The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 20,1991 11 Phone Phone Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m, Articles for Sale Trucks for Sale For Rent Wanted Work Wanted FEED oats (milling quality). Phone Paul Vaneyk, 263-2060. 12-1SN MINT condition, Perego twin stroller. stroller. 8 months old, wioe clean seats, huge wheels, $500. new, asking $400. OBO. Phone 987-3280. 12-1SN 'LOW profile motorcycle Michelin radial tires, 110/front, 140/rear, very good condition, $100. Phone Dave 623-4055. 6-tfSN FRIENDLY knowledgeable SERVICE SERVICE is why you should shop Downtown Bowmanville, and during during March, some of your shopping dollars will also go towards locally- sponsored community projects. See the Ad on page 6. 9-4SN CORN stoves, fireplace inserts and furnaces. Contact Pine Ridge Corn Stoves, 623-2313. Visit our showroom at the Vanstone Mill. 8-tfS ROUND table and four red vinyl swivel chairs made from oak barrels, barrels, $500. Also variety of large Morris taper shank drill bits and taps. Phone 987-4932. 11-2S DOORS for sale. Solid wood, $25. ; work or hobby tables, 6 ft. by 2 ft., $50. Will deliver, 623-1349. 12-1SN GSW Easy Mark I, heavy duty dryer, $50. Phone 623-5835. 12-1SN HAY, first and second cut, alfalfa- Timothy, round bales, also square bales. Phone 263-2741. 12-3SN MINI typhoon, G.l. Joe vehicles and 30 men, kid's jacket, good condition. Phone 623-8314. 12-1SN ONE kitchen table, 52" with one leaf and 6 padded chairs, brown tone, $100. or BO, 623-4104. 12-1S ONE twin bed, complete, excellent condition, $50. Phone 623-3067. 12-1S SOFA, rust velvet, good condition, $50. Phone 623-5260. 12-1S TWELVE hp. riding mower, used one season, $1,250. Phone 983- 9831. 12-1SN CAR phone - Radio Shack CT100, cost $1,300., sell for $650., less than one year old. Chain saw, Mastercraft 16" with 56 cc. engine, used once, like new, $400. firm. Phone 623-9288 anytime. 12-1SN Sports Cards and Memorabilia To be sold by , Public Aucion Sunday, March 24,12 Noon Orono Town Hall ' Phone for info. Mike 416-987-5402 or Randy 416-436-0836: 12-1SN FIREWOOD A-1 LUMBERJACKS Logging contractors. Fresh cut hardwood, split and delivered. Full bush cord $150,1/2 cord $75, face cord $55 Phone 723-8650 47-tfS COMMODORE 64, keyboard, color monitor! 1541 disk drive, . Epson LX 8(/(«printer with interface, interface, modem/300, joystick, approx. approx. 50 games and programs, printer paper, blank disks, all original original boxes and instruction manuals included. All valued at approx. $2,000., asking $1,000 firm. Please contact Shawn at 786- 2150. 12-1S Firewood mixed hardwood Cut,split and delivered 987-5658 47-tfSN Figure Skates - SK Pro Padded boot Size 31/2 C and Coronation Ace blades $100 Ski Boots -Children's Dynaflt, Size 4 $20 Phone 983-5376 (after 6 p.m.) 42-tfSN Firewood, hardwood, dry, 4x8x16" $65 4x8x12" $60 dry softwood at a reduced rate ROKA LUMBER Days (705) 277-3381 Evening (416) 434-6665 44tfSN We now have NEW and RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES Also, appliances wanted for parts or restoration. Durham's largest selection of used parts for most mykes. PADDY'S MARKET 263-8369 1-tfSN For Sale FIREWOOD Well Seasoned, very dry. Mixed hardwood Free delivery » (416)753-2246 12-2SN ALTERNATIVES Wigs - The latest fashion accessory. Elura synthetic, blended and . , ,100%.humah hair.. 1 ' The largest sélé'ctibrt in the b.latest styles to suit any age; Your privacy guaranteed. Phone Norma 623-3941 12-3S Sales AEROBICSWEAR DANSKIN SWIMWEAR by SOLARE at The"Style Shoppe Boutique & Hair Salon 108 King St. E. 623 -5455 7 . lfs COUNTRY TREASURE STORE ■ oak pedestal table and chairs $999 • hand crafted pine harvest tables $495 • brass beds $495 • custom furniture Hwy. 35/115, first building north of Kirby (416) 983-5412 11-4SN BASEMENT SALE Saturday, March 23 15 Hetherington Dr. Bowmanville 9:00-4:00 12-1S GARAGE SALE Frl. March 22nd noon - 5 p.m. Sat., March 23rd 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 1717 Lambs Rd., N. Thousands of items. Special sale for shooters and military collectors. Also wallpaper-to $4.00 per double roll! 12-1SN IT WORKS! 