) l Candidates State Their Plat forms for Sept. 6th Vote • Dear Voters, • Are you dissatisfied with the three traditional pbliti-, cal parties? I am. ' Mr. Peterson and his Liberals Liberals are spending our money money as though they have a Gold Card with our names written on it. In 1989 Elinor Caplan, Minister of Health, spent 5.7 million dollars to study the sex, eating and ex- ercise habits of people in Ontario. Ontario. Meanwhile a Midland woman and a Markham man died while waiting for hospital beds. There has been a 700 bed reduction under under Mr. Peterson. The Liberals Liberals spent $300,000 sending S'; Family Coalition Party m ' ■ g l|(: Tim Crookall 140 bureaucrats to an Italian Italian trade show, ' some of iyhom spent $1,000 a night in five star hotels. Harold Ballard, the late millionaire owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs, was flown by private jet from Florida to Toronto at a cost of $10,000 to taxpayers. taxpayers. Mr. Peterson brags about his job creations. He fails to mention that 9,000 of those jobs are. new bureaucratic bureaucratic appointments. The list goes on. No wonder taxes are out of control! The NDP is committed to the socialization of Ontario. One look at the bankrupt economy of Eastern Europe should frighten anyone at the thought of an NDP government government in our province! The Conservative Party was once trusted by many of us to uphold high standards' of traditional values. But now, like the Liberal Party, it has shifted so far from its former tenets that it has lost its identity and lost touch with the true wishes of the people. • 1 I didn't feel good about voting until I discovered The Family Coalition Party. I was impressed with its integrity. integrity. The FCP is Ontario's Ontario's fourth largest party with 68 candidates running in this election. I was selected selected as the candidate for Durham Durham East. The FCP is committed to honest, frugal government. Taxpayers' money should be treated with respect. The provincial deficit must be cut and eventually eliminated. eliminated. We would reduce government government size without eliminating eliminating essential services. The values that we teach our children today will determine determine the kind of Ontario we will have tomorrow. The work ethic must be fostered. Our schools should promote responsibility and a commitment commitment to excellence. : We believe in responsible free enterprise for a strong economy. Small business must be protected from unfair unfair practices such as price fixing. Co-operation between employees and management must be encouraged. The FCP does not receive funding funding from big business or trade unions. ' Locally, as your MPP I would fight for an environmentally environmentally friendly solution to the Laidlaw dump site. In an effort to better understand understand the dangers of atomic energy, we need a health study of the area surrounding surrounding the Darlington nuclear plant. The proposed 407 Highway must be routed far enough north to avoid future urban areas and to protect prime farm land. The FCP is pro-family. We oppose abortion and wide open Sunday shopping. We believe that a strong province is made up of strong families. A vote for any of the three old parties is a vote for the problem. A vote for the FCP is a vote for the solution. solution. don't waste your vote. Vote FCP! Sincerely, Tim Crookall FCP Candidate, Durham East Ontario P.C. Party An , Open Letter to the People ofDurham East My name is Kirk Kemp and I am seeking election bn September 6th on behalf of the New Ontario Progressive Progressive Conservative Parly; to represent the people ofDurham ofDurham East at Queen's Park. I was born, educated and married and have raised my family in Durham East. I have successfully carried on business as an apple grower in this riding. 1 nave been active as a service club an election claiming, a need for a new mandate only three years into a possible five year term. Pure political opportunism: the cost? $40 " illion. sikkens Super quality wood coatings engineered to stand ; up against the elements ÛmSïïÜA; Paints k§!kkenÿ®Hi CetoM Tokens i CENTRAL PAINT AND WALLPAPER 295 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 434-3939 mi - The Liberal government in the last three years has' raised taxes thirtv-three times, increasing tax revenues revenues by 132 percent. Ontario Ontario has become the most heavily taxed jurisdiction in North America and lost industry industry and jobs are the result. result. - The Premier claims to be an environmentalist but of $40 million collected in tire tax