i 12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, May 22,1991 Vu Phone 623-3303 Classified Ads Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 Special Guest Attends Spring Flower Show Auction Sales .'IV Auction Sale Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday '• 6p.m. at Myles King Auctions -1'iv 33 Hall St., Oshawa rvAII consignments welcome. Es- ; i-ijate sales, etc. Est. in 1967. -.{v Myles King, Auctioneer W,' 725-5751 • , MacGREGOR [v AUCTION SERVICES Estates, Consignments, L Households, Bankruptcies, Farms Sold at your location or ours, Mike MacGregor (416) 987-5402 Junior West (416) 983-5556 10-tfSN Notice to Creditors K is «. Frl., May 24, 6 p.m. I * Cornell's Auction Barn }*Cedar chests, 4 matching (>pressback chairs, pressback ►{rockers, portable color TV's, JImodern dressers and chests of drawers, washstands, oak buf- fjfet, antique chest of drawers, ►.odd wooden kitchen chairs, J^metal office desks, coffee and 4 *end tables, 30" Danby propane ÿ».pr natural gas stove (like new), •►'-.coal oil lamps, crocks, parlor tabbies, tabbies, 18 hp. Evinrude outboard Je-motor, 12 ft. Humber jewel boat with 25 hp. Johnson outboard motor and trailer, 16 ft. Ca- dorette fibreglass canoe, 2 wheel box trailer, 12 ft. Sports Pal birch bark canoe, 16 It. Coachman house trailer (excellent (excellent condition), 12 hp. Yardman riding lawn mower with grass bagger (2 years old), large quantity of antique power and hand tools, china, glass and collectable items. Don and Greg Corneil, Auctioneers, R.R. 1, Little Britain, (705)786-2183. Now accepting Visa, Frl., May 24,7 p.m. , Cornell's Auction Barn Farm machinery including Allis Chalmers D 14 gas tractor with loader, Turnco wagon and undercarriage, undercarriage, Farmall Super À, MF swather, MF #10 baler, 3 pt. hitch sprayer, 32' Little Giant elevator, International 4 furrow 14" bottom ■ drag plow, hay wagon, 8' International drag cultivator. cultivator. Don Corneil, Auctioneer, Auctioneer, R.R. 1 Little Britain, 705- 786-2183. :< « '* i Thurs., May 23,6:30 p.m. i Hall if Warner's Auction Hall 1/4 Ml. W. of Colborne Selling household articles, furniture, furniture, appliances, collectables, collectables, china, glassware, 8 hp. riding riding lawn mower, 16 hp. garden tractor with cutting deck plus other equipment. Quantity garden and lawn tools, other small hand tools, 2 door side-by- side fridge, other old beer fridge, double pedestal oak desk, new 2 pc. pine cupboard, nice modern dinette with ext. table, chairs, all in mint cond., ►; modern bedrm. suite also in h excellent cond., modern china ÿ cabinet, antique walnut china V cabinet w/glass door, air tight % wood stove, pictures, lamps, plus numerous mise, articles. Çv Auctioneer's note: This is a jy'jarge sale with two Auctioneers SC "selling in two rooms due to early £>Jdvertising. Many articles are Bv*in-advertised. Sale starts: 6:30 ijîÿ.m. Terms: Cash, cheque, e>2yisa, MC. Gary Warner, D. !^7iX)enny. Auctioneers, 355-2106, Sat. Evening, May 25 7 p.m. Cow Sale < l< Selling at Lindsay •-{ Community Sale Barn Ltd. R.R.2, Lindsay ,)60 Mature Charolais cows and *-$5 first calf Charolais heifers, {{majority with calves by side, ^remainder due May and June. 2 M.imo. bulls and 2 Charolais bulls {{sell. All heifers rebred Limo. {'this herd 90% Char, and 10% ivSimmental. The property of G. '■f. Kelly, Expecting another herd ;>f Charolais cows due May and -June. Contact Lindsay Com- - rpunity Sale Barn, 705-324- ■'{2774 or Carl Hickson, 705-324- v 9959. ■N Selling Sat., June 1 v' 11a.m. Sharp "■-The antiques, household sup- spiles and farm machinery of k Mrs. Marjorie Best, Main SI., .iprono. Be sure to attend this {special sale. Complete list of jtems next week. Charlie Reid l and Arnot Wotten. Auctioneers. ; v 1 >J Sun., June 16,1 p.m, Port Perry Fairgrounds I 'Sale to include depression , . glass, carnival glass, china, oil .{lamps, bellows, wooden advertising advertising boxes, china cabinet, oak !-furniture, chairs, tools, etc. i" Consignments taken now till >',sale day. Call Deshane Auc- » lions (416)985-4240. Sun., June 2,1 p.m, Port Perry Fairgrounds :Sale to include brand new gas * * hnrhnr.no w/tnnk nnk Hininn * barbecue w/tank, oak dining {{room table, writing desk and t.bhair, IBM electric typewriter, f-oil lamps, wooden advertising j, boxes, sports cards and more. r . Consignments taken now. Call i-Deshane Auctions, (416)985- 4240. <{■ Thurs. Evening, May 30 •*; 6 p.m. !