iwrjaVf Sale ends November 30,1990 VHS video cassette T-120 records up to six hours of very special moments. 44-8601 Kiddy cassette plays and records cassettes. With auto-stop, built-in mic. 14-84< ISM KJ '? M.S.L. 144.85 Sierra 3-pack. Hoyles Book of Games, A-10 Tank Killer, Space Quest III. 25-8049 wm®. mm .1/ ^ % A:./:/:;/: k TAD-1000 answering machine has microchip for your message. message. Convenient. 43-8000 Extended Service Plan Available Mobile CB radio Mini-size with up/down chan nel controls, bright LED readout display, 21-1517 Pocket Repeat musical memory challenge game. 60-2152 Authorized Radio Shack Dealer mi L SPfl® •'•iâfiSSSl Your Complete Electronics Deoler" Telephone 623-2312 58 King St. W B*' 1 """ "" ~> r-':£*£• l 'x Ï ■t -*Gi 1 ti