100% pure mineral salts IN Y with the Environment $21.95 plus tax Guaranteed for 1 year THAI DEODORANT STONE Pat Irwin Lycett 983-9605 am THE INDISPOSABLES COTTON DIAPERS Absorbant fitted diapers with convenient velcro fasteners. Comfortable for baby and economical economical for parents, For Information phone Heather Johnston 623-1248 am 1976 IMPALA, very good condition, condition, aircondifioning, $1,000. as is or best offer. Phone 983-5740. 12-1SN 1982 FIREBIRD, good condition, 6 cyl., automalic, good gas mileage, asking $2,500. Phone 623-0663. 12-1SN 1989 FIREBIRD Formula, red, T- roofs, fully loaded, 21,000 kms. stored in winter. Phone 623-5457. 12-1SN Used Cars and Trucks Graham's Garage 1987 Haydon 263-8172 1986 Chevette 4 cylinder auto, 4 door, certified 1981 Monte Carlo, V6 automatic, p.s., p.b., new paint, rally wheels,certified General Repairs, Brakes, Steering, Exhaust, etc. Towing, D.O.T. Inspection 12-1SN SEEDLINGS FORM-FITTED COTTON DIAPERS Cost-offidont diapers with a choice of velcro or snap , fasteners, Nylon or designer ovorpanls also available. Your local distributor Debbie Talsma 983-5884 .One free nylon ovorpant with every dozen diapers purchased (with this ad) 12-2SN 1990 YAMAHA FZR 600, black/ silver, new racing Michelin Hi- Sports tires put on In mid-summer. Still under warranty, never been raced. $6,000. or BO. Phono Dave 623-4055. 12-tlSN 1984 KAWASAKI Ninja 900, rod/ grey, 3.5x16, 4.5x18 Dymags - rod, 320 mm. full floating HRC front rotors, Lockheed front brakes, GSXR 1100 roar brake and assembly, assembly, 38 mm. radial slide Mlkum carbs,, Yoshlmwln oxt'd, pipe, 750 Ninja front end and more, $5,500., Phono Dave 623-4055. 12-lfSN 1974 FORD 112 ton pickup, comes with many spare parts, $500. Phone 263-8929. 12-1SN 1980 GMC1 ton dump, tractorwith 3 p.h., 5 ft. mower with 5 ft. blade, plate tamper, interlock table saw, whipper snipper, $9,500., 623- 1472.12-1SN 1983 CHEVY S10, excellent condition. condition. V6. os., ob.. 5 soeed. roll bars, lights, certified, $3,900. or best offer, 623-4031. j!2-1S LIFETIME warranty pickup truck bedliners, protection from rust, scrapes, and dents. Includes mounting kit and tailgate. All trucks $199., (416)372-3077, Cobourq. WANTED - Male Sealpoint Siamese for stud service, evenings, evenings, 623-9744. 12-1S Terrlbrae Pet Food and Supplies Professional Dog Grooming 73 King Street West Bowmanville 623-1752 "The convenient place to shop" 51-tfSN EIGHT Hereford cross cows, due early spring. Phone 263-8078. 12-1SN ARABIANS - Well bred, family oriented horses. One mare, quiet, trained to ride and drive. One yearling and one weanling colt by top U.S. sire, (416)263-2727 or 263-4480. , 10-3SN Riding Lessons for Adults and Children Also lessons in dressage and jumping for more experienced riders. Phone 623-7336 261ISN FORD 7000 tractor with full cab, in good working condition, asking $6,500. Phone 416-985-2788. 12-2SN Shared Accommodations HOUSE to share - Waverley area, 5 appliances, very clean, one child welcome, $550. plus 1/2 Utilities. Phone 623-9288 anytime. 12-1SN ONE bedroom, all facilities, private bath and family room, $85. weekly, non-smoker preferred. Phone 623- 4003. 