i i 20 The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, August 7,1991 Handling It... by Lloyd Scott The Reverend Bryan ; Ransom solemnized the marriage of Kerri Lynn Wilson Wilson ana Robin Stanley Wan- namaker, on Saturday, June 1, 1991. in Newtonville United Church. Parents of the bride are Lionel and Anne Wilson, R.R. 1 Orono. The groom's News from Yelverton By Harvey Malcolm With the exception of those on vacation and those anticipating a fine sunny bright long weekend, everyone everyone else is happy that the long drought has finally ended ended with last nights' most Welcome gentle but persistent persistent rain. The flag hangs like a wet rag with a very disspirited sag. The robins which have had a very tough time lately finding, enough to eat, are today quite perky with the new formed bonanza bonanza of goodies. The swallows flit over the lawns picking off the newly disturbed flies, gnats etc. Those monster round straw bales have been aligned in long double rows resembling giant marshmallows marshmallows in preparation of their future pick up to winter storage. In the evenings the crickets have begun to rasp out their autumn serenade. Already barely into August there is a distinct feeling that fall is in the air, if not already here, just around the comer. One pestilence has been exchanged for another; another; the potato bugs are disappearing and those long green tomato worms are appearing, appearing, some little fellows and others resembling long green weiners. As is the annual custom the 3 charges that form the Janetville United Church Charge have their customary customary August schedule. For the benefit of those in the area who like ourselves attend attend church services only when the Spirit or other motivating motivating influence moves us here is the Schedule. All services services are at 10:00 a.m. The first joint service was held in Janetville on Sunday August August 4th with Mr. Jack Gordon Gordon providing the address assisted by Mrs. Linda Pfoh (not Pfok) assisting on the Electric organ and John Burns the Childrens story. Another facet of Jacks many capabilities was demonstrated demonstrated with his interesting interesting and informative address. Jack will be observing 35 years in the Banking business business later this fall with National National Trust and its predecessor predecessor Victoria Grey. We are all ouite aware of Jacks musical musical capacities. Another fine example of same was provided provided on Sunday a.m. when he and Linda teamed up to provide provide two fine piano and organ organ instrumentals. "How Great Thou Art" and "Working "Working for Jesus". Next Sunday August 11th the service will be at Yelverton with Reverend Reverend Bill Stapley officiating with Jack and Linda assisting assisting musically. The following week the service will be at Mt. Horeb at 10 a.m. The last Sunday in August no service will he held. Several from the area attended attended the Antique cur show held in Fenolon Falls on Saturday Saturday and Sunday. Area folks who participated in the show wore Murray and June Farrow of Millbrook; Murray Murray Henderson of Havelock area and Mr. and Mrs. Preston. Preston. Neals of Lindsay with their vintage Whippet and restored 1962 Chevy. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gotten of Manchester wore Saturday Saturday visitors of Eileen ,nnd Howard Malcolm and "at- ' tended the Antique car show and Midnitc Madness at Bobeaygeon. . • • parents are Mr. Stanley Wannamaker, Port Hope and Mrs. Carolyn Wannamaker, Wannamaker, Newcastle. The bride wore a traditional, traditional, formal white satin gown, designed with long sleeves ana fitted basque waistline. The bodice was styled with a high neck and a sheer yolk. The lily, point sleeves were enhanced with re-embroidered appliques and tiny seed pearls, which also enhanced the bodice and edged the long, flowing train. A Victorian styled hat covered with pearls and lace held a veil of tulle illusion. The bridal attendants were Heidi Haines, Newcastle, Newcastle, Nancy Caldarola, Port Hope, Cindy Anthony, Cas- tleton, Pat Taylor Chat- sworth, and Emily Wilson, Orono. Attendants for the groom were Bob Simpson, Newcastle, Newcastle, Peter Ross, Bewdley, ' Jerry Wannamaker, Oshawa and Jim Wilson, Orono. The reception was held in the IOOF Hall, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wannamaker Wannamaker are now residing in Port Hope. Photo by Piper Studio. There's one important thing that only you can give me. Your absence." Maybe a nicer way to say it would be, "Give me a little space. I need some time to myself." It may sound odd but even in this age of both spouses working, maybe pursuing separate careers, many couples are together too much. The very word, marriage, conjures up a picture of husband husband and wife always together, together, the one incomplete without the other. It has always always carried the implication that "inseparable" describes the way it's supposed to be. On the other hand, the words, separate and separation, separation, possess a negative connotation. connotation. They describe the way it's not supposed to be, pulled apart or broken asunder. asunder. Though times have indeed indeed changed, many couples still believe that they should always be together, their lives intertwined, always happy in love. This romantic ideal, still fostered in many marriage vows, puts a terrible terrible strain on even strong marriages. Being together too much is smothering. ests. Somehow, it's still seen as not quite the way it's supposed supposed to be. The result is that many couples get stuck together more than they're together by choice. And too much being being stuck together can lead to weariness, boredom and the end of love. For example, couples who are forced to be together during their working hours may create problems for themselves if they feel that they should also be together away from work. If they get sick of each other's company and can't break away, that's the kind of "familiarity" that really does breed contempt. Yet, with all this in mind, I've begun to wonder if some marriage trends have gone too far the - other way. You hear husbands and wives complaining that they don't see enough of each other. Each one works, they're driving their kids to lessons Photo Exhibit at Oshawa Gallery ; iiiuui id DiuuLiiciJiig. qu Why? By expecting a life- • th- time of marital closeness- emotional, physical, spiritual- spiritual- we've already planted the seeds of distance. Trying too hard to achieve (perhaps guarantee) closeness in marriage marriage