revenues, only $1 million was actually spent on tire-recycling. - The Liberals' no-fault insurance plan provides a loss of benefits along with sky-rocketing ■ premiums. Maybe they should call it "no-use insurance." - The Liberals have permitted permitted a loss of 2.000 hospital hospital beds. Heart patients are dying as a direct result of this government's neglect. - Under-funding of school boards directly results in higher property taxes. These issues concern me because they threaten the political and financial security security of the people of Durham East. It is my hope that given given the support and trust of the people of Durham East, I may bring good judgement, common sense and integrity to bear on the decisionmaking decisionmaking - process at Queen's Park. A Conservative government, government, under the leadership leadership of Michael Harris, will freeze taxes and spending and make the tough decisions decisions required to make Durham Durham East and all of Ontario prosper. I respectfully request request your support to make this possible. Kirk Kemp member, church-goer and amateur athlete in this community. community. In short, I am your neighbour. My decision to seek to represent the people of this rioing in the provincial leg- y- islàtmPS'wàs , hbtiindëffâken lightly. I am, however, concerned concerned about the actions of Premier David Peterson and the Liberal Party and their impact on the riding of Durham Durham East, the province and even the country as a whole: - The Premier has called !'•: ; E : V The weight loss program for people who live in the real world. (V w " v * r ' ! S|||| j ■1 ; |j| ||I ; ■1 W > ü If your weight loss program offers faddish supplemental foods that taste like something something astronauts eat, get hack to the real world. Join Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers Is the sensible, healthy approach to weight loss.. No expensive pre-packaged diet foods. With Weight Watchers, you enjoy real food you buy at any supermarket or restaurant. restaurant. You not only lose weight,, you keep it off. We've been successful helping people for 27 years. That's what has made us the number one weight loss program In the world.Weight Watchers has an expertly trained staff, all of whom have been successful on the program, Weight Watchers Is the down-to-earth approach to weight loss.The right stuff anywhere In the universe. Free save $12 Registration H *3 Memorial Park Club House Liberty Street Thursday 9:15 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. For further Information Phone 1-800-268-3915 Join btlon Oeiikmtw SO. 1000 Valid In pardclpttlng weni only Ooai not apply lo Tho At Work riofliem,' Inner Circle,' or In conjunction wild eny oilw oiler Waigiil Waiciwn u a iDipaiaiad liadoimnMil WeiuPI Well liera Inleineiwmii,Inc C1000WelflhlWalchera hilirnallonel,Inc The Environics Research election poll dealt with the environmental issue. It- showed more people are willing willing to put their faith in the New Democrats to protect our environment than any other party. The same poll also showed more people believe the New Democrats as the best party to keep taxes to a minimum. The poll also revealed that more people consider New Democrats would provide provide an honest government. They are all good reasons to vote for me in Durham East on Sept. 6.1 have a life, full of experiences, in dealing dealing with people's problems. My honesty and ability, to relate to people is worth voting voting for. Send the Liberals a letter they can't ignore. Vote Gord Mills - - on Sept. 6, for an Ontario that belongs to the people. Ontario Liberal Party The voters of Durham East have a very important decision to make on September September 6. They must decide who best represents their ideas, their values and their future. future. As your representative mÿ first commitment would be to the residents of this riding. I've got a public record that people can look at and from that determine if I'm honest, straight forward forward and hard-working. I think it's imperative to keep in touch with the grassroots and I have the confidence and strength if elected. The quality of life in Durham Durham East will be under considerable considerable pressure^ in the find solutions to today's problems while putting in place the controls to protect us over the next decade. I grew up in Durham East and have lived here most of my life and if asked why I'm running I would say "I care about our future." Marilyn Pearce Confederation Of Regions Party I ran as a candidate in this election for many reasons reasons but I suppose the Meech Lake fiasco