I l I Help for Young Entrepreneurs by Laura J. Richards • The entrepreneurial spirit spirit of youth is alive and well ' in the province of Ontario, said the co-ordinator of a ' province-wide capital ven- ; ture loan program. ' Through an Ontario government government program, young people in this province ana in the Durham Region can make their dreams of owning owning their own business come -true. Youth Capital Venture "loans of up to $7,500 are • available through the pro- ", gram's sponsoring banks: Royal Bank and la Federa- -tion des caisses populaires, , said, Patricia Hamilton, the Co-ordinator of the program. The interest on the loan is paid by the Ontario govern- • ment for the first year from the date money is received. The loans are available year-round for young people between ages 18-24 and 25- -29. "Young people coming out and taking part in this pro- Students Support Heart Fund with $1200 gram now have the same sparkle in their eyes as the first crop in 1984/she said. The program has an 88 per cent success rate since it was launched in 1984, she said. Since the beginning, the program's mandate has been to encourage and help develop develop entrepreneurial activity by offering young people start-up loans, she said. Some of the süccess stories stories include a homemade- type cookie business called, "Cookie It Up," which is distributed distributed nation-wide. An advertising advertising agency started up with a Venture Capital Loan, as did a balloon shop, a deck building company, a karate school, a gourmet crouton maker and a photography photography shop. For each loan given each year under this program ( and about 1,000 loans are given each year), 2.3 jobs are created, Ms Hamilton said. !C i ■ i i.V-i To date there have been over $60 million sales annually annually made in the total businesses businesses started and still surviving surviving from this program, she added. There have been 6.000 loans made to youth between the ages of 18-29 during the seven year program program so far. "The number of loans given given out increases by about 1.000 each year," she said. "There were less during the start-up year." Young adults • between the ages of 18-24 are eligible for a loan if not attending school on a full-time basis. Older youths between 25 and 29 must have, within one year of application, graduated or left full-time attendance from a postsecondary postsecondary school, or obtained obtained a trade certificate or obtained a retraining certificate certificate from a recognized institution institution related to the proposed proposed business. All applicants must be Canadian citizens or have Landed Immigrant status. For those interested in setting up a business with MEN'S LEATHER JACKETS $1Q750 Storewide | § Men's Dress men ;> uress Æ PANTS 15 Values Up To *60.00 " w Men's CARDIGANS & PULLOVERS Storewide 00 MEN'S TIES Selected Group, Values To S15.00 PRICE 3 FOR $15°° i"! - Men's TOPCOATS& OVERCOATS Storewide Vz PRICE SHOES OQ95 Values To $90:00 « Selected Group ^ - •HATS y 2 PRICE Values Up To 45.00 NOW 22.50 Values Up To 35.00 NOW 17.50 MEN'S SUITS Values up DUNN'S ; e 0 s $200.00 $88°° Open Mon.-Fri. 9:30-9:30 Saturday 9:30-6:00 OSHAWA CENTRE partners, all partners must be eligible for loans. Only a few stipulations regarding the loans are in place about when a loan will not be given out. One requirement requirement is that businesses not be dependent. That means franchises, product distributors, multi-leveled marketing systems and commissioned commissioned salespeople are not eligible. Professionals such as doctors, doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants, accountants, veterinarians or chiropractors are not eligible for Youth Venture loans. Agricultural Agricultural ventures are not eligible either. Youth entrepreneurs interested interested in franchises are asked to contact the Small Business Hotline [1-800- 387-6142]. Youth interested in agriculture should contact their local agricultural representative representative for information on programs sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Youth in the Town of Newcastle can contact the Youth Start-up Capital Hotline Hotline at 1-800-387-0777 for information and applications. applications. Fÿ The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, February 27,1991 17. Feb. Meeting for Newtonville W.I. mrnmm H @88 III 1 8 s : :.'4 I® l Studénts at Bowman ville High School recently donated $1,200 to the Heart and Stroke Fund's annual campaign. The money was raised through lunchtime activities activities held during