generates fear that we may not succeed. And fear that we may grow apart forces us together for the wrong reasons. It used to be a radical suggestion that spouses (particularly wives of course) might want, and be entitled to, an evening to themselves, whether out or at home. Let alone a separate separate vacation. Too much guilt made it difficult to do, even hard to think about. We've learned that separate separate activities (jobs, courses, clubs, sports, etc.) can bring fresh air into a marriage. But the old ideal of marital togetherness is still strong and can virtually force individuals individuals to repress their normal normal desire to be apart,, to think their own thoughts and pursue their own inter- An exhibition of photog-. raphy by regional artist George Blake will open at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery Gallery on September 19. The public is invited to meet the artists at a reception to be held Thursday, September 26, 7 - 9 p.m. Using Fujichrome reversal reversal prints and Kodak "N", the semi-matte prints showing showing the landscape of Algon- uin Park are a tribute to e artist Tom Thomson who did most of his painting in the park and died there. Blake's work reminds us of the ongoing struggle between between man and nature. To art enthusiasts Algonquin recalls the paintings by members of the Group of Seven. Others think or the park as a wilderness with little human intrusion. But by the time the park was established established as a wildlife sanc tuary nearly a century ago, some twenty years Before Thomson visited the area, most of the giant pines haa been cut. There is even more human intrusion now than in the heyday of the log drivers. drivers. George Blake's photography photography has been influenced by Andre Cabuche, an Ottawa expert on outdoor portraiture portraiture and by Bud Watson, one of Canada's outstanding landscape photographers. Blake's admiration for the Group of Seven artists is. another another source of inspiration to his enjoyment of an photog raphy of wilderness Canada. Blake is a long time member of the National Association for Photographic Art. He founded the now flourishing Whitby Photographic Club .in 1978. A retired clinical psychologist, George Blake has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions since 1979. Many of his prints are in private collections. The exhibition continues until October 27. Gallery Hours: Monday: Closed. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10 - 6 p.m. Thursday: 10-9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday - 12-5 p.m. For further information contact Alexandra Morin, Community Relations Coordinator Coordinator 576-3000. Group Plans Clean Up of East Beach 4-H Clean-Up Day To all interested in helping helping the environment, tne Conservation 4-H Club invites invites you to participate in the clean up of Bowmanville East Beach. The group will be meeting Saturday August 10th at 9:00. MemBers will present their projects and letters to all attending. For more information contact Glenn Bar key 655-3561, Mark Cole 579-3571, Chris Gray 263-2532. and sports, sometimes passing passing each other on the road as they hurry to and fro. They're the couples who need more time together than apart. I guess that's my point. It's relatively easy to figure out ways to be together when Both partners want that, despite everyday circumstances circumstances that keep them apart so much of the time. It's a lot harder to acquire separate space, individual time alone, if spouses feel they're glued together and feel they're supposed to stay that way. There's always a big difference between sticking sticking to the way things are supposed to be and having some freedom to choose the way we'd like to change them. Lloyd Scott is a Marriage Marriage and Family Counsellor Counsellor in private practice practice in the Orono Medical Centre and in Oshawa. He welcomes letters from readers. Please write to him in confidence c/o Canadian Canadian Statesman, 62 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3K9. He will answer your letter personally. personally. Durham Reg. Police Briefs On Friday, Aug. 2, and Sunday, Aug. 4, the Newcastle Newcastle Pizza and Subs shop located located at 97 King St. West, Newcastle was the victim of a break-in. During the first break and enter, the back door of the business was kicked in and $30 in cash was taken. During the second break-in, cassette tapes, a paint gun and three frozen pizzas were taken. On Aug. 4, a King St., Haydon, resident reported an unknown suspect stole his boat engine. On Aug. 4., an employee of the Seven-Eleven located at 180 King St. E., reported a "pump-and-run" at tne gas bar. A licence plate number , was obtained. On Aug. 4, a Rutherford Drive resident reported that an unknown suspect sprayed a fire extinguisher into his car. The incident, cost an estimated $200 worth of damage to the vehicle's vehicle's interior. Two ferrets and a cat were found inside a storage unit at Baseline Rd. and Trull's Rd. on Aug. 4 by the owner of the facility and police. police. The animals are being held by animal control while the owner is being contacted. contacted. Inside the storage unit, mouldy cat food and a full litter box were found. Engagement Announced *>Sr Y Û TtoDASHWOOD difference --x) Purchase Î f DASHWOOD DISCOVERY I REPLACEMENT WINDOWS jæjw and never paint again! " !? Outstanding weather protection and superior construction in double hung or side slider models. Custom crafted in three colours to fit your needs. WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE ■/ □ASH WO ÿBPM 1200 PHILLIP MURRAY AVE., OSHAWA 436-1344 Rftistned ludtmjik of Ditheood Industriel limited 'u;.v v'v- * r ■ V Vi : ....h z -si: Mr. and Mrs. A. MacDonald of Surrey, British Columbia, Columbia, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Stacey Carol, to David G. C. Brown, son of Betty and Ralph Brown, of Bowmanville, Ontario. The wedding will take place on Sunday, September 1, 1991, at 6:00 p.m. at Surrey, British Columbia. David is the grandson of Mabel Jacque and the late Vincent Jacque, and Gordon Brown and the late Fern Brown• of Peterborough, Ontario. FREE PAIR OF ARGONAUT TICKETS PLUS A SOUVENIR FOOTBALL ... when you test drive a new 1991 ESCORT Tickets available for either July 25th, August 15th or 27th I home game. While supplies last or until August 27. Jim Souch's 623-8166 HWY. H2 AND MAPLE GROVE WEST OF B0WMANVUE 668-5893 1120 DUNOAS ST. E. WHTFBY 7TnT?r v-r.?r - ■ t-- -J turiL-lli xùuiAlL. 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