I 1 Popular B.H. S. Band Performs Annual Christmas Concert Section Three The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, December 19,1990. 7 Learning a Lesson at the Orphanage in The Bowman ville High School's bands performed their annual Christmas Concert last Wednesday, December December 12, in the BHS auditorium. One of the performing performing groups is shown in action here.' Xmas Gift Givers Look whose stockings are hung by the chimney with caret We do hope Santa's good to you because you deserve the best! Merry Christmas from all of us at AVERY MASONRY Wayne, Ross and • | !» Families y m :-;^r 623-9929 JjooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooS What I would like to give for Christmas is a model. I am going to put it in the Christmas Salvation Army hamper. Ian Dean Vincent Massey Public School Grade 2 I would like to give my couscins a rakreds player for Christmas. My couscins are Erin and Michelle and Daved too. I love them and they like me too. Laura Jackson Vincent Massey Public School Grade 3 I whod giv my Dad money money for Christmas because he is nis to me. My mom is nis to me too. Michael Darch Vincent Massey Public School Grade 3 I woulb lik to gif my mom a Christmas partey. She wil lie that. Peter Andreas Vincent Massey Public School Grade 2 . .J would like, to give my- brother : a key board for Christmas. He wants it really bad. Stephen Flood Vincent Massey Public School Grade 3 Blessings Christmas Once again, hearts are lifted in hope and joy, renewed by the message of Christmas. Let us be glad! from Paul R. Morris - Robert B. Williams Gary M. Conway Morris Funeral Chapel 4 Division Street Bowmanvllle Telephone 623-5480 "A Century of Service to the Durham Region" This Christmas I'm going to give my brother micro machines. He is five years old and I think that he would like - it. Sometimes he jumps on me but I'm going to give tham to him anyway. Stacey Arends Vincent Massey Public School Grade 3 By David Woollier The sun was fading down, behind the forest of trees and gleaming off the snow-tippea mountains behind behind the lodge. A weary but content man sat upon the wooden rocking chair, admiring admiring the view that managed managed to grab his attention every fading evening. He swayed slowly, and gently petted the old collie laying beside him. The birds, that are heard through the day, were no longer noticed. An arousing scent of apple apple pie floated about, coming from within the cabin, ana for a split second, he felt revived. revived. This was a warm feeling feeling to him, for it represented a thought. A thought that made him think towards other people and their thoughts toward him and his loved ones. The porch door opened slightly, revealing a small child - a little girl. She carried carried in her arms, a cat, which she released immediately. immediately. The old man failed to look at her, as she pulled up a chair beside the resting dog. The old man soon found this interesting, and stared in curiosity. Her behaviour was quite intentional for her age. She kept wandering eyes on the star-scattered sky above and eased back on the backrest of the chair. "Grandpa," she said in a tiny voice. "My friend at' school told me that parents are the best part of Christmas. Christmas. Is that true?" The man leaned back comfortably and smiled slightly to himself. "Maybe to her it is," he began. began. "But I think I would CM» 1 " ® ttol" *4 *!'&<»« >et TO ALL! We wish to extend to our Customers and Friends Our Sincere Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Arnot R. Wotten Hampton Auctioneer 263-2512 rYiletlde Oheer- - ^We wish to extend to our Customers and Friends*® our sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Sincerely, Arnot Jr., Bevi'Marlene and Melinda Wotten WOTTEN TRANSPORT mm have to say that the most important thing about the meaning of Christmas is the love that comes from the heart. In fact, I happen to know a story that you just might like. It all began about... Reginald Cassidy tapped his top hat, shaking the snow off that had formed during his walk. He was a wealthy business tycoon, tied up in a proposition concerning concerning the orphanage located located out of town. It was to be closed and tom down in a few short weeks to make room for a new office building. building. He was in charge of making the right preparations preparations before the actual construction construction took place and, to him, it meant more time away from home. He sat there, in front of all the involved business executives executives and idly chatted among them quietly. Meetings Meetings didn't mean a whole lot to him. Accomplishing the goal was his greatest concern. concern. He was to take a trip the following day, out to the orphanage, orphanage, where he would "lay down the law" with those in charge. They had no authority over him, making it easy to give a good and strict law. It was like competing competing with a comapatient. That day, he knew he wouldn't enjoy his visit. The whole building had a strange effect on him. He realized realized that the visit was going going to be brief. He discovered, to his astonishment, that the children children did not welcome his presence at the orphanage, as he should've expected. But he was not on vacation. He was here to make his final final address to the owners. But in the back of his mind, he felt a touch of sorrow come over him. But there . was nothing he could do about it. and then he thought. Maybe there was nothing he wanted to do about it. Cassidy couldn't decide if the tremendous wave of guilt was directed towards him or his conscience. What he did realize was that if he allowed the orphanage to be tom down, he would nave to live with the thought of children, children, who have no one to love, no one to be with them through the hardest of times. No family to call their own. And, to surprising sadness, sadness, Reginald Cassidy broke down and cried. Epilogue: It was not until later that people learned that Reginald Reginald Cassidy had been an orphan up until age 11. This was very irregular for a man who haa kept it hidden all of these years. But they soon found out, because that day, he called off the construction of the office building and donated donated ten thousand dollars towards the orphanage. And from then on, he made the best for the orphans and soon realized that he had given the greatest gift of all. The old man sat, in harmony, harmony, facing a gentle breeze. The sun was just visible, visible, and he continued to sway back and forth in the rocking chair. His smile was a total confusion to the little girl. He continued to pet the old dog softly, who obliged by wagging his tail around. He swivelled his weary head to come face to face with a surprised expression from the little girl. "Is all of that true," she asked in eager curiosity. "Every word of it, dear," he reassured. "You see, the most important thing over all of the presents and gifts is the love that comes from the person that sent them." He paused briefly and sighed. "Some day you'll realize realize that and perhaps tell your children this tale and they'll learn just as I did." The little girl stared in utter confusion. She did not speak. Instead, she waited for an explanation. But there was none. You see, he learned his lesson that day at the orphanage. orphanage. A very good lesson that was to show him, in life, the reward for setting aside yourself and giving something for others who aren't as fortunate. This lesson lesson should be taught to eve ry child who should ever wonder just how lucky they really are to have people who care for them and love them. The End •vitp? Share The Spirit! May your season be filled with love, Bringing all good blessings from the Lord above... Because the things that count most, Are the things that are free... That's what Christmas, was meant to be! A joyous Noel from all of us. ÊlIfF' ; SF Æfety r Li. &ditcU 1 J,adie& 1 'Ween 37 King St. W., Bowman ville 623-5501 to the Best Neighbors in the World We thank you all for the gift of your friendship and trust. • nterprises 623-3221 nEFHIG£MTI0NAN0AmC0NDITI0NN<3 -SALES AND SERVICE your friendship and support are the most precious gifts, and we thankjjoufor them. 9iave a very Merry Christmas and MappyVfezv year! dath iA 78 King Street West Bowmanvllle 623-1933