The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 30,1991 11 1 Phone Phone 623-3303 Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. For Rent BOWMANVILLE - Large one bedroom bedroom apartment, all utilities and appliances included, ample parking, parking, $550./month. Phone 623- 5700, 623-0205. 5-1SN BOWMANVILLE - Updated two bedroom upper, close to downtown, downtown, balcony, references, $585. plus, first/last, available immediately. immediately. Phone (416)797-2998. 5-2SN COURTICE - Two bedroom condo., fireplace, 6 appliances, storage, parking, car wash, tennis courts, $875. Phone 987-4031. 5-2S DOWNTOWN Bowmanville, large upper house apartment, three large rooms with kitchen, bath and deck, available immediately. Phone (416)851-0586 or (416)640-1666. 5-1 SN NEWCASTLE - Large one bed- room apartments, all utilities and appliances included, $525. and, $625. Phone 623-5700,623-0205. 5-1 SN NEWCASTLE - 3rd Concession, three bedroom house with garage, four appliances, $850./month plus utilities, available immediately, first/fast. Phone 987-4078. 5-5SN ONE bedroom basement apt., separate entrance, parking, newly decorated, new carpet, stove and fridge, utilities included, close to hospital and shopping, non-smokers, non-smokers, $525./month, first and last month's. Phone 623-7430. 5-1S ONE bedroom apartment, split level, stove, fridge, washer, dryer, all broadloom, cable TV, and parking, parking, $650. monthly. Phone 263- 8045. 5-2SN ORONO - Main level bachelor,, apartment, suit quiet single per-' son, heat/hydro included, $75. weekly. Phone 623-2741. 5-1 SN PERFECT for hydro workers, furnished furnished bedroom, living room and kitchen, cable TV, Bowmanville. Phone 623-9888. 5-1S PRIME office space with panoramic view, on King St., downtown Bowmanville, completely completely decorated, reasonable rent includes parking, water, washrooms. washrooms. 623-7664. 5-1S RENT to own, three bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, in Newcastle. Phone Vinnie Gupta, 623-6000. 5-5S ROOM for rent, use of house. Phone 623-7259, ask for Mary Anne. 5-1S TWO bedroom house, February 1, $625. monthly, first/last plus Utilities, - central -, Bowmanville. Phone 623-2601. 5-tfS TWO bedroom apartment on main floor of duplex. Heated, with private private driveway, $695., available March 1/91. Phone 983-5428. 5-1S TWO bedroom apartment, central Bowmanville location, parking, separate entrance, $675./month •includes all utilities. Phone 623- 4921. 5-1 SN TWO bedroom main floor apartment, apartment, central Newcastle, basement basement storage, $550. plus utilities, firsVIast. Phone 983-8159. 5-tfSN TWO levels, main floor, two bedrooms, bedrooms, three appliances, pool, available available March 1st, $700. plus half utilities. Phone 623-4527, leave message. 5-1S TWO bedroom bungalow, large yard, garage, fridge, stove, first and last month's rent required, references. references. Phone 623-4858, 623- 6021. 4-tfSN ■ ATTENTION hydro workers - Bowmanville, Bowmanville, clean basement apartment, apartment, two bedrooms, available immediately, immediately, fully furnished with all conveniences, utilities included, parking, good location, prefer non- smokers. Phone after 6 p.m. 623- 3569 or 623-3229. 5-1S BOWMANVILLE - Available im- mediately, redecorated, large, clean one bedroom apartment, basement, upgraded broadloom, fridge, stove, no pets, first/last, references, references, 623-7263. 5-1S BOWMANVILLE lakefront, four bedroom home, $750./month plus utilities, available March 1, first and last. Phone 623-0939. 5-1 SN NEW building, downtown Bowmanville, Bowmanville, starting at $685. includes fridge, stove and air conditioning, one and two bedrooms available. Phone 434-2407. 