1S Tues., Aug. 21, 7 p.m. Real Estate Auction " at 87 Seneca Ave. Oshawa Property of Linda and Robert Bowman. Bowman. Maintenance free 2 storey brick and aluminum four bedroom home with attached garage, paved drive, hardwood floors, separate dining room, eat-in kitchen with Maytag built-in dishwasher, 2 pc. bath on main floor, 4 Ige. bedrooms, bedrooms, partially finished basement, basement, freshly painted interior, Ige. covered deck off back, mature landscaping, fruit trees and Ige. shed in yard. Property selling as is subject to reasonable reserve bid. Property must sell, owners moved. Terms: $5,000. deposit at sale, balance 30 days. Some financing available at 10 per cent to qualified purchaser. Shown by appointment. To view or flyer call Orval McLean Auctions, (705) 324-2783 Lindsay or 571-3728 Oshawa. 33-1 SN Wed., Aug. 22, 6:30 p.m. Real Estate Auction of 4 Brand New Homes in Norwood Meadows, Norwood Go south on Hwy. 45 to Birch St., go west on Birch to Spruce St. (see signs) PARCEL 1 - 6:30 P.M. Lot 4 - Brand new 2 storey house with 2 car garage, 3 bdr. with ensuite off master, 1369 sq. It. ceramic floors, upgraded carpet and cabinets, colonial colonial doors, 5 yr. warranty. PARCEL PARCEL 2 - 7 P.M. Lot 3 - Brand new 1265 sq. It. bungalow, 3 bdr. with ensuite off master, 2 car garage, ceramic floors, upgraded carpet and cabinets, colonial doors, 5 yr. warranty. PARCEL 3 - 7:30 P.M. Lot 2 - Brand new 2 storey house with 2 car garage, 1830 sq. ft., 3 bdr. with ensuite off master, main floor family room with fireplace, ceramic floors, upgraded carpet and cabinets, colonial doors, 5 yr. warranty. PARCEL 4 - 8 P.M. Lot 16-Brand new2 storey house with garage, 1521 sq. It., 3 bdr. with ensuite off master, 5 yr. warranty. All properties selling as is subject to reasonable reserve bid. Terms $5,000. at sale, balance 30 days. PROPERTIES MUST BE SOLD. Don't miss this opportunity to buy brand new homes with 5 yr. warranty. warranty. OPEN HOUSE: Aug. 22, 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. To view or for ilyer call 745-5007 Peterboro Auctions, Auctions, Dale and Orval McLean, Auctioneers, Auctioneers, or (705) 324-2783 Lindsay. 32-2SN Thursday Evening, Aug. 16 6 p.m. Furniture and Antiques Auction sale ol lurniture and antiques antiques tor Don Mackenzie, Ballan- Irao, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont., including 9 pc. Loyalist bedroom suite, maple table and 4 chairs, walnut twin bods, chest ol drawers, oak telephone telephone table, oak ollico chair, bed chesterfield, upright freezer, GE 19" color TV, prints, 6 match boxes (Rolls Royco cars), milk bottles, Al- caraz 7 X12' handmado rug, antique antique spool cradlo, washstand, round oak lablo, games table, jolly mold, oak parlour table, Persian rug (now), 1890 oil painting (Wm. Ilopo, R.C.A.), 2 original Bariloll ongravlngs, 2 Casson prints, crocks, quills, linen, dishos including including carnival bowl, cornllowor, R.S. Prussia plalo, sot ol 8 sterling sllvor, discontinued Royal Doulton ligurinos, Toby mugs, ennoo, bicycle, bicycle, 1903 S-10 Blnzor (loaded, cort,). J-D 400 20 hp. riding lawn mowor, J-D 0 hp. riding lawn mowor (3 yr. old), plus many olhor Homs. Snlo mnnngod and sold by Lloyd Wilson Lid,, Uxbrldgo, 416- 052-3524 or 9755. AUCTION SALE Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. At Myles King Auctions 33 Hall St„ Oshawa All consignments welcomed. Estate sales, etc. Est. in 1967. Myles King, Auctioneer, 725-5751 -- 8-tfS Wed., Sept. 5th, 6:30 Sharp Machinery Sale at Orono Sale Barn Auctioneer Charlie Reid, Manager Charlie Harris, 983-5162. We will be having a monthly machinery sale for the next 4 months. Machinery Machinery consignments are welcome. 