2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 13,1991 Section Two & 'WedcUtty Û The Reverend Frank Lockhart solemnized the marriage marriage of Kimberly Noelle Hancock and Richard Arthur James, on Saturday, January 26, 1991, in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. The bride's parents are Jon and Jeanette Hancock and the groom's parents are John and Dorothy James. Those included in the wedding party were Wenda Davis, Maid of Honor; Tim Weekes, Best Man; Bridesmaids Sara Taylor, Megan Taylor, Brenda Hancock, Carie Hancock, and Nicole Sumersford; Ushers John E. James, Robert James, David Hancock, E.P. Chant, and Mason James. Photo by T.C. Photography, Bowmanville Eldad U.C.W. Meets March 4 On March 4th at 8:00 p.m. Eldad U.C.W. met in the Sunday school room with President Dorothy Pas- coe calling the meeting to order order with a prayer followed with a hymn. Dorothy then called on Doris Hills for the worship. Scripture, Luke 4 was read in unison. Strength and wisdom are found in His word. Jean Knox conducted the study which was taken from the book, Gospel, Culture and the Media, continuing the study from our Feb. meeting. Where do we get our values? values? We must examine what we believe in the church. T.V., newspapers, radio and magazines presents the world to us. Culture shapes and changes our values and T.V. is a great cultivator of our time. We have the highest highest standard of living in the world. We are a materialistic materialistic nation. We as Christians have an obligation when living living in this world to leave it a better place. The church must embrace the world. Jean turned the meeting back to the President who called for the minutes and treasurer's report. Jean Taylor gave a report from "Proud to be Me" tours who have requested several muffin breaks on their way through our community. Marion moved and Jean seconded seconded that we have a cross of Easter Lilies purchased in memory of loved ones. Vi volunteered to assist Donna and Francis. Pat Fetchison gave a report on the growth of .the Youth groups and their activities. fàeû&en - 'Wedetùtÿ On October 13, 1990, Jennifer, daughter of Alan and Glenna Bayliss and Jeff, son of Richard and Lucy Rekker, were united in marriage. Wedding took place at Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. Couple is residing residing in Bowmanville. News and Events from Yelverton By Harvey Malcolm Eileen and Howard Malcolm Malcolm have been spending the past few weeks attending an international conference in Christ's ' Church, New Zealand, Zealand, and also visiting and sightseeing in Australia. New Zealand's main agricultural agricultural industry is their sheep industry, with some 60 million million sheep in total - which is a lot of woolly ovines, any way you look at it. The Malcolms Malcolms are expected home this week. Deepest sympathy is extended extended to a former Reeve and Clerk-Treasurer of Cavan Cavan Township, Mr. Lloyd Hooton, in the tragic death of his wife, recently. According According to reports, Mrs. Hooton became engulfed in flames when her dressing gown caught fire while preparing breakfast and she died later in hospital as a result of ' burns suffered - a tragic end to a useful life. Several representatives from Manvers Township, both elected and appointed, attended the Good Roads Convention held in T.O. this week and report a most in-, formative convention. Happy First Birthday Joshua Richard Alan celebrated his first birthday, on February 19, 1991. Happy Birthday from Mom and Dad (Jennifer & Jeff Rekker) and Grandparents Alan and Glenna Bayliss and Richard and Lucy Rekker and all the Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. Tax Tips for your1990Return Revenue Canada doesn't just collect taxes, it also delivers federal and provincial credits you could benefit from, including the goods and services tax credit, the child tax credit, and this year, for the last time, the federal sales tax credit. But if you don't file a tax return because you-don't owe any taxes, you could miss out. Is tax filing easier this year? Revenue Canada has introduced new measures to simplify the tax filing process. The guides use clearer, plainer language, the Special return has been trimmed down and there are two new "no calculation" returns. The one-page, gold 65 Plus return is for seniors with income from pensions or interest, The white Short return is for people, like students, with simpler tax situations. If you choose one of the "no calculation" returns, well do all the calculations, including any federal or provincial credits you may be eligible for. Got some tips? First, look in the Guide that comes in your tax package. It gives you step-by-step instructions and helpful tax tips. Read the explanations for the lines that apply to you, and ignore those that don't. If your income