5-4SN ONE bedroom apartment for rent, available Feb. 1, first/last, utilities included, references, no pets, 623- 8311. 5-1S THREE bedroom apt., fridge/ stove, large fenced yard, Waverley Rd. area, close to schools and shopping, available March 1. Phone after 4 p.m. 623-1318. 5-6S UPPER two bedroom apartment in • large country farmhouse, Hampton, $695./month, available Immediately. Also three bedroom house, Newcastle, $775. Phone 725-1994. 5-1 SN DUPLEX for rent, Bowmanville, three bedrooms, appliances, close to downtown, some utilities, $725./ month, available Feb. 1, Phone 987-4966, leave message. 4-2SN NEW homes for rent In Newcastle, appliances, available January, reasonable rales, Phone 263- 8101,4-2SN Very reasonable, one bedroom adult apartment in excellent clean condition for the right person, appliances appliances included, quiet and pleasant surroundings, parking with big yard, no pels, Immediate possession. References Phone '623-5903. I 5-2SN j SPACIOUS one bedroom apart- , ment with den, living room, dining, •, room and kitchen, fridge and stove ' Included, downtown area, $750. j monthly plus utilities. Available < February 1st, first/last required. Phone 623-2312,623-9108, 2-tfSN SELF STORAGE UNITS for rent, Newcastle Village from $45. Now Available 10' x 20', 10'x 15', 10'x 10', 5'x 10' Phone Lori at Newcastle Storage 987-3211 2-4SN RESPONSIBLE person to share house in Bowmanville, $425. monthly or weekly rate, non- smoker preferred. Phone 623- 0784. 5-3S AVAILABLE Immediately, share brand new townhouse in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, $350. per month Including utilities. Phone 623-1959 after 6 p.m.5-1S SHARE now townhouse with young couple, near Bowmanville Mall, four appliances, non-smoker, $350. Inclusive. Phono 623-2874. Help Wanted BOWMANVILLE - Immaculate two bedroom house, large fenced-in lot, close to downtown, heated, double garage, paved driveway, three appliances, $925. monthly plus utilities. Phone 263-8297. 5-1S BOWMANVILLE - four bedroom, 2 storey semi, walk-out to deck, pool, $900. plus utilities, available March 1st. Phone 987-4995, 987- 4818. 5-tfS FURNISHED bedroom, kitchen privileges, dishes supplied, private entrance, parking, $70. weekly. Phone 623-5640. 5-1S ONE bedroom apartment, Bow- . m'anville, large yard, patio, park- ) Irig, w/d hook-up, cable and water / included, non-smoker, first/last, $500./month, 263-8601. 5-1S AVAILABLE now - One bedroom semi, fridge and stove included, $600./month inclusive. Phone ,623-6800. 4-3SN WHITBY - Lower two bedroom apartment, $800.; Upper three bedroom, $1000.; fridge, stove, utilities, garage included. References, References, no pets. Phone 1 -(416)985- 7778, (416)432-6433. 3-3SN ROOM for rent, new large home in Bowmanville, $65. weekly, furnished, furnished, private bath, female non- smoker preferred. Lisa 623-0160, leave message.. 5-2SN ONE bedroom apartment; downtown downtown Bowmanville, $400. monthly plus heat, hydro, first and last required, required, available February 1st. Write Advertiser 1527, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C 3K9. 53-tfSN THREE bedroom apartment, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, fridge/stove, available immediately, first and last, references, references, $535./month nlus utilities Phone 623-4858..2-tfSN FOUR bedroom house, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, recently decorated, large kitchen, appliances included, swimming pool, large fenced yard, front porch, close to shopping and 401, parking, across from park, rent negotiable. Phone 623-2657. 