33-3SN Thurs., Aug. 16, 6 p.m. at Warner's Auction Hall 114 mi. W. of Colborne on Hwy. 2 Selling partial estate from Cobourg plus others Including tools, some antiques, collectables, collectables, etc. 2 door white fridge, older single door fridge, automatic washer (like new), good spin washer also like new, portable color TV, dehumidifier, dehumidifier, 12 ga. single shot gun, 22 semi aulo rifle, air conditioner, good tri axle Iscot trailer, good utility utility trailer with 15" tires, antique walnut walnut dining room suite, modern oak dining room suite, modern bedroom bedroom suite with double bed, apt. size chest freezer, air conditioner, modern 4 pc. living room suite with sofa, chair, love seat and ottoman, occasional chairs, 8" table saw, mise, hand tools, hammers, chisels, clamps, drill bits, pipe threader, plus other mise, tools, dishes, china, glass, lamps, pictures, pictures, plus countless mise, articles too many to list. Two auctioneers, selling inside and out. Sale starts: 6 p.m. Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, MC. Gary Warner, D. Denny, Auctioneers, Auctioneers, 355-2106. 33-1 SN Auction Salol "Kahn Country Auctions" Every Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. ,401 (Exit 399). Featuring every Wed. an excel 1 lent selection of antiques, line furniture, furniture, glass, china, collectables; primitives and the unusuals. Sd join us every Wed. and partici: pate in one of Ontario's "True" Auctions with no buy-backs or rê- serves.-'Consignment and estate selling our specialty". Phone us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. Kahn Auction Service's - 416- 683-0041. 3-tfSfl Tues., Aug. 21, 11 a.m. Furniture, Some Antiques Glass, China at property of Janie Richmond 123 Elgin St. N. Bowmanville (north of Church St. at Canadian Tire) 2 Bedroom suites, 7 pc. waterfall dining room ste., gold chesterfield, nesting tables, chrome set,' easy chairs, recliner, 6000 BTU air conditioner, conditioner, floor and table lamps, Ige. mirrors, stereo, small tables, cupboards, cupboards, fern and stand, antique captain's chair, antique rocker, vacuum, antique floor lamp, treadle treadle sewing machine, cedar chest, 2 old trunks, pictures, partial toilet set, qty. bedding, quilt, linens, crock, silverware set, chain saw, skill saw, tools, Ige, qty. dishes.'l 1 a.m. No reserve, owner giving up housekeeping, property sold. A, large sale. Orval McLean Auctions, Auctions, (705) 324-2783 Lindsay, 1- 800-461-6499.32-2SN Thurs., Aug. 23, 7:30 p.m. Holstein Dispersal Short Notice Milking herd dispersal for Paul and Brenda Orr, R.R. 2, Hastings. Hastings. Selling at the Wilson's Sale Arena, Uxbridge Including 30 head of registered and N.I.P. grade holsteins. Classified Classified O.D.H.I.C. tested by AI Syers. A good useful herd with a large number of (all callers. Followed by the August Consignment Sale - Including Including a July 88 Warden, selling fresh with her July heifer calf by Inspiration, her dam Is (G.P) with' 4 per cent test. Next 4 dams all (V.G.) Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, Uxbridge, (416) 852-3524 or 9755. 