I 18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 1,1991 Future Indy Racers Compefe 2 Kuh Kars Successful Yard Sale Students Keep in Shape with Aerobics Class Enniskillen News by B. Wright Nicole and Christopher Avery spent Friday night with their grandparents Mr. The annual Cub Car Rally for West Durham District took place in Pontypool on Saturday, April 20th. This photo shows some of the action at the finish line as cubs watch their gravity-powered home made racers approach the checkered flag. Famous Artist Visits Local Gallery |msip ; • : . - The Enfield U.C.W. yard, craft and bake Sale on Saturday Saturday was a huge success. Thank you to all those who contributed. We are looking forward to our quilt show on May 11th. On Sunday we had three Baptisms at our church; Norma Kennedy, April Leigh Bonsma and Andrea Irene Bonsma. Rev. Kelly based her sermon sermon on "Without Christ We Are As Dead Branches." On Wednesday, May 22nd the Enniskillen Sunday Sunday School Supper will be held from 4:00 p.m. until all are served. On Sunday, May 26th, Anniversary Service will be held. Mr. and Mrs. William Cowling and Jesse, Oshawa . were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sornberger, Jessica and Alexandra. Mr. and Mrs. Errol Groves went to Whitby on Sunday evening to Ms. Marlene Marlene Hill's for a family barbecue. barbecue. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe, Mary Lee and Kaijo Harma, Toronto, attended 'an afternoon afternoon reception and family dinner on Sunday, April 28 at Rockhaven, Peterborough to honour Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Bewdley on their 60th Wedding Anniversary. Anniversary. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty, Mrs. Jim Muller, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, Mrs. Murray Art- ford, Hampton attended the General Motors Gift of Music Music at Eastdale Collegiate when the proceeds were donated donated to tne Oshawa General General Hospital. Happy Birthday wishes to Le ta Sanderson of Fair- view Lodge who celebrated her 96th birthday on April 29th. Family members gathered gathered on Sunday to share this special occassion and a piece of birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lyon and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Piggott, Oshawa were Sunday visitors visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hall and Jenny, Bayfield, spent, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue. Judy and Jenny returning home after spending holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lidston, Bowman ville, Ricky Hill, Oshawa were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Errol Errol Groves. Most of our university and college students have now completed their exams and courses. We welcome you home again and hope that you have a profitable summer (as all students need!). On Wednesday, May 1, the Blackstock Women's Institute Institute will hold the May .meeting in the evening in the United Church C.E. room when Talya Moore will be the guest speaker. She will show a video "The School that Works" based on Vanier Secondary School where she teaches. Plan to attend this informative meeting. • If you have items for this column - social events, family family news or other items, please phone me any time at 986-4257 before Monday mid-morning. April 27 was a night to remember for all those who attended the C.H.S. 33rd Annual At Home. While Ring Mistress Down greeted everyone at the door, C-C and Lo-Lo the clowns juggled ■ their way into everyone's heart. As well, Gypsie B and her all knowing crystal ball revealed revealed the future to all inquiring inquiring couples. Last year's Queen, Julie Cosgrave, crowned our 1991 Formal Queen, Jennifer Fletcher who was escorted by Jason Dunkley. Sue Kyte and Leanne McDowell completed completed the court as first and second princesses. Congratulations must also be extended to J.J. Lee, Steve Staniland and the Formal committee for all their dedication, ingenuity and organization. A spectacular spectacular Carnival scene was created by their hard work and efforts We hope that the 130 people in attendance had a wonderful evening before, during and after the formal. Thank you to everyone who made this a special evening. evening. Carol Selby is pictured here teaching a group of intermediate girls at St. Stephen's Stephen's Elementary School about aerobics and fitness. The presentation was part of an electives program that took place in the school during April. Every Friday during during the month, staff and members of the community educated students in areas not normally on the curriculum. Students learned about cooking, dessert-making, softball coaching and kite-making. And that's just a partial list of the hobbies and special interests which were represented.. Twenty-three workshops were held during during the month and all of them were run with the assistance of volunteers from the community. FACTORY OUTLET GRAND OPENING Men's, Ladies' and Children's Clothing and Accessories 84 King St. West Bowmanville, Ont. Telephone: C416J 623-9823 Watercolourist Laura Berry visited the In Towne Gallery in Bowmanville on Saturday, April 20. She is snown here as she signs one of her limited edition prints. With her is Mary Lucas (right) , of the In Towne Gallery. The artist, who resides north of Toronto with her husband and three sons, has' developed a unique style born from her love of a rural setting in which she has chosen to live and raise her family. National Thist invites you to a $$£&*** Æ .' iJ ikr ■ .a" ■é / j a k k I ; . \ Right now, when you open a National Trust TOTAL Chequing Account you'll gel the highest chequing account interest rales available - PLUS a chance to win one of'three Jeep YJ's! You'll also litul our TOTAL Money Market Savings account has among the best daily interest savings rates around. Witli our tiered balance structure, the higher your balance the higher our interest rate. Check out National Trust lor details today! National Trust Veltri Complex 68 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3X2 416-623-2504 Toilers Choose any suit... any slacks. ... get a special "2 - fer" price! SUITS 2fer L*250Z y ~ suits \2fer i 1 "■""SUITS - 2fer mo ooi PANTS SUPER SPECIAL MEN'S SUITS Regular To s 200 00 Selected Groups^ Selected Grow l %now s 99 àSL'WA' Tailors OSHAWA CENTRE STORE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:30 to 9:30 Saturday 9:30 to 0:00 B O 1 2fer à*4joo PANTS n! 2fer $fiioo I c% p ANTS ^1 2 fer 1 ' *7W \ MEN'S ARROW LONG SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 PLUS $100 SPORTCOATS AND BLAZERS > 'h PRICE ^ S150 NOW 75"° $125 NOW 62 s " $99 NOW 49 5d SELECTED GROUP