3-tfSN TYRONE Community Centre for rent. Most up-to-date kitchen, lots of parking, playground, country setting for picnics, weddings, anniversaries, anniversaries, etc. Phone Christine 263-2215. ■ 22-tfSN APARTMENTS and houses for rent in Bowmanville and Oshawa.' Apartments from $623. to $701 ..including ..including utilities. Houses from $800. to $1,200. plus utilities. Phone623-4176,9a.m.-4p.m. 1 47-tfSN 'BROWNSDALE - Community) Centre, Golf Course Rd., New ; i castlè Hall available for dancoSJ weddings, stags, etc. For rental Information phone " 1-705 ; 277S 3668. -:1 l L - . 12 : tfSN 651 SQ. ft. modern office, ground floor, downtown core, lease includes includes heat, hydro, water, parking, $750./month, first/last, available Jan. 1. Phone 623-4428, 49-tfS HOUSE and 15 acres on Hwy. 115 near Enterprise Hill, $850. monthly, first/last, available immediately. immediately. Phone 983-5646 or 623-6198. 2-tfSN RETAIL and office space, meeting rooms, various sizes, 108 King St. E„ 623-5455. 2-tfS t-OR rent or rent-to-own. Three bedroom home in Newcastle, $950. plus utilities. Phone Vin 623- 6000. 2-4S AVAILABLE immediately, large one bedroom apartment, $540. monthly, fridge, stove, parking. Phone 623-0475. 3-4S 2048 SQ. ft. store, 71 King St. W„ Bowmanville, parking and loading; at rear, separate office, modern bright facilities, $1,650. plus hydro/ Phone George Van Dyk Real Estate. 623-4428. 49-tfS BACHELOR apartment, downtown downtown Bowmanville, $400. monthly plus hydro, no pets, references, first and last required, available February 1st. Please write Advertiser Advertiser 1527, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- 1 ville, L1C 3K9. 2-tfSN TWO bedroom main floor apartment, apartment, central Newcastle, basement basement storage, $575. plus utilities, first/last. Phone 983-8159. 4-tfSN CLARKE Museum and Archives - Required immediately - Recording Secretary for Board, annual honorarium. honorarium. Mail resume to Mrs. Donna Robbins, Vice Chairman, Box 36, Newtonville, Ontario, LOA 1 JO. Phone 786-2954. 3-3SN PART-TIME medical office clerk/ receptionist, medical office or hospital hospital experience essential, registered registered nursing background desirable. desirable. Must be able to work flexible hours. Respond with resume to: Advertiser 1533, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, L1C 3K9. 3-3SN MERV ORR'S Transport Driver Training • Over 14 year* of experience • Ontario'* oldeet and largeet • Over 6000 graduate* • Job search assistance available • Tax deductible TRAINING BY PROFESSIONALS Phone 1-800-265-3559 Pickering 42-tfSN The Ultimate Opportunity Outstanding earning potential. potential. Earn additional income in spare time. No selling, no inventory, inventory, no special equipment equipment or knowledge, no car necessary. Brand new in Canada. Phone for details 623 - 6586 ' 5-2SN HELP WANTED Advertising Sales Representative required by weekly newspaper. Excellent communication skills are necessary, and a willingness to meet people an asset. An automobile is required for this position. Telephone 623-3303 to arrange lor an interview. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Community Services Department LIFEGUARDS AND INSTRUCTORS Applicants must have a current Bronze Cross Award or higher. Working hours available - days, evenings and weekends. Qualified applicants may apply prior to closing Friday, February Please Quote File #5-91 Date of Publication: January 30,1991 Recreation Co-ordinator Newcastle Fitness Centre Liberty Street North Bowmanville 623-3392 5-1SN Work Wanted GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 PAINTING, PAPERING, CARPENTRY, REMODELLING, GENERAL REPAIRS 24-tfS JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 43, Bowmanville MUTTON MASONRY All types ot cement work, concrete floors, sidewalks and driveways. NEW CHIMNEYS AND REPAIR Chimney Sweep G.W. MUTTON 623-5981 1-tfS DAVID HILLS BUILDING SERVICES DESIGN • DRAFTING • CONSTRUCTION TEL: (416) 786-2393 New Homes Additions Garages Barns Sunrooms Decks Brick/BIk Siding Framing Excavation Concrete Roofing 2-tfSN æ . 