' "v.M - Normal and gentle set automatically automatically by cycle selection 3 water temperature selections >* AV< > ) ;*>> " : 1 «3 Temperature settings • End-of-cycle signal 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 7,1991 . Courtice Home Damaged by Fire After Solder Accident A Prince Rupert Drive, Courtice, man accidentally set fire to his home while soldering a water pipe with a propane torch on Monday evening. Fire officials said the fire started when the flame from the torch touched the paper backing of the insulation in his basement. Firefighters had to chip away the brick from the outside outside to access the fire. Damage is estimated at $2,500. No one was injured. OSHAWA - General Motors Canada has appointed a new director of engineering. Rick Colcomb, the former assistant director of engineering, began his career as a summer student in the late 1960s. From there he was hired as a supervisor in the Oshawa chassis production production area in 1972. In 1977 he joined the engineering engineering staff and was later appointed to project engineer. He moved south to Michigan in 1981 as a development development engineer and in 1985 he was given a promotion to emissions control consultant for the Daewoo Motor company in Korea. It was after Korea that Mr. Colcomb Colcomb was promoted to assistant director of engineering. engineering. OSHAWA - The former Lantic Sugar plant on Farewell Farewell Street has been purchased by James Dick Construction Construction Ltd. of Bolton for an undisclosed amount. The company has since announced its intention to convert the sugar refinery into a plant that would process process raw cement into ready-made cement. The proposed proposed project has been the object of many opinions by neighboring residents. These opinions range from the positive to the negative. OSHAWA -- Former Oshawa Mayor Allan Pilkey has been appointed Solicitor General with the Ontario NDP government His new position includes responsibility responsibility for all the police forces in Ontario. Mr. Pilkey was formerly the minister in charge of the Industry and Trades portfolio. PORT PERRY - A Port Perry family has made its move south of the border. Dennis and Deane Mason moved to Fort Myers, Florida on July 1. Reasons for leaving are: lower prices, taxes and no GST. The wages wages are lower, but adding in the exchange rate helps, Mr. Mason said before leaving. He also stated that there is a lower unemployment rate in the area where the Masons will be making their home. The "last straw" which broke this taxpayer's back was the Goods and Services Tax. Mr. Mason's son and another relative are planning to join the family in the future. Protestors Demonstrate Against Canada Post iiitijM" ( I O',I i >() W N r MULRONEY sup A/01 ACL ~.g/VîüW/v X.HfvNT5 Debate Over Clean-Up I Mental Health Master Plan From Page One ;ed, since he found himself caught 'be- year, Mr. 'tween a rock and a hard place." When the Bowmanville Town Centre Centre was originally introduced in early 1990, the four-storey complex was to sport two-storey arched windows, balconies, balconies, and a peaked and gabled facade. facade. The first two floors were earmarked for commercial space while the residential residential area was geared to 21 luxury condominiums on the two upper floors. The design would blend these components components to give an atmosphere of Vic- torian/Art Deco elegance. Earlier this Schwarz had told The Statesman that he hoped to get the project off the ground in 1991. He wanted to gear three of the four residential floors to "empty-nesters and senior citizens." These changes would have meant acut-back in available available commercial space. Originally, Bowmayville Town Centre Centre was to have been completed by November November 1990. As of yesterday, Aug. 6, all there is at the property is a sales trailer and debris. The fence which used to surround surround the lot has been taken down. Blind Man Marathon From Page One 'Coast, and then Newfoundland. And has it paid off? "I can walk 35 miles on a hot day and between 30 to 50 miles on a cool day," Ken said. However, the trip is not without its moments, said one of of Ken's companions. companions. ! "He has good days and bad days," '.said Alice Gould. "But for the last day he has been on a real high." As a member of the Telephone Pio neers of America, Ms Gould, and many others like' her, paVe been manning the donation buckets for the trip. "We're following him from coast to coast," Ms Gould said. "We've been trying trying to get gas donated and people have been doing so." Ken walked from the eastern outskirts outskirts of Newtonville to Prestonvale Rd., in Courtice last Thursday. He continued his journey from Courtice on Friday morning. Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising that makes up our community. Category 1 Sub. Deliveiy G.S.T. Total Subscribers who wish to pick up their own subscription nt our offices alter 11 a.m. Wednesday. You will be given a card to present each week when you pick up your Statesman $19 0 $1,33 $20.33 Category 2 Subscribers within the town limits of Bowmanville who receive the Statesman by paper carrier...NO CHANGE $19 3 $1.54 $23.54 Category 3 Subscribers in Bowmanville Rural Routes, Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Kendal, Ponlypool, Hampton, Blackstock, Janolvillc, and Ncstleton $19 $10 $2.03 $31.03 Category 4 Subscribers in Oshawa, Whitby, Bethany Campbcllcroit, Cavan, Millbrook, and Brooklin $19 $17 $2.52 $38.52 Category 5 Subscribers outside of the Town of Newcastle excluding Blackstock, Ponlypool, Janctvillc and Ncstleton $19 $28 $3.29 $50,29 | Subscription Order Form _ | I Name: New □ | I -ni. or r-i I j Addiess. Renewal Lj j j Postal Code: . Telephone No.: j j Please pay by cheque, VISA MasterCard, or money order. j I I IVISA/MC Number: Expiry Date: i l , J For More Information About The New Rates, Please Phone Our Office At 623-3303 Zfa Canadian statesman 62 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario The Durham Region District District Health Council recently completed its Master Plan for Community Mental Health Services for the Durham Durham Region. The recommendations of the plan call for an expansion expansion in current community mental health services as well as strategies to coordinate coordinate both community and institutional mental health services in the region. Upon approval from the Ministry of Health, implementation of new programs will occur gradually over the next five years to address both service shortage and geographic accessibility accessibility issues. An immediate objective of the Master Plan is to establish establish a coordinating body, known as the Case Management Management Coordinating Committee Committee for Durham Region. Already Already approved and funded by the Ministry of Health in July, this committee will initially initially be sponsored by the Canadian Mental Health Association Association but will move towards towards becoming an indepen- Huge Flower Show Planned For Saturday Over 300 entries will be judged in the 55th annual Gladiolus and Dahlia Society Society Show this Saturday, August August 10, at the Legion Hall in Bowmanville. The Durham Region Gladiolus and Dahlia Society Society is the last surviving gladiolus gladiolus society in Ontario. Most of the entrants will be from the Durham Region, but people come from Brighton, Brighton, Woodstock and even Barrie to compete in the prestigious prestigious show, said president of the Durham Region Gladiolus Gladiolus and Dahlia Society, Sam Van Camp. Last year, flower enthusiasts enthusiasts came from all over Canada to compete in the National Gladiolus Show also at the Legion Hall. "Gladioli are very popular," popular," said Mr. Van Camp. This year, there will be entries judged in over 25 classes including colour, size arrangement and baskets, among others. It has been a good season for the gladiolus this year, despite neat and lack of rainfall, said Mr. Von Camp. "The early summer just brought the glads up faster," he added. "The late-season glads are in full bloom right now." The showing will be from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Judging Judging will follow from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Anyone can enter. dent organization with its own Board of Directors. This committee is designed to link all other case management management services within the region region to ensure that individuals individuals in need of mental health services are referred to the most appropriate agency or program. Copies of the executive summary of the report are available through the District District Health Council office Mondays to Fridays. Phone 433-4262. About 50 men and women picketed outside the Oshawa Post Office on July 31. Members of Canada Post Union Workers Local 579 were protesting the cut-backs the Oshawa Post Office has suffered in the last year. The members are also concerned concerned with the dwindling postal services in rural communities. Local 579 members members are from Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby post offices. Help Wanted Reporter - Photographer The Canadian Statesman/Newcastle Independent requires a. reporter/photographer for feature-writing and coverage of news and community events within the Town of Newcastle. A car and camera are required. Journalism experience and/or training is preferred. But we will consider applications from persons who can demonstrate excellent writing and communications skills and an interest in a journalism career. Please send your resume to: The Canadian Statesman, Box 190 Bowmanville, Ont., L1C 3K9. Or call Peter Parrott, 623-3303. inqOa Easy-clean filter 3-position water level eel Heavy-duty transmission <F & & «4^ a &