*. Furniture and Antiques .'{Auction sale of furniture and an- tiques from' an Uxbridge homo |"selling at the Wilson Sales Arizona, Arizona, Uxbridge, Ont., including 8 |«pc, dining room suite, Colling- l'wood London upright piano, '.pine tables, cupboards and j v dressers, Hoosior cupboard, ({blanket boxes, lamps, now fur- {.niluro including Thomnsvillo | - pc., dishes, tools. Full details ,'noxl week, Solo managed and Usold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions ■••Ltd,, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. Auction Salel "Kahn Country Auctions" Every Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd. Pickering 3 Miles North of Hwy. 401 (Exit 399) Featuring every Wed. an excellent excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectables, collectables, primitives and the unu- suals. So join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's Ontario's "True" auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consignment "Consignment and estate selling our specialty". Phone us today. Preview from 1:00 p.m. Kahn Auction Services, 416-683- 0041, Sat., June 1,10 a.m. Large Auction of Antique Farm Machinery Furniture, Household Contents, Collectables Of Thomas Harold Taylor, Lt. 13 Con. 11 Otonabee, west of Keene from a century farm owned by the Taylor family since 1872. 10 antique tractors, threshing machines, unique side hill plow, large assortment of farm machinery and furniture, 2 antique cars, hundreds of unusual items found on century farm. See list next week or for flyer call 705-745-5007. Peter- boro Auctions, Orval or Dale mclean. Auctioneers. Sat., June 1,11 a.m. Auction Sale of Antiques, Furniture and Farm Machinery For Ivan, Brian and Barry Degeer, Ml. Albert. Take Durham Durham #30 (York-Durham Townline), Townline), 1 mile north of Davis Drive or 1 1/2 miles south of Mt. Albert Albert Rd. Watch for signs. FARM MACHINERY: 32' combination elevator on carriage, Smale selflocking selflocking scale headgate, Boswells Boswells Blairgowrie of Scotland grain cleaning system (excell.), McCormick Deering potato digger, digger, dual wheel flat bed trailer, McCormick Deering hay tedder, buzz saw, spike harrows, Se- dore loader, Stauchen bunk feeder, round bale feeder, 500 PSI pressure washer, gates, qty. lumber, planks, plywood, cattle tattoo set, plus more. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD: Oak sideboard with mirror (excell.), (excell.), approx. 3 walnut ant. washstands (excell.), ant. smoker's stand, 2 dressers with bev. swing mirror, 2 Ig. ant. blanket boxes, ant. trunk, 7 pc. oval maple kitchen ste. (excell.), (excell.), 3 pc. maple bedroom ste., ant. walnut living rm.chair, ant. loveseat, ant. wood box, copper boiler, highchair, many wrought iron bed frames, baby's doll crib, qty. ant. chairs and rockers, wall clock from Wa- terbury Clock Co., Sessions mantel clock, 2 Findlay Vega cookstoves, Finlay's Quebec #213 woodstove, Enterprise woodstove, Kenmore sewing machine (good), Viscount fridge, Moffat stove, General freezer, Viscount wringer washer, Spirolator wringer washer, Inglis dryer, Kirby vacuum, vacuum, ant. brass cash register, Mt. Albert and Stouffvillè cream cans and bottles, ant. floor lamp, ant. tub with claw feet, qty. cast and tin toys (some wind up, good), tin toy tram set, ant. quilts, qty. glassware and household effects (depression, carnival, ant. dishes), 4X8 pool table, baby sleighs, crocks, cast griddle, Ig. qty, old calendars, calendars, and books, violin, Aladdin style lamp, oak doors, many new washroom vanities plus much more. Note: The Degeer family have sold their 3 generation farm and are moving. moving. Many old antiques and collectables. collectables. