i. Highlights from Elizabethville Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 27,1991 5 Students Are Encouraged to Skip School for Good Cause By Edna Thickaon -- Last week, our Women's Institute meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. VanderWall. It was held on Monday instead of Tuesday Tuesday our regular day, because we had been asked to prepare prepare lunch after the funeral of the late Ella Smith and it was served at Garden Hill United Church The president, Mrs. I. Beatty, presided. The roll call was 'Name a local industry.' industry.' The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. L. McAllister, secretary. Letters Letters from headquarters were read. Reports that need to be filled in were discussed. Sybol VanderWall, the convenor of local industries, ■ had written to the Chamber ..of Commerce in Port Hope and had interviewed Matthews Matthews Conveyors and Curtis Chicks and brought us a report. report. We learned that con- . .veyors were sent to all parts ■ of the world, also that chicks were shipped to far off places. places. She tried to see Cavan Gandies, but they seemed to always be shut when she called. It was a most interesting interesting topic for the ladies. Lunch was served by Jean White and the hostess. Next ng will be on March 5th at Le ta McAllister's. She is convenor of Citizenship. Last week. Garden Hill U.C.W. Unit III met at Dorothy Dorothy Bell's, with President Joan Bebee presiding and Loraine Scott assisting with the program. They had a devotional devotional and a contest. Joan and Loraine served a dainty lunch. The seniors met as usual with a good turnout, 29 to be Elizabethville U.C.W. Minute of Silence for Tyrone UCW Member February 13, at 1:30 p.m. ladies of Tyrone UCW met in the C.E. Wing. Jean Slemon opened the meeting with a poem "Each Day is a New Beginning." A minute of silence was on memory of one of our late members Jean Philip and Jean read an appropriate poem. Secretary Elsie Roy gave her report and had it approved. approved. Treasurer Carol South- well gave her report. Social function's were reported by Ann Pleasance. Jackie Vaneyk asked that we continue to save soup labels labels stamps and cards. Leadership and development development by Bessie Vaneyk - She told about the Work- "We've been keeping Bowmanville and area residents warm for over 60 years!" • Top quality Imperial Gil products for Domestic, Industrial and Rural use. • Automatic delivery maintained by a fleet of modem tanker trucks. • We sell portable heater fuel. • Dependable 24-hour service. ASK US ABOUT OUR TOTAL HOME COMFORT PROGRAM Telephone 623-5516 HARRISON FUELS Esso *12 Sturrock Road Bowmanville Business Directory ACCOUNTANCY ALTERNATIVE WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. J Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 ncALln UA He Bragg Health Services Anna Bragg, R.N. Cert. Ref. Nurse Consultant Stress Management Alternative Health Care "Reflexology" R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3K5 • SUTHERLAND, HOBB and PARTNERS Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Wilmar J. Bakker, C.A. Chartered Accountants 118 King St.E. Bowmanville 623-9461 Clinic For , w Natural Health v Renée Bos Cert. Ref. IR. Nutr. Reflexology Iridology Stress Management N. L. WOODHOUSE & Assoc. Certified General Accountant NewViews and bedford Clinical Nutrition 168 Church Street, Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 by appointment Installations and Support 8 Holgate Ores., Bowmanville 623-9650 "REFLEXOLOGY" Foot Reflection By Shirley Cole DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 511 Bond St. W, h.n.a., uert. net. Member of Reflexology Association of Canada 2 Frederick Ave., Bowmanville Phone 623-4690 for appointment (Bond St. at Stevenson Rd.) Oshawa, Ontario LU 2M2 Phone 576-4619 More than juat efreee Management "VIRGINIA LYLE" HOME SERVICE "ENERGY WORK II" BARINA JtjL" HOME CHECK ^ET - Vacation Home Checking Private Sessions Group Seminars (416) 623-9251 - Wedding Day Gift Sitting Barb Shetler Ina Cox MASSAGE THERAPY Newtonville 786-2996 BONDED MASSAGE TREATMENTS By Kim Tougat, H.B.Sc. LAND SURVEYORS Registered Massage Therapist Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist HORTON, WALLACE & DAVIES LIMITED 168 Church Si, BowmanvMe Onto for Natural Health 623-8170 for appointment 68 King St. E., SERVICES Bowmanville 623-2205 Grundy's Country LEGAL SERVICES upnoisiery oiuaio CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY, MERVYN KELLY LAW OFFICE FREE ESTIMATES ' PHONE 983-9874 41 Temperance St,, Suite 202 COMPUTER SERVICES Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 623-4444 ANDY'S SOFTWARE INC . YOU COULD ADVERTISE IN THIS SPACEI CALL 623-3303 Custom Designed So flware to solve YOUR problems. SPECIALIZING IN INTEGRATED ACCOUNTNG APPLICATIONS • Inventory Control • Sales Tracking • Receivables • Payables • General Lodger Complet liar Sites Service and Inelruclbn Computer Sales, Services, Maintenance and Supplies Amortization Schedules 623-2375 2538 Maple Grove Rd,, Bowmanville shop in January with >P Taylor as the speaker. 