12-1SN ' We have the best tenants in town! » '0$ {Z y ff)ewm/ih& * Places 145 Liberty Street South, Oowmnnvlllo 623-8737 A prestigious lifestyle awaits you In Ltowmanvllle's finest residential complex. Devonshire Place Is a modern apartment complex with several styles of spacious one and two bedroom suites to choose from. Our Amenities Include. •thstcfully decorated suites "Sheers on all windows •farce balconies •Kntcrphonc security system •Rent Includes one parking spot One Bedroom, GGO sq. It.: $650-$725 Largo One Bedroom, G90 sq. II.: $675 - $750 Two bedroom, up to 1,000 sq. It.: $725 - $845 Special Offer! Now available 2 year leases with NO RENT INCREASEI Directions: Dovonshlro Placo Is superbly located on Liberty Strool just not lit of Highway 401, llcntnl Office; Open 9:00 n.m, to 9:00 p.til, G23-0737 12-2SN "IDEAL for Video Store"- Lindsay's prestigious business location for rent. Enjoy high traffic, parking, convenient maintenance, in desirable desirable commercial development, 878-0500. 12-2S BACHELOR apartment, furnished, close to 401, $400. monthly, available available immediately. Phone 623- 1087,12-1SN BOWMANVILLE - Luxury one bedroom bedroom apartment with loft and skylight, one block from downtown, downtown, available May 1st, $684. monthly. Phone 623-0381. 12-tfSN BOWMANVILLE, one bedroom basement apartment, Waverley Rd./401 area, private parking and entrance, shared laundry, pool and barbecue, fully furnished, suitable for one, $500. monthly. Phone 623-1424,12-1 SN BOWMANVILLE - One bedroom apartment, in upstairs of house. Heated, large lot, near the hospital. Available May 1, $475./month. Phone 983-5428,12-tSN FURNISHED room, kitchen/bathroom kitchen/bathroom use, cable, private entrance, parking, close to shopping, $70. weekly. Phone 623-5640. 12-1S NEWTONVILLE - Large one bedroom bedroom apartment (available now), appliances and utilities included, $525./month. Phone 263-4451 or 623-7633. 12-1SN OFFICE space on King St., downtown downtown Bowmanville, newly decorated, decorated, low rent includes parking, water. Phone 623-7664. 12-1S ONE bedroom apartment, available available June 1st, private entrance in older home, utilities included, single parking, first and last required. required. Reply: Advertiser 1540, c/o The - Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, L1 C 3K9. 12-1SN NEW building, downtown Bow- manvile, starting at $685. includes fridge, stove and air conditioning, : one and two bedrooms available. ' Phone 434-2407. 9-4SN BACHELOR apartment, downtown downtown Bowmanville, $400. monthly plus hydro, no pets, references, first and last required, available February 1st. Please write Advertiser Advertiser 1527, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, L1C 3K9.2-tfSN BROWNSDALE - Community Centre, Golf. Course Rd., Newcastle Newcastle Hall available for dances, weddings, stags, etc. For rental information phone 1-705-277- 3668. CERTIFIED Ogle oats, certified Maple Arrow soy beans. Phone Paul Vaneyk, 263-2060. 12-1SN. 12-tfSN STORE for rent, available March 1, first/fast, downtown area. Phone 623-1021 no later than 7 p.m. 9-tfSN 1232 SQ. ft. store, 71 King St. W„ Bowmanville, parking and loading at rear, separate office, ■ modern bright facilities, $1,250. plus hydro.! ' Phone George Van Dyk ReaL Estate, Estate, 623-4428. 8-tfS TYRONE Community Centre for rent. Most up-to-date kitchen, lots of parking, playground, country setting for picnics, weddings, anniversaries, anniversaries, etc. Phone Christine 263-2215. 22-tfSN APARTMENTS for rent in Bowmanville Bowmanville and Oshawa, from $701. to $724./month. Some including utilities. Phone 623-4176, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 11-tfSN RETAIL and office space, meeting rooms, various sizes, 108 King St. E., 623-5455. 2-tfS HAMPTON - Apartment - Great io- cation in country home with ac-' reage. Lots of privacy and located on a convenient main roadway.! Easy access to everything, $595.: per month, avail, immediately, in-; eludes appliances. Phone for ap-' pointment 725-1994. 