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for any mishap occuring to the public. Proprietor Proprietor - Ivan Degeer, 416-473- 6730. Gary Hill Auctions, Sunderland, Sunderland, 1-705-357-2185 or Mt. Albert 416-473-2138, Sat., May 25,10 a.m. Warner's Auction Hall Selling the household contents from tne home of Miss J. Bulger from Fourth St., Cobourg (Miss Bulger has moved to nursing home and property has been sold). Original old pine open front corner cupboard painted in good cond,, modern solid cherry cherry dining room suite also in excellent excellent cond., Victorian upholstered upholstered armchair, oval candle table, nice old armchair w/Queen Anne leg, Victorian side chair, nice old pictures and picture frames, bedside table with drawer, walnut glass top table, brass tray top table, 2 older fancy sofas, 2 drawer princess princess dresser, walnut pedestal table with brass claw feet and pie crust edge, signed Bradley and Hubbard lamp, small pine table with drawer, base to old cupboard, 2 single beds, Victorian Victorian swing dresser mirror, fancy old armchair, Victorian deep well dresser with mirror and tear drop'pulls in original cond,, other Victorian deep well dresser w/toar drop pulls needs mirror, mahogany highboy chest - a quality chest in original cond., small wicker table, books, fancy pair bookends, walnut 2 door wardrobe, old painted sot of kitchen chairs, metal top kitchen table with drawer, rare old pc., signed art glass, depression glass pcs., quantity old dlsho:. china and other interesting pcs. all packed and mostly unsoon at time of advertising, bedding, lamps, collectables and many mise, articles found in this century old Cobourg homo, Sale starts 10 a.m. Viewing from 8 a.m. day of sale. Terms: Cash, choque, Visa, MC. Gary Warner, Warner, Auctioneer, 355-2106, Services Daycare Tenders Orono News NOTICE TO CREDITORS Anyone having a claim against the Estate of JAMES WEL- BOURNE late of the Town of Newcastle in the County of Durham, Durham, retired G.M. worker, who died on or about the 26th day of January 1991, must file same with the undersigned not later than June 12th, 1991, after which, time complete distribution may be made by the Administrators paving paving regard only to the claims filed. DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 14th day of May, 1991. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY ADMINISTRATOR by their Solicitor Mervyn B. Kelly Barrister and Solicitor 41 Temperance Street P.O. Box 159 Bowmanvllle, Ontario L1C3K9 21-3S MARK M. Stapleton, authorized dealer for Freud; Excalibur, Powermax, M.S.K. Industries and Target woodworking supplies supplies and machinery. 416-983- 6098. 416-983-5244. PRIVATE Mortgages - The place to go when your bank says No! Anubis Investments, (416)668- 7200. 110 Green Street. Whitby, Whitby, Ontario. TINA'S HOUSECLEANING Hire the Best Pay for what you get NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL Phone 623*2657 19-tfSN FULL time daycare available in my home for children two and up, activities, nutritious meals and lots of TLC. Please phone 987-1803, MOTHER and E.C.E. teacher of 13 years provides stimulating home daycare. References and receipts. Phone Jill 623-9571. STEPPING Stones Childcare Centre offering care 24 hours/day, 7 days a week, occasional occasional care, drop-in service, nursery school, junior kindergarten, kindergarten, summer camp and transportation available. Ages 6 weeks to 12 years. East Oshawa, 579-0851 anytime. Wanted BEDS needed. Any size, any shape, Courtice Secondary School needs your help for their First Annual Bed Race 500. For more information phone 263- 2066 after 5 p.m. Wanted to Buy Wanted to Buy FREE PICK UP ON Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 44-tfS Quotation THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE QUOTATION SEALED QUOTATION, dearly marked as to contents, for the Services Services listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowman- ville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the spedfied dosing time and date. Quotation Documents may be obtained ffom .the Purchasing Office Office at the above address. Quotation 091-5 - Part "A 1 ' - Fine Grading, Seeding, Fertilizing and Sodding Part "B" - Supply and Installation of various Trees, Shrubs and Evergreens Part "C" - Installation Only Closing Time and Date: 4:00 p.m. (local time) Friday, May 31,1991 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 4 _ IK JOWN Of . p Newcastle CN1AJJ.O Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Telephone : (416) 