was the last straw. I found out that "we", the "SILENT MAJORITY", MAJORITY", are looked upon as "REDUCE TAXES" introduce introduce REFERENDA and MPP recall. The Liberal government has increased taxes 33 times, cut funding to ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL programmes (promised in the last election) election) refused to fund BATTERED BATTERED WOMEN'S homes, ruined our once proud HEALTH CARE system, introduced introduced the catastrophic YOUNG OFFENDERS ACT, employed in excess of 5,500 senior staff (mostly bilingual bilingual posts, i.e. not Ontarians) Ontarians) at a cost of $7-800 million million per year, let developers take our FARM LANDS, let 19 government departments go across the St. Lawrence river at the cost of THOUSANDS THOUSANDS of jobs, TAXED over 100 small companies out of business (they went south of the border), import thousands thousands of workers from Quebec Quebec to do jobs Ontarians could do and has an alleged corruption case hanging over it (need I say more)? Let's get together and change our Province into an HONEST and PROUD one for our children and grandchildren. grandchildren. The C.O.R. Party is dedicated to CHANGE but we are a DEMOCRATIC party so we need YOU the 'SILENT MAJORITY" to do it with us. „ _ , Harry Tunbndge The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 5,1990 3 1st Birthday Celebrated Hk yf , , ' : V- 1 '1% . , , . f , • , • ■ 7; Yours very truly, Kirk Kemp The New Ontario Progressive Progressive Conservative Party Durham East Ontario New Democrats This election is about choosing sides. You the voter voter have to decide who will be on your side when it comes to important issues facing you and your family. New Democrats believe that the people of Ontario matter more than private in- irestsr' , For" ll the , ""last"- , 45 ' ars, both the Tories and the Liberals have dominated the agenda of this province. They continue to defend the standards' that make a fair Ontario. unachievable. New Democrats, will make the tough choices when it comes to tne environment. We will make the big polluters clean up their act. Well give you, tne citizens, rights to stop pollution under our Environment Environment Bill of Rights. It's also time we got our priorities straight when it comes to taxes. Companies that are profitable, and people people who are wealthy, should pay their fair share. It's that simple. Since 1985 the Liberals Liberals have increased taxes by 132 percent. The Liberals, Liberals, in a pre-election ploy, have promised to reduce sales tax by 1 per cent. This is a shameless show of audacity audacity directed to Ontarians. In 1985, the people of Ontario Ontario decided that they had Marilyn I*earce next four years. The problems problems we are encountering now did not occur over night. The pollution problems problems of today are a result of a lack of controls over the past 30 years. The transportation transportation problems of today are a result of a lack of effective planning 20 years ago and the education funding and capital shortfalls are examples examples of cut backs in the early eighties when planners foresaw foresaw record numbers in our schools but governments were afraid to make the necessary necessary funding changes. If you support me on the "6th" I will be an energetic representative who will bring a common sense, "back to basics", philosophy to the Harry Tunbridge stupid people who can be used for whatever purpose suits the present governments. governments. Well, I've had it with these people so this is what I see as our turn to get rid of Dictatorial Governments just as they did in Eastern Europe. I find that I live in a .Country where "Aparthied" is practiced in one province and condoned by tne province province that I live in. Our Premier Premier has done nothing to 'change this except to offer some of our senate seats, spend millions of our dollars each day on a forced policy of Bilingualism and fund "Multicultural" < organizations organizations that keep the people of Ontario separated into small "handable" groups. We should be getting together not going our separate ways! We should be working to be CANADIANS: spending our money on the essentials of life and not on the dream of a small ' group who want a French, only. Canada. We should all have the. right to eat every day, have 1 a roof over our heads, get good medical health care, work for a living, retire with a good, hard earned pension and have a say in tne running running of our province. Our young people must have the best technical training, be judged on MERIT when applying applying for a job, and get the