» Section Two Durham West W.I. Meeting -- , utno Vtnlsl -wnzmnflir Vxv AvT or! nn U ~ „ ,1 I A...... --t- ^ ^ Members of nine branches branches of Durham West District W.I. gathered at Maranatha Christian Reformed Church on May 9, 1991, for the annual annual meeting. District President President Loveline Cathcart presided presided and in the absence of the Providence-Shaw's president, president, the guests were welcomed welcomed by Shirley Brown. The president gave a brief outline of her District visits. Brenda Metcalf presented the entry list for tne Orono Fair Display for September. Branches are to report to the committee by June 10th on their intention to make a display. The first item of business was the date of the Central Area Convention, November 13 and 14, the theme being, "Tuned to the Times". Nomi nations for Central Area Vice President are being received. received. Delegates and alternates alternates were chosen. The Pun Fair will be hosted by Hampton in the fall. An executive meeting to prepare for this will be at the Cathcart home on September September 9 at 1:30 p.m. It was moved that we continue to save pennies for friendship and for a break, Margaret Ford led us in some action songs. Provincial Board Director Corrine Croxall began her address by bringing greetings greetings from the three Tvfarga- rets" of F.W.I.O., Past President President Margaret Munro, President "Peggy" Knapp and President elect Margaret Margaret Eberle. She spoke of the Curator's workshop that was held recently by Marion Wiseman. She explained that the increase in fees was to produce a newsletter and to build up funds for a time when government suooort is gone. "Environmental Days" at the Agriculture Museum are May 26 and 27. Beauti-, ful gifts have been donated to tne National Convention in B.C. and donors were thanked. F.W.I.O. has openings openings for Pres, elect, P.K.O., and Program Co-Ordinator if anyone is wanting a Provincial Provincial position. The '92 Conference will be at Lake- head University on August 7,8,9. Branch Secretaries have information on the E late competition. At the ee Home- June 4-5, June Days Theme is weddings; Aug. 24 Victorian Tea Theme is Fans and Parasols; Parasols; October 2-3 Harvest Festival Theme is Wheat Sheaves and Bread Baking; Dec. 4 is Christmas at the Lee. The new curator at the Lee is Jennifer Dunkerson. The popularity of Hospitality Hospitality Homes is spreading. The Home and Country Task Force is ready to publish a Many Flags Fly at Drumhead Service a You are invited to Ontario Hydro's Darlington Nuclear Generating Station OPEN HOUSE Sunday, June 23,1991 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. There will be a bus tour, a walking tour, displays, and refreshments, and it's all free! Exit 425 MAP TO DARUNGTON G. S. To Oshawa Highway 401 South Service R iad nformatlon Centre To Port Hope Exit 431 2^. South Service Road N Parking Entrance For more details call the Information Centre at Darlington at 623-7122. You can also arrange a tour of the site at other times by contacting the Information Centre. Remembrance was the uppermost theme of the well-attended Zone F-l Legion Legion Drumhead Service on Sunday afternoon at the old arena site on Queen Street. The colorful event began at the host Branch 178 headquarters where representatives representatives from 10 Legion branches and their Ladies Auxiliaries assembled for their parade to the cenotaph where a wreath was laid. The local Legion pipe band led the large group with flags flying and it made quite a spectacular sight as they approached the drumhead drumhead site, where other members members were seated on chairs and the grass. A large flatbed trailer had been loaned by Preston Transport for the special guests, including district, zone and branch officers as well as several civic dignitaries. dignitaries. Zone Commander Dave Dunham welcomed everyone to the event to begin the program. program. After 0 Canada was sung, there was a minute's silence in remembrance. The Last Post, Lament and Reveille Reveille were sounded by bugler Adam Goodwin and piper Bruce Anderson. This was followed by the depositing of the dozens of flags, the branch colors, and the traditional piling of the drums, in the form of an altar. altar. Chairman Ken Davies introduced introduced the many guests, including Ross Stevenson, M.P., Gord Mills, M.P.P. and Acting Mayor Diane Hamre, each of whom brought greetings greetings later in brief speeches. fpINGLE'Sf FARM MARKET PICK YOUR OWN AND READY PICKED STRAWBERRIES! FRESH PICKED VEGETABLES IN SEASON • QUALITY BEDDING PLANTS • SWEET CORN, TOMATOES • VEGETABLES BY THE BUSHEL * OPEN DAILY Phone for picking conditions and hours Taunton RdVCourtice Rd. 725-6089 » Branch President Jim Connell was also given an opportunity to extend a local welcome to guests. Zone Padre Bishop Alfred Woolcock read scripture and offered a prayer. Deputy Zone Commander Commander Bette Porter introduced the guest speaker, Alf Brise- bois, who is the District Commander. He began by reviewing the fine record of Canada's military forces in the several wars during this century and paid tribute to those who had died defending this country. He also was quite critical of the federal government for allowing the national cenotaph at Ottawa to lapse into disrepair while, at the same time, money was being spent lavishly on a raw meat piece of art. Mention was also made of the recent apology by the Japanese to those Canadi- . ans who had been mistreated mistreated when captured at Hong Kong in the early days of World War II. He considered the apology long overdue and inadequate. Past Zone Commander Doug Walton expressed the group's thanks to the speaker speaker for an excellent address. Following the closing cer-. emony, the colors were retired, retired, the parade moved off and marched past a reviewing reviewing stand, returning to Branch 178 for refreshments and