situation hasn't changed much from last year, you can use last year's return as a reference. What if I have questions? If you can't find the answers in the Guide, you can call the people at Revenue Canada. The best times to get through are before 10:00 a.m. and after 2:00 p.m. From February 25 through April 30, Revenue Canada's phone hours are extended to 8:00 p.m., Monday to Thursday. There's also an automated phone service called T.I.P.S., for answers to common common questions. For a complete list of services and phone numbers in your region, see your Guide. What other services are available? You can visit Seasonal Tax Assistance Centres in convenient locations, like shopping malls, for information, guides and forms. See your local newspaper for times and locations. There's also a video called "Stepping Through Your Tax Return" that you can borrow from public libraries or your district taxation office. Anything I should watch for? Make sure all the personal information printed on your return is correct, especially your address. Before you start, make sure you have all your receipts and information slips. Check your calculations, and attach all the information that's asked for in the return. These steps will help avoid delays in getting your refund. If I move, will I still get my cheque? If you're moving, call or write Revenue Canada with your new address, so we can make sure your cheque gets to you, If you have more questions, talk to the people at Revenue Canada Taxation. They're People with Answers. PEOPLE WITH ANSWERS Revenue Canada Revenu Canada Taxation Impôt Canada ••• v. •• //;. s .-/■ s ■ y rasees EFFECTIVE N.* K3ÂR. 10 SAT. RflAFl. 16, ("Where applicable) We reserve reserve the right to limit quentlllee to normel family requirements. Coupon Iteme limited io two. 1 0 tf'rmSC' I k I tori Smo üxi Vasar-yU' L/C. iJSSSo SCHNEIDERS Beef ^ Steakettes 454 g PACKAGE OR Red Hot Wieners 450 g PACKAGE -*•88888®] ü# Up* SI Ml ,:l IR REGULAR OR DIET Coca-Cola or Sprite 2 LITRE BOTTLE (Unit cost 9.0* per 100 mL) M r iJC233 usa* EK23 EBOBI KT-J ESI r.~ll BBSS C.™- l ■M S €E18, save Buy 1 package of Schneiders Beef Steakettes 454 g or Red Hot Wieners 450 g pkg and get 1 package of 8 Jane Parker Hot Dog or li Hamburger Buns Jsql gp ir* LIMIT: 1 FREE package per coupon. Offer valid Sun.* Mar. 10 - Sat. Mar. 16. 1991. (Feature price without coupon .79) S.C. #604 T3 VT.Z7.Q ESO GCCT'J CE23 EEZ3 ETuTU CHID EKHa r sa CK31 CE3 CE3 Œ CTS3 B8G3 ES) GS3 ran WITH THIS COUPON SAVE Buy any 2 litre " e bottle or Coca-Cola or Sprite and get a 200 g bag of Jane Parker Potato Chips LIMIT: 1 FREE bag per coupon. Offer valid Sun.* Mar. 10 - Sat. Mar. 16,1991. (Pay regular price wllhout coupon.) S.C. #605 3=3 crcn rnza tsrsj asm r™3 ekt: PRODUCT OF U.S.A., NO. 1 ;,x Fresh Asparagus lb FROZEN, CONCENTRATED, SELECTED VARIETIES Minute Maid Orange Juice 295 mL - 355 mL TIN -jn LIMIT: 4 TINS PER FAMILY PURCHASE FROZEN, SELECTED VARIETIES INCLUDING MAC & CHEESE Savarin Meat Pies 200 g PACKAGE Vi LIMIT: 4 PACKAGES PER FAMILY PURCHASE SELECTED FLAVOURS AND TYPES Beatrice Yogourt CASE OF 12 -175 g TUBS ,- v \ /SV u V, u. ) ■ £ 1 LIMIT: 2 CASES PER FAMILY PURCHASE FROZEN, SELECTED VARIETIES Very Special Ice Cream 2 LITRE CONTAINER r / :.....j jr-'j y LIMIT: 2 CONTAINERS PER FAMILY PURCHASE REGULAR OR ZESTY E.D. Smith Garden Cocktail 796 mL BOTTLE iu sty LIMIT: 4 BOTTLES PER FAMILY PURCHASE WITH THIS COUPON WHITE ONLY PACKAGE OF 12 ROLLS saesza save sop iaMœÆttP + 4' GST + 4' PST Delsey Bathroom Tissue qUhSSS fVy. r LIMIT: 1 package per coupon. Offer valid Sun.* Mar. 10 • Sat. Mar. 16,1991. (Feature price without counon 4.49) ccrti-iin tJMxnu.Ma earnr-er» «a:=rjA?x-g i G/P S.C • rnu.*i-ai wstoM :. #602 | WITH THIS /7vrt"vT' r '>i coupon Câüm) FANCY, SELECTED VARIETIES 341 mL • 396 mL TIN Del Monte ^ /u Vegetables ::) ! | LIMIT: 3 line per coupon. Oiler valid Sun.* Mar. 10 • Sal. Mar. 16,1991. (Feature price without coupon 3/2S9) BUY 3 SAVE 60= HH =<2 m ! v.c. # v.H cj .l.'su roMcuu, at » tr-r. - --n r.: .-a tîi. '-e .-«i nurjwun'l THE GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORDS 1991 LESS THAN Manufactures suggested retail price - $24.99 o }■ only 'v.iVl.JO / ea. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Celebrate SI. P.ilrick's Weekend ,il The BRENDAN QRACE show Popul.ir Irish C unietliiin und Fiiterl.ilner will) Ti ll: BOTTLER RANI) «nul ROSE TYNAN mid sjieci.il «ucsls I I III ARIANE BOYS BAND FRIDAY, MARCH 15 a I !!:()() pm MASS!: Y l-IALL. ( Sluilcr s Yonne ) I IC KI: IS: $30 ( $H() top p,i||cry ) Av.lll.ltlU* .11 Must y I I,III .111,1 R„y | lllllllMl,, I I,ill. liikvlM.Hlt'i Im,ilium .mil u lvtivtl Irish tuiili ti. C-HARC/i: iiCKIITS H7SW-IALL or H71M I I I (frPATRROK'Q eu U 11 Hm tills fill us HY BAES Sunday March 17 2:00 p.m. sr n > SEE DETAILS AT STORE Liberty and King Street Bowmanville