33-2S Sat., Aug. 18,10 a.m. Mitchell's Auction Building 2 miles E. of Omemee on No. 7 Hwy, 3 miles North ol Emily Park 1985 GMC 12' cube van 3500 series, 350 engine, 66,000 miles; 1984 GMC w/22' fibreglass van body, 7000 series, 366 engine, 70,000 miles; 72 VW camper van; BN Ford tractor w/loador; 2085 Ferguson tractor; 2 horse cullers; pony carl; pony buggy on rubber; 8 hp. elec, start dual slago snowblower; household furniture Including an antique ornate sideboard w/bovollod mirror; twin elec, adjustable bods 1 yr. old ($3,500 now); plus a Igo, quantity ol mise. Homs, Starts 10 a.m., Machinery and Vehicles 12:30. Doug Mitchell, Auclionoor, Sales Manager, R.R.4, Omomoo, 705- 799-6769. Notice of Change Lindsay Community Sale Barn R.R.2, Lindsay Will be holding a feature Horse Sale each Friday at 1:30 p.m. Selling horses and saddles only. This sale will replace the Monthly Monday Night Horse Sale. Commencing Commencing August 17. Contact Lindsay Community Sale, 705- 324-2774 or 324-9959. 33-4SN Sat., Aug. 25, 5 p.m. Note - Early Starting Time at Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry With large electric organ and. bench, 4 hairdresser dryers with chairs, and 2 sinks, sectional chesterfield, chesterfield, bookcase, electric stove, bed chesterfield, Sears sewing* machine, dressers, desk, wooden commode, oak coffee tables, cedar chest, 2 trunks, color TV, scales, antique plates and dishes, good crystal, old sealers, T. Eaton sealer, 16 ft. canoe, tilt trailer, 2 filing cabinets, elec, welder, drill press, router, air conditioner, good carpets. Good sale, plan to attend. John Pearce Auction Services. Viewing from 2 p.m. 655-8073. 33-2SN Thurs., Aug. 23,1 p.m. Monthly Consignment Machinery Sale at Hickson Sales Arena R.R.2, Lindsay Massey Ferguson 1085 tractor; Deutz Allis 6050 tractor, 4 wd. with self leveling manure bucket; Massey Massey Ferguson dozer with 6 way blade; New Idea round baler 5 X R- Delawn flutter rake oto.: Int. 175 manure spreader pis.; Massey Ferguson spreader 110 pts. 1986 Deutz Allis 345 square baler with thrower; 2 -1986 Martin bale thrower wagons wagons with 18, X 20 steel racks and floors; JD baler; Kilborn gravity grain box; New Holland forage blower; JD mixer grinder; 2 set Pony harrows; Bear Cat grinder pto.; additional tractors; ploughs and cultivators not listed. Sale time 1 p.m. Hickson Sales Arena, 705- 324-8311, Carl Hickson 705-324- 9959. 33-1 SN GRANDMA'S Company - Your environmentally environmentally friendly cleaning sen/ice. Absolutely no chemicals. Homes and offices. Bonded, insured insured and security checked. Phone 725-9177. 31-5S 'PRIVATE Mortgages - The placb to go whèn your bank says No! Anubus Investments, (416) 668- 7200, 110 Green Street, Whitby, Ontario. 37-tfSN Custom Draperies Expert workmanship Any style 5 years experience sewing for decorators. Can provide fabrics or will use client's own References available Reasonable prices Phone 430-8407 or 623-1855 33-1 SN $57.00 to Toronto Airport Cadillac Sedan EXECUTIVE SERVICE $73.00 to Toronto Airport Super Stretch Limousine 623-2916 Visa accepted Div. of Deluxe Taxi ALL DELUXE SERVICES ARE OPEN"24 HOURS" 26-tiS WANTED mnu/orc " [i? ing FRONT fenders for 1973 Datsun mowers lawn tractors, snowblow- Model 610, Ernest L. Bowen, 983- ISocqcc any C0ndl,l0n - Phone 5031. 33-1 SN b23*6955. 31-5S Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID FREE PICK-UP ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623r7112 FULL time daycare available in my home (Newcastle), nutritious meals, activities and T.L.C. Phone 987-1803. 