i 12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 3,1991 Quotations Graduation Held at Durham C.H.S. FREE PICK UPON Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS X ar< * 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 44-tfS. ONTARIO ; GOVERNMENT TENDER : NOTICE TO EQUIPMENT OWNERS •The following equipment is required by the Ministry of Transporation, ;Port Hope District, for Winter Maintenance Operations. INQUIRY # 7-91-22. ER. LOADERS -One (1) - 4 wheel drive,, rubber tired, front end loader with a minimum 1 •1/2 cubic yard (1.15 m3) bucket capacity and a minimum 15,600 ib. (7,076 kg.) SAE operating weight rating, is required at each of the following following locations: -Lindsay, Norwood, Roseneath, IHwys. #401 and #30. Bobcaygeon, Lorneville and Jet. of •NOTE: Capacity of Loaders bid shall be rated as per "Ontario Road (Builders Assoc., Construction Equipment 14th Ed." Above loaders shall •be equipped with a cab and blue rotating light and be supplied with no backhoe attachment and without operator. ; INQUIRY # 7-91-20 ER. Spreader Trucks Tandem Axle Trucks with a minimum G.V.W. of 20,400 kg., for mounting mounting 6.13 cubic metre power spreaders, are required at the following Ministry Patrol yards: One (1) Truck - Port Hope District Complex Two (2) Trucks - Newcastle. Young's Point, Roseneath, Bobcaygeon, Coboconk, Lorneville Three (3) Trucks - Lindsay, Norwood Four (4) Trucks - Grafton, Brighton NOTE: Bidders must hold a valid operating license issued by the Ministry Ministry for the carriage of "Road Construction Materials" in the bidders name at the time of tender opening. INQUIRY # 7-91 -21. ER. SNOWPLOW TRUCKS Snowplow truck/trucks required for a Two (2) year contract, 1991/92 and 1992/93 at each of the following Ministry Patrol yards: One (1 ) Truck - Newcastle, Bobcaygeon, Brighton, and Coboconk Two (2) Trucks - Lindsay Sealed Tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry will be received by the District Engineer, until 1:30 p.m. local time; WEDNESDAY JULY 31.1991 Specifications, tender forms and envelopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the District Tenders Office, P.O. Box 150,138 Hope St. ' North, Port Hope, Ontario L1A 3W3. Telephone 416-885-6381 Ext. 271. NOTES: The Ministry permits equipment owners to bid simultaneously on more than one location while being the owner of only one piece of equipment. Should the equipment owner be successful on more than one location, the Ministry reserves the right to decide which location to award the bidder, based on the greatest Benefit to the taxpayer. When requesting tenders please specify: inquiry NUMBER and type of operation (plowing, sanding, loader) number of vehicles to be bid for each Inquiry Number and number of locations to be bid for each Inquiry Inquiry Number. A separate tender form is required for each Inquiry Number; each Vehicle; each Location. •The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Ministry of Transportation Ministère des Transports Ontario 27-2S THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE QUOTATION SEALED QUOTATIONS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements, listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Quotation Documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office Office at the above address: Quotation 091-13 - TREE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Closing Time and Date: 4:00 p.m. (local time) Wednesday, July 17,1991 The lowest or any guotation not necessarily accepted. À7/?1f VV7*r/A Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett L \C fwlWiPt Purchasing and Suoolv Aqe Telephone : (416) 623-3379 Ext. 268 QNIAütO Dgte of Publication: by Goby Veenstra "Showboat" was the decorative decorative theme of graduation at Durham Christian High, on June 17, 1991. As is traditional traditional at DCHS, the grade 11 class give the graduating class its decorations and dinner dinner for grads and parents, as a farewell gift. Every year the theme is a deep secret until the big moment actually actually arrives, and every year again, it is amazing to find that the kids have thought up something totally new and different yet again. Medieval castles, oriental dragons, high class hotel dining hall, and many more creative dreams became reality reality in Durham's gym over the years. This years class also came up with a new and exciting plan. They built the prow of a showboat as the stage and disguised the lectern as part of the bridge. The breath-taking sunset painted behind this whole set completed the picture. Artist, Ed Hagedoom, the two grade 11 classes and their home room teachers OSHAWA - In a controversial decision, the Durham Board of Education has established a "user pay" system system for its schools. As a result,, the Durham Region Dwight Shenk and Jeremy YMCA claims that it will either have to reduce pro- troops from the back of a truck, grams or drastically increase fees charged to participants participants in some programs. The school board has decided that, as of September 1, it will charge rent on a cost- recovery basis for any school used by community groups. Subsidies can still be granted. But, without the subsidization, YMCA officials expect costs could increase from $40,000 to $60,000. " WHITBY -- There's no agreement yet on the removal of PCB chemicals stored on the derelict P.E.I. ferry which is in Whitby Harbour. The Ontario