Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 29,1991 7 Th e Newcastle Independent A Weekly Report of the Happenings in the Milage of Newcastle Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago We extend congratulations congratulations to our own George Walton, of Newcastle Village, Village, who was one of the volunteers volunteers honoured at Community Community Care's awards banquet on Wednesday, May 15. George was among 16 whose combined hours or tasks are over 400 in the last year. This is a great service, service, greatly appreciated. A special thanks to George arid all the Community Care Vôlunteers. A week ago Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell enjoyed a train trip to Chicago. Chicago. Mrs. Beth Markle. Scar- bqrough, Judy Powell and Jill Coombes, Bowmanville, motored there visiting Mr. Harold Powell, Oak Park. All attended the dedication of a new church sign at First United Presbyterian Church at Oak Park, Illinois, in memory of Art Van Bolder. All returned home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley, Willowdale, visited last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. Recent dinner guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skelding, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding and girls, Port Perry. This was a birthday celebration for Jack. On Tuesday Mrs. Pauline Storks attended a public relations relations Children's Aid Society Society meeting in Oshawa. On Wednesday the Newcastle Newcastle Lioness catered the Lions dinner. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Miss Ada Pascoe of Mississauga, who passed away on Tuesday, Tuesday, May 22nd. Last fall Miss Pascoe observed her 90th birthday at the home of niece Pearl and her husband David Rickard. She was one great lady! Birthday greetings to Je- nelle Vasseur, Marlene Murray, Murray, Joan Taylor, Valerie Rudman, Jean Holmes, Ron Burley, Jennifer Woo, Michael Michael St. Pierre. Doua Rickard. Rickard. Congratulations and best wishes to Jean and Glenn Allin who observe their 40th wedding anniversary on June 1st, and to Jack and Jean Holmes who observe their 51st. At Newtonville United Church on Sunday, May 26, a native son, Barry Lane, now of Havelock, was guest preacher and also rendered two solos "Amazing Grace" and "How Great Thou Art." Harry and Mabel Wade enjoyed enjoyed this service. .On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Andrew, Alyssa and friend Rob, Scarborough, Scarborough, Mrs. Dale Hunt and boys, Pontypool visited parents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stanley Powell and enjoyed the Lions Chicken Barbecue at the Newcastle Community Hall. We notice other out-of- town guests at the Lions dinner and after at the Bar- bershoppers' service at the Newcastle United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rickard, Port Perry were guests of her brother and sister-in-law, Marie and Maurice Pedwell. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ashton, Bowmanville, with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson, Robinson, Starkville, and Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa, with Mrs. Kathleen Kimball. On Saturday morning, May 25th, as the flea market market stalls were setting up at the Newcastle Community Hall grounds, the bus trip, sponsored by the Newcastle Horticultural Society, was begun. The Royal Botanical Gardens at Hamilton were beautiful with azaleas, and rhododendrons. The tulips were past but the lilacs were gorgeous. After lunch the bus was driven to Ben Veld- huis greenhouses, Dundas, where cacti and hibiscus filled the buildings. A guided guided tour of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum was most interesting. Some of the planes on display were DeHavilland Chipmunk Chipmunk and Tiger Motn, Beechcraft, Cessna, Hawker Hurricane, Spitfire, Dakota, Avro Anson made of wood. Most were used during World War II. We notice they have an Airshow there on Father's Day. The weath- ay. J . er was delightful during our tour but encountered a couple of heavy showers be-- fore reaching Toronto on the return trip. Thanks to Jean Rickard and Madeleine Buckley for organizing such an enjoyable day. On Tuesday Mrs. Raye Friedlander, Pauline Storks, Isabel Waters and Lena Graham enjoyed a Fun Bus trip to Prince Edward County, visiting Corbyville, Picton and points of interest there. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storks attended the wedding of Susan Lee and Paul Lambert at Kings- view United Church, Oshawa. Mrs. Peggy Visser, Toronto, Toronto, and Mr. Ken Pearce, Orangeville, visited Tuesday with orother Albert Pearce and his wife, Myrtle. Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson were daughters Ruth de Jonge and Mary Grace Milton, of Whitby. Wednesday visitors with Mrs. Gladys Wood were Maxine Felgate, Unionville and Shirley Wood, Oshawa. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harold Wood, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Steward Wood, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood Running for Municipal Office in 1991? You must register before you raise or spend any money for your campaign. To register and to find out what else every candidate should know, consult your local municipal clerk's office, then pick up your copies of the "candidate's guide - municipal elections 1991" and the Municipal Elections Candidate's Brochure. Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ontario TABMCLÆSD CANADA'S LARGEST FASHION FABRIC DISTRIBUTOR BUY "HrGET »free/ LOTS OF FREE PARKING ^FREE ^ 7" or 9" ZIPPER with purchase Wt of any fabric In .thisad, ON SELECTED MERCHANDISE j 60"/150 cm. SELECTED SPORTSWEAR ASSORTED TEXTURES AND BLENDS 60"/150 cm. SELECTED 100% COTTON SHEETING PLAINS Reg. 7.98m. | 60" /150 cm. SELECTED KNITS PLAINS AND Rei STRIPES 7.9 457115 cm. SELECTED PRINTED 547137 cm. SELECTED 457115 cm. SELECTED UPHOLSTERY ISHIRTINGS ENDS (TAPESTRIES, SATEENS,| ETC.) Reg. 14.98 m. CHALLIS NO LIMIT iYOUR CHOICE!! VOGUE PATTERNS t BUY1 at Our Reg. Price, GET, A fate » as? less, same brand) Not valid with any other i discount odors. Offer valid 1 ill June 5/91 Reg. 9.98 m. I 36790 cm. ALL STOCK PLAIN AND PRINTED PLISSÉ R Reg. 100% COTTON 3.98 m.l YARN DYES, STRIPES, MADRAS, ETC. Reg 6 gg m 607150 cm. SELECTED TROPICAL SUITINGS Re , POLYESTER/COTTON 9.98 m. | 54" - 60" SELECTED PRINTED 'SHEETING Reg^98 m. 457115 cm. SELECTED PRINTED COTTONS and POLYESTER/COTTONS | Reg. 6.98 m. All BUY 1 GET 2 FREE SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TILL 9 p.m. JUNE 5 ONLY or while supplies last. I 457115 cm. "GOLA" PLAIN and PRINTED CRASH Reg. I CLOTH 7.98 & 8.98 m. I 600 GRANDVIEW ST. S. 1650 DUNDAS ST. E. OSHAWA WHITBY 436-7589 723-5073 prt Ne ope 1 The next regular meeting Rev. Elizabethville Happenings and children visited Mrs. Gladys Wood. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis, Mississauga. Mississauga. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elas- chuk and boys, Oshawa, were Sunday evening visitors visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade called on Mrs. Elsie Shearer, Oshawa. Newcastle Lions News On May 22nd, President Don Oke chaired the regular meeting of the Newcastle Lions Lions Club. The meeting was held in the Lions Den at the Newcastle Community Hall with the Newcastle Lioness Club catering a delicious salad salad dinner. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by president president Don. After O'Canada and Lions Invocation the fine meal was enjoyed by 28 Lions and one guest. After dinner four birthdays birthdays were celebrated, Lions Fred Couch, Dick Lovekin, George Rickard and a special special milestone birthday for Lion Sid DeJong. Correspondence was read by the secretary and committee committee reports were called for by the chairman. Lion George Rickard reported that the Lions shirts that had been ordered would soon be ready. The chicken barbecue committee passed out a work sheet snowing the job positions each Lion is expected to perform at the barbecue on May 26th. President President Don asked for volunteers volunteers for a painting project on the new entrance to the Community Hall. This is scheduled for June 8th and will complete the latest Lions Lions Project. Lion Fred Couch made a iresentation on behalf of the ewcastle Senior Citizens. As President of the Newcastle Newcastle Seniors, Fred presented the Newcastle Lions with a donation of $200.00 for all the times the Lions Den has been made available to the Seniors over the past year. Lion Tony Clements brought a request from the Ontario Sea Scouts for a donation. donation. This money would be used for a fun project at the 40th Ontario Sea Scout Rendezvous Rendezvous in August. The project project would also be named after after the donor. The amount of $75 was passed for this project. project. Lion Tony Clements and his wife Mary along with Lion Mike Carter and his wife Jeannie attended the 60th anniversary of the Port Hope Lions Club on Saturday, Saturday, May 25th. This gala event was held at the Port Hope Lions Hall. egi of the Newcastle Lions Glut will be held at the Lions Den on June 12th with dinner dinner being served at 7:00 p.m. Guest are always welcome, welcome, please call Lion Gord Moulton at 987-5047. St. George's