30-4SN MOTHER of one 10 year old will do babysitting in smoke free atmosphere atmosphere weekdays in Waverley School area. Phone 623-0719. 33-1 SN MOTHER of two, E.C.E. teacher - 13 years, will provide quality care, day/night, receipts given, references references available. Phone Jill 623- 9571.33-3S MOTHER of three wanting to babysit in my home, Bowmanville Mall area. Phone 623-1108. ■ 33-2S MATURE mother of one, will babysit In my home, commencing September 4, located in Liberty St. N. area. Phone 623-6495. 33-1 SN RELIABLE, safe daycare, Martin Rd. area, close to Waverley Public School, fenced yard, hot lunches and snacks, 18 months and up, reasonable rates. Please phone 623-9670. 33-1 SN DAYCARE teacher with 10 years experience offering daycare in Waverley/401 area. Art, Music, daily outings, large bright playroom, current references and receipts given. Phone 623-2149. , 32-4SN Seniors Golf Scores The Members Seniors (55+) Championship was held August 8th at tne Newcastle Newcastle Golf Course with Laura Laura Blight winning the Ladies Ladies Club Champ with a Low Gross of 92 and John Morroson taking the men's title with a Low Gross of 82. The Ladies A Plight winners winners were: Ruth Whyte with Low Net at 67 and the longest longest drive. In the B Plight Low Gross went to Ruth Bonal- ton with 103. With 71 Eleanor Eleanor Glover captured the Low Net and Eileen Easton had the longest drive. While the C Flight saw Bernice Henderson with 111 : capture the Low Gross and Low Net and longest drive , went to Ethel Smith. In the men's A Flight Low Net went to Milt Corson Corson with 70 and the longest drive went to Les Taylor. Low Gross in the B Flight • went to John Partto with 90. While Bill Allen earned Low Net with 72. The longest drive went to.Barney Mills. In the C Flight Low Gross went to Walter Beach with 93. Low Net to Doug Wiseman with 68 and longest longest drive to Jack Glover. Closest to the pin was won by John Morroson. A special thank you to goes out to Janet Big Canoe. GRASS SEED AND FERTILIZER Lawn Seed from Bluegrass, Ryegrass and clover by the pound Lawn Fertilizer at farm prices WELCOME FEEDS (formerly Vanstone's) 116 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-6777 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TENDER SEALED TENDERS, for the equipment listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6, will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and dale. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the Town of Newcastle alter 1:00 p.m. on August 16,1990. lüB A BETTER DEAL • 1st., 2nd. and 3rd. Mortgages gpen privileges • Same day service Lint-1 A, NOW FOR SAME DIME ACTION MPet of the Week If you've got a big yard and like large dogs, then I'm the puppy for you. Mom ana Dad were a German Shepherd and a Bouvier. Pretty strange, eh? Still, you gotta admit, I'm pretty cute. So are my six brothers and sisters. We're waiting for our new homes at the Town of Newcastle's Mimai Shelter in Bowmanville. When you come down, just tell them I sent you. And please pick me. I'm a real fun guy -- the best in this bunch of dogs. Please, can we adopt your family as our family? We're waiting, just for you. Sponsored by Cynthia Morgan ..'.••/.