1 1 i,.'i BARR'S (416) 987-1445 986-4277 Roofing • Sheet Metal • Skylights FLAT ROOFS • SHINGLES • PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING • SOFFIT • TROUGH • SUNROOMS • SOLARIUMS 20 Years Experience Collect Call* Accepted 28-tfSN DURHAM TV & ANTENNA TV Antennas for Perfection in Reception • Towers • Rotators • Romoto Control Rotators • Antonnas • Transmission Wlro • Hardware TV, VCR and Stereo Repair* 151 Liberty St. S., /JmX Bowmanville ipï'n Bill Van Der Herberg Channel Master Dep,nd on lhe Load * r DURHAM REGION'S LEADER IN ANTENNA RECEPTION EQUIPMENT 2 9-tlSN Work Wanted Need mature, reliable person to take care of 3 children in my home. Jantje, Aniek (full days), Michael (in school). Monday - Friday, Friday, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Light housekeeping. housekeeping. Call Carol days - 728- SI 67 and evenings 987-5776. 5-1 SN BABYSITTER needed in my Bowmanville Bowmanville home, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. lo care for two small girls ages 8 months and 2 years. Position available beginning beginning March 4. Pay is negotiable. Phone Carol, 623-7110. Mature and serious applicants only. 5-1S BOOKKEEPER - Conscientious and confidential bookkeeper requires requires steady work at home. Pick up and delivery. Phone 263-8358. 5-1 SN HOUSECLEANING - Reasonable and reliable lady to work days. Susan 263-8358. 5-1 SN Expert eervlce to VCR'», T.V.'*, home etereo*, car *tereo*, portable *tereo*. Free Estimates Bowmanville Audio-Vision 58 King St. W. 623-2312 44-tfSN Larry Jackson Plumbing Heating Pump repairs and Installations 10 % Discount on service calls for senior citizens 983-9412 47 t trsfj I & T CARPENTERS Licensed, 25 year* experience House Trim Stairs Decks Addition* All carpentry related work Ivan Jones Tony Fanara Orono Hampton 1 983-5303 263-2991 1 -tfSN BOWMANVILLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington Street, Bowmanville 623-3410 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 10'a.m. - 2 p.m. Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen and glass repairs, all types of glass and mirrors available. FREE ESTIMATES 24 hour emergency plate glas» replacement. Locally owned and operated. 7-tfSN LARRY QUINNEY PAINTING and DECORATING Interior and Exterior Over 15 years experience stIMa FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8535 3-tfS A & J'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS minor repair» and renovations specialising In bathroom*, drywall and carpentry 623-8874 37-tfS HOLROYD'S HEATING AIR CONDITIONING OIL-GAS-ELECTRIC Installation» - Service Cleaning - Part» Plane HAMPTON 263-8501 16-tfSN Duane T. Taylor General Carpenter Newtonville 786-2181 - Custom Homes & Additions - Renovations & Restorations - Flat or Raised Panel Wall Treatments - Custom Trims Ornamentation - Curved Stairs S Railings - Furniture S Reproductions - Fine Woodworking S Cabinetry . - Fifteen Years Experience - Complete Shop Facilities - Excellent References 5-6S Piano Tuning R.D. Morton 983-5682 44-tfSN CARPET STEAM CLEANING C & J Services * Personal Service • Satisfaction Guaranteed $49. Dlnlng/Llvlng Rooms plue Hallway Phone Dennis at 623-2095 2-tfSN RICK WATTS CARPENTRY Custom House and Cottage Framing, decks, atalrt, fences and rec room construction FREE ESTIMATES 