i. : . i . ' y< v v 'i ■ : . ■■ - - - St. Sn&rtfo's fcmbgtortan C&ur$& Temperance and Church St., Bowmanville SUNDAY, JUNE 23RD, 1991 11:00 a.m. Church Service Nursery Care The Salvation Army Bowmanville Citadel 75 Liberty St. S. CHURCH SERVICE TIMES 9:30 a.m. Family Christian Education (Sunday School) . 11:00 a.m. -- Holiness Worship 6:30 p.m. -- Praise Service Come and join us at a Community Church where Christ makes the difference. For more information call 623-3761 Corps Officers/Pastors: Captain and Mrs. G. Cooper 159 Year» of Community Service $t< Joint's Snelitatt Cfrorcd Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario SUNDAY, JUNE 23RD, 1991 TRINITY IV 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. Morning Prayer No services at Courtice for the summer Each Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying on of Hands for Healing Rector -- The Reverend Canon Byron Yates, B.A., S.T.B. Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D. Langley Bowmanville Baptist Church Third concession west of Liberty Street PASTOR: Roger Fellows 9:45 a.m. Sunday School - all ages - 11:00 a.m. Spiritual Warfare 6:30 p.m. Studies in Isaiah Tuesday: 6:45 p.m. Family Night Nursery open at all services For further information call 623-3000 or 623-9235 gt. Raul's Minister: Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7361 SUNDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1991 NOTE: SUMMER HOURS SERVICE AT 10:00 AM. "How To Overcome" There will be a congregational meeting following the service to consider the "Proposal for additional facilities and elevator access to St. Paid's." We welcome the members of Trinity who will be worshipping with us. Nursery care for pre-school children every Sunday If you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you to make St. Paul's your church home by Michelle Balson Sunday was the day we honour our dads. It is known as Father's Day. I trust all fathers had a relaxing day. I'm sure they really depreciated depreciated the fish tie ana the polka dotted shorts. Keep up the good work dads, we love you. Now, on a more newsy note, some local baseball facts. Hampton's Pee Wee girls played a great game on Tuesday, June 11th against the Courtice B team. The Hampton team cleaned them out with a final score of 21-3! Two home runs were hit by Amy Dredge and Tracy Tracy Vanginnoven. Way to go, girls! Wednesday's Euchre Card Party also had some fine results. Eileen Warder took first place with a final score of 90. She also had the Most Lone Hands with 5. Wilma Kantor was second with 80. Mary Finney had 76. Not far behind with 75 was Agnes Schofield. Helen Gilroy was fifth with 73. The Most Honest Player went to Carl Ferguson. Dave Hall won the Special. Draw prize winners were Bernice Wells, Barb Cochrane, Ruth Gray, Verna Robinson and Aileen Turner. On Thursday the Hampton Hampton Community Association held their official monthly meeting. The minutes were read and approved. The business at hand was the final final preparations for Saturday's Saturday's Monte Carlo Night. It was also discussed about helping Hampton's baseball teams buy a chalk lining machine. A motion was put forth and seconded.' Some real happy news. Hampton has a new resident. resident. Scott and Lee (nee White) Gray had a healthy baby boy on Friday. He was born at the Oshawa General Hospital. Mother and baby are doing fine and will be home this week. Congratulations. Congratulations. On Saturday, the Hampton Hampton Community Association held a Monte Carlo Night. It was a fundraiser for the Hampton Playground. We would like to thank everyone everyone who came out to show their support. Your presence was greatly appreciated. I don't know if it was the weather. Being cottage sea- Newcastle Kin Attend Ottawa ' Convocation Marg and Joe Hockin of Oakville were recent weekend guests of Dr. Jamie and Shirley Hockin and their children, Sean and Allison, in Ottawa. On June 10th, they attended a convocation ceremony where Jamie received his Master of. Science (Epidemiology) from the University of Ottawa. He is an epidemiologist. (disease detective) with the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control of Health and Welfare Canada. Marg and Joe visited with her brother Albert Pearce and his wife Myrtle in Newcastle on their way home. son and all or what, but unfortunately unfortunately it was not a good turn-out. It was a great disappointment disappointment not to see more Hampton residents there. What's wrong here people? We are not doing this for ourselves. It's for you and all your children so they may nave a safe and fun place to play. Playground equipment will be erected for kids of all ages. Let's hope in the future we will see more residents come out and show their support for our growing community. community. A warm welcome was extended extended to everyone worshipping worshipping at the Hampton United Church on Sunday. Alexander Alexander James, the son of Kevin and Darlene (Ferguson) Sak- uratoff was welcomed into the Fellowship. At the Summer services there will be a time for a junior congregation during Sunday School