Anglican Church On Trinity Sunday, May 26 the 159th anniversary of the first service in the original original church near St. George's Cemetery, Holy Communion was celebrated at eight, and Morning Prayer and Baptism Baptism at eleven. The baby daughter of Jeffrey and Christine Fox was christened christened Meghan Christine Mary by the Rector, The " . D.W. I" " " By Edna Thickson The Elizabethville United Church Women Unit II held their May meeting at Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacock's on Tuesday. Mrs. Ken Trew, President, presided at the meeting and had the devotional devotional part which was entitled entitled "Mother Mary". The minutes were read and approved. approved. Roll call was given, Mrs. J. Peacock had the program program - Why decline in membership membership in the United Hall. The godpar ents are Mary-Lyn Jacob and Kyrke Innis. Present were Meghan's grandpar-' ents Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pox of Newcastle and The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Sharpe. The flowers above the Altar were given in memory of their parents by Grace and Harold Gibson. The congregation is looking looking forward to the Auction Sale this Saturday, June 1, at 11:30 in the Parish Hall. Frank Stapleton is the auctioneer auctioneer and there should be some interesting items on the block. Everyone is searching his and her attic and basement for saleable collectables. Lunch will be served and there will also be a pie sale. On Sunday, June 2, there will be Holy Communion at eight and eleven. The Midweek Midweek service on June 5 is cancelled as the Rector will be attending the Bishop's Conference at Trent University, University, Peterborough. United Church Rev. Donald Stiles and Mr. Francis Jose attended the Bay of Quinte Conference Conference last week in Napanee. Beautiful bouquets of lilacs lilacs adorned the Newcastle United Church on U.C.W. Sunday, May 26th. Mrs. Erla Jose led the service and Shirley Coyle told the children's children's story. Special music was supplied by Dorothy McIntyre and Joan Russell of Maple Grove, who sang The Lord is my Shepherd and He Touched Me. Mrs. Sylvia Vanhaver- beke, who is taking her Master Master of Divinity at Toronto School of Theology, was guest speaker. Her sermon, Journey from Darkness to Light inspired the congregation congregation to feel God's presence, to listen and to communicate. communicate. Refreshments were served following the service. Sunday, June 2nd is Sunday Sunday School Anniversary with Mrs. Ann Burnham, speaker. speaker. Sunday School picnic, follows follows at the Jose's. Bring your lawn chair and mug. Sunday, June 9 - Holy Communion will be celebrated. celebrated. At 6:30 p.m. S.S. Campfire Campfire at the Jim Coyle's. Please take note of the summer schedule: Kirby, June 30th, July 14 and 28; Orono, July 7 and 21; Newcastle, Newcastle, August and Sept. 1. Evening worship conducted conducted by the Horseless Carri- agemen was a very enjoyable enjoyable event. Thirty-five barbershoppers and the congregation congregation enjoyed an evening evening hymnsing led by Mr. Harold Silver prior to the service. The Country Four, and Chorus opened the program program led by the Rev. John Brown whose sermon was based on the importance of speech. One charity for which the barbershoppers sing is Harmonizing Harmonizing for Speech and they have raised funds for the Campbell school in Oshawa. Some of the songs rendered by the chorus and quartets . were I Believe, Nearer My God to Thee, How Great Thou Art, Amazing Amazing Grace, Ride the Chariot, Now the Day is Over and their theme song We Sing That They Shall Speak. Church? - taken from a piece in the Sunday Star and a chapter from a book 'Love You Forever'. Lunch was provided by Mrs. Trew and she and Mrs. Peacock served it. The next meeting is June 11th. The ladies and some of the children have been busy cleaning up the church for our Heritage Day. The 135th Anniversary of the building of the Elizabethville Church will take place June 23rd at 2:30 p.m. at the church. A service will be followed by a social time. There will be photo and memento displays. displays. Everyone is welcome. The seniors met as usual on Thursday, not as big a crowd as usual. On Sunday afternoon, the opening day for Dorothy's House for the summer was 1 held with a very good crowd attending. Cookies and tea were served. Tea was poured by Jean Retallick and Mary Gardiner. Church services were very well attended. Rev. Sedgwick conducted the opening prayers and the opening hymn and responsive responsive readings. The lesson was taken from Ezekiel 37:1-14 and Acts 