623-9709 alter 6 p.m. Auction Sales We specialize in: • Removals • Stumping •Trimming • Pruning • Topping ■ Chipping and site clearing. Free Estimates 432-1422 4-4S Auction Sales Services FrL, Feb. 1, 6 p.m. Cornell's Auction Barn Gigantic clearance sale for Discount Discount Gift Store, Lindsay. Very large quantity of wooden craft clocks, new toys and games, pictures pictures and oil paintings, figurines, ceramics, table lamps, brass and silverware, mirrors, dolls, hats, watches, air compressor, a good opportunity for small business, flea market vendors or private individuals individuals to purchase good quality gift store items. Don and Greg Corneil, R.R.1, Little Britain, 705-786- 2183. 5-1 SN Auction Salel "Kahn Country Auctions" Every Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd. Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (Exit 399) Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, furniture, glass, china, collectables, primitives and the unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "True" Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consignment and estate selling our specialty". Phone us today.' Previews from 1:00 p.m. Kahn Auction Auction Services, 416-683-0041. 4-tfSN MacGREGOR AUCTION SERVICES Estates, Consignments, Households, Bankruptcies, Farms Sold at your location or ours. Storage and Trucking available Phone for FREE Confidential Consultations Mike MacGregor (416) 987-5402 Junior West (416)983-5556 ■ 10-tfSN Thurs., Jan. 31, 6:30 p.m. Sat., Feb. 2,10 a.m. • ' Auction Sales ■ • At Warner's Auction Hall ' "Hwy.'"2 Colborné Selling two estates plus others. Thursday selling an estate from Colborne unnamed by request. Saturday selling estate of Mrs. E. Perry, late of Town of Cobourg. THURSDAY - Partial list consists of 2 dr. f.f. fridge, 30" stove, auto, washer and dryer, chest freezer, antique 10 pc. walnut dining rm. suite, other nice walnut ext. table and 6 matching chairs, 2 single beds, 14' Boston whaler boat with 9.9 Johnson motor and trailer, Savah Courier tax machine, 4 new bales insulation, 2 sofa and chair sets, gas lawnmower, antique oak china cabinet, old painted Victorian Victorian washstand, knee hole desk, dressers w/mirrors, chest of drawers, drawers, old wooden butter bowl, antique antique ext. table (needs refin.), queen size waterbed, set of old hoop back chairs (painted need refin.), dishes, dishes, pots, pans, pictures, lamps, and numerous mise, articles too many to list. SATURDAY - Perry estate partial list consists of 2 modern modern wicker chairs, antique dresser and vanity need refin., modern solid rocker, antique 9 pc. walnut dining rm. suite, Ige. set antique oak stacking bookshelves in excellent excellent cond., good mate's bed, nice old Willis upright piano, bowed glass oak china cabinet in excellent excellent cond., 2 painted pressback rockers (need refin.), matching pairoak arm chairs, carved blanket chest in excellent cond., pressback chairs, Victorian settee, fancy old sofa with good solid frames, oak washstand, walnut china cabinet, 2 tier oak lamp table, Morris chair w/claw feet, old painted washstand, upholstered hall bench with walnut frame, Victorian Victorian platform rocker, old barber's chair, partial set of Spode china, walnut Victorian bed (needs refin.), pine blanket box, 2 glass butter churns, dishes, modern sofa and occasional chairs, knick knacks, china, glass plus countless other articles too numerous to list. Thursday sale starts at 6:30 p.m. Saturday sale starts at 10:00 a.m. Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, MC. Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 355- 2106. 