dismissal. O.P.P. Awards Night Held in ^Peterborough ' ' ' Superintendent R. B. Wheeler of Ontario Provincial Provincial Police, Peterborough District Headquarters is pleased to announce that on Wednesday, June 26, 1991 the Ontario Provincial Police Police Awards Presentation Ceremony will be held at the Holiday Inn, 150 George Street North, Peterborough. Deputy Commissioner J.E. Szarka will be attending attending to present awards on behalf behalf of Commissioner T.B. O'Grady to nine citizens and four OPP members in recognition recognition of acts of bravery and life saving. A total of eleven OPP members will receive the Long Service and Good Conduct Conduct Medal, awarded for a minimum of twenty years of good service; a Force civilian employee will receive her twenty year service award and a further ten members and one civilian employee will receive their Quarter Century Club Pins recognizing recognizing the completion of twenty-five twenty-five years in the Ontario Public Service. Members of the media are invited to attend the Awards Ceremony which commences at 6:00 p.m. new magazine. There were 245 Bread Baking partici- E ants and the next course is lecor Accents. The new award, that is being given to men who contribute to F.W.I.O., is sponsored by the F.W.I.O. The Butler project kits are ready for the schools. Reprints of the changed handbook pages are available for $1.00. The final words of her address was to make sure that the farm wife was listed as a farmer on the Agricultural Census if she was actively farming. Providence - Shaw's Branch served lunch, similar similar to one you would have in the Netherlands. Guest Luncheon speaker, Jim Hamilton, owner of Welcome Welcome Feeds, told of the difficult difficult life of the farmers in Haiti, the women working there for a feed company, he bought and sold corn from women who had taken the kernals off by hand and measured their crop by coffee coffee cans. Along with the responsibility responsibility of earning a few dollars dollars by continuous physical labour, the women have the responsibility of caring for the home and raising the children,. Jim was thanked with a donation which he will direct to an organization organization in Haiti to help farming women. The In Memoriam remembered remembered Edith Welsh and Jessie Slemon from the Bow- manyille Branch and Irene McKee from Nestleton, three District members who are with us no longer. Reports were given by B. Watson, Program Coordinator, Coordinator, M. Wiseman, Curator, Curator, and S. Brown, P.R.O. Barbara Weese, R.O.S., motivated us with "tools" that organizations can use. Corrine Croxall proceeded proceeded with the installation of officers officers for 1991-1992. Past President - Viola Ashton, President - Loveline Cathcart, Cathcart, 1st Vice President - Margaret Ford, 2nd Vice President - Brenda Metcalf, Secretary - Shirley Brown, Asst. Secretary - Maijorie Prescott, Treasurer - Thelma Thelma Gilbank, P.R.O. - Bernice Bernice Watson, Alt. P.R.O. - Blaikie Rowsell, Curator - Marion Wiseman, 1st Asst. Curator - Lyra Flintoff, 2nd Asst. Curator - Vera Downey, Downey, Auditors - Annabelle Rickard, Shirley Moffat, Resolutions - Vi Ashton, Program Program Co-Ordinator - Ber- neice Milligan, Asst. Pro. Co-Ordinator .- Lois ,Yellow- lees. Solina Branch ' thanked the hostesses and extended an invitation to Solina for the 1992 annual meeting. Shirley Brown, District P.R.O. The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, June 19,1991 5 Ten Branches Take Part in Legion Drumhead Service Sunday \> <js$i The old arena site on Queen Street in Bowmanville was. an ideal site for Sunday's Zone F-l Legion Drumhead, Drumhead, service attended by representatives of all 10 branches in tire zone. They assembled on the parking lot at Branch 178 headquarters, led by the branch's pipe band, marched west on King St. to Temperance where a wreath was laid at the cenotaph before the parade headed south down the hill to the drumhead site. Nearly 100 chairs had been provided for spectators, spectators, and the overflow crowd stood or sat on the grass during the proceedings. Civic and Legion dignitaries were located on a large trailer for the program which included the colorful placing of flags and the stacking of drums as portrayed in these photos. It was the first time the old Arena site had been used for an event of any kind since the building was torn down. TER GRAHAM'S IGA A NEW WORD'S ON THE STREET. THE 1992 PASEO NOW AT VANDERMEER TOYOTA The 1992 Paseo has everyone talking and it's no wonder! The P stands for precision engineering. The A stands for aerodynamic design. The S stands for sleek styling. The E stands for ergonomically-designed cockpit. And, the 0 stands for ON THE STREETS NOW. Catch the new word on the streets: PASEO! Get yours today at Vandermeer Toyota. TAVATA 1992 PASEO SPORT COUPE IUYU IA $10 onooo The promise of something better. •12,998' Vandermeer Toyota 959 Division St. 372-5437 Cobourg "The Import Comer" To our customers: As many of you know, during the month of May our store, as well as every other IGA experienced great difficulty in obtaining grocery supplies. This problem was the result of a strike by truck drivers and warehouse workers at Oshawa Foods, our main wholesale supplier. Over that one month period, many of our shelves were empty or halffull at best and numerous advertised specials were unavailable, thus greatly inconveniencing you, our customers. The support you showed us by continuing to shop at our store under these adverse conditions, was truly overwhelming. We are now getting back to a normal delivery schedule and we should have a good supply of most items. As always, we will gladly redeem all rainchecks for advertised items we ran short of. Thank you for your business. It is greatly appreciated. We look forward to serving you soon. Sincerely, Ross and Isabel Graham and the Staff Graham's IGA GRAHAM'S IGA, BOWMANVILLE