623-3379 Ext.. 268 Date of Publication: May 22,1991 21-1SN Tender THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REQUIRES FITNESS INSTRUCTOR - Part Time Responsible for the co-ordination and implementation of a fitness program for adults. Qualifications: Fitness Instructor's Certificate plus previous experience experience in running a fitness class. DAY CAMP SUPERVISOR - SESSIONAL (Summer Student) Responsible for the day to day operation of a children's day camp program. Qualifications: Supervisory experience working with children In a day camp environment. Valid Ontario drivers licence Is an asset. DAY CAMP LEADER - SESSIONAL (Summer Student) Responsible for planning daily activities for children to develop new skills and Interests. Qualifications: Experience working with children in a day camp environment. Valid Ontario driverslicence is an asset. AQUATIC SUPERVISOR - SESSIONAL (Summer Student) Responsible for assisting In the development, operation and supervision supervision of aquatic programs. Qualifications: Previous supervisory experience. Current enrolment enrolment in Recreation or related discipline with a minimum of two years related experience preferably in a municipal recreation environment. environment. Hold a current Rod Cross/R.L.S.S.C. Instructors, N.L.S. certificate and hold or be eligible to certify In Standard First Aid and C.P.R. Rod Cross Loader Instructor and Examiner status Is preferred. Must bo willing to work irregular hours. Valid Ontario drivers licence is an asset. will bo received until 4:30 p.m. Friday, May 24,1991. I those who apply but only applicants selected for an interview will bo contacted, Please quote File #13-91 indicating position applied for. : Office of the Chief hj À' 11 **!?<*/r* Administrative Officer Lxewcasue 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvllle, Ontario L1C3A6 21-2SN Business Opportunities MOTORIZED mini bike, in good condition, for 13 year old's birthday, reasonable price. Phone 623-2657. FUJI PHOTOGO LTD. 1 Hour Photos Dealership is coming to town. Joint Venture Opportunities $69,000 and up to 90% financing O.A.C. (613) 739-9225 D20-2285 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, Ontario K1G4Z7 19-8SN NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDERS FOR VAN TYPE TRUCK Sealed tenders will be received by the Plant Department, 834 D'Arcy Street North, Box 470, Cobourg, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2, (416) 372-6871 until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday June 4, 1991 for a 1991 Van Type Truck. For further information please contact the office of: The Plant Department (416) 372-6871 Specifications may be obtained from The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 R.T. Malowney Director of Education R.A. Spooner Chairperson of the Board Quote" "The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half." Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey, Bailey, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. Eileen Billings were last Sunday "Mother's Day" dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett and family, family, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown, Peterborough, were 1st Monday Guests of her parents, The O. Challices. The many . friends of Aleck and Norma Moffat wish them a sincere thank you, for all their dedication and leadership in operating the Town Hall card Parties, all this past season. These parties contribute to the lip- keep of our town hall. We are endeavouring to carry on our euchre parties thru the summer months. (More details details later.) Miss Muriel Hirst, Scarborough, Scarborough, England is spending spending her holidays with her friend, Mrs. Thelma Gil- bank. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pi- gott were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldread, Oshawa, last Monday. Several couples from Orono Orono attended the card party of Newcastle Sr., Citizens, Thursday evening in Town Hall. Mrs. Edith Taylor attend- Bowmanville Walking Tour Are you interested in local local history? If so, don't miss our Historical Guided Walking Walking Tour of downtown Bow- manville. This event is being held as part of the Heritage Week Festivities. The tour is approximately approximately an hour long and will cover cover both residential and commercial commercial areas. Your guide will be Bowmanville Museum Museum Curator, Charles Taws. Tours will be held on May 31st (weather permitting) at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. The cost is $2.50 per person ($2.00 for Museum members). members). Light refreshments will be served at the Museum Museum after the tours. To sign up or for more in-, formation, Please call the Museum at 623-2734. Don't forget! Our 4th Annual Annual 10KM Fund Run is coming up on Sunday, June 23, 1991. For more information information or an application form, please contact Museum. All proceeds from both events will go towards the Museum's restoration fund. St. Joseph's Students Enjoy Piano Recital at Museum Mrs. Wonnacott's class from St. Joseph's School in Bowmanville took part in the music appreciation program program at the Bowmanville Museum last week. The program program is designed to allow area students the opportu- CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS FRINGE on the fringe ol Ottawa, June 1 - 9. Theatre, music, dance, buskers. Visit the Manotlck Fringe Festival. Stay at the Ottawa Westln. Info (613)692- 0548. 27th Annual ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE June 14, 15, 16. Friday 6pm-10pm Sat. & Sun. 10am-5pm. Prince Edward Curling Club Plcton. Admission $2,25. Lunch available. Mac Wiseman "THE LEGEND" from Nashville, Tenn. Uve at Havelock Country Music Jamboree, August 16, 17, 18, 22 hours ol entertainment. More Information. (705)778-5206 evgs. (705)778-3353 days. SIS That guy down street keeps asking about you. Come on Home. He'll help you celebrate the 175th Anniversary ol Perth, July 14-21. Love PERTH. HELP WANTED Recreation, Kitchen, housekeeping and dining room positions available (June - October). Accommodation, meals and training available. Apply: DEER LODGE RESORT, Hallburton, Ontario K0M 1S0 (705)457- 2281. NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gilts needs Demonstrators to sell toys and gilts at Home Parties. No Investment or experience required. Established company. Call today (519)258-7905, SALES HELP WANTED NEEDED EXPERIENCED floor covering sales person, strong management abilities lor northern Alberta decorating centre. Reply: Jim Ashton, Modern United Carpet, Peace River, AB, T8S 1J3. (403)624-4286. •BE SUPER RICH* Earn $250,000 FT, $50,000 PT commission marketing our exclusive 2 lor 1 music book. Protected Territories available. Free 24 hour Information line, 1-800-263-1900. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to homo-study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Logal/Medlcal Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972, LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School ol Auctioneering. Next class: Juno 8- 15. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School ol Auctioneering, R,R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9, (519) 537-211S. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY lor any Purposol Pay oil your bills, credit cardsl Example: Borrow $10,000, repay $195 monthly. No qualllylng hassels. Call Intranslcon Financial Toll Free 1-800-268-1429. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD lor unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For Information on both write: Properties, Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Sin. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LLAMAS FOR SALE (Legacy Classic Sale IV). 70 Llamas being sold by auction, June 8/91, Wostornor Exposition Fairgrounds, Rod Door, Alberta, Call (403)346-3148 lor details. Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Individual province. Space Is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today I nity to hear the type of music that would have been played on the Dominion Piano 80 years ago. Tom Webb, co-ordinator of the program, is pictured here talking to the students about the piano. Citizens' Forum Set for May 28th BOWMANVILLE TOASTMASTERS Dear Citizens of Bowmanville and Area: You're Invited to Help Plan Canada's Future. Canada is in crisis, but there's good news: We - you and I, and others like us - now have a chance to tell government and all Canadians Canadians what we think our future future should be. The Citizens' Forum on Canada's Future will be reporting by July 1, 1991 on Canadians' ideas for the future of our country. The Forum has a double mandate: To collect and focus focus citizens' views about the future and to improve the climate of dialogue. So it needs to know what the peo-. pie of Canada think is wrong with their country, and how, together we can fix it - and what's right, and worth keeping. The Forum wants to hear from everybody everybody - especially those wno aren't used to speaking up and speaking out. This is an unprecedented unprecedented opportunity for us all to make our views known. Won't you join me in participating participating in a ((roup discussion discussion about the important issues issues facing Canada today? This meeting is scheduled to take place: 28 May 1991, 7:30 p.m. at St. John's Anglican Anglican Parish Hall, Temperance Temperance Street and Queen, Bowmanville, Ont. All the ideas and opinions we give to the Forum will be fed into their Final Report and if enough of us give our ideas, strongly and clearly, no government will be able to ignore these grassroots citizens' views. Please come out - and be a participant in Canada's future! You may never got a chance like this again! R.S.V.P. Connie Nelson, President, Bowmanville Toastmasters, Telephone : (day) (416) 623-2243 Leave your name and number with the machine, FOR SALE Attention: FORD SUPERCAB Owners "F" Series. Uft kit available to raise rear seat. No drilling necessary. Available at participating Ford Dealers or call Calmar 1-800-561-7867. YOUR DOG WONT STAY HOME! We have the cure. Amazing Electronic device. It's humane, It works. FREE details! CAN.U.K., RR#1, Bancroft, Ontario, KOL1C0. Fax (613)332-1375, STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - SPRING CLEAROUT - Direct from the factory - Quonset 28x30 $3216., Stralghtwall 30x40 $5136. Other sizes available. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422. (24 Hours). BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x48 $5665; 40x64 $8188; 50x96 $14,671 - non-expandable end(s), other sizes available - limited steel - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS: A cheap Building oilers no flexibility, may even cost more money. The answer, Future Steel. Thousands of people can't be wrong. Call 1-800-668-8653. PERSONAL WE DON'T Want you to move again. Bracebrldge Villa Retirement Lodge oilers a lull continuum ol care In a unique setting. Contact Unda Schell 1-800-461- 5505, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED INCOME POTENTIAL, Manufacturer now seeking Ontario dealers lor "JUICEWORKS" , the amazing new Irash Juice vending machine. Call Acton Assemblies 1-800-465-5006 lor Information package. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baltworms In your basement or garage. Odorless operation. Low Investment. Market guaranteed! Free Information. Early Bird Ecology, R.R,#1, Smlthvllle, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416)643-4252. "THE BOAT that Ills In the trunk ol your car". Propeller driven pedal boat. Distributors needed In your area, ICM Group, #8725, 8130 - 82 Avo„ Edmonton, AB, T6C 4J5. FLEA MARKETS SUNDAY FLEA MARKET, Smiths Falls, 65 Cornelia Street, East, year round, (613) 283-8448,150 Inside stalls. Dealers welcome,,Lowest prices, best selection In the valley, CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET Open Saturdays and Sundays. Antiques, Collectibles, Indoor and Outdoor Vending Space available, Call Calaboglo. (613)752- 2468. COTTAGES OWNERS COTTAGE OWNERS. Register today with Cottages Unlimited rental service - listing commercial and privately-owned cottages lor seasonal, monthly, weekly rentals. Free owner's package, FAX/Pnono (613)284-0400. HEALTH & BEAUTY LOSE WEIGHT • Up to 30 lbs. In 30 days - Lose Cellulite • No hunger. I lost 24 lbs, + and 10" In 10 weeks. Earn $$$ lor rosulls. (416)760-3857,271-6200, ed the baptism last Sunday in Centennial United Church, Oshawa, when her two great grandchildren Ta- nyse Beckett and Ashley Evelyn were baptized. A family luncheon followed service where fifty family members attended. (Rev. Bill Tadeja