5-1 SN DESHANE AUCTION SERVICES All types of auctions (416) 985-4240 1 ' 35-tfSN AUCTION SALE Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. At Myles King Auctions 33 Hall St., Oshawa All consignments welcomed. Estate sales, etc. Est. in 1967. Myles King, Auctioneer, 725-5751 8-tfS Sun., Feb. 3, 12:30 p.m. Sports Collectables Auction Sale Orono Town Hall (Main St. Orono) Viewing 11 a.m. Sale to consist of a large number of rare and collectable sports cards and memorabilia to be sold by public public auction. Partial list to include Willy Mays 1 st year card, 9 -1909- 10 hockey cigar cards (1st cards ever issued), 6 complete sets of Sherriff coins and shields, complete complete sets of 1979-80 O.P.C. hockey hockey cards, 1987 Topps baseball, 1982 Fleer Action football, 1964- 65 Topps tall hockey cards, all 56 O.P.C. Gretzky cards sold as a set, Beehive hockey pictures, also a large selection of error cards, promo cards, vending packs, boxes of wax packs, some of the highlight cards include Gretzky Upperdeck Promo, Brett Hull Promo, Error cards of Esposito and Dennis Hull from 1st Canada Cup Series, rookie cards of Gretzky, Dionne, Lafleur, Bourque, Bourque, Neely, Messier, Coffee, MacDonald, MacDonald, Clarke, Yzerman, Mattingly, Mattingly, Bo Jackson, Strawberry and many more, also star cards of Orr, Hull, Howe, Gretzky and stars of the past, present and future. Sale also to include autographed pictures pictures and books including rare 1936 football illustrated, plus a collection collection of O.V. slow pitch items. This auction is a must-be-there event for those interested in purchasing purchasing sports collectables. Sports Auction Services, Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402, Junior West 416-983-5556, Randy Sorochan 416-436-0836. Auction sold and managed by MacGregor Auctions. 5-1 SN Sat., Feb. 9,11 a.m. 'vClose-OUt Public Auction : Selling the new stock inventory, woodworking shop equipment and vehicles of Bob's Woodcraft, Woodcraft, 20 Strathy Rd., Unit 3, Cobourg. (Shop located In commercial commercial plaza opposite Zellers) General mod. 160 wood lathe (variable with reverse), lathe duplicator, duplicator, Sorby lathe turning tools, General mod. 350 table saw (10 inch 3 h.p.), Excalibur fence, General General mod. 490 band saw (15 inch 1 hp.), General mod. 480 jointer (8 inch), General mod. 340 drill press (1 hp.), Delta 13 inch planer with blades (2 hp), Busy Bee combination combination 6 in. belt and 9 in. disc sander, Busy Bee combination 1 in. belt and 8 in. disc sander, Excalibur mod. 24 scroll saw (24 in. variable speed), Ryobi 10 in. cut off mitre saw, Leigh dovetail 24 in. jig, Mortice Jig Power Maxx dust, collector (1 1/2 hp.), Freud mod. HG 100 edge bander, Fugi Turbo sprayer and gun, Makita mod. 9401 portable belt sander, Makita 3 in. electric hand planer, Freud biscuit joiner, Zircon electronic water level, Makita cordless drill, electric palm sander, trim router, 3 hp. routers, corner, bar and C- clamps, tools, etc. 13 fluorescent fixtures (8 ft.), showroom inventory stock, 2 corner oak cabinets, pine 2 door gun cabinet, tall case (grandfather) cherry clock, oak wall unit cabinet, buffet and hutch, round pedestal tables, chairs, oak cedar lined hope chest, Windsor bench, oak sofa table, dry sink, oak bookcases, hall table and mirror, candle tables, corner-clock, oak double ped. desk, 2 desks, children's children's furniture, kitchen sample cabinets, kitchen showroom counter/cupboard unit, bathroom 6 ft. vanity and top, quantities of hardware, veneer, lumber, etc., 3 fire exfinquishers, 1984 Ford 14 ft. cube van (8 cyl. new tires), 1979 Ford 150 pick up, hi-rise fibreglass pickup cap, and other articles. Note: This is a total clear out auction auction with an offering of good quality. quality. Preview: 9:00 a.m. to sale time. Terms: Cash, cheque with I.D. Full settlement sale day. Prop. Bob McQuat 372-1347, 372-6762. Auctioneer Frank Stapleton, Newtonville, Newtonville, 416-786-2244. 