1st World Da' of Jim ylc March Prayer will be held at Zion church at 1:30 p.m. March 5th Annual Presbytery Presbytery will be at Port Perry church with Marion Kirkwood Kirkwood for speaker. Correspondence Correspondence was read by Elsie from the Interstate church council and a card from Edna Philip. Dorren and Walter Park will celebrate their fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Anniversary on March 23 and the ladies had been asked to serve sandwiches and tea. Ann moved we do this for Doreen and Arlene seconded. seconded. The price was set and Jane moved this motion. 2nd by Bessie. Betty ana Ann volunteered to. head this up and will get their help. It was brought to our attention attention Mrs. Taylor is at her daughters Marie Real convalescing. convalescing. Hurry and get well wishes are sent her way. Two deaths were noted. Mrs. Luella Jones passed away Monday and the funeral funeral to be at 11:00 a.m. Thursday Thursday morning. And Mr. Mil- ton Stainton who also died on Monday and his funeral will be 1:30 p.m. Thursday afternoon. Sympathy is extended extended to the families. Jane Smith noted there would be an Open House Monday 18th in the C.E. Wing, meeting of the Cemetery Cemetery Board. There is to be a Pot Luck' supper at 6:00 p.m. in the ■ C.E. Wing on Feb. 24th. The Annual reports were received and accepted. Arlene Arlene Rowan offered to go on the nominating committees with Phyllis H. and we still need a Vice President. Betty Pascoe offered to head up the May 4th supper and hopes to get yes for an answer when she calls. Offering was received and dedicated. Lentin money was discussed. discussed. Marion and Alden Hoar will donate a cloth for the Communion Table for the . March ,in memory ,pf; their - son John. Jacqueline Vaneyk is to obtain particulars on a speaker about DRIVING AT NlGHT and will report back on the date. Bessie made a suggestion that might do for our June meeting and will get information information on a game board, Poverty. She also thanked those that gave their time and interest on January 15th. Jane S. and Phyllis H. took the devotional service on "Serving Others." Feb. - Sharing with others, others, - as I Love Your - a book called Living Planet - Jane read a part from it. Phvllis read the scripture from Luke 18th 9-14 verses, and hymn 203 was sung. Then Phyllis read "The Exploitation" Exploitation" - "The Domination of Greed and Materialism" from the Living Planet. They then closed with prayer. Lunch was set up and during and amid our chat, Roll call was answered by "A Valentine thought." A Change of Seasons for YWCA Class The winter session of YWCA programs is slowly ending, while spring programming programming is on the horizon. The YWCA has ongoing craft courses beginning with Terrific Ts for children age six and older on March 6. No-Stitch, No-Sew Easter ' Eggs will be held on March 20 and Crafts and Laughs for adults begins on March 4. Gardening with Perennials Perennials and Garden Herbs are courses that will be held on March 27 and May 1 respectively. respectively. All adult fitness classes are ongoing until the new spring session. Registration for the new session begins March 4, 5 and 6 during regular regular office hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. You can also phono in your registration if you wish to use VISA. ' If summer is on your mind the YWCA is offering summer camps at pro-school level and up to a senior level. level. Unit II met Tuesday at Irene Beatty's. President Mrs. K. Trew had the devotional devotional on Love, representing Valentine's Day. The study book on Gospel Culture and Media was used as the program. program. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Quantrill had the minutes and took the roll call: number of visits to the sick. Next meeting March 12. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacock had Mac and Marg Walker, Jack and Hazel Crago for dinner on Friday. Mr. Morley Moore whose wife was in the room here with me, had an eye operation operation in Peterborough recently recently and she stayed with their daughter, Mrs. Les Manley and her husband in Peterborough. Peterborough. Mrs. Mae Muldrew was with the McIntosh's on Sunday. Sunday. Sympathies are extended to friends and relatives in the death of Mrs. Ernie Smith. The funeral was from Morris Funeral Chapel in Bowmanvilile last week; also Hesper Dean of Orono died. He used to deliver bread in the Osaca area when I lived there about 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Walker had Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baker spend an evening with them, playing cards. And last week, Harold Symons Symons and Cliff Brice visited with Walkers. David Walker attended the National Show and Sale at St. Hyacinthe, Que. last week ana one of his entries- won the Reserved Grand Champion Canadian Blonde female and they placed extremely extremely well in other cattle classes. I've had many visitors in hospital, including Bonnie Aiken, Audrey Wilson, Lottie Lottie 'White, Beryl and Suzanne Suzanne and others.Mrs. Pearl Nelson is still here. Louise Guy went home yesterday. Mrs. Clara Sheppard is also in here now. Readers will be interested interested to learn that I am going home Saturday and after a trip to Toronto on the 19th, I hope I'll be able to stay home and be O.K. {■nam JMTFAcroRrPy AbETTERDEAL • IH., 2nd. end 3rd. Mortgagee nprivlegee • Same day eervlce -- ... ti 'tronawEDUtifc acikw "Helpful, friendly, knowledgeable, that's IGA service." GLADYS & MEL TAYLOR HUNTSVILLE IGA, These students from Kirby Centennial Public School are promoting the popular fund-raising event known as "Jump Rope for Heart." They demonstrated their skipping skills at a Professional Development Day held activity held for about 400 teachers at Port Hope on Friday. The group is sponsored by the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen. Members include: (front row 1ER from left) Mary Higgins, Andrea Rutherford, Sara Hartmann, Elke Schroeder, Alesha Samis, Laura Spencer, Erin Moore and Roberta Childs. In the back row, from left, are: Tanya Ferguson, Georgina Katsia- pis, Erica Hawkshaw, Adam Colville, Christa Robinson, Robinson, Kerry Swerdfiger, Leah Carpenter, Jennifer Schillings, and Katrina Hartmann. FOOD NEWS CASH YOUR COUPONS NOW OPEN SUNDAY AT MANY LOCATIONS CHECK YOUR LOCAL IGA FOR SUNDAY HOURS. QUALITY MEATS "Dun* Cut iüiii SIRLOIN STEAKS Cut From Canada Grade A Beef lb. 6.60 kg SAVE 1.00 ID. IGA NATURAL CHEESE CUTS Brick, Cotoy, Mozzanek, or Marble Random Weight Package HOSTESS 0UPS OR CHEETOS OR OORITOS SNACKS Oft FUTOS 190 - 300 g bag SAVE .SO SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUE OR VIVA RAPER TOWELS Selected Colours box ef 300 or 3 roll pkg. SAVE ' .60 .89 EDAN VALLEY APPLE JUICE Pure 49-fl. oz. tin SAVE DELI MEADOWGOLD ICE CREAM Assorted Flavours 3 I ctn. SAVE .60 IGA SLICED WHITE DREAD FRESH PRODUCE CAULIFLOWER No. i Grade SAVE IBM i.oo ÊÆM AHNE:■ ' ; , GO# SEEDLESS ORANGES Product of Spain SCHNEIDERS DACON Slced, Side, Selected Varieties SOO g pkg. SAVE 1.S0 PM. SCHNEIDERS WIENERS 499 ■ «10 g pkg. H. SAVE 1.60 I PM. saurons oidi FASW0NB DONC ESS HAMS Cooked Smoked 4 99 10 10. lb.. 11.00 kg 46 100 g SAVE 141 10. SCHNEIDERS POPULAR LOAVES 2 99 SAVE 5 2.77 ID. Ik. ,M1N| 4 99 TAVISTOCK CHEDDAR CHEESE Mid, Medium or Oid 1.» toe i SAVE UP TO 1.22 ID. IWumowE Look for this symbol Foods to fit your lifestyle. Look kx Hutri-AUde Too 1 00 «P«do*y merited Item PHRADELPHIA PROCESS CREAM CHEESE Plain Only, Brick Pock 250 g carton SAVE 1.10 469 FRESH OAKERY lb. GREENCARE PRODUCTS Oshawa Foods recognizes that a clean, safe environment impacts directly on the health and well being of our communities. OREENCARE DLEACH liquid 1 SAVE .70 99 1.6 l H MEDICARE PURI •YICERINE SOAP Dlodegradoble, Unsealed or Green Apple lee , b„ SAVE SAVE 40 MA THICK PITA 110 g SAVE .20 |29 HOT DO* OR HAMDURMR DUNS *99 ekf. M • SAVE .20 429 » VA • MW Fresh Prices Fresh Produce OUR NEW LOWER PRICE POLICY In times like these, value means saving money. As a IGA shopper you have the right to the freshest produce at the lowest possible price. As always, you will find weekly specials on selected produce. And, lower prices throughout the entire produce produce department. REDUCE WASTE Û or RE-USING YOUR SHOPPING DAGS 3 < CREDIT 1. - iz |Q DAG RE-USED FRESH! ^ ^ PINEAPPLES Rom The topics ^E^H b • yy SAVE 1.00 PRICES EFFECTIVE MON., FEB. 25, UNTIL CLOSING SUN., MAR. 3, 1991. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. GRAHAM IGA MARKET 225 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario ALL SAVINGS ARE BASED ON OUR REGULAR PRICES. STORE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday - ti a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 5°o Senior Citizens' Discount - Wednesday Only