Spirit Week. Chairman of the Heart and Stroke Fund's campaign in this area, Irwin Hamilton, accepted the donation from Steve Kay, Minister of Publicity on BHS student council. The Heart and Stroke Fund's goal this year in the Town of Newcastle is $15,000. The campaign ends February 28. m On a typical February day, lovely warm sunshine for a short time, then a real winter snowstorm. Ten ladies ladies and one visitor met at the home of Mrs. Truman Henderson for the Newtonville Newtonville Women's Institute. The President Mrs. Morris Morris O'Neill welcomed the ladies. ladies. Mary Stewart collect and the ode was read and sung in unison. Minutes read and approved. Business consisted of a discussion concerning a card party at Newtonville hall. It was decided decided a card party will be held on March 22. Two groups take first course and two take second, consisted of sandwiches and sweets. Committee will look after details. Treasurers' report given, correspondence read. Bernice Bernice moved we donate twenty-five twenty-five dollars to fire victims, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hard- castle, seconded by Sharon and carried. Roll call, "what would you miss most if you were deaf," brought many different different answers. Meeting was then turned over to Olive. After a humorous humorous reading by Elizabeth and two more thought- provoking ones by Jean. Olive gave a very interesting talk on her tour of Europe, with many brochures of different different places for us to look at. The main purpose of the trip was to see the Passion Play in the Bavarian Alps at Obéramm ergau. A contest was held as lunch was being prepared. Jean thanked Olive for inviting inviting us to her home. As we drove home the sun was shining again. As I said before, before, "typical February weather. P.R.O. E. Skelding nrr ;: ; r: ' m m m m 1 \ ! ,-4*. b - l Howard Smith Phil Watts it Terry Holmes Sales Mgr. Doug Kemp Scott Eakins Garth Mooney Service Manager Scott Hallowed Parts Manager B ^ ! El 13 1.1 1991 Lumina 1990 Caprice Brougham Maroon, loaded, like new, 9500 km. Maroon, loaded, 25,000 km. $17,998. $19,900. mmmm . : , 1990 Lumina 1989 Caprice Brougham Lt. Blue, loaded, 29,000 km. Grey, loaded, 23,000 km. $15,900. $18,300. 1990 Buick Park Ave. 1990 Chev Caprice Silver, loaded, 20,000 km. Brown, 9 pass., loaded, 33,000 km. $24,900. $18,900. 1987 Cutlass Maroon, V8, air, loaded, 61,000 km. $10,900. 1989 Cavalier Red, 4 cyl., auto, 17,000 km. $8,995. 1989 Buick Park Ave. Maroon, loaded, 57,000 km. $18,900. 1990 Olds Wagon Lt. Brown, loaded, mint, 22,000 km. $19,900. 1988 Beretta 1988 Caprice Brougham Silver, V6, air, auto, 61,000 km. Grey, loaded, 54,000 km. $10,900. $14,900. 1988 Olds 88 Br. Maroon, loaded, 77,000 km. Same car, Dk. Blue, 619 0(1(1 55,000 km., $13,900. 1987 Pontiac White, loaded, 9 psg., 75,000 km. $10,900. 1989 Corsica Silver/Grey, V6, air, auto, 40,000 km. $11,300. y > : 1985 Celebrity Green, V6, auto, clean. $6,500. 1988 Caprice 1985 Ciera Grey, V8, air, 49,000 km. Grey/Silver, V6, air, 74,000 km. $11,900. $8,500. 1986 Pontiac STE Silver, loaded, sharp. $9,995. 1988 Z24 Black, V6,5 spd., sharp, 47,000 km. $10,900. | 1983 Lebaron Convertible 1988 Ford Tempo 1990 Chev Sports Van 1978 Chevette 1986 Pontiac Sunbird Tan, 4 cyl., auto Grey, 4 cyl., air, very clean, Blue/Blue, V8,8 psg., like new Silver, certified, excellent shape, Silver, 4 cyl., auto, 68,000 km. $5,995. 53,000 km. $7,995. 36,000 km. $19,900. 70,000 km., local car $1,895. $5,995. Wi 1991 Chev S10 1990 Chev Scottsdale 4x4 1990 Astro 1990 Chev 4x4 Grey, 4 cyl., 5 sp„ 3,900 km. Blue/Blue, V8, air, auto, 27,000 km. Maroon, air, loaded, 16,000 km. Red/White, H.D., V8, auto, $10,900. $18,900. $19,900. ss.oookm. $15,900. 1989Chev White, V6, auto, 57,000 km. $11,900. 1989 Chev S10 1989 Safari 1988 Chev Suburban 1988 Chevy Dump 1988 Jimmy Gold, V6, auto, 48,000 km. Grey/Silver, loaded, 47,000 km. Brown/Beige, V8, air, loaded, mint, White, 350,4 sp., clean, 44,000 km. Red/White, loaded, V6, air, $10,900. $17,900. 5o,oookm. ^ $15,900. $16,900. 70,000 km. $15,500. 52,000 km. jgBBB am 0 E S I ! I : t - m ■N M ! ' ; 1988 Chev 1988 Chev Silverado 1988 Chev 1987 Chev S10 Ext. Cab 1987 Nissan Ext. Cab 4x4 Red/White, V6, auto, 51,000 km. Blue/Blue, V8, air, cap, mint, White, V6, auto, 48,000 km. Red, V6,5 sp„ sharp, 64,000 km. ' Silver/Blue, V6, std„ clean and $11,900. locks^and windows, $13^900. $10,995. $9,500. sharp, 91,000 km. $10,900. RM CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE - CADILLAC LTD. Hwy. # 2 East End of Port Hope 885-4575 hit