5-2SN ters, eternity rings, diamond studs, gold chains, Seiko, Lores, Citizen Nicolet watches, collectors figurines, Artisan limited edition dolls, cordless phones, VCRs, Fax and answering machines, CDs, Yorx, Sanyo, Fishor, Citizen, GE, Lloyds etc., Stereos, Gorman vacuums, Fur coats, Sunbeam hoaters, air duster humidifers, gym bikes, easy Glydors, Jogger troad mill, Typewriters, Samurai, Yamashita cameras, Brass mirrors, school clocks, bath spas, porcelain, cookwares, 45 PCs dinnorwaro sots. Spanish boats, inllataolo boats, Quoen Ann coffee and writing tables, Brass nested tables, Leather luggage and purses, duvet goose down comlortors, pillows, bod spreads, Amstrad disk drive computer complete kits, Armstrad PC computers with monitor and printer complote sots up to 525K momory enpability. IBM clono computors, Atari computor gamo sets, baseball and hockey cards kits, Eloctronic key boards, carpot, water distillers, 4.5" TVs, lire place bay screens, Nintendo Power Glove, Houseware, Giftwaro, Gym Bikos, Joggor troad mills, mini air compressors, cast Iron pots, blood pressure kits, Almost 450 lots to bo olforod at this solo, Subject to dolotion and additions. TERMS: Cash. choquo/W.I.D. and C.Cards, 4-2SN AUCTIONEER Don Stephenson Phone 623-1726 Estates, farm* and all consignment* wanted. 20-tfSN Sat., Feb. 2,10 a.m. Lge. Antique, Quality Furniture, Appliances, Canadians Furniture, Furniture, Cars and Pickup Truck, Also 10 Royal Doulton Figurines at Reterboro Auction Center Hwv 7 Feet Selling complete property of Bette MILLARD (giving up housekeeping), housekeeping), Peterborough and others. Pine bedroom ste., pine flat back cupboards, blanket boxes, pine commode, tables, clocks, quilts, pressback chairs, oak hall tree, 9 pc. walnut dining ste., 2 antique horse cutters (1 refurbished), old hit and miss motor, 54" antique oak roll fop desk, oak bowfront china cabinet, side-by-side, round oak table with claw feet, mah. break- front, mah. oval table and 6 chairs, leather covered settee and chair in walnut frame, Chippendale D.P. desk, Viol, carved round table, 4 balloon back chairs, set pine Men- nonife chairs, almond side-by-side refrig., antique hanging lamp, modem ratten dinette set, dry sink, 2 Vilas wing chairs, nesting tables, Vilas colonial loveseat, solid coffee and end tables, two 4X6 wool rugs, rocker, bed chesterfield, 19" colour TV, set Staffordshire dinnerware, pictures, glass, china, collectables. collectables. Also selling for secured creditor creditor 85 Dodge Aries, 84 GMC S15 pick up, also 80 Pontiac Parisienne, 87 Datsun pickup king cab (excellent), 90 Pontiac Sun- bird (only 20,000 km.) with air, auto, ps., pb., Honda Civic. Don't miss this interesting sale. 10 a.m. Sharp. Vehicles 11:30. To list your sale call 705-745-5007. Orval and Dale McLean, Auctioneers. "PRIVAÎE Mortgages - The placé; to go when your bank says N«, Anubus Investments, (416) 868 : , 7200, 110 Green Street, Whitby,* 0ntari ° 37-trSN! NEW VISIONS DIAPER] SERVICE is here to do your dirty work. > Phone Jennifer at •* 623-3931 ^ for more Info. " 3-4Sf£ VICKIE'S i HOUSECLEANING j Reasonable Rates j Phone ' 983-5252 after 5 p.m. * 5-1SN' $63 TO \ TORONTO AIRPORT ' Cadillac Sedan Executive Service $78.00 TO ; TORONTO AIRPORT Super-stretch Limousine 623-2916 Visa accepted J Div. of Deluxe Taxi ^ ALL DELUXE SERVICES ARE OPEN "24 HOURS" j. 41-tfS Business Opportunities WILL babysit in my home, hot meals, fenced yard. Phone Kathy anytime, 623-7716. 