9-4S Hwy 2/Solina Rd. - Large bright one bedroom apartment, 4 piece bath, kitchen, fireplace in living room, dining room, private entrance entrance and yard, first/last, $600 monthly. No pets, 1/3 heat and hydro, available May 1st. 436- 2160, Jacky. One Month Free Rent Large, bright, 2 bedroom apt., livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, full bath, fridge, stove, $735/month, plus hydro/ Fhone 623-2312 or 623-9108 ' __ ■ ^ 8-tfSN ONE bedroom apartment, downtown downtown Bowmanville, $400. monthly plus heat, hydro, first and last required, required, available February 1st. Write Advertiser 1527, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C 3K9. 53-tfSN SELF STORAGE UNITS for rent, Newcastle Village from $45, Now Available 10' x 20', 10' x 15', 10' x 10', 5' x 10' Phone Lori at Newcastle Storage 987-3211 12-4SN PRESTIGIOUS APARTMENTS 50 Mill Street, Newcastle One bedroom apartments for rent Secure Halls, Fridge, Stove, Airconditionor and sheers included, Available Immediately References Required $675/month plus utilities Phone Lori 987-3211 12-4SN SELF-CONTAINED, four bedroom apartment, many extras, country home, $975./month, utilities included, included, within commuting distance Oshawa, Lindsay, Peterborough. Phone 885-8212.12-2SN SHOP for rent - Private shop 10 minutes east of Oshawa, bay door, lots of parking. Phone 263-4121. 12-1 SN TWO bedroom apartment, 3 piece bath, includes fridge, stové, heat, hydro, water, parking, $600., first/ last, no pets, available after April 1st. Phone 623-4428. 12-tfS BOWMANVILLE - Furnished bed- room, use of kitchen and laundry facilitites, $80. weekly, first and last. Phone 623-3523. 11-2SN BASEMENT apt., one bedroom, fridge, stove, parking, cable, plus utilities included. No pets, available available May 1st, $500. per month, first/ last, references. Phone 623-6516. 12-2S BASEMENT apt., one bedroom, fridge and stove, $450./month inclusive. inclusive. One person only! Phone 623-6562. 12-1S BOWMANVILLE - Large one bed- room, $525. monthly. Small one bedroom, $425. monthly. Water, appliances and parking included. No pets. Phone 579-7643. 12-2SN FOUR bedroom house, one year old, Newcastle, price negotiable plus utilities, first/last, available immediately. immediately. Phone (416)286-8670 or (416)789-5553. 12-3SN NEWCASTLE - One bedroom, walkout, large, very clean, fridge/ stove, 4 piece bath, first and last, $553./month, utilities included, available available April-1. Phone 987-5131, 728-2476. 12-1SN THREE bedroom apartment in Bowmanville, $725. plus hydro only, available April 1st. Phone 623-6743. 12-1SN BOWMANVILLE - Furnished room in quiet home, non-smoker preferred. preferred. Phone 623-0844. 12-1S FURNISHED room in quiet family home, private cooking and washroom, washroom, Waverley. area, $85. weekly, first and last, evenings phone 623-9744. • 12-1S LARGE bright one bedroom basement basement apartment, available April 1 st, $600. all inclusive with laundry and central vacuum, references. Phone Karl 623-1658. 12-1 SN LARGE one bedroom apartment, full size washer and dryer, convenient convenient to downtown, $650. monthly. Phone 263-8045. 12-2SN SHOP for rent - Private shop 10 minutes east of Oshawa, bay door, lots of parking. Phone 263-4121. 12-1SN SPACIOUS two bedroom apartment, apartment, new kitchen, 4 piece bath, private entrance, utilities included, $750. monthly, first/last, available immediately, 623-1914,623-5640. 12-1S THREE bedroom, large eat-in kitchen, basement, laundry room, large back yard, $850. per month plus utilities, evenings 623-8512. 12-1 SN SUNNY one bedroom apartment with walkout, in new home, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, quiet single working person, person, non-smoker, $535. per month includes all utilities, first and last, availahlo AnriM Phnne 623-3230. NEWER three bedroom house, attached attached garage, central vac, 1 1/2 baths, $900. plus utilities. Phone 263-8101. 11-2SN ONE bedroom apartment for rent, located in Newcastle village. Fridge and stove included, available available April 1, 1991. References required. required. $516. per month _plus utilities. Phone Lori 987-3211. 