V 4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 3,1991 Section Two The Newcastle Independent A Weekly Report of the Happenings in the Village of Newcastle Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago 987-4201 The Newcastle Lioness Club met on Monday, June 24. The new officers were installed. installed. Liaison Lion Tony Clement was present to install install the new officers. New members Janet Adams and Jean Graham were installed by Past President Lynda Willsher. The new president is Mrs. Kaye Stephenson; 1st Vice Pres., Kay Powell; Secretary, Marilyn Martin: Treasurer, Lorraine Lover; Social Hostess , Marg. Wind; Directors, Isobel Thompson and Edith Thomerson; 2 yr. Directors Lynn Lovekin and Pauline Storks; Nose Twister, Twister, Betty Adams. . ■ Mr. and Mrs. Robin All- v dred and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ' ter Murphy visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa. On Saturday, June 29, Mrs. Margaret Rudman, Stan and Kay Powell enjoyed enjoyed the Fun Bus Tour to Niagara Falls, New York, ' where, at the Melody Fair Pavilion they heard Myron Florin and stars of the Lawrence Lawrence Welk show. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell visited visited the Wayne Hunt family, 1 Pontypool. On the week-end of June 15, Jeff Pearce played hard ball with the Orono team at Chesley, and they won. Accompanying Accompanying Jeff to Chesley were his father Larry and grandparents Albert and Myrtle Pearce, who enjoyed the weekend with Albert's sister, Mrs. Orville Stinson. We congratulate these ball players on their win! Last Wednesday the Newcastle Senior Citizens enjoyed their year-end dinner dinner at the Port Hope Legion. On August 20th a bus trip to Port Perry, and a boat trip to Lindsay and theatre there, is being planned. Sounds like a good day! Last Tuesday John and Wilma Scott returned from a two week vacation, motoring to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, to visit son Jim and his wife Susie. On their return they enjoyed a few days with the Bill Scott family of California California who were holidaying in New York State. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended a hydro meeting on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fried- lander, Toronto were weekend weekend guests of Mrs. Raye Friedlander. On Sunday tne Friedlanders, and Olga's father, father, Oshawa and Mrs. Pauline Pauline Storks enjoyed a visit to the Exotic Cat World. On Sunday, June 30th, 1991, Richard and Germaine Sargent, Bridget and Derek, Courtice, hosted a family get-together on the occasion of his parents 40th wedding anniversary. Attending this happy event, in honour of Bill and Madeline Sargent, Toronto, were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, Newcastle, Le- land Ronald, and Feme Crago, Crago, Violet Peacock and Muriel Muriel Crago, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Firth and grand-daughter, Caitlin Fear of Toronto, and the Sargent's three Toronto sons, Larry, David and Brian. Mrs. Pat Bernard, Flesh- erton, Visited last Wednesday Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Newcastle Horticultural Society held the rose show and meeting in the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall on Tuesday evening, June 25. President Vicki Lesnick welcomed welcomed all and introduced the speaker, Mr. Bill Bunting, Bunting, of Orono, who showed beautiful slides of wild- flowers, birds and autumn scenes. There were about 80 wildflower slides, all of which Mr. Bunting could identify and give their location. location. Mrs. Winnie Billing, of Bowmanville, judged the show, winners being: Class 1: Delphinium 1st Vicki Lesnick, Lesnick, 2nd Mariorie Caswell, 3rd Betty Blaker, 4th Jean Rickard. Class 2. Lily: 1st Janet Paeden, 2nd Madeleine Madeleine Buckley, 3rd Vicki Lesnick. Lesnick. Class 5 Peony: 1st Vicki Lesnick. Class 8: Pink hybrid tea rose: 1st Jean Rickard. Class 9: Tropicana HT rose 1st Janet Paeden. Class 11: Red HT rose 1st Jean Rickard, 2nd Janet Paeden. Class 12: Yellow HT rose 1st Janet Paeden. Class 14: Any other colour