2:1-21. Expressions Expressions of Worship was put on by the choir. "Spirit of Gentleness" was sung by Judy Taylor, Julie Foster and June Smith with guitar accompaniment. The sermon was "Life giving giving Wind and Fire" celebrating celebrating the day of Pentecost, the Greek name for the Israelite festival of wheat harvest. Pentecost (meaning fiftieth) comes from the fact that the feast was held fifty days after after Passover. After the service, service, a meeting was held by the session. Coffee was served at the close of announcements. announcements. Don't forget the Strawberry Supper June 21st. June 2nd, 1:30 p.m. a plaque honoring Edward E. Dodds will be unveiled at Canton Cemetery. Suitable ceremony by re-enactors from the Civil War Roundtable, Roundtable, Canadian Chapter, including including a Methodist preacher preacher of the 1860's. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew had tea with Joan and Wayne and family on Sunday. Sunday. Mae Muldrew was with the McIntoshs on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew, Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacock were driving around Sunday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peacock in Peterborough, Peterborough, and went on and called at Mr. and Mrs. Don Setterington, Bailieboro and stayed there for dinner. Mrs. Irene Beatty had mary with her and visited Don and Barbara Powell and stayed for supper on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quan- trill were with John Quan- trill and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fowler entertained with fireworks on Sunday evening evening and had most of the family there as well as neighbors. Nancy and I were to Toronto Toronto on Tuesday. We were lucky we didn't go the day of the truck strike. I got a good report and have only to learn to walk again. There was no therapy at the complex on Monday so I was home that day. Paul Quan trill played again last week and several were able to see him on T.V. especially if you had a dish. Cancer can be beaten. I'lcnsc give generously. rvunuM I Will (AMI* rly (AMAOEM* XX* rr X DURHAM THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee will consider at a meeting to be held on: Tuesday, June 04,1991, AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 1615 DUNDAS ST. E„ WHITBY 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER, WEST BUILDING, WHITBY MALL AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The amendment, as submitted by the applicant, proposes a single family residential lot at the site indicated indicated on the map below. .ciu :i r n Subsequently, the Regional Council will consider the recommendation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be held on: Wednesday, June 12,1991, AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report related to the proposed amendment is available for inspection in the offices of the Planning Planning Department, 1615 Dundas St. E., 4th Floor, Lang Tower West Building, Whitby Mall, Whitby, or by calling Matt Mazuryk, Planning Department (Whitby) 728-7731/(Toronto) 686-1651. Requests to make a presentation before the Planning Committee concerning the proposed amendment amendment must be forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P., Commissioner of Planning, 1615 Dundas St. E., 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Building, Whitby Mall, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 6A3, and should be received by Friday preceding the meeting. Requests to make a presentation before the Regional Council concerning the proposed amendment must be forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 6A3, and should be received 48 hours prior to the-Regional Council Meeting. FILE NO.: OP A 90-079 Gary Herrema Regional Chairman C. W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk Enter the Bowmanville Strawberry Princess Pageant Competition is open to young ladies ages 13 to 19 in 1991 Contestants will be judged on poise, personality and their skill in answering pre-arranged questions. Contestants also to be judged on a dessert made from fresh strawberries. Downtown Merchants may seek candidates to represent their business in the contest or someone wishing to enter the contest may ask a DBIA member merchant to sponsor them. You could win $500.00 Pageant will be held Saturday, June 22nd Name Age. Address School - Telephone Number- Nome of business _. Sponsor's Signature. t IÏÏ iii: id va ii: BOWMANVILLE ■USJNIM CINTBI 1989 Strawberry Princess Sarah Barnard Entries submitted to The Canadian Statesman office at 62 King Street W„ bowmanville, by 4 p.m, Friday, June 7th,