5-1 SN MOTHER of two will babysit in her home, Mon. - Fri., Ontario Sf. location. location. Phone 623-6516. 4-2S DAYCARE teacher offering all the comforts of home in established, daycare business. Receipts given for tax deduction. Flexible rales, current references. Phone 623- 3495/ 3-4S BEAUTY salon for sale, excellent price, all offers considered. Phone 433-0228. 5-2Stij Say Yes to Your Dreams Phone Edgar 623-1381 4-tfSN PARALEGAL TRAINING No experience necessary, complete training provided, excellent income potential, legal library included 1-416-482-8591. 3-4SN Wanted to Buy FREE PICK UP ON Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 Instructions DRIED FLORAL ARRANGING COURSE during a 4 week period. . Learn to create arrangements in various settings. WHERE: Bowmanville Lions Centre STARTING: Tues., Feb. 5 (6 openings left) Thurs: Feb. 7 (8 openings left) TIME: 7-9 p.m. COST: $64.20 * Price Includes teaching and all materials to complete 4 projects. * Must supply own glue gun. MUST REGISTER BEFORE JAN. 31 ST For more Information Phone 623-0069 41SN Tender AUCTION SALE MONDAY NIGHT FEB. 4TH LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE, BOWMANVILLE 26 BEECH AVE (LIBERTY ST. TO CONCESSION ST. GO WEST 2ND TO BEECH AVE) 6.00 P.M. SALE 7.00 P.M. $300.000 IN MERCHANDISE RECEIVED FROM CATALOGUE, TV NETWORK, MAIL ORDER DISTRESS COMPANIES WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION SALE. PARTIAL LISTINGS: 65 lots in jewellery to include solitaires, dus- GLOBAL AUCTION (416) 475-3793 Ontario Hydro Supply Of Pre-mix Concrete Darlington Generating Station Ontario Hydro invites contractors to submit Tenders for supply of approximately 2,500 m3 (cubic meters) of Pre-Mix Plastic Concrete Concrete to Darlington NGS. Work is to commence 01MAR91 and end31DEC91. As a pre-requisite to submitting a tender, all tenderers are to attend a site tour. Such site tour will be held on Tuesday, February 5, 1991 at 1:00 p.m. Further details are contained in the Tendering Documents. Tenders will be received up to 2:00 p.m, local time, Thursday February 14, 1991. Tendering Documents may be obtained from: Ontario Hydro ENS Purchasing Unit 230 Westney Road, South AJAX, Ontario L1S7J5 Attn: Kenneth Way Please call lor an appointment, Phone: 1-416-428-4224. Bid security In the form of a certified certified cheque In the amount of $30,000,00 must accompany each tender. Ontario Hydro may require the successful company to furnish a performance bond, The lowest or any tender will not necessarily bo accepted. Employment Wanted TEMPORARY job for mature student. student. Phone 623-2143. 5-1S EXPERIENCED house cleaner will do any type of cleaning/housework, cleaning/housework, 10 per cent discount for seniors. Phone 623-6852. 5-1S Central P.S. At our last assembly we had a draw for prizes for people who sold chocolates during our fund raising drive. There were a lot of prizes, life stuffed animals, markers, crayons and stencils. stencils. Michelle Hayes won the grand prize, a TV radio. A lot of people also received birthday certificates at the assembly, and one person from each class got an achievement award. We interviewed Mrs. Murohy, the kindergarten teacher: Q - What are you doing in your class? A - We are checking terrr- perntures with thermomej- ters, doing experiments with freezing and melting, nnfl looking nt crystals with n magnifying glass. ; Q - Are you going on any trips with your class? A - Wo are going to the outdoor centre, Q - Do you enjoy working with this age level? A - 'Yes I do, boenuso thoÿ work; so hard and have a lot of groat ideas! by Leah Gust and Nicole Simpson