backing of the government to take us into the 21st century. century. If I were elected I would first set up a system of "one on one" communications, hold meetings in selected E laces with the people in lurham East on a regular basis (monthly) and give everybody a chance to make an input into getting a fair share of the say in running our riding. We would work to "CUT SPENDING" to i mm A ri<3 _ Lbits fr ■i 0» ft 1 ■■ ilTlssi .'AM V 11*1 j ■i-i-iwÂsÿssâ." v Gord Mills taken enough Conservative arrogance at Queen's Park. They voted them out of office. office. Last week, on election position position poll was carried out by Environic Research for CFTO 'TV and the Toronto Star. It showed only 9 percent percent of the tho people polled named the Conservatives to P rovide honest government! 'ho Provincial Conservatives Conservatives promise user fees for medical care. They have no plans for pay equity for women. They do lmvo plans to tax food. Their Conservative Conservative friends in Ottawa are responsible for tho GST. They are also responsible for free trade ravaging tho Ontario Ontario economy. Whether in Ottawa or Durham East, tho Conservatives belong to tho same party with tho same basic ideals. More Now Democrats at Queen's Park, moans the Peterson Peterson Liberals would have to deal with issues they would otherwise ignore. Æ V v •/ . • : V • ■■ • > * y. fy t- t * -, . i Hi, there! My name is Jonathan Douma. My veiy first birthday was on August 8, 1990. Helping me celebrate celebrate were my sisters Leanna and Amanda, my brother James and my Dad and Mom, John and Trudy. Douma. My proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. Flonk of Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. J. Douma of Peterborough. PORT PERRY -- Scugog Island Indians are prepared to offer their support to the Indians in Quebec if any blood is shed at Oka. Although the band living on a reservation on Scugoç Island has onlv people, it might set up a roadblock if any bloodshed occurs. A spokesperson for the band said they aren t a violent group and at the present time are organizing a peace walk and plan to hand out literature to the public. PICKERING -- The incumbent candidate running for re-election in Durham West has devised a fundraising program that will help the riding association as well as the environment. Liberal candidate in Durham West, Norah Stoner, calls her program Green Bucks for Greenbelts." The plan involves splitting donations between the Durham West Liberal Association and the Metropolitan Toronto Region Conservation Authority. Authority. She said a person can donate up to $750 to the association and then stipulate that half the monev be used to help plant native trees and shrubs on valley valley lands. Her plan was criticized by both the Tory and NDP candidates. PC candidate Rick Johnson said fund raising for his party is held between elections while NDP candidate Jim Wiseman said Norah Stoner's Stoner's plan was a publicity gimmick. He said donations are made straight to his campaign. OSHAWA - A parking garage in downtown Oshawa i by the Happy 35th Mom and Dad Love. Steve and Deb Rob and Diane Rhonda and Dave Timm and Tracey and all the grandkids. SENIORS 10% Discount every day! Come in and give us a try. We think you'll come back. ALEEN'S Beauty Salon 147 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone 623-6627 is expected to be open by the end of November, a month behind schedule after labor troubles at tlio construction construction site earlier this year. Tho seven-storey garage garage at Mary and Bond Streets downtown has been budgeted to cost $15 million. Tho building will include parking for street level stores. OSHAWA _ Durham Regional Police have arrested an Oshawa man who was wanted on a warrant for attempted attempted murder, possession of a dangerous weapon and break and enter. Tho man was wanted in connection connection with tho attempted murder of a 46-yoar-old Oshawa man. Police say tho incident occurred at a Linden St. residence on August 24. Tho victim, James Brockman, suffered head injuries from a blunt instrument instrument and was in critical condition in tho Oshawa General General Hospital. When tho accused was arrested, another another man at tho scone was charged with aggravated assault and accessory after tho fact. NISSAN Nissan Stanza GXE 1990 NISSAN STANZA " *15,690' i\ Specialty Priced factory |ALSO> demonstrators In stock now. 1990 NISSAN PULSAR T-Top Excitement From only *16,990 NISSAN HARDBODY PICKUPS From aaa* only * Ask about our low rates and/or cashback. Freight ($490), Taxes, Licences extra 9,690