"At IGA the shelves ore always stocked with a wide range of brands. That's service". MARY 0 JERRY DEUKEDOOM V KING CITY IGA M PEEK FREAKS BISCUITS White or Almond Cut From Canada Grade A Beef "Boneless Outside Cut" 0-rolI pkg. i FEATURE PRICE , : WITHOUT .. : '.-I -¥;:;V | : coupon $2.79 : 400 g bog FEATURE PRICE , WITHOUT COUPON >2.7 d doling SavnSay, Aug. 18. H90 N.B. E2L4U Num-ojeE SAVE 2.10 LD Downtown Orono Packed for Kin Street Dance The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, August 15,1990 7 Town Preparing Study of Housing The Town of Newcastle is vide information on the preparing a Municipal Hous- household characteristics, ing Statement, with funding present accommodations, provided by the Ministry of housing preferences and Housing. The purpose of the need for assisted housing; study is to complete a hous- and will provide valuable in- ing market analysis of the formation on the Town's Town based on supply and housing needs. It is expected demand factors, and develop that the survey will be a housing strategy to identi- mailed to the selected house- fy local housing issues and holds in August, establish policies to resolve Any questions on the the issues and meet munici- housing study or survey pal and provincial objec- should be directed to Jeff While we were enjoying the street dance at Orono H ere, they are having a good time, listening and ca- on Saturday a few younger citizens, escorted by a vorting to the music f om f ng from t W marq 6 ee jn the couple of adults, decided to test their dancing skills backgr 6 0und al i courtesy of Pine Ridge Kinsmen. and possibly attract our photographer's attention. fives The policies to be developed developed will meet the Prov- Wo'g T.anri Use Planning for Housing Policy State ment. and will address the issues of the supply or assisted assisted housing, the supply of affordable housing, and residential residential intensification. The firm of J. L. Cox Planning Consultants Inc. of Guelph, Ontario, has been engaged to undertake the study. Part of the work being undertaken includes a mailed questionnaire survey of over 1,200 randomly selected selected households in the Town. The survey will pro- Brooks at the Town of Newcastle Newcastle Planning Depart ment PREVENT WILDFIRES This active couple who will remain nameless, were having a gre - - * * "gnt. eat time at the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Street Dance in Orono Saturday nigTit. The crowd of " dancers was not too large at that early hour, but reports indicate that the street | was packed later in the evening for this 6th annual Kin event. I Downtown Orono Dancin' Orono News Quote - "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." - (George Bernard Shaw). Congratulations to Gordon Gordon Watson, who on Sunday, Sunday, August 12, celèbrated his 80th birthday. An Open House in his honor was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor, Division Street. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Inez Harris were Mrs. Andrea Andrea Williams and son Keen- nan, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris. A very large attendance at the Pine Ridge Kinsmen sponsored street dance, held iin downtown Orono, Sat. evening, Aug. 11th. Many comments as to a larger area needed as much crowding. crowding. The young folks really enjoyed the evening and thank the busy and hardworking hardworking Kinsmen for this treat! Sunday visitors with Mrs. Jenny Bowins, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haslnm, Oshawa. Recent visitors with Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. E. Billings included - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gumming, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rickaby, Richmond Hill; Mrs. Helen Johnston, Thornhill; Mr. and Mrs. ICcn Hills and Ted, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey Bailey have arrived homo after enjoying a 10-day trip to Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bni- ley, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. E. Billings enjoyed a motor trip to Burleigh Falls and area and watched the boats go through the locks. Sunday visitors with the O. Challico's- Mr. Don Clml- licc, Oshawa; Mrs . Kony Lyn Challico. Pontypool; Mr. Barry Challico and Miss Tracy Luckott, Oshawa; Mr ACCIDENT OR TRAFFIC TICKET? CALL and