•Tv »m«v i*jaico*owtcw«e«<tee 623-6622 Telephone 987-1336 Tender NW90-35 ONE (1) CAB AND CHASSIS 10,880 KG/24,000 LBS. GVW. Closing Time and Date: 12:00 Noon (Local time) ' , August 29,1990 Wednesday, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agi Telephone: (416) 623-337! Ext.. 267 ent 9 Date of Publication: August 15,1990 33-1 SN Versatile tractors that take the strain out of yard and gartl choi 33-1 SN 33-1S MacGREGOR AUCTION SERVICES Estates, Consignments, Households, Bankruptcies, Farms Sold at your location or ours. Storage and Trucking available Phono for FREE Confidential Consultations Mike MacGregor (416) 987-5402 Junior West (416) 983*5556 10'IION FrL, Aug. 17, 6 p.m. Cornell's Auction Barn Two pee. rollnlsliod flat-to-wall cupboard, rollnlsliod antique chest ol drawers, walnut china cnblnol, wnshslnnds, 0 pco, walnut dining room sullo, nnllquo woodon bod, antique hanging light, 24" GE aloe- trie slovo (like now), 4 Duncan Phyla dining chairs, 5 II. harvest lablo, odd prossbnek chairs, chromo kltchon sullo, rollnlsliod drop'lonl lablo, rollnlsliod lamp la* bios, coppor bailors, crocks, maplo coplnln'r. bod, plno choetorflold and clmlr, porlnblo color TV, Koiv moro almond dryor, coal oil lamps, codnr cliosl, walnut armchairs (noodlopolnl souls), occasional chairs, l)usy Doo band saw, skill saw, 10" Soars lablo saw, 1005 Dodgo van, HII.XOII, mulnl till-box Irollor, qu. ol china, glnso, collector plains, ole, Don and Grog Cornoll, Auclionoors, ILM, Llltlo Drllnln, 705-700*2103. 33-18N THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TENDER NW90 - 36 SEALED TENDERS, to supply ell labour, equipment and materials required for the Contract specified below, submitted to the Corporation ol the Town ol Newcastle, Office of the clerk. 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, are Invited and will bo received by the Clerk until the specified dosing time and date, Tender Documents may bo obtained from the Purchasing Offico at The Town ol Newcastle after 1:00 p.m on August 16,1990: TENDER NW90-36 WESTVIEW PARK DEVELOPMENT- SITE PREPARATION/GRADING. ASPHALT WALKWAYS, LIMESTONE ROCKERY, FLAGSTONE PATIO, TIMBER PERGOLAS, PLANTING AND SODDING CLOSING TIME A DATE: 12:00 NOON (LOCAL TIME) THURSDAY, AUGUST 30,1990. An agree ment to bond and n bid deposit In tho amount specified In the tender documonls must accompany each bid submitted, Tho lowost or any lender not nocossatlly nccoptod, Tho convenience, comfort and productivity ol John Deere Lawn& Garden Tractors, now specially priced 1er a limited time only. Como choose tho one you've wanted for your homo, (arm, cottage, But hurry. Sales ends August 24lh. * 10% DOWN AND INTEREST FREE UNTIL JAN. 1,1991 o.a.c. 318 UWN * GARDEN TRACTOR * Onan alr-coolod twin-cylinder 10-HP engine. * Hydrostatic drive tor slnglo-lovor control ol travel speed and direction. * Power sleeting and tight 26-Inch turning radius. Hinolurn-lo-noulrnl braking ayalom, * Heavy-duty welded alool Iromo, * Dunl-luncllon hydraulics, two sols ol Iront oullols. deleft joH{j R SM su TA'" 240 LAWN A GARDEN TRACTOR * Hlgh-lorquo, 14-HP Kawasaki engine with overhead valves and lull-pressure lubrication. * Durable 6-apood goardilvo with In-line shilling. * Quick-change Implement system allows hookup/romovnl ol nttnchmonlo In 5 minutes or loss. Hi Tight 25-Inch lurnlng radius lor excellent mnnouvoroblllly. OHIAXIO Dale ol Publication: August 15,1000 Mts, Lou Ann Bhkolt Purchasing and Supply Agent Telephone : (416) 023-3370 Ext,. 267 Daniel J, O'Brien 4 Associates Ltd, Landscape Architect! 100 MaiySlrool Pott Potty, Ontario L0L1B7 33-1SN FARM St GARDEN LTD TAUNTON ROAD, ORONO JOHN DEERE SALES & SERVICE 623-1122 983-9119