11-3SN THREE parking spaces, downtown downtown Bowmanville core, available, immediately, $35. each monthly. Phone 623-4428. 11-tfS One bedroom upper iioui uupmn, available April 1st, fridge, stove, central air, parking, no pets, central central Bowmanville. $595' monthly all utilities included, First/Last, references.Phone references.Phone 623-6563 after 4 p.m. 10-4S BOWMANVILLE - Responsible/ person to share large house with pool. $400. monthly. Phone 623- 0784. . 11-2S One bedroom apartment, all utilities utilities included, stove and fridge, ground floor rear, 71 King St. East. Quiet responsible person preferred. Phone 623-2624. Large 3 bedroom house, washer/ dryer, fridge/stove, beautiful view, walk-out living room, balcony, 2 acres of land. Available immediately, immediately, First/last, $950 inclusive. Phone 623-8293. Real Estate For Sale Semi's Semi's Semi's! We are currently experiencing a shortage of semi detached homes in the market place. If you would consider a move, please phone me. Jill Hills, Rep. 623-6622 Family Trust Corp. 12-2SN • MOTORCYCLES • it 11 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE MINI BIKES UNDER 100 CC, ANY MAKE, ANY MODEL WILL PAY CASH TOM 571-1202 OSHAWA 12-1 SN Help Wanted TREE PULLERS (TREES 6" - 8" HIGH) Men or Women Wanted Orono Forestry Station try Pay $15 - per thousand Start April 10, 9:30 - 4:30, Phone 623-9749 (After 5 phone 1-(416) 432-0596 (Oshawa) 12-6SN SHOP Downtown Bowmanville during March, and HELP locally- sponsored .community projects. See the Ad on page 6. 9-4SN RESPONSIBLE person for general general farm work, orchard and row crops, starting April. Reply Advertiser Advertiser 1538, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, L1C 3K9. . 11-2SN LOOKING for person to care for our child in our Orono home, Mon. - Thurs. Earnings negotiable. Please phone. 983-9294. 12-2SN ARE you a hard working experienced experienced secretary with a good office administration and word processing processing (preferably First Choice) knowledge looking for a temporary position (3 - 5 months), then send your resume to: F.L. Smidth and Company, St. Mary's Cement Company, P.O. Box 399, Bow- ' manville, Ontario, L1C 3Z2, Attention: Attention: Henrik Stage. 12-1S IN need of an experienced seamstress, able to make many different types of draperies, self starter, out going, good with people, the hours being fairly flexible. flexible. Write: Advertiser 1539, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3K9. 12-iS BABYSITTER wanted, live in or out, to care for two girls ages two and four. Phone Lynn, 432-3558 or 432-9011. 12-1SN $$ ATTENTION $$ Need Extra Money ? Excellent Pay ! Easy Work! Assemble Products at home 1-(504) 847-0096 ext. KA 281 call 24 hrs. Inc. Sat. & Sun. 12-2SN THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Ref. No. 240 applications are invited for the position of GRADE 8 CORE TEACHER (this is an occasional position) Duties to commence 6 May 1991 to 14 June 1991. Please apply by telephone and in writing before 27 March 1991 stating qualifications and experience experience to: Jim Murray Principal Bowmanville Senior Public School 105 Queen Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C1M7 (416) 623-3323 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER R.T. Malowney Director of Education and Secretary Robert A. Spooner Chairperson of the Board Robert E. Jackson Heating • Electrical Air conditioning Lennox dealer Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 983-5293, 623-2301 _____ 12-tfSN Durham Tree Experts Tree Pruning • Trimming Removal • Stumping Free Estimates Phone 987-1059 (evenings) 11-3SN JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 43, Bowmanville 1-tfS LARRY QUINNEY PAINTING and DECORATING Interior and Exterior Over 15 years experience FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8535 ' 3-tfS HOLROYD'S HEATING