government opened the door to the possibility of removing the PCBs about eight weeks ago. A spokesperson for the owner of the snip stated that they were very close to an agreement on removal of the PCBs. OSHAWA -- Elementary teaching staff employed by the Durham Board of Education have reached a new, one-year contract with the Board. The pay hike will give them at least a five per cent salary increase and will give elementary school teachers parity with Durham's Durham's secondary school teachers. Starting September 1, the basic salaries of teachers, principals, vice principals principals and consultants will increase by an amount based on the increase in the consumer price index plus one half of one per cent. The total increase cannot cannot be less than five per cent or more than seven per cent. Current salaries for Durham elementary teachers teachers range between $22,000 and $60,000, depending on qualifications. Lise entertain the Trish Rhebergen gets from Sharon Broersma. Reader Wants To Know if We Are "Canucks" Dear Editor: Are there any Canadians in Bowmanville? If you were around in Bowmanville ' on Canada Day (which was on July 1st), you would have been disgusted disgusted with the people in this unpatriotic town. There was not any signs, parades, or any ceremonies that marked this day from being different from any other holiday. holiday. V Durham College The college for your life time offers you courses and programs to start, advance in, or change your career. There's still time to apply for: • Air Transport Technology - 3 year diploma • Electronic Technology - 3 year diploma • Electronic Technician - 2 year diploma • Mechanical Technology - 3 year diploma • Food and Drug Technology - 3 year diploma • Civil Technology - 3 year diploma • Civil Technician - 2 year diploma • Quality Engineering Technician - 2 year diploma • Business - 2 and 3 year diploma • Legal Administration - 3 year diploma • Retail Management - 3 year diploma • Public Relations - 3 year diploma • Food and Beverage - 2 year diploma • Entertainment Administration -2 year diploma Durham College buses serve Pickering and Ajax For more information, or to register call the Admissions Office 576-0210 ext. 244 Together, we put your dreams to work. □D DURHAM COLLIOI P.O. Box 385 Tel. 416-576-0210 2000 Slmcoe St N. TDD 416-571-5560 Oshawa, ON LIH7L7 Fax 416-436-9774 It seems that the strawberry strawberry festival was far more important than Canada Day. This is very unconventional unconventional for a town that is so proud of its heritage. Would it have been so hard for the town council to plan an' event? Without any of these events, how are we supposed to teach the youth of this town to be proud of this country that we call ours? Many people have given their lives to make a better Canada and we cannot even give a morning or afternoon to show our gratitude. During the census, there were groups saying to count us Canadian. With the given response, there are not too many Canadians living in the town and especially in our local government. If we want a better Canada, Canada, then town council should announce our pride for at least one day a year with a parade or fireworks. A proud Canadian, ' Terry E. Darby, 82 Lawrence Gres., Bowmanville, Ont. Editor's note: Guess you must have missed out on the celebration at the Museum where 300 gathered and the fireworks and service at Liberty Liberty Pentecostal Church on Sunday night. True, there was no parade, but don't blame town council, they like a holiday too. And staff would probably get double time and have to be fed. Maybe you would like to head up a committee for a parade next July 1st. We'd be happy to help with the publicity. Valedictorian Jeremy Lise addresses the students and challenges them to think for themselves. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL - $1199 10 installed* Dashwood is pleased to announce the Grand Opening of our newest Window and Door Centre. On July 2,1991 at 9:00 a.m. the doors officially opened at 550 Lansdowne St. W. in Peterborough. To celebrate we are offering: For a limited time only, . our M2000 Patio Door installed for only $1199.00* *5' door Installed In existing opening (plus GST) WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE dEDASHWCOD* -\ 1200 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa 436-1344 550 Lansdowne St. W., Peterborough 745-2223 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS EFFECTIVE JULY 2, 1991 THROUGH AUGUST 30, 1991 THE MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE WILL BE OPEN FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 OMIARIO Date of Publication: July 3,1991 certainly deserve an accolade. accolade. The grade 12 class chose as their theme: "Show me your way, oh God". This prayer was reflected in the music that was chosen as well as in the remarks that were made. At the dinner there was a first, a tongue in cheek award for every graduate, reflecting some event or characteristic in he life of the student. There was hilarity hilarity when Dwight won an award for his never-ending death scene in "Pyramus and Thisbe" from Shakespeare's Shakespeare's "Midsummernight's Dream." Tim Buwalda received received an award for the chuckles he provided all year for his locker decorations. decorations. He'd cut covers off Time magazines and then cut the "e" from the word "Time" and hang the ensuing ensuing headlines in his locker: "TIM - Man of the year", "National threat? TIM" and other such goodies. It's a real reflection of Tim's hilarious hilarious humour that is delightfully delightfully free of any malice. At the actual ceremony the students were also recognized recognized individually in often touching remarks, by principal principal Ren Siebenga. Awards were given or referred to. Sharon Groeneveld won the Governor-General award for the highest grades. A group of ten ex-students have set up a trust fund to give an award to the top general level level student, who this year, was Yolanda Vander Gaast. Jeremy Lise, the class valedictorian had some challenging challenging and . penetrating thoughts to share, as well as words of appreciation to individuals. individuals. He challenged the students never to let up in the search for truth and in the effort to learn more and more to think for them- selves. The graduates of 1991 are as follows: Sharon Broersma, Brian Buma, Christine Buwalda, Tim Bii- walda, Christine Fischer, Sharon Groeneveld, Cindy Hellinga, Tim Holland, Chris Hull, Erika Knight, Jeremy Lise, Jeanette Net- tin ga, Peter Oussoren, David David Rekker, Dwight Schenk, Joel Siebenga. Gordon Sik- ma, John Strikwerda, Shari Thompson, Yolanda Vander Gaast, Lisa Van Harmelen, Ed Wiersma, and Norman Wybenga. The hope of the staff for this class probably can best be summed up in the song that was sung in the course of the evening: Brother, let me be your servant Let me be as Christ to you Pray that I may have the grace To let you be my servant too. Fond farewells as they prepare to leave their campsite campsite and return home. Purina SPECIALS i'FROHAN --^ Purina fÿppy Chow~ ■^Purina Dog- Chow All Sizes (except 4 lb.) 20 kg 20 kg early morning haircut $IZOO VOFF $JZOO 4? OFF $IZOO VOFF $1 00 A OFF until July 24, 1991 WELCOME FEEDS (Formerly Vanstone's) 116 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-5777 Low Calorie formula Hgprir CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONS/RESORTS CABINS AVAILABLE for 5-Night Riverboat cruises on scenic Trent-Severn waterway or Rideau Canal. Only $835.p.p. Dbl. accommodation & meals. Call Ontario Waterway Cruises Collect (705)748-3666. Your Favourite Vacations are made with us. 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NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gilts needs Demonstrators to sell toys and gilts at Homo Parties. No Investment or experience required. Established company. Call today (519)258-7905. SALES HELP WANTED '6-FIGURE INCOME * International Music and Video Company expanding Into Canada. Noed highly motivated commissioned sales people and distributors Part-time or full-time 1.800.263-1900 24 hr. line. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - Factory Direct ■ Must liquidate excess Inventory. 25'x26' $2,112; 30'x36' $3,465. Other sizes available. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800- 668-5422 (24 Hrs.) BEST BUILDING PRICES - Stool Slraltwall Typo - not quonset - 32x48 $5665; 40x64 $8108; 50x96 $14,671 - non-expandablo ond(s), other sizes available - limited steel • Paragon - 24 Hours 1- 800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS: Summor "Sollobratlon" on Quonsots, S. Sorlos and Conventional. Payments, Lease or Purchase, wo havo a plan lor ovoryono. Call Fuluro 1-000-668-8653. Fax (416)477-3661 or ToronloUno (416)477-1894. MORTGAGES " J. 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Call 1-807-937-ITCH, 1-800-561-ITCH Zsoria-Med cures your symptoms. 90 Day Money-Back Guaranleel! FLEA MARKETS CALABOG1E FLEA MARKET Open Saturdays and Sundays. Antiques, Collectibles, Indoor and Outdoor Vending Space available. Call Calabogle. (613)752-2468. COMING EVENTS AUNT MILLIE....bring your dancing shoes and....Come on Home to help us celebrate our 175lh Anniversary. July 14-21. Love ....PERTH. GID'DAY COME HOME To the Renfrew Lumber Baron Summer Festival July 24-28. 4 Days filled with activities. For more Information call Kevin Schilling (613)432-8224. MAC WISEMAN "The Legend" from Nashville, Tenn. Live at Havelock Country Music Jamboree. August 16, 17, 18. 22 Hours of entertainment. More information (705)778-5206 ovgs. (705)778-3353 days. AUCTIONS TWILIGHT SHEEP SALE. Wednesday July 10, 7 pm; Barr Arena, Kemptvllle College. Purebred rams, owes, commercial owes. Sale Secretary, Susan Trivolt, (613)658-2217, Joynt Auction Service, (613)283-4730. LIVESTOCK 4TH Canadian National Breeders School for ALL BEEF PRODUCERS. July 31 - Aug. 4, 1991. Kemptvllle, Ontario. Registration $395 includes all meals and lodging, Contact Vorn Sponco (613)692-3373.' SERVICES Convenient, affordable computer training. By Fax ol Course I Word Period, Lotus, dBase, DOS. $89 each, Train on your equipment, your convenience, Information: (613)692-4677, FAX: (613) 692-0602. Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Individual province. Space Is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! BLANkËT ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To roach a wider market, advertise throughout the regional membership ot the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations, Eastern Ontario All Ontario All Canada 34 Newspapers 174 Newspapers 577 Newspapers All rates subject to 7% G.S.T. For further Information, please call The Canadian Statesman Classifieds 623-3303, Fax 623-6161 $92. for 25 words $350. for 25 words $1054. for 25 words