Mrs. M. Harmer, Oshawa. The summer annual flower flower and vegetable show was held Thursday, Aug. 9, in main hall of Orono United Church. The hall was lovely with excellent variety and color of the eye-catching arrangements arrangements and vegetables. Visitors were present from Bowmanville and Newcastle Newcastle societies and President President Donna Hutton welcomed welcomed everyone. Secretary Yvonne Hutton gave previous previous minutes and correspondence. correspondence. Our District Director Miss Anna Bourke, Oshawa, brought greetings from Dist. #17, ana congratulated Isabelle Isabelle Challice and Ruth Tink for both having received the coveted "Trillium Award" from O.H.A. Mrs. Minnie Zegers announced announced her retirement as lender of Juniors next year. We are very sorry to hear this as Minnie has given excellent excellent leadership for so long. Our Orono Jrs. will celebrate celebrate their 30th anniversary anniversary this fall (Nov. 20). Let's hear from interested folk for this worthwhile position. The guest speaker for the evening was Miss Andrea Andrea Clarke, Dept, of Agriculture, Agriculture, Bowmanville, and her topic "Pest Control in the Garden." She brought an illustrated message of the bugs, insects, that bother so many gardeners. Some of the little critters arc certainly lacking eye- appeal! A very educational presentation and much enjoyed enjoyed by all present. The speaker was thanked and lucky draws were held. Doreen Lowery gave the show report and announced 230 exhibits from 22 exhibi- toirs, with the following results: results: Best rod rose - Carol Mos- tort. Best gladiolus - Lornn Atkins. Atkins. Best dahlia • Carlos Tam- blyn. Now oxhibitov - Bob Nichols. Nichols. Best Peace rose • Mary Tamblyn. ■TDTifiTJrt'TiTr^W^Cl m.vNsos' Choice - "The Nlctar. Cory Do Jongo. Show - Isabelle (ifhallico. Most Points in Show • Carol Moatort. Most Points in Vega • Carol Mostert. Most Points in Specimen flowers - Carol Mostert, Winner of Canadian Im- penal Bank of Commerce Award - Inez Harris, Most Points in Decorative Sections-Isnbollo Challico. ,, 1 ho judges for show wore Merlin and Emily Shite, Bowmanville, Let a lormer Police Officer be your voice In court. No Cost Consultation Low Cost Representation H436-71944» 249 KING ST. E. (Across from Iho Oshawa Provincial Court) A delicious lunch was served by Committee to a very appreciative audience. A record crowd of close to 500 folks was in attendance at the annual Beef Barbecue in the beautiful Orono Park, Wed., Aug. 8th. ;:s J 'Cfl - - The evening was lovely, the food was great, and the program was enhanced by the fun music of the Newcastle Newcastle Fiddlers Club. Blain Moffat voiced a vote of thanks to all who attended attended and all who worked. A good crowd of Orono folks were at the Sunday morning church service at Newcastle United Church, Sunday, Aug. 12. The beautiful beautiful sacrament of Baptism was celebrated by Rev. Don Stiles and the baby daughter daughter of Ed and Amy (Morton) Hoad was baptized. General Council of United United Church is being held Aug. 14-24 in London, Ont. Pray for Commissioners to General Council. The two Commissioners from the Oshawa Presbytery Rev. El- wyn Hughes and Mr. Cal Cathmoir. Mrs, Jean Dykstra and son, Lindsay, attended the annual Flower Show of Orono Orono Horticulture Society on Thursday evening, Aug. 9. A happy birthday party was hcl in honor of Mr. Clarence Clarence Burley on Monday evening evening at home of Mr. • and Mrs. Alf. Pigott; also guests, Mr. and Mrs. Max Witty, Beaverton and Mrs. Lena Clysdale. ORONO FAIR Durham Central Agricultural Agricultural Society (Orono Fair) presents its 6th annual parade parade on Sept. 8th. The theme this year is "Old MacDonald's Farm" in honor of the 25th anniversary anniversary of the Rabbit Show. This is a community parade, parade, featuring the Bow- manvillo Legion Pipe Band." Spectators ore invited to dress in Western costumes and view over 100 antique, modified vehicles, Fair and Dairy Queens and Princesses, Princesses, Sen Cadets, Shrinors, Orangemen, Kinsmen, Lions Clubs, Sport teams, Church floats, Horticultural Groups, Scouts and Girl Guides who will bo busy waving to the crowds, Clowns, Western riders, local businesses and merchants will bo handing out flowers, candies and balloons balloons to the crowds. Wo invito you to join us, Prizes will bo awarded