[ ) / i y-'i T71* pi i The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 5,1990 21 headyforNewSeason Durham M.P. Ross Stevenson Hosts Annual Barbecue b- Hello, again from Orono •Figure Skating Club. We are Vjnnce more gearing up for another another busy season. Our last Registration Night is Sept. iti2 at which time we will re- meat our used sporting Equipment sale. If you have Smytning to sell or wish to \buy, call. Please come to register register your skates then. With Orono Fair coming up this weekend, visit our .booth in the Arena and support support our fundraising efforts. (First, we have tickets for .sale for the Ontario Skaters Lottery. Secondly, Arlene Malcolm, a local Tupper- ware dealer, has generously offered us a fundraiser in the form of profits from sales at her booth, which will be located near ours. If you have any Tupperware needs, please visit her booth, or you may order in advance through the club executive. executive. We appreciate her assistance and your support. O.F.S.C. is also putting a float in Saturday's parade. Any skaters who would care to join us, please call 983- 9542. As you can see, some of us are already hard at work preparing for the start of another another successful season. Please watch for further news of our skaters. M Pet of the Week There were even visitors from Great Britain at the Day, Orono. They were Eileen and Harold Hodgson Ross Stevenson party, guests of George and Doris who were having a good time at the event. Imagine having nobody to love or love you. This is the fate of these two kittens. The one on the left is a rare female calico and the grey and white male tabby is on the right. They, among others, need homes before the winter. Can't you find room in your hearts and homes for one or two of these little beings who just want somebody to love? Is that asking asking too much? Please call the Animal Shelter today. finimal Shelter - 623-7651 Sponsored by Cynthia to your Real Estate needs. ÜI1 Morgan Office Telephone 623-6622 987-1334 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM NOTICE OF EGSTam public meeting Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee will consider at a meeting to be held on: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,1990, AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 1615 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER, WEST BUILDING, WHITBY MALL AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN The amendment, as submitted by the applicant, proposes two apartment buildings (3 storeys each) containing a total of approximately approximately 41 units located at the site indicated on the map below. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE VANJT0NI SUMMEAfltLO •CRT. BOWMANVILLE THIRD IT. CRT. IUMSET.RD. LORRAIHl, ^ CRT. IAUNDERI AVC. Subsoquontly, Iho Regional Council will consider the recommendation recommendation ol Iho Planning Committee at a mooting to bo hold on: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1990, AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report related to the proposed amendment Is available for inspection inspection In Iho ollicos ol the Planning Department, 1615 Dundas SI, £=., 4Hi Floor, Long Tower West Building, Whitby Mali, Whitby, or by calling Kay Dtydon, Planning Department (Whitby) 728- 7731/(Toronto) G0G-1G51. ) Requests to mnko n presentation before Iho Planning Committee concerning the proposed amendment must bo (oiwnrdod to Dr, M, Michael, M.C.I.P., Commissioner of Planning, 1615 Dundns St, E„ 4111 Floor, Lnng Tower, West Building, Whitby Mall, Whitby, Ontario, UN GA3, fltld should bo rocolvod by Friday procoding Iho mooting, Requests to mnko a prosontnllon boforo Iho Roglonnl Council concerning Iho proposod amendment must bo lorwnrdod to tho Roglonnl Clork, Roglonnl llondqunilore Dulkllng, C05 Ronstnnd Rond East, Wlillby, Ontario, LIN 0A3, nnd should bo rocolvod 40 hours prior lo iho Roglonnl Council Mooting, FILE NO,: OPAOG'OOG Clmy I lotromn Roglonnl Clmltmnn C, W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Roglonnl Clork Speeches were kept to a minimum at the Ross Stevenson party last week. Here, the Durham Member of Parliament welcomed those attending and briefly mentioned. mentioned. a few of the problems confronting the government at Ottawa, while hoping that all were enjoying the party. At the Ross Stevenson Barbecue-Corn Roast at Island provided toe-tapping music for the hundreds Blackstock Fairgrounds last Wednesday, the always who attended the Progressive Conservative event, enjoyable Golden Slippers entertainers from Scugog In additon to the Golden Slippers group, entertainment at the Stevenson event was provided by a duo calling themselves "Two for the Road." They are Allan Feh- renbach and Ed Morton, pictured here in action. In the Dim & Distant Past 50 Years Ago, Mr. Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Mrs. Sutton ana children, children, Francis and Marie, will be leaving, to take up residence at Sault Ste. Marie Marie where Mr. Sutton will be Supervisor of Music in the Public Schools. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Tennant, Tennant, Mr. and Mrs. John Brough attended the' graduation graduation exercises at Kitchener General Hospital, where Miss Winnifred Tennant was graduating. Reverend and Mrs. Gordon Gordon S. Jury, who have been on furlough, sailed for India on a Dutch ship in April and have arrived safely in Rangoon. Rangoon. Mr. Mnnson Comstock attended attended the Canadian Retail Coal Association convention held last week in Toronto. Mrs. J. C. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. George W. James, Mr. William James, and Reverend Reverend J. W. Bunncr attended the 66th Commencement Day ceremonies of the Ontario Ontario Ladies College at Whitby on Wednesday. Canon C.R. Spencer. Rector Rector of St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, who will celebrate 35 years of his ordination to tho Ministry, announces a three week special special services program to celebrate celebrate St. John's 100th anniversary. anniversary. 25 Years Ago, Wodncwda^Juno 16, Tito President, Mrs. Colin Birtwhiatlo. presided nt tho Bownmnvlllo Lionottes mooting on Ttiosdny evening in tho Lions Centro when Mrs. Byron Vnnstone was elected President for I960- 66. Other officers are Past Pros, Mrs. Birtwhistle, Vico- Pres. Mrs. Robert Williams, 2nd Vice-Pros, Mrs. Lloyd Clifton, Socty. Mrs, Douglas Kemp, Trims. Mrs. Edward Leslie, Directors, Mrs. E. L, Ewort, Mrs. Bruce Lush, Mrs. H.B. Moses and Mrs. Port Hope will get a new Arthur Oswald conversion plant to be built William H." Stacey was at a cost " U P $10 0 mil- honoured on June 5 at the b 0I \ as n T r ^ lt 9 f Eldorado President's Night of the Nuclear Ltds plan to re- Oshawa Jaycees when he shufn °. lts manufacturing was named the Outstanding operations. Jaycee of the year. _ Winners^ of the _Selby Miss Vickie Varcoe, R.R. 4 Oshawa will fly to Denver, Colorado, this Sunday where she is enrolled in a six week's course at the _ , Rocky Mountain School of GuyFosket, Horsemanship. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brunt, Mr. and Mrs. William William Kilpatrick and Mr. William William Martin attended the Kinsmen Club District 8 convention held at Bigwin Inn, Muskoka, from Thursday Thursday to Sunday last week. Knox Christian School held an impressive dedication dedication ceremony on June 10 with the President of the school, Simen Feddema, welcoming welcoming tho guests. Principal Jacob Vitolugt welcomed the speaker John A. Vandcr Ark. Grant trophy in the Mixed Major Bowling team at Lib erty Bowl are D. Reynolds, J. Welton, P. Bagnell, Capt. M. Reynolds, G. Fosket and Some of the first hungry customers receive their and servers who were manning the several booths hamburgers from one of the several volunteer chefs where the food was being prepared. 10 Years Ago, Wednesday, June 11,1980. Carl Van Bello, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Belle, has completed first year studies in Business Administration Administration nt Grand Rapids. Rapids. Michigan, Ritn Gordon of Bowman- villo who attends Brigham Young University in Utah, lms boon chosen to represent represent Miss Motor City Kinsmen Kinsmen Inst Friday, in tho Fies- tn Queen Pageant in conjunction with Fiesta Week activities in Oshawa. Individual winners in the inter-public schools track nnd field moot hold nt B.II.S. are Carry Chestnut, Donnnn Braun, Kevin, Nagel, Nagel, Jay Kelly, David Smith, Tammy McMullen, Angela Theriault, Wendy Mutton, Clrog Chestnut and Jnmio McGlndo. lÛmAok ,.. don't sit and worry ... ADVERTISE! No matter what the source of the problem ... overstocked inventory, your off-season, price increases... you have to keep your name in front of the public ... and we can create the perfect promotional theme! Call one of our award-winning sales consultants today! The Canadian Statesman 62 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-3303