HT rose 1st Janet Paeden. Class 15: Floribunada rose 1st Madeleine Madeleine Buckley. Class 17: Rose, climber 1st Janet Paeden, 2nd Jean Rickard. Class 18 Miniature rose 1st Pat Blaker and Betty Blaker, Blaker, 3rd Darlene Sullivan. Class 19: Perennial labelled 1st Darlene Sullivan, 2nd Vicki Lesnick, 3rd Madeleine Madeleine Buckley. Class 20: Biennial Biennial labelled 1st Vicki Lesnick, 2nd Janet Paeden, 3rd Madeleine Buckley. Class 21: A wild rose branch, our logo, 2nd Betty Blaker. Class 22: Rose in a bowl 1st Janet Paeden., 2nd Vicki Lesnick, 3rd Darlene Sullivan. Class 23: Vibrant New Slate of Officers Installed for Newcastle Lions Club iign go, 2nd Marjorie Caswell, 3rd Madeleine Buckley. Class 24 Madame Butterfly 1st Marjorie Caswell, 2nd D. Sullivan, 3rd V. Lesnick. Class 25: Diner's Delight 1st Vicki Lesnick, 2nd Hazel Crago, 3rd Marjorie Caswell. Caswell. Class 26: Basket of Plants 1st Marjorie Hager- man, 2nd M. Buckley, 3rd H. Crago. Class 27: Graduation Graduation Corsage 1st Darlene Sullivan. Judge's choice was Vicki Lesnick's dining table arrangement. arrangement. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce vase, so generously donated each year, was awarded to Janet Paeden with 24 points. Congratulations are extended to Janet! Birthday greetings to Cheryl Martin, Raye Friedlander, Friedlander, Rick Powell, Bill Allin, Allin, Edgar Millson, Arthur Clark, and Velma Parker. Anniversary wishes to Hilda and Bill Call, Carole and Gary Brunton. On Saturday, June 29, 1991, Rev. Donald Stiles united in marriage Allan Short, son of Leroy and Phyllis Short, and Gail Howell. Howell. The wedding took place at the home of the groom's . parents. Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville, Ontario. Ontario. United Church On Sunday, July 7, 1991 worshippers of Newcastle United Church are invited to Orono United Church where the service begins at 10:30 a.m St. George's Anglican Church On Trinity 5, June 30, Holy Communion was celebrated celebrated at eight, and there was a Service of Morning Prayer at eleven. The flowers flowers above the Altar were given given by Frank and Norma Hooper in memory of loved ones. The sidesmen were Judge and Mrs. Lovekin. The Churchwarden on duty was Mr. John Bugelli. Following Morning Prayer Reg Free thy presented presented architectural drawings for the proposed addition to the Church. This was followed followed by a discussion under the chairmanship of Building Building Committee Chairman, Walter Gibson. Next Sunday, July 7, Holy Communion will be celebrated celebrated at eight and eleven. The Midweek Service is discontinued discontinued until Sept. 4. Save Me! On Friday evening, June 21st, at Newcastle Community Community Hall, the recently elected officers of Newcastle Village Lions Club were installed in office, during an impressive ceremony. They are, 1-r, Lion Tamer Joe Mendonca, 2-yr Directors Rudy St. Amand, Peter de Jong; Treasurer Frank Hoar, Past President Don Oke, IARR --insurances Serving Newcastle aream For over 17 years... " • Auto • Home • Farm • Commercial • Industrial 5 King St. E. at Mill Street Newcastle Village President R. Brenton Rickard, Past District Governor Doug Galt, 3rd Vice President Amos Langley, Secretary Secretary George Rickard, 1st Vice President Tony Clements, Clements, Membership Chairman Murray Paterson, Director Director Reinhold Schumann, absent, Director Sam Cureatz. 987-5229 J mr. trim lawn and garden service government licensed professionals specializing in property maintenance tree and shrub pruning landscaping robert Strickland free estimates Catherine Strickland 623-9711 Dr. C. F. Cattran Dr. B. J. Conway Dentists 222 King St. E., Suite 204 Bowmanville Telephone 623-5459 New Patients Welcome Mon. to Fri. 8-5; Other hours by appt. BRINK'S EXCAVATING * Trenching * Gravel & Top Soil * Grading & Levelling * Septic Installations * Back Filling * General Excavating * Dump Truck Service R R [oAiHo aS " e ' (416)987-4995 k./.vt EVERGREENE Property Maintenance and Landscape Design Spring Clean-up, Fertilizing, Weed Spraying, Grass Cutting, Shrub Planting, Bush-Hog Service 62 Duke St., Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 2V5 KEVIN CROOKS (416) 623-5125 REGIONAL CONSTRUCTION • custom building 1 additions ■ renovations • garages • drywall • fencing ■ decks GENERAL CONTRACTING Old Munich Restaurant 255 King St. E. (at Ritson) Oshawa 436-5065 Live Entertainment and Dancing Fri. - Sat. - Sun. Dinner Special Mon. - Thurs. $6.95 Licensed Under L.L.B.O, -- j Olde Tyme / Fish & Chips / / 136 King St. E. / Bowmanville / J 'f'" 623-1781 I / Mon. - Thurs. 