time. Other Church news. Don't forget the Eldad- Hampton Picnic Sunday, June 23. Outdoor services begin at 11 at the Hampton Park followed by a Pot-Luck luncheon, games and races. If the weather does not cooperate cooperate the event will be moved into the Hampton Church. Please note that there will be an Adult Club Car Rally on Saturday, July 6th. The rally begins at the Hampton Church at 7 p.m. A Strawberry Social will be held at Ron and Gladys White's home later at 8:30 p.m. There will be Community Bridal Shower for Shelda Jackson on Thursday, June 27th at 8 p.m. This happy event will be held in the C.E. wing of Hampton's United Church. I just received a phone call on some very disturbing news. On Thursday, Joe Jackson suffered a veiy severe severe heart attack. You would never expect it to happen happen to such a happy go lucky guy. Joe was taken to Memorial Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. Bowmanville. He is still in intensive care and cannot receive any visitors right now. On behalf of myself and the many friends, relatives, and neighbors neighbors of the Jacksons, we wish Joe a speedy recovery. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 19,1991 £ Quantrill Car Salesmen Turn into BBQ Chefs for T.G.I.F. Sale _;"**$* ir I «.r ■ ■ i ■ vfE. if : The Sales staff of Quantrill's Chev-Olds dealership in Port Hope became week-end barbecue chefs during last Friday's T.G.I.F. promotion. Besides offering many great deals on new and used G.M. cars and trucKS, free hot dogs and pop enticed passers-by. Pic tured above dishing out the dogs are Sales Manager Terry Holmes, President John Quantrill, Salesman Howard Smith, and customers Jim Finn and Mike Durham. I Graduation I We have creative suggestions Save 25% off Bulova, Pulsar, Lorus Watches (Free Inscriptions) B.H.S. School Rings, 10 Karat Gold Graduation Charms, I.D. Bracelets ALL SPECIALLY PRICED HOOPER'S JEWELLERS 39 King St. W. 623-5747 Bowmanville llgfg ; V7 ;' *'■ r r §§ |§§gfg §§§§| jfnimü : list Seiiniie Bwiil Garth Mooney Service Manager Scott Hallowell Parts Manager J. E. QUANTRILL CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE - CADILLAC LTD. Hwy. # 2 East End of Port Hope 885-4575 1990 Buick Century Ltd. , 1990 Caprice Br. 1990 Buick Regal Ltd. Blue, V6, loaded, mint, 18,00Q:km. ,pk. Blue, loaded, 22,000 km. Blue, loaded, mint, 28,000 km. $17,900. if $19,500. $16,995. 1988 Chev Suburban Brown, V8, auto, 6 passenger, 93,000 km. $12,995. .-CiEH- - 1990 Sprint 1990 Olds 98 Br. 1990 Olds 88 Br Grey, 2 dr., 5 sp., 9,000 km. Blue, loaded, 18,000 km., mint Maroon, loaded, mint, 32,000 km. 1990 sprint $7,995. $23,900. $19,500. White, 4dr., 5 sp.,30,000 km. $7,895. , .... : ' 1989 Chev S10 Black, V6, auto, 49,000 km. $11,500. 1989 Olds 98 Br. 1989 Beretta 1989 Caprice Wagon Grey, loaded. 50,000 km. Rec i. V6, air, auto, mint, 43,000 km. Blue, V8, air, loaded, 54,000 km. $17,900. _ $11,900. $14,500. 1989 Chev 1990 Scottsdale 4x4 Silver, 6 cyl„ auto $8,995. Blue/Blue, air, auto. 32,000 km. 1989 Chev - $11,900. -- White, 6 cyl., auto, 57,000 km. 1989 Celebrity Wagon .. 1 989 Ciera Br. 1989 Suzuki Brown, V6, air, 55,000 km. Maroon - V6 ' loadeçk 39J100 km. Blue, 5 sp., 59,000 km. $12.500. $14,500. $6,195. ' r nmrm- - ■ ' 'y- T ~~tr 1989 Chev S10 Grey, V6, auto, 58,000 km. $11,599. 1989 Tracker Grey, 5 sp. $8,995. 1989 Cavaliers . 1986 firebird 1988 Ciera Br. 1989 Chev S10 1988 Chev 1 Ton Dump Maroon or Blue, three to choose White, air, 6 cyl., auto, absolutely Silver, V6, loaded, mint, 43,000 km. Gold, V6, auto, 48,000 km. White, 350, std., 40,000 km tom, tow km. From $7,999. mint 7S '°°° km - $$,995. $11,990. $10,900. $14,995. '"■"W'"' 1 ' ■ ~ f <L ] „ f-XVv 1989 Beretta GT Black, loaded, 67,000 km. $11.900. J Vi . 1 4 ' X ,1 1988 Sprint Blue, 5 sp., 67,000 km. $5,995. 1988 Caprice Grey, V6, air, 49,000 km. $11,500. B9B@ 1988 Ford Bronco 1988 Chev S10-4x4 Black/Gold, loaded. Blue, air, locks and windows, cruise $12,900. mint, 67,000 km. $13,500. 1987 Olds 88 Br. Grey, V6, loaded $9,995. 1989 Firebird Formula 1986 Monte Carlo SS 1990 Chev Sports Van 1988 Chev Pick-up Black/Silver, V8, air, T-bar, mint $15,900 ! White, V8, loaded $12,500. Blue, 7 psg., V8, loaded, mint. Red/White, V8, auto, 51,000 km. $19,500. 1988 Chev Plck-upvll»500. Maroon/Silver, V6, auto $9,800. 1984 Buick Skylark Silver, 4 cyl,, auto $3,595. 1986 Cavalier Z24 1987 Pontiac Acadian Black, V6,5 sp., air Red, 4 cyl., std., mint, 52,000 km. $7,895. $5,500. 1987 Chev Astro Maroon, V6, air 1989 Blazer $11,900. Blue. 2 w.d„ V6, air. 76,000 km., 1 V if Vi 1 m 'V| v\ fera U V ■j m ink mjk P É El I il mint lisaai fcoa an, ro,uuu mu., $14,900. CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE - CADILLAC LTD. Hwy. # 2 East End of Port Hope Telephone 885-4575 Aii | i/ki iwWa Mon, - Thura, 9:00a.m. » 8:00p.m. SALES HOURS E rida t 900am - 6oo?.m ^ Saturday 9:00 n.m. -5:00 p.m. PARTQ SL QCDVirC Mon.'FrL 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. rMn I O Of OCnViVt Saturday 8:00..m.-1:00p.m. til b 1989 Chev Blazer Blue, loaded, 42,000 km. $18,900, Ï3? 1989 GMC S15 White, V6, auto, 32,000 km. $12,500. U..i i ; i i