for musical floats, group floats, marchers, walkers dressed in animal costumes, farm machinery, antique and modified vehicles and junior floats, This is a community parade parade so decorate n float or oin in and advertise your Dusinoss. Our fair in celebrating its 138th anniversary this year. Join us and lot's make it bettor bettor than ever QUALITY M€ATS| STORE HOURS - GRAHAM'S IGA 225 King St. E., Bowmanville 1 FRESH PRODUCE ROUND STEAKS Cut Horn Cone*) .Grade A Çeef'-'îonefess Outside Cut" 5.90 kg INSIDE ROUND STEAKS Cut From Canada Grade A Beef, "Boneless" 99 lb. 6.59 kg SAVE 2.20 ID. SIRLOIN TIP ROASTS Cut From Canada Grad# A Deaf, "Boneless" 79 lb. 6.15 kg SAVE 2.20 ID. SCHNEIDERS WIENERS Assorted Varieties 450 g pkg. SAVE 1.50 PKG. SCHNEIDERS DEEF STEAKETTES 479 I «4 g ■ pka. pkg. LESS THAN 1/2 PRICE DELI DUTTERDALL TURKEY DREAST Cooked or Smoked 99 1.54 100 g SAVE 2.01 lb. DUTTERDALL TURKEY PASTRAMI SAVI 1,44 Ik. 99 lb. 1,1414*9 STORIMADE 9' PIPPERONI PIZZA * ' 499 SAVI .id l**k fef Ihli iymU| ■■■■■■■"V Foods to tit fWiirau»E 1 your lifeltyle.*™*»^ IM fee NvtitOvUe fell »4 N-NfeMf fM<k»4 ifemi MON., TUES., WED. 7:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 7:30 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. SATURDAY 7:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. 5% SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT - WEDNESDAY ONLY HgA PLU 2605 • KRAFT I SINGLES I roaoHfocoaiHMimB wBiastoUHCtm I Feature Price I Without Coupon $0.29 1 Limit one pkg, per coupon, valid until doting Saturday, Aug. 10, 1990. A.C, NKL5IH, DOX OOOO, ST. JOHN, N.D. E2L 413 VALUE .30 099 500 g P k 9- II | iraoEmiisnMwm . .roattoBsm I I feotue Price I I Without Coupon $0.29 * * Limit one pkg. per coupon. I I voHd until doting | | Soturdoy, Aug. 16. 1990. , A.C. HltLSEH. OCX 3000 hr. JOHN, H.O. E2L 413 FARM HOUSE CREAM PIES Frozen, Assorted Varieties 12-oz. pkg. ill. 1/2 PRICE iïGA PLU 2604" POST DRAN FLAKES "Value .so" 1 400 g BOX I tore Pike I Without Coupon $1,49 I limit one box per coupon. I voHd until doting Saturday. Aug. 16, 1990. A.C, HIllSIH. OCX 3000. * A 1 .99 A,b. TOuin, vua vvw, ne 1r-w - -- ÛT. jOHH. H.O. E2L 413 337013^1 J HgA PLU 2623 KRAFT DDQ SAUCE | ASSORTED VARIETIES 455 ml DTL. I Feotue ftke I Wthout Coupon $1.59 * limit one btl. per coupon, I voHd until doting Saturday, Aug. 16, 1990. , AC WCtSIH. DOX 3000 MT. JOHN, H O. I2L 413 VALUE .60 .99 IGA DAKED DEANS In Tomato Souce or Beans With Potk 14-ox. tin SAVE .30 SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUE Assorted Cotous box of 200 SAVE .60 .99 IGA DIAPERS Medium 40, Lome 00. Ult/o Medium 44 or Ultra Logo 32 1AVlSl-l0 99 SMt HgA PLU 2605 KRAFT SINGLES VALUE .30 099 Æêz* IGA VEGETABLES Selected Varieties .59 SAVE .30 IGA CHEDDAR CHEESE CUTS Mid, Medium, Old Coloured or Old White random weight Pkg. .66 100 g SAVE ADC LAUNDRY DETERGENT Powdered 99 10 l box SAVE 3.00 MAXWELL HOUSE GROUND COFFEE Regular, Fine or Extra Fine 49 300 g vat pak pkg. SAVE .00 SUN SQUEEZE LEMONADES OR DRINKS Frozen, Concentrated, Assorted Varieties 5/4199 ■ 12-11. ox, tint SAVE S 1/2 P*KI IGA CHUNK LIGHT TUNA 4.l*o«. tin SAVI IGA SOFT DRINKS Assorted Flavours, Regular or Diet cos. of 24 x 200 ml tins SAVE IGA SOFT DRINKS Assorted Flavours, Regular or Diet 4100 H 750 ml ^ ret. btls. ■■ ret. btls. SAVE IGA PURE APPLE JUICE 1.36 I tin SAVE .40 iiii iff KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP Regular or Light 49 11 jor SAVE 1.40 GREENCARE PRODUCTS Oshawa Foods ' recognizes that a clean, safe environment Impacts directly on the health and well being of our communities. GREENCARE COFFEE PETERS #4. #6. or Basket Style pkg, 9i 40 •# tee .99 SÀVI GREENCARE 6ARDAGE DAGS *k*. .1 10 ' 499 1ÀV1 1,0. PNEADBPNIA SOFT PROCESS CREAM CHEESE Vsbxted VtiUwi PEACHES ftoduct of Ontario, Canada No. 1 Grade 1.30 kg #• SAVE .70 lb. CANTALOUPES ftoduct of Ontario, Canada No, 1 Grade SAVE .70 FRESH CORN ftoduct of Ontario, Canada No. 1 Grade SAVE .35 7 CUCUMDERS ftoduct of Ontario, Canada No. 1 Grade DERS ^ ^ V,99 SAVE .50 FRCSH BAKCRY HOT DOG OR HAMBURGER DUNS ft SAVE .40 CARROT CAKE OR DROWNIES 350 g SAVE .30 REDUCE WASTE *'° PPIN0 y v "tu$[o PRICES irriCTIVK FROM MON. AU4. 13 UNTE QOMNO SAT., AU6. 10, 1990. WE RESERVE THE RI4HT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. AU SAVINGS ARE BASED ON OUR RE4UIAR PRICES. PEOPLE COME FIRST AT IGA