11 a.m--7 p.m. / Friday-11 am--9 p.m. Saturday -11 am--7 p.m. We take pride in serving quality Fish and Chips. CLOCA TOUR -- The public is invited to take a fun and informative walk through the Heber Down Conservation Conservation Area in Whitby on Wednesday, July 10. This annual springbanks nature trail tour will commence commence at 7:30 p.m. at the Conservation Area's day use parking lot. The tour is free and the whole family is welcome. For more details, call 579-0411. SUMMER THEATRE CLASSES -- A summer theatre theatre program called "Stages" will be offered at nine Durham Region locations this year. Classes are available available in the junior, intermediate, and senior age groups. At the junior level (ages 7-9) students will use their imagination in drama games and activities which develop co-operation, confidence, and self- expression. At the intermediate level, (ages 10-12), children explore techniques which encourage spontaneity spontaneity and originality. The senior level (ages 13 to 16) consists of a more detailed investigation of theatre, emphasizing structured improvisation, character development, development, scene study, voice, and movement. The programs will take place at S.T. Worden Public School; Bowmanville High School; Waverley Public School; and Newcastle United Church. The first program program began July 2 at S.T. Worden School in Courtice. Classes will continue at Bowmanville High School starting July 22 and at Waverley Public School commencing commencing August 6. For further information, call 623- 8657. NEW PRINCIPAL FOR LEO CLEARY SCHOOL - The Peterborough/Victoria/Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Separate School Board has appointed Gregory Reeves as the principal of Monsignor Leo Cleary Elementary Elementary School in Courtice. Prior to receiving this new appointment, Mr. Reeves was principal at St. Joseph's Joseph's School in Brampton. Since 1978, he has held the positions of vice principal, consultant and teacher with the Dufferin-Peel Roman Catholic School Board. Mr. Reeves' appointment is effective September 3. FUN AT THE LIBRARY -- Clowning Around is the topic of a children's program being offered at the Bowmanville Bowmanville Library on Saturday, July 6. If you've ever wanted to be a clown, this is your chance to learn the tricks of the trade. From 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., two special special clowns will visit the library to share a few of their secrets. Free tickets to this event are available at all library branches. "Fun at the Movies" is the title of a program which takes place every Tuesday morning from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Bowmanville branch. This is an hour of live-action and animated film fun enjoyment for kids age six and up. A program called "Outdoor Fun" will take place at the Bowmanville branch from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. It includes such pastimes pastimes as painting with chocolate pudding or blowing bubbles with a hula hoop. On July 2, 3, and 4, the popular popular Spy School was held at the Bowmanville branch for rookie agents and master spies age eight to 12. Secret Secret agents who didn't make it to this class will be glad to know that there will be a second Spy School held on August 6, 7, and 8 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. NEW EXHIBIT AT VISUAL ARTS CENTRE - "Painting With Squares in Mind" is the title of a show taking place at the Visual Arts Centre from July 7 to August 20. This exhibition brings a big burst of color to the gallery's first summer exhibition. Artist