officiating.) Mr. and Mrs. Boss Taylor, Taylor, Scarborough were last Wed. luncheon guests of Mrs. Edith Taylor. Sr. Citizens 4T Club About 50 Club members sat down to a delicious pot- luck dinner, Thursday evening, evening, May 16, in Durham Complex Srs. Hall, Station Street. Club president Bertha Bertha White welcomed everyone everyone and grace was repeated. Following the supper hour, Mrs. Beatty entertained at the piano, and several lucky draws were held. The president president conducted a short business business period and the remainder remainder of evening was spent playing bingo, with the Greater Pine Ridge Kinsmen Kinsmen providing the fun and games. We are always grateful to this energetic group donating donating their time and talents to our organization. Spring Flower Show Tne Orono Horticulture Society held their annual spring flower show and plant sale, Thursday evening evening May 16, in Orono United United Church Main hall. In the absence of president president Donna Hutton, who was ill, our 1st vice president president Cory DeJonge chaired the meeting. Following the singing of "O Canada" with Doreen Lowery at piano, Cory read out a very pretty S tem "Apple Blossoms" by elen Steiner Rice. Secretary Secretary Yvonne Trafford gave report of several previous meetings and announcements. announcements. Treasurer Adele McGill gave an encouraging financial picture. Isabelle introduced our guest speaker for evening and informed the audience our guest Mrs. Bertha Barnes was really a specialist specialist on so many subjects but to-night, her topic "African Violets", and she brought along a large table full of lovely colors and varieties, and all were sold at close of program. Our speaker became interested interested in violets about 50 years ago and has become a real expert on the subject. Many interesting hints, on growing, potting etc. and lots of questions from audience. audience. No other houseplant has such a large variety of colors, as the African violet! Doreen Lowery, show chairman, gives the flower show reports. There were 11 exhibitors and 90 entries. Really a pretty show, of tulips, tulips, narcissus, lilacs etc. and congratulations to winners winners of "Best arrangement in show" Shelley Etmanski, and her prize donated by Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamm, in memory of their mother. Judge's choice Lorna Atkins Atkins and donated by Arm-, strong's I.G.A. store. Most points in decorative Isabelle Challice, prize donated by Stutt's Drag store. Most points in houseplants won Dy Minnie Zegers and donated donated by Mrs. Inez Harris. Most r ints in entire show won by Challice and donated by Orono Garden Centre. Most points in Tulip classes won lay Lorna Atkins and donated donated by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robinson. Judges for show Mr. and Mrs. David Harrison, Harrison, Newcastle and David was one of our past Presidents. Presidents. They gave many helpful helpful hints to exhibitors. A delicious delicious lunch served by committee. Congratulations to neighbour neighbour David Chatterton on fixing our town clock and its nice to hear it every hour. David was recently presented presented a beautiful time-piece, a pendulum clock with Westminster Westminster chimes for his volunteer volunteer work. Several from area in hos- E ital and rest homes. Mrs. illian (Alfred) Johnston in Strathaven, Mrs. Marion Kilpatrick a patient in Osnawa Hospital and Mrs. Jean Bowen in Oshawa hospital. hospital. Congratulations to Miss Cindy Tamblyn, daughter of Bill and Marie Tamblyn, who recently received her honor of completing 12, 4H projects. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn spent holiday week-end at cottage at Lake Cntchacoma. Sympathy of community to the Terry Fisk families in Pontypool in the loss of their mother, Mrs. Jessie Fisk, who died recently in Lindsay. Lindsay. Funeral was held last Wednesday from Mackey Funeral home. After all our lovely warm weather, it's suddenly turned cold Sat. and Sunday, Sunday, and had to cover the early plants up in garden! Remember to take part in "Participation" day, this year it's Wed. May 29. In Bowmanville it's "walk a block", but haven't heard how far wo have to walk hero in our town I