AIR CONDITIONING OIL-GAS-ELECTRIC Installations - Service Cleaning - Parts Plana HAMPTON 263-8501 16-tfSN I & T CARPENTERS Ucenaed, 25 years experience House Trim Stairs Decks Additions All carpentry related work Ivan Jones Tony Fanara Orono 1 Hampton 983-5303 263-2991 : 1 -ttsN A&J'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS minor repairs and renovation* specialising In bathrooms, drywall and carpentry 623-8874 37-tfS GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 PAINTING, PAPERING, CARPENTRY, REMODELLING, GENERAL REPAIRS 24-tfS Larry Jackson Plumbing Heating Pump repairs and Installation 10% Discount on service calls for senior citizens 983-9412 47-tfSN Expert service to VCR's, T.V.'s, home stereos, car stereos, portable stereos. Free Estimates Bowmanville Audio-Vision 58 King St. W. 623-2312 44-tfSN Dangerous Tree Removal The Tree Experts Fully experienced In topping, falling and powerllnea, land clearing Reasonably priced. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-8625 8-6SN Barry - Tom - Norm repairs, renovations, new construction, clean-ups, painting, etc. Recession prices Phone anytime 7-3787. 987- 12-1SN BOWMANVILLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington Street, Bowmanville 623-3410 Monday - Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen and glass repairs, all types of glass and mirrors available. FREE ESTIMATES 24 hour emergency plate glass replacement. Locally owned and operated. ,, 7-tfSN Piano Tuning R.D. Morton 983-5682 VANDERGAAST ROOFING Over 35 Years Experience In all Types of Roofing Workmanship Guaranteed For FREE Estimate 623-8445 ■ 9-tfSN 44-tfSN CARPET STEAM CLEANING C & J Services • Personal Service * Satisfaction Guaranteed $49. Dinlng/Llvlng Rooms plus Hallway . Phone Dennis at 623-2095 2-tfSN Work Wanted ROBERT E. JACKSON Heating - Electrical - Air Conditioning Lennox dealer Authorized Consumers Gas Dealer (416)983-5293 (416) 623-2301 March Special* 3 month payment deferral on heating/air conditioning and One Year free rental on gas fired hot water tank Financing through Consumers Gas 11-1SN CUSTOM DESIGN & LETTERING -TRUCK LETTERING -SANDBLASTED SIGNS - COMMERCIAL 8. RESIDENTIAL COMPLETE SIGN SERVICE 623-1864 162' FRONTAGE X 118' lot In Orono, quiet, wooded, serviced lane. Close to shopping/schools. Phone 983-5103 alter 6. 12-1SN Residential Building Lot for Sale Client's residential building lot, 24.726 m x 40,097 m, for sale, Described as lot 65 and part lot 64, block 15, Hanning Plan on Boavor St, botwoon Edward and Jane St, In former Village el Newcastle, Newcastle, Only olfors exceeding existing firm $80,000 cash will do considered, considered, Contact Sam L. Curoatz, Barrister Barrister and Solicitor, roprosonting St, George's Anglican Church, Village Village ot Newcastle, Phohe 416-987-3500. 12-1SN DURHAM TV ■& ANTENNA TV Antennas for Perfection in Reception • Towers • Rotators • Remote Control Rotators •Antennas • Transmission Wire • Hardware TV, VCR and Stereo Repairs 151 Liberty SI, S„ Bowmanville ' 623-9955 Bill Van der Herberg Channel Master Dopend on ,ho Loader DURHAM REGION'S LEADER IN ANTENNA RECEPTION EQUIPMENT 29-tlSN,, THINKING ABOUT THAT ADDITION? IT'S CHEAPER THAN YOU IMAGINED. WE SPECIALIZE IN ADDITIONS. For Example: 17'x 14'single storey Full basement including concrete floor (and 2 windows) Exterior siding finish. All facia, soffit and trough. 6' sliding patio door, 2 maintenance-free thermal windows. Basic Electrical wiring and fixtures. Completely insulated. Completely drywalled. From $18,900. + G.S.T. Free consultations David Hills Building Services 786-2393 12-tisN a> 1 '• i,.i. 1 11 BARR'S (416) 987-1445 986-4277 Roofing • Sheet Metal • Skylights FUT ROOFS • SHINGLES,- PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING • SOFFIT • TROUGH ■ SUNROOMS • SOURIUMS 20 Years Experience Collect Calls Accepted 28-tfSN