Mary Donlan's works include large scale canvasses offering the liberal use of primary colors. Her show opens on Sunday, July 7, between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. MORE GALLERY EXHIBITS - Paintings by Ron Leonard are being displayed at the Town of Newcastle Public Gallery Exhibit in the Town Hall. His exhibition exhibition will run from July 2 to August 30. LIBRARY NEEDS VOLUNTEERS - The Town of Newcastle Public Library is in need of volunteers to help with the Eager Reader Club. This task would be appropriate for people aged 13 and up who are interested interested in working with children and can spare an hour and a half every Friday or Wednesday for six weeks. If you need more information or wish to volunteer for the Eager Reader Club, call the Bowmanville Branch at 623-7322 or the Newcastle Village branch at 987- 4844. CHORAL SOCIETY PLANS REUNION - Many people have been singers with the Oshawa Choral Society Society which was formed in Bowmanville back in 1954. A reunion for this organization has been slated for September 27 at the Kinsmen Hall in Oshawa. Although Although the reunion committee has mailed invitations to all possible alumni of the Oshawa Choral Society, it's possible that some persons have been overlooked. Anyone interested in attending the event who has not received an invitation is asked to contact Helen de Boo at 728-0990. OPTHVHSTS HELP DIABETES CENTRE - The Optimist Club of Newcastle Village is holding a raffle in aid of the Charles H. Best Centre for Diabetes. First prize is a VHS Camcorder and second prize is a new mountain bike. Tickets are available at the Bowmanville Bowmanville Mall Flea Market Sunday, July 7 (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) and Saturday, July 13, from noon to four p.m. at the Bowmanville Mall. The draw for the two prizes will be held at four p.m. at the Bowmanville Bowmanville Mall on July 13 at 4 p.m. YWCA DAY CAMPS UNDER WAY - With the arrival arrival of summer comes the YWCA's summer day camps. Once again, children can enjoy numerous games, crafts, and activities both in Orono and Bowmanville. Children from 3 to 12 are encouraged to join in the Dr. Bruce G. Wilson DENTIST 118 King Street West Newcastle Village 987-2155 Mon., Wed. 9 a.m. -1 p.m.; Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. "KRACO" 1R-2000I Carpentry & Contracting • Custom Homes • Renovating • Designing • Drafting • Additions • Permits • Barns • Finishing "30 Years Experience " Box 20021, Newcastle 987-5400 fun. The camps began on July 2 and run on a weekly basis until August 30. For further details, please call the YWCA at 623-9922. Or, drop in for a visit to the YWCA offices located at 133 Church St. VILLAGE HOSTS FALL FESTIVAL - The Newcastle Newcastle Village and District Fall Festival will be held on September 21 this year. Plans for the event were outlined outlined in a letter to Newcastle Council last week. Elected Elected officials voted to approve a special occasion permit which will allow the^serving of beer, wine and spirits during the festival. The event will consist of a flea market in the afternoon and a dance at night, said Rod McArthur, president of the Newcastle Village and District Chamber of Commerce. Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 GEORGE STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-4473 or 623-6477 ECLIPSE COMING SOON - The July 11 eclipse will be among the most spectacular in recent memory and will be viewed by nearly 500 million people in Central and South America, Mexico, United States, and Canada. It will start at about 3 p.m. and last 60 minutes. A partial eclipse of approximately 12 per cent will be over the southwest area of the province. However, the path of the total eclipse will be much further south and centred on Mexico City. As usual, the public is urged not to directly view this phenomenon phenomenon because doing so could result in damage to the eyes. HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE Main Street, Orono Telephone 983-5115 Serving your insurance needs since 1942 GALLERY SHOWS PERMANENT COLLECTION - Paintings from the permanent collection of the Robert Robert McLaughlin Gallery are currently on display. These include paintings by members or the Group of Seven including Emily Carr, La wren Harris, Arthur Lismer, and J.E.H. MacDonald. Admission to the gallery gallery is free. Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday hours are from noon to five p.m. 4? c * r % Siding, Soffits, Fascia, Capping Roofing, Doors, Windows, Trough No job too big or too small Telephone 434-7994 Bowmanville, Ont. GOING FOR THE GOLD - 4-H Club members are getting set for the annual Durham East general knowledge quiz entitled "Go for the Gold." The Durham Durham East competition is at 7:30 p.m. in the Solina Community Centre on Thursday, August 1. Participants Participants are urged to register their teams now. NEW LOCATION FOR AGRICULTURE OFFICE - On June 28, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food moved its office to Caristrap St., in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The new location is off Baseline Rd., east of Liberty St. The mailing address will remain the same until farther notice and the telephone number is also unchanged. Office hours are from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. McD's PATIO CENTRE Quality Patio Furniture at Warehouse Prices "Nobody Beats Our Prices" (new location) 75 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-5353 ART CAMPS OPEN NEXT WEEK - The Kids at the Mill visiting artists summer program begins on July 8. And, throughout the summer, there will be an all-day arts and crafts program featuring painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, collage, music, drama, drama, and games. Special guest artists will visit the camps in the afternoons. PARADE PLANNED FOR ORONO FAIR - The whole community is invited to enter the Durham Central Central Fair Parade on Saturday, September 7, in Orono. Floats, antique cars, marching groups, clowns, farm machinery, customized vehicles, horses, riders, and majorettes are all welcome. The parade begins at 11:30 a.m., with the groups assembling one hour in advance. For further details, call Ken Dibartholemeo at 983-9516 or Scott Lee at 983-5370. BENEFIT CONCERT FOR OSHAWA HOSPITAL Acclaimed baritone Yuri Mazurok will perform in a benefit concert for the Oshawa General Hospital building fund on Saturday, July 13, in Oshawa, The concert will take place at Calvary Baptist church, 300 Rossland Rd. E. Mazurok, who was raised in Lviv, Ukraine, joined the Bolshoi Opera company in 1963 and has delighted audiences on opera stages around the world. He will be performing with Ellen Van Ilaaren, a soprano. Their pianist/accompanist will be Yuri Mazurok Jr. This performance begins at eight p.m. CORRECTION - In an item appearing in this column column last month, wo noted that Bernice Watson had been selected as a finalist in the Durham Region District District Health Council's Volunteer of the Year Awards. We mistakenly stated that she is a president of the Women's Institute Branch and president of the District. District. In fact, she is past president of both the Branch and the District. FAIR QUEEN CONTESTANTS - Girls between ages 17 and 23 are invited to participate in the Queen of the Fair Contest which will take place at this year's Durham Central Fair. The winner will represent the Durham Central Fair September 5-8 and serve as a goodwill ambassador for the fair throughout the year. For further details, call Colleen Francy at 983-5991 or Mary Clapdorp at 983-5409. F> ' ' = For all your Home Improvement Needs • Doors • Windows • Siding • Fascia gggafhgj • Eavestroufihing Peter Sutherland 47 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-0444 MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor Serving Bowmanville and area residents since 19G8, REAL ESTATE - COURT ■ WILLS ESTATES - MORTGAGES INCORPORATIONS - FAMILY LAW 41 Temperance St,, B own an ville Bus.! 623-4444 Rce,:623-9I61 Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday COWAN PONTIAC--BUlCK